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Patton was a Vikings Fan!

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Member since: 11/19/2003
2024 Logins: 61
Last Login: 9/20/2024
  From: NC

All posts by Coach Cowher Tomlin:

Thread Topic
It's been eating me up inside...
Posted - 9/20/2024 9:24:15 AM Post a reply to Yer good dude
Yer good dude
Simple misunderstanding. No harm no foul. Love ya!
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 9/1/2024 5:47:13 PM Post a reply to Sounds good
Sounds good
I plan to make the steal of the draft around 5pm Saturday but might be earlier. Good luck bitches!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 8/15/2024 1:15:51 PM Post a reply to Bless his little shriveled black heart
Bless his little shriveled black heart
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/12/2024 10:36:04 PM Post a reply to Food
I think I'll make some vegetarian rice, bean and cheese burritos. They are filling, I can make them inexpensively and Alex can enjoy them. Plus, Keith all those yummy toppings.
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Reverend Hound
Posted - 8/5/2024 6:17:55 PM Post a reply to Aww man
Aww man
That sux Stu...hope it works out.
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Reverend Hound
Posted - 8/5/2024 8:59:50 AM Post a reply to Sad news my brothers
Sad news my brothers
I am no longer employed by Harris-Teeter. Long story. The upshot is that I will not be attending this year's draft in person for financial and logistical reasons. I am heartbroken but it is what it is. I'll work out the details of drafting remotely with Keith hopefully soon. This all happened rather suddenly, but I should have seen it coming.

I will miss not getting to be with y'all. Party on Garth.
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One month
Posted - 7/3/2024 7:17:36 AM Post a reply to I hear that!
I hear that!
This is the tough stretch with no real sports. Well ok the Olympics.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/30/2024 4:33:46 AM Post a reply to My vote
My vote
Zach's palace is just too nice to pass up! As a second option I would vote for the last one that has Star Wars pinball and is less expensive.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/13/2024 6:04:17 AM Post a reply to Math is hard
Math is hard
Oh well $50 a night is no problem. Let's do the palace!!!
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/12/2024 5:40:53 PM Post a reply to A bit pricey
A bit pricey
My rent just went up yet again, and $500 a night is a stretch for me. That place is gorgeous, though!
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:25:06 PM Post a reply to Might be drunk
Might be drunk
Just saying.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:19:07 PM Post a reply to WTF?
No idea how I posted that a bunch times and no easy way to erase it. Sorry guys.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:14:50 PM Post a reply to Value vs. location
Value vs. location
I am more interested in value over actual location. Inflation is kicking my ass. I would be happy with a Lake Gaston Lake house but really I need to spy the dollars.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:14:47 PM Post a reply to Value vs. location
Value vs. location
I am more interested in value over actual location. Inflation is kicking my ass. I would be happy with a Lake Gaston Lake house but really I need to spy the dollars.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:14:44 PM Post a reply to Value vs. location
Value vs. location
I am more interested in value over actual location. Inflation is kicking my ass. I would be happy with a Lake Gaston Lake house but really I need to spy the dollars.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:14:41 PM Post a reply to Value vs. location
Value vs. location
I am more interested in value over actual location. Inflation is kicking my ass. I would be happy with a Lake Gaston Lake house but really I need to spy the dollars.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:14:38 PM Post a reply to Value vs. location
Value vs. location
I am more interested in value over actual location. Inflation is kicking my ass. I would be happy with a Lake Gaston Lake house but really I need to spy the dollars.
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Big Personal Announcement
Posted - 4/1/2024 9:53:31 PM Post a reply to Nice name
Nice name
Just when we thought you couldn't get any weirder! I do share the ghost and alien thing as I have lived in two haunted Houses, one with a benign spirit and one with a very scary one. I also experienced a UFO sighting that was emotional on a primal level. I've read a number of books featuring the Nephelium and they are a fascinating part of Biblical lore. There is a pretty cool series of books that I have been reading by the author Steve Gilmore called the "Heaven's Dark Soldiers" series. I recommend it, as it is fun but also explored some dark concepts.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/1/2024 7:03:55 AM Post a reply to Opting out
Opting out
I will have to pass on Vegas.
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 1/28/2024 1:00:23 PM Post a reply to Realignment
Well I'm back in Hel where I belong. Grats to Dave for making the long trek to Asgard. For my buddy Alex all I can say is....GO LIONS! Dat and Zach I'll miss you guys in the bloody reaches of damnation but good on ya for escaping, if only for now!
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Posted - 12/12/2023 10:18:52 PM Post a reply to How times have changed
How times have changed
I remember the first time I saw NFL Red Zone over at Keith's house. I thought it was terrible. It lacked the depth of experience vs. watching an entire game from start to finish. It felt schizophrenic and disjointed. I could not have imagined enjoying football that way.

Fast forward to the current day. I rarely watch entire games anymore. They are boring, overly commercialized and as Keith points out, marred by excessive penalties. I love my NFL Red Zone because it bypasses the shitty parts of football and gives you the fun stuff. I find it sad that the NFL has destroyed the spirit of what used to make football my favorite sport. Nowadays I am more likely to watch hockey games in their entirety. Go Canes!
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Trade deadline
Posted - 12/3/2023 7:59:18 PM Post a reply to Maulers looking good!
Maulers looking good!
So long as Mahomes comes down with a sudden case of explosive diarrhea just before game time. Day old sushi anyone?
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Free Agency adjustments
Posted - 11/12/2023 8:57:50 AM Post a reply to Breaking news!
Breaking news!
Scribbles is getting a bit of a late start but have no fear, they will appear!
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 11/2/2023 6:57:53 AM Post a reply to Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble
I have to side with Jeremy and Alex here. I love the chaos of having it on the final week. Doing it in Week 1 seems rather anticlimactic.
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 12:59:35 PM Post a reply to I am fine with whatever.
I am fine with whatever.
Rumble? Bring it on.
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The state of the running back
Posted - 10/23/2023 5:28:31 PM Post a reply to Wild idea
Wild idea
We all know there is adamant opposition to PPR(Billy), but what about a Half-Point Per Carry, after the first five rounding down? Just kicking shit around here.
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The state of the running back
Posted - 10/21/2023 7:19:16 PM Post a reply to Hmm
Let's see. DF has always been irrelevant. Same with Kickers other than Tucker. Only a couple TE's truly matter on a consistent basis. Why not add RBs to the list?
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/17/2023 10:36:47 AM Post a reply to 5 QBs
5 QBs
I think this is Sean's sneaky way of getting us comfortable with the 2 QB flex thing. I don't trust that guy. Who displays seventeen banners anyway?
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/15/2023 11:39:16 AM Post a reply to Error notice
Error notice
For some reason I seem to be unable to correctly name Alex in my Scribbles. Sorry dude. Love ya all the same.
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/15/2023 7:57:27 AM Post a reply to Scribbles on pause
Scribbles on pause
We are currently waiting for the newsroom to be reactivated following the server switch. Stay tuned!
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/11/2023 7:23:21 AM Post a reply to Go Dadsquatch!
Go Dadsquatch!
Kick ass dude!
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Tyler Boyd
Posted - 10/8/2023 9:06:11 AM Post a reply to Scribbles taking a break
Scribbles taking a break
As our beloved Commish is working diligently to switch servers, I shall be relaxing with cheesy eggs and bacon whilst awaiting the Bills vs. Jags game. I hope to return with my patented withering criticisms and hilarious insights next week. GL to all!
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/1/2023 11:38:09 AM Post a reply to Holy Yeti crap!
Holy Yeti crap!
That is awesome. Go Squatch Watchers!
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Happy Birthday, Stu!
Posted - 9/24/2023 2:50:08 PM Post a reply to Cudos to the Commish
Cudos to the Commish
Thanks for the update. Sorry you are having to deal with the hassle. We should be paying you more.
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Joe, I spent the whole weekend telling you one thing...
Posted - 9/17/2023 2:42:09 PM Post a reply to Scores
Could someone wake up the Scoremaster 3000? I am not seeing any updates so far.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/28/2023 5:49:34 PM Post a reply to Plan
Billy will be swinging by early on Thursday and we will be staying three nights, leaving sometime Sunday afternoon since he wasn't able to cover his shift Sunday night. I can't wait! Hey Jeremy if ya have an extra fishing pole I'd love to hit the pond with you!
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Mortal Kombat I beta is TODAY!
Posted - 8/21/2023 5:43:20 AM Post a reply to I'm a goddamn genius
I'm a goddamn genius
Upon looking at last year's draft board, I totally had the Steal Of The Draft! Josh Jacobs in the fifth round? Highest scoring RB in Ragnarok last year? Are you fucking kidding me?
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Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Posted - 8/12/2023 6:38:52 AM Post a reply to Very good decision.
Very good decision.
Speaking as someone who has a key candidate holding out ATM, I would welcome an extra week to see that situation resolve.
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 7/15/2023 1:41:26 PM Post a reply to Soooooo.....
How come I still got #7 after picking #6 four times? This thing is rigged. I call shenanigans!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 7/15/2023 5:35:38 AM Post a reply to What did I do this time?
What did I do this time?
I see I have been penalized and have no draft slot. I take it back. The Vikings and the Lions will be awesome this year!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 7/13/2023 6:53:32 AM Post a reply to Just you wait
Just you wait
I am Kentfident Big Ben will make a comeback!
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Rules Proposal 26.1: Loser Playoffs Seeding
Posted - 5/10/2023 4:38:58 PM Post a reply to I agree
I agree
Good rule change. I also agree on the kudos for the new site look. Ragnarok rules!
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/5/2023 6:50:26 AM Post a reply to I vote for Piney Creek
I vote for Piney Creek
I really wanted to do a lake this year, but that place is fucking gorgeous and has all the room and beds we need. Plus foosball!
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 2:46:45 PM Post a reply to My likes so far
My likes so far
I haven't been through the entire list yet, but here are a few that stand out so far:
1. The one in Littleton looks amazing. I give it 5 stars.
2. Pinehurst w/Pinball machines. I would love to do do a lakehouse this year, but I could live with access to pinball machines! My main concern would be privacy, with it being right on the golf course. I give it 3 stars.
3. I didn't see this on the list but I remember one on Lake Gaston called Eagle (Roost) (Nest)? It looked amazing with a covered boat house perfect for corn hole. I give that one 5 stars.
4. Lake Tillery. This looks awesome, the only drawback is it looks like it is in a crowded subdivision, so privacy could be an issue. 4 Stars.
5. Henrico w/ a Tiki Bar. Let me repeat. Tiki Bar! 4 stars.
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A little data and any plans for the next social?
Posted - 1/12/2023 8:16:59 PM Post a reply to I am up for it.
I am up for it.
Let me know and I am there! As to those records, I think it reflects just how chaotic this season was in the NFL. Combine that with the high number of injuries to top players and this is what ya get. I feel like my entire roster was out for a least a few weeks. I have no idea what to do about a franchise for next year.
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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/8/2023 9:31:55 PM Post a reply to Um
Who's Mark Sanchez? Wasn't he the Cowboy in the Village People?
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1 point?
Posted - 12/17/2022 2:25:42 PM Post a reply to Be afraid, be very afraid!
Be afraid, be very afraid!
In order to allow our beloved Commish some time to get much needed chores done at home he has foolishly handed the reigns over to me to input scoring stats. I make no promises as to accuracy, particularly as the day goes on and I get kigh as a hite. Joe should definitely expect that any points scored by his players will mysteriously be spirited away to the Bermuda Triangle by Bigfeet piloting an UFO. Buckle up it's gonna be a wild ride!
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Ragnarok Football Social II
Posted - 12/15/2022 6:07:31 PM Post a reply to Jeremy, Stu and Dave
Jeremy, Stu and Dave
I salute you my fellow Division Overlords! Long may we reign!
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Ragnarok Football Social II
Posted - 12/14/2022 5:16:25 PM Post a reply to I'm up for it.
I'm up for it.
As long as Alex is roadworthy by then!
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This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Posted - 12/13/2022 7:24:07 AM Post a reply to Maulers got a win by scoring 5th in points, correct?
Maulers got a win by scoring 5th in points, correct?
At least that's how I understood the Rumble thing.
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This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Posted - 12/11/2022 9:27:06 AM Post a reply to Shenanigans!
I think Keith got Bigfoots to go back in time and give Tonyan the extra catch and yards. Dr. Who has been appointed Special Master to investigate.
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Rules Proposal 12.4: Ragnarok Royal Rumble
Posted - 11/29/2022 10:46:25 PM Post a reply to In other words
In other words
Making shit far more complicated than it needs to be. Isn't that what tie-breakers are for?
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To be honest
Posted - 11/27/2022 7:14:32 PM Post a reply to Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
In honor of Bruce Lee's birthday I offer this quote:
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once. I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
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To be honest
Posted - 11/21/2022 6:02:45 PM Post a reply to To be honest
To be honest
I'm pretty sure neither Billy nor I deserve to win our game. Oh well, here's hoping Big Mac has a quiet night!
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another trade!
Posted - 11/17/2022 2:07:11 PM Post a reply to Anyone wanna stash Kupp as a keeper for next year?
Anyone wanna stash Kupp as a keeper for next year?
Drop me an offer.
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Unable to alter roster.
Posted - 11/6/2022 6:46:21 AM Post a reply to Hey guys
Hey guys
It was totally my bad. I should have checked earlier. Like Dave pointed out, ya snooze ya lose. And none of this is Zach's problem. I just didn't understand why the rosters were locked down before kick-off is all.

No harm no foul. Now I gotta go write some brilliant Scribbles!
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Unable to alter roster.
Posted - 11/4/2022 5:40:30 AM Post a reply to Unable to alter roster.
Unable to alter roster.
I tuned in to the TNF game and the commentators mentioned that Brandin Cooks was not playing due to coaches' choice. So I quickly logged in to remove him from my line-up but it was locked in. This was before kick-off.
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Joe Mixon is legitimately on the trading block
Posted - 10/30/2022 11:57:03 AM Post a reply to Ragnarok rules!
Ragnarok rules!
What a bunch of wacky funsters we are. So glad to be a part of this. Seriously, I love you guys a lot!
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Joe Mixon is legitimately on the trading block
Posted - 10/30/2022 11:04:16 AM Post a reply to Dude
If yer happy, I'm happy! Go Vikings!
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Joe Mixon is legitimately on the trading block
Posted - 10/29/2022 5:53:24 AM Post a reply to Wow
Eric just gave away the #1 WR, the #4 TE AND 10 MB for the #6 Wr!!?? Welcome to Homerville you dunderhead.
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Football Social Part Deaux
Posted - 10/23/2022 8:26:31 AM Post a reply to Jesus, Billy!
Jesus, Billy!
Would you win the Lottery already so you can quit working and come have fun with us?!!
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Football Social Part Deaux
Posted - 10/20/2022 4:30:40 PM Post a reply to Earlier is better for me
Earlier is better for me
Wanna say 7:15? Maybe come over around 6:30 for pre-gaming?
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Football Social Part Deaux
Posted - 10/19/2022 4:20:44 PM Post a reply to I'm right across the street.
I'm right across the street.
Let me know when and you are welcome to hang and chill before the movie at my place.
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where's my lunch pail?
Posted - 10/16/2022 12:25:03 PM Post a reply to Early Thanksgiving for Brady
Early Thanksgiving for Brady
Poor Tom is likely to vent his devastating emotional damage over being divorced by one the hottest women on Earth by carving up the destroyed Steelers secondary like a turkey on a platter. Fun times for the Black and Gold.
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where's my lunch pail?
Posted - 10/10/2022 6:29:20 PM Post a reply to Good time had by all!
Good time had by all!
I want to thank Keith for generously hosting the Football Social yesterday. It was great to hang out with you guys. Even Alex had fun despite taking one to the crotch from Geronimo. It's tough being the newb!
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Proposed football social for October 9th
Posted - 10/4/2022 5:22:01 AM Post a reply to Alex and I are in.
Alex and I are in.
We haven't set a time yet but were planning to come a bit early in case Keith needs help setting things up.
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 10/1/2022 6:39:05 AM Post a reply to I hate this League
I hate this League
Everyone is so disgustingly......nice. Sheesh what a bunch of tree-hugging pussies.
Love y'all!
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Proposed football social for October 9th
Posted - 9/20/2022 1:15:26 PM Post a reply to Football social
Football social
I am so there!
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n00b wins!
Posted - 9/20/2022 7:49:37 AM Post a reply to Oh Alex
Oh Alex
So young and naive. Anyone in this League will effusively tell you that's it's nigh impossible to shut me up. Just be glad you didn't try to sit in my chair.
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An abundance of caution
Posted - 9/12/2022 4:47:55 PM Post a reply to An abundance of caution
An abundance of caution
Hey guys. I am not feeling 100%. I am sure it's the combination of exposure to pet dander, cigarette smoke and indulging in more tokables than I normally do, but I wanted to put this out there just to let everyone know. If I still feel crappy tomorrow I'll see about getting an OTC COVID test. Oh and who's laughing now about my 8th round Steelers DF pick?
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Zoom Link
Posted - 9/9/2022 11:52:01 AM Post a reply to We will miss the Jeremy and Sean snugglefest
We will miss the Jeremy and Sean snugglefest
You guys are here in spirit and in my heart. I just hope this impedes your drafting prowess. Love y'all!
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Weekend news
Posted - 9/8/2022 6:02:17 AM Post a reply to By 7:30
By 7:30
We should be drafting 2nd DF's and Kickers and such. Of course that's been Billy's bread and butter for getting the Loser King Title.
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This is the week
Posted - 9/5/2022 5:11:53 PM Post a reply to Awww
Bless you and Dat's lil hearts. For the record, I did make it to one Super Bowl and got crushed by Keith. Maybe this is the year that someone rises from the Depths of Hel to claim Victory!
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This is the week
Posted - 9/5/2022 2:02:47 AM Post a reply to Well n00b
Well n00b
I am not sure how confident you should be if you do not know the difference between ascent and accent.
Unless you are referring to your Pacific NW accent, which is clearly inferior to the Southern accent commonly heard in NC. Just sayin' y'all!
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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/23/2022 7:43:30 PM Post a reply to Food for the Draft.
Food for the Draft.
I am planning to make true NC BBQ for the weekend, with buns and slaw. Do we have a fairly concrete idea of how many of us will be there? I'd rather have extra than not enough. I do realize that Alex and Stu are not meat eaters.
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/18/2022 7:17:22 PM Post a reply to It's ok Alex
It's ok Alex
You've got the balls for it!
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/18/2022 5:16:44 AM Post a reply to Keep kickers
Keep kickers
No to punters. Instead let's make DF worth having again.
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Woo hoo, tomorrow is declaration day!
Posted - 8/15/2022 5:29:22 AM Post a reply to Duh
I'll be keeping the GOAT WR "Alice" Cooper Kupp. You may bow before me.
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Countdown to the end of Eric's bachelorhood
Posted - 8/12/2022 5:26:59 AM Post a reply to There's an old saying
There's an old saying
There is someone out there for everyone. If this rag-tag group of nerds, geeks and misfits known as Ragnarok aren't proof of that, then I'll be a mouse's cousin! All my best to Sara and Eric. Cherish every moment ya get to have together.
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Countdown to the end of Eric's bachelorhood
Posted - 8/10/2022 5:24:01 PM Post a reply to Eric
Once she moves in, be sure to always leave the toilet seat up and to drink milk directly from the container. Chicks dig that!
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I think we saw a UFO last night
Posted - 8/1/2022 5:36:04 PM Post a reply to My experience
My experience
Many years ago my step-brother and I saw a UFO and it was also while traveling on the highway. It was hovering over Signal Hill Mall, and as we got onto 40 headed to Charlotte it seemed to be following the same direction. What we saw was a disc, flat on both top and bottom with revolving square lights with one blank one in the sequence. It got further and further ahead of us, and then all it once I lost it, only to see it was now 90 degrees off to right. No aircraft I know of could have traveled that far that fast. The weird thing was our reaction. Once we started talking about it, we both had felt extreme curiosity, but also an almost primal fear of it. So many people saw it that it was reported in the local paper.
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Rules Proposal 25.1: Injured Rookies
Posted - 7/27/2022 7:35:20 PM Post a reply to Unclear
If the rookie was drafted by a team why would they be ineligible? I vote yes regardless.
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Important News!
Posted - 7/20/2022 1:42:06 PM Post a reply to That's awesome!
That's awesome!
I am thrilled for you and the family. I think we have all learned a lot about what is important, and family is number one. I will miss seeing you but I am overjoyed that y'all get to do this. Love ya bro!
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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 7/5/2022 11:38:57 AM Post a reply to Pretty obvious
Pretty obvious
Vampires rule!
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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 6/28/2022 12:00:17 PM Post a reply to Big damn welcome!
Big damn welcome!
I just want to assure everyone that Alex will be a terrific owner. We have hung out a couple times already and neither of us got arrested, so that's a positive. One of the most important factors that Keith and I discussed when we began the process was to find someone local that can participate in activities both during and after the season. Mission accomplished! I am psyched to have Alex join our League and start kicking Sean and Keith's asses forthwith.

Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex! Buckle up it's gonna be a wild and bumpy ride.

I also want to send out my very best thoughts to Scott and his family. I worked in Senior care and I know how difficult and heartbreaking his situation can be. Scott is always a Brother and is forever welcome.
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Ragnarok 2022 Draft Venue
Posted - 5/31/2022 9:22:57 AM Post a reply to I'm so there!
I'm so there!
Just a note: The post about the new owner was a joke. Guess I'd better up my funny game, huh? There is a possible prospect from Midgard that I am hoping to meet very soon and vet for the spot. I have not heard a word from Mike Betts in a very long time so I think it's safe to say he is not an option at this point. I can't wait to see you guys and kick it old school!
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Upcoming Topics
Posted - 5/6/2022 8:49:29 PM Post a reply to New Owner Dilemma Solved.
New Owner Dilemma Solved.
I have confirmed with Cold Play Guy that he is 100% in this time.
Unless his girlfriend scores Shawn Mendes tickets, but what are the chances of that?
I totally win as Recruitment Chairman!
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NFL Draft Day Zoom Pool Rules.
Posted - 4/15/2022 6:02:10 AM Post a reply to All about the Benjamins
All about the Benjamins
How is the money being handled? What's the deadline? Who's on first? Are there really Interdimensional Bigfootsies and are they coming for our womenfolk? Did Hunter Biden invade Ukraine? So many questions.
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Ragnarok 2022
Posted - 4/1/2022 5:43:11 PM Post a reply to I heartily agree.
I heartily agree.
The events of recent years have taught me some tough and valuable lessons about what is important in life. I have been guilty of not fully appreciating the love and friendships I've been blessed with. I took for granted that people would always be there, and I will pay the price for that miscalculation forever. I do not ever wish to do so again. I want to be a better person and a better friend.

The friendships we have formed in Ragnarok are beyond precious. We live in a world where it is increasingly easy to isolate oneself and increasingly difficult to form true relationships. I doubt that something like Ragnarok could be replicated and maintained against the reality of life in these fractured times. I intend to embrace this brotherhood as fully as I am able.

That said, it cannot fall to a few to do the brunt of the work in making this a enjoyable endeavor for us all. We need more participation from the ENTIRE League. I understand that many of you have families and stressful careers. So does Keith and he pours hundreds of hours into this year after year. A post here and there, a fun poll or a witty news ticker item makes a big difference. If I can somehow manage to wring marginally interesting Scribbles out of this horribly damaged brain of mine each week I think you guys can cobble together some fun stuff for all to enjoy.

I love you guys so much and I truly treasure most of you. Let's keep Ragnarok alive and thriving!
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Simpson resigning...
Posted - 2/14/2022 7:13:15 PM Post a reply to Well fuck
Well fuck
I was certain we would win the next Cornhole Tournament! Take care and all my best to you and yours.
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Sound off on the big game!
Posted - 2/13/2022 5:54:11 PM Post a reply to Go Bengals!
Go Bengals!
I saw Scott at the store a while ago and he said to give everyone his best. It was good to see him again.

I miss you guys, and hope everyone is doing well. My prop bet is huge...Burrows to Chase for a walk off TD win! Something new for me is that I got approved for a substantial pay increase, which will be needed as my condo is being sold and I may need money to move to a new place. We shall see.

Take care everyone. All my love to y'all and your families.
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And Thanks!
Posted - 1/4/2022 5:51:59 PM Post a reply to Divisions
So how do the Divisions shake out now? I assume there will be movement up and down the Bridge.
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And Thanks!
Posted - 1/3/2022 9:01:25 AM Post a reply to Sweet!
Congrats on a thrilling victory. All Hail the Champ! Cudos also to Stu the new King O' the Losers. Maybe next year, Blast!
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 1/2/2022 12:56:06 PM Post a reply to Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
My theme is "Hope Anew in '22". I am not asking for miracles, just a noticeable improvement over the last two years. I wish everyone the very best for this year. I love you all so stay safe and love the ones you have while you have them.
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/30/2021 5:58:46 PM Post a reply to Congrats to Zach! Go Bruins!
Congrats to Zach! Go Bruins!
And of course fuck you Sean. No more titles for the Evil Twins. Also have to pull for Dr. Mayhem and his Maniacal Theremin. Stu rules!
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/26/2021 11:57:50 AM Post a reply to Xmas Miracle
Xmas Miracle
Anyone else hoping that somehow Koo and Keith's rosters get COVID-Zeta 2.5 and are declared invalid thus both teams must forfeit the rest of the Season? C'mon Sandy Klaus I've been uncharacteristically good this year!
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/16/2021 7:39:43 PM Post a reply to No
Thursday is Canoodle Night for them.
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/16/2021 6:02:32 AM Post a reply to The unfortunate truth
The unfortunate truth
The downside of being sober is realizing I don't really like any of you fucktards that I've wasted so many years hanging around. Oh well I reckon I'm stuck with y'all now. Good luck losers! Oh and you guys missed something amazing not seeing Dr. Mayhem in action. Truly awe-inspiring.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 12/8/2021 5:54:59 AM Post a reply to Go Jamboree!
Go Jamboree!
I'm all for it, despite it not being enough to save me. Good luck you fuckers!
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Thankful for you guys!
Posted - 11/25/2021 3:18:55 PM Post a reply to Happy T-Day!
Happy T-Day!
Home from work at last and ready to rock. Officially 61 as of yesterday and man did the Vegas oddsmakers take a bath yet again! Hope all of you are safe and sound. Love the ones ya got and treat yourselves well my friends.
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Question for Scribbles
Posted - 11/22/2021 5:58:01 AM Post a reply to Perhaps
This is why everyone MUST get stoned!
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Missing FA player - can I bid here?
Posted - 11/21/2021 9:58:07 AM Post a reply to Harumph!
Those of the Rules Committee must protect their phony baloney jobs!
Go for it dude.
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No football tomorrow for me
Posted - 11/20/2021 8:37:08 PM Post a reply to Go Zach!
Go Zach!
I have every confidence you shall prevail! Kick some theatrical ass. Theatrically of course...lol
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Southern Culture at the Cats Cradle 12/11
Posted - 11/14/2021 6:28:25 AM Post a reply to Totally there!
Totally there!
I've missed seeing them, and you as well! Party time!
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Posted - 11/10/2021 5:48:17 AM Post a reply to Anyone can be 5-4
Anyone can be 5-4
Only the truly special kids can achieve 4-4-1! Isn't that right, Joe?
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Side note
Posted - 11/7/2021 6:10:46 AM Post a reply to Holy fucking shitballs
Holy fucking shitballs
Way to kick all the ass, dude! Grats to you and your amazing students. I think it's time ya took your show to Broadway and the bright lights. *grin*
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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 10/31/2021 12:59:38 PM Post a reply to hehe
If ya miss us why don't ya kiss us? ;]
Have fun rattling some grills, bro.
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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 10/30/2021 5:38:12 PM Post a reply to MNF
I don't usually make it much past halftime but I'm game. I am also with Zach on the whole Chief thing.
Mahomes is killing me in Midgard.
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Terrace Marshall
Posted - 10/24/2021 5:45:42 PM Post a reply to Scribbles correction.
Scribbles correction.
Scribbles wrote that the Bruins lost last week, which isn't true. Weed is also a helluva drug! One random member of the Glass Asylum Research Dept. will be summarily beaten with nerf bats.
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Terrace Marshall
Posted - 10/24/2021 9:51:03 AM Post a reply to Terrace Marshall
Terrace Marshall
Gosh what a tempting offer, Mister! Throw in the puppy in yer trunk and ya got a deal!
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Go Bruins!
Posted - 10/17/2021 8:47:31 PM Post a reply to Stupid Cowgirls!
Stupid Cowgirls!
GG ya jerk! lol
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Happy Birthday, Zach!
Posted - 9/30/2021 7:42:18 AM Post a reply to Gosh thanks, mister!
Gosh thanks, mister!
You say you have a puppy in the trunk? Lemme see!
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Happy Birthday, Zach!
Posted - 9/29/2021 6:02:19 AM Post a reply to Might I have more?
Might I have more?
Shouldn't Joe and I get 5MB each for the tie? Just being helpful! (Says the guy that has already squandered his MBs.)
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Happy Birthday, Zach!
Posted - 9/28/2021 8:12:39 AM Post a reply to WTG Zach!
WTG Zach!
Yer not getting older, yer getting TOUGHer!
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Happy Birthday
Posted - 9/20/2021 6:35:18 PM Post a reply to Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Stay safe and have a great birthday!
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The shirt
Posted - 9/13/2021 6:46:30 PM Post a reply to Thanks guys!
Thanks guys!
I was a bit nervous about the Week-End, but everyone was so supportive that I never felt awkward or like I was missing out. I had a great time seeing you guys. Thanks tons to Billy and Sean for the rides to and from. Good luck to all!
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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/8/2021 7:36:12 PM Post a reply to I hate to be negative
I hate to be negative
Oh wait, no I don't! Test is official. Yea! I do still request the use of condoms if the hot-tub party gets out of hand. Sean, Jeremy- no barebacking this year you two rascals!
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 9/1/2021 6:15:48 PM Post a reply to BBQ
I slow-cooked a 7lb. pork shoulder last night and I am going to turn it into authentic Western NC BBQ. I'll bring buns and slaw to go with it. I'm also planning on bringing some basic b-flat coffee cause I'll prolly need quite a bit and don't wanna drink up y'alls fancy shit. I reckon we can grab other stuff once we get there.
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Sooo Close!!!
Posted - 8/31/2021 3:27:04 PM Post a reply to Test concerns
Test concerns
I mam not seeing any locations near me, and test result times vary up to several days after the test. Should I try to get something this week to be sure?
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It's Official.
Posted - 8/28/2021 6:01:30 AM Post a reply to Better later than never, eh?
Better later than never, eh?
Just glad we are all gonna get there. So excited!
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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 8/23/2021 5:54:17 AM Post a reply to Once again
Once again
Stellar solution! This is why we keep the smart kids around.
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Waiting on keepers for Sean, Jeremy, and Dat
Posted - 8/15/2021 12:54:17 PM Post a reply to Fear the Dynasty.
Fear the Dynasty.
Pretty scary line-up already!
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Waiting on keepers for Sean, Jeremy, and Dat
Posted - 8/15/2021 12:36:54 PM Post a reply to Dat
Put down the bowl and pick already!
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Waiting on keepers for Sean, Jeremy, and Dat
Posted - 8/15/2021 12:29:31 PM Post a reply to I propose a 1MB per hour penalty.
I propose a 1MB per hour penalty.
That'll learn'em.
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An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
Posted - 8/13/2021 5:20:35 PM Post a reply to Go Giant Bears
Go Giant Bears
All my best to you and the family. I am sure you will continue to carry on his FF legacy with your customary brilliance. The real question is who was responsible for your pro bowling career?
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A little over a month away
Posted - 8/7/2021 8:27:41 PM Post a reply to My plan
My plan
I hope to be there Thursday Friday and Saturday nights. Let's rock!
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Covid and The Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/1/2021 3:00:11 PM Post a reply to 100% agree.
100% agree.
The goal is to have as safe and stress-free of a week-end that we can. I am debating re-masking at work, but have not yet. I plan to get tested before I come. I have a high exposure job like Billy, and I've already survived the virus and the vaccine so I may be a bit more jaded than some. I just want all you guys that I love and care about to be stay well.
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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 7/30/2021 6:01:42 PM Post a reply to More work for the Commish? That's what we PAY him FOR!
More work for the Commish? That's what we PAY him FOR!
hehe Had to do that.
Anyway, that sounds like a really fun way to finish the season. I fully support keeping the four Divisions, as that has become such an integral part of Ragnarok.
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 7/26/2021 5:56:55 AM Post a reply to Cataan
That might be a bit long and involved but what the hell.
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/26/2021 5:54:51 AM Post a reply to Whatever it takes!
Whatever it takes!
We can totally do the Draft on Saturday.
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 7/25/2021 10:39:44 AM Post a reply to Games
Eric and I discussed some board games. I'll probably bring my Rick & Morty Munchkin set, and I'm considering a board game as well.

Food wise, I was thinking of making Gumbo. Does the Draft House have a grill?
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Similar news...
Posted - 7/24/2021 6:09:15 AM Post a reply to Awesome!
Congrats and way to get that commitment up front. The Draft just wouldn't be the same without our second favorite Asian there!
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/23/2021 6:15:06 PM Post a reply to I second that!
I second that!
Party at the hotel!
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/22/2021 5:57:59 AM Post a reply to Happy for you!
Happy for you!
But sad for us. That said, you know you will be missed if ya can't make it. Life is tricky these days. I'll keep hoping you can be there!
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Ah, it's summer and the smell of football is in the air
Posted - 7/17/2021 6:14:03 PM Post a reply to Once again
Once again
I really the wish the trend in this League would someday veer away from the impulse to take everything that is simple and understandable and that works and make it far more difficult than it needs to be. The old rookie rule was beautiful in it's simplicity. Want to keep a rookie? Give up your second round pick. Keep him for another year? There goes your first round pick. That system worked perfectly fine, until inevitably the math nerds decided to "improve" it by creating some nebulous method that allows rookies to be sniped by other owners. I fail to see how this has made it better.

Now we have yet another convoluted system for what place you are in the Draft. I fully support the inverting of the Draft positions. That has had an immediate and demonstratable effect on the League. The weird choosing of Draft positions has not. It just adds another unneeded layer of complexity.

And once again, the ridiculous 2QB/Flex bugaboo rears it's grognardian head. What will follow is much earnest hand wringing and stat flinging. Hopefully, in the end we will avoid adding yet another convoluted solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

All of this exists in a League that still refuses to address the issue of DF irrelevancy that has been present since the inception of the League. The absolute refusal to even consider PPR means that dozens of pass-catching RBs remain useless in our League.

I don't understand why we bother debating the QB2 issue when we continue to ignore things that truly are problematic. Perhaps if I could devise a DF scoring system that incorporated nuclear physics, astrology and advanced trigonometry it would gain some traction.

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#5 Pick...
Posted - 7/16/2021 5:36:59 PM Post a reply to Interested
Talk to me!
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Posted - 7/8/2021 4:29:58 PM Post a reply to Not just chokers in Play-Offs.
Not just chokers in Play-Offs.
Let's not forget SB losers as well.
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Posted - 7/6/2021 8:07:54 AM Post a reply to Welcome to our Nightmare!
Welcome to our Nightmare!
Nice to meet ya. Ragnarok is an amazingly dysfunctional family, a Band of Bad-Ass brothers. As a n00b, ya might wanna address the other Owners as "Sir" or even better, "My Lord". Fortunately for you, newbness only lasts for the first five years or so.

Pro Tip #2: Kickers are 7EEt and should be drafted early and often!
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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 6:13:45 PM Post a reply to Sure thing
Sure thing
Put him in Hel. (Sharpens his battle-axe.)
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A sad day.
Posted - 6/17/2021 8:19:14 PM Post a reply to Scott
I have enjoyed getting to know you over the years. I will keep you and your family in my heart and thoughts. Please let me know if there is anything you need. We are all here for you, brother. Take care.

All my love,
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Happy belated Birthday, Dat!
Posted - 6/1/2021 6:12:57 PM Post a reply to Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Have fun spending it in Hel!
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Rookie Rule clarifications
Posted - 5/31/2021 6:25:24 PM Post a reply to Agreed
As someone who has no idea what rookies were even available in 2020, this saves me a lot of confusion. Football! And dick bags!
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/22/2021 5:54:36 AM Post a reply to Newland
The Newland house only has 8 beds. I reckon some of y'all are planning to get cozy doubling up in the queen or having orgy time in the King. lol
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 5/20/2021 5:43:32 AM Post a reply to Say what?
Say what?
I don't understand a thing you just proposed but it sounds like fun! Football!
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stir crazy
Posted - 5/5/2021 5:37:12 PM Post a reply to Play-Offs
The Hurricanes are totally kicking ass, and I am considering going with the Vincent Trochek look. The squirrels have not voiced an opinion so far.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/11/2021 11:08:55 AM Post a reply to Newland
This place looks really good. My only question is privacy. It seems to be part of a community that is very close. Would that make certain activities too dangerous?
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 4/11/2021 11:01:30 AM Post a reply to I vote C
I vote C
Mainly because I don't really want to re-think stuff. The initial thinking is tough enough for me.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/9/2021 8:26:21 AM Post a reply to Taylorsville
I was really hoping to do a lake house this year as I love to jump in and get refreshed after several grueling rounds of stealing the Draft from you fuckers, but if that's not an option, this looks like a very good option. The privacy is definitely a plus, and the cabins are a good sleeping arrangement. That way Keith could have his own and not need to sleep in a tent which seems kinda shitty.

To follow up on Zach's post, I am in grocery as is Scott. Billy also is back to working with the general public. Even if vaccinated, we are still higher risk to be around. I don't see any way to avoid that. Most of you guys have kids and I would hate to put them at risk. This is something I have thought about a lot. I am hoping that by the time the Draft comes around, things will be better. It doesn't help that NC has done such a godawful job of handling things.

I respect whatever decisions we all agree upon. I dearly want to be with you folks, but not at the cost of anyone's health and well-being.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/6/2021 5:58:12 AM Post a reply to Ranking
My choices are: Tillery #2, Tillery #1 and Kerr Lake #1. Thanks so much for getting this process going and GO CANES!
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/5/2021 6:48:56 PM Post a reply to Draft House
Draft House
I was sold on Lake Tillery 1 until I saw #2. Holy fuck it's perfect! A fucking screened in boat house! And the clincher is it has a GAS range! I will cook you bastards some awesome grub on that bitch! I'm all in. Hell I'm going there with or without ya'll...lol.
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Happy Christmas!
Posted - 12/25/2020 7:15:04 AM Post a reply to Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!
I hope you are all safe and sound. Take care and let's fervently hope that 2021 is much better for everyone. All my love and best wishes to you and yours. GO STEELERS! (And Chiefs and Bills and Packers!)
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 10/29/2020 6:22:52 PM Post a reply to From Scribbles and I
From Scribbles and I
I miss you guys so much. And of course my stupid Steelers would pick a season that doesn't really count to look decent! Grr.

Scribbles may make an appearance soon. That has been gnawing on my few remaining brain cells lately. Stay safe and be sure to tell those you care about how much ya love them while you can.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 9/8/2020 8:32:26 PM Post a reply to Ty guys
Ty guys
Your love and support means so much. I am sure I'll need some sort of help at some point, but right now I'm too overwhelmed to even know what I need. But it is very comforting to know that oncde I do I have strong band of Brothers that have my back. love you guys.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 9/4/2020 1:27:59 PM Post a reply to The good news
The good news
I met the team of three DR.s that will be taking care of her and they are awesome. If she has to be in a hospital at least she's in one of the best. I'm hoping to see her this afternoon. Thanks for the love, brothers and party on!
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Happy Birthday, Eric
Posted - 7/13/2020 4:48:18 PM Post a reply to Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
You go dude!
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Draft, 2020
Posted - 5/21/2020 10:32:40 PM Post a reply to Draft Weekend
Draft Weekend
In all probability I would not be willing or able to do an in-person draft. For one thing, I am out there on the front lines being exposed to multiple people every shift. We try to do our jobs as safely as possible, but I would pose an increased risk to you guys and I would never wish to do that.

Secondly, I got ill right at the beginning of this mess, and company policy forced me to stay home for an extended period of time. In order to still get a paycheck I had to borrow against my Pal time. I won't have enough built back up in time for the draft, and with Alicia laid off it will not be financially feasible for me to take the time off.

This all sux in so many ways.
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2020 Ragnarok Social #1
Posted - 3/24/2020 4:35:26 PM Post a reply to I'll have to check.
I'll have to check.
My schedule has been kinda jacked up but that will probably work.
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2020 Ragnarok Social #1
Posted - 3/21/2020 4:55:44 PM Post a reply to That sounds awesome!
That sounds awesome!
I have never used zoom but there is a reasonable chance I can figure it out. On a side note, I want to let everyone in the area know that the Fresh Market I work at in Glen Lennox is still fairly well in stock except for bread and fucking TP. And they are trying to work me to death.
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Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Posted - 2/27/2020 4:46:27 PM Post a reply to Oh btw
Oh btw
I have to put my schedule requests for the year in by tomorrow. Can someone post when the dates for the draft are please?
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Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Posted - 2/27/2020 4:43:43 PM Post a reply to Good luck Zach!
Good luck Zach!
We are so rooting for you guys! As to the draft house, I really like Lake Gaston. It is quieter and more private than Norman. A boat house that you can jump off of was also super cool!
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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 2/19/2020 4:45:23 PM Post a reply to Have you met me?
Have you met me?
Most of the things I do in life are illegal, immoral or at least improper. Hence the bail money.
Oh they are sooooo gonna love me long time.
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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 2/14/2020 5:04:54 PM Post a reply to Clarification
So we are talking about doing this in 2021 correct? And we would fund it by playing with no prizes this year?

I love the idea if I can make it work financially. I would have the added burden of having to save a considerable amount for bail and Asian hookers.
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A Battle Worthy of the Maccabees
Posted - 12/23/2019 4:59:47 PM Post a reply to Holy fucking shitballs!!!!
Holy fucking shitballs!!!!
This is all I wanted for xmas! Well a successful impeachment would be nice, but let's not get greedy! The Browncoats are winning! My turn next! Awesome season Billy and a great final match against a very worthy opponent. Cudos to all this season.
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A Battle Worthy of the Maccabees
Posted - 12/20/2019 5:46:52 PM Post a reply to Go Billy!
Go Billy!
It would be so awesome to have two first time winners in a row.
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/1/2019 9:12:38 AM Post a reply to Scribbles
There will no Scribbles until our evil Overlord disables the fucking ad bullshit that keeps fucking my shit up. Good luck to all.
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High School Play Festival
Posted - 11/24/2019 2:28:33 AM Post a reply to Dude!
Pioneers rock! I didn't really know what the SETC is, but Alicia was like NO FUCKING WAY! So proud of you and your awesome kids. Rock on brother!
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High School Play Festival
Posted - 11/10/2019 5:56:55 AM Post a reply to That is so fucking cool!
That is so fucking cool!
You guys rock! Good luck at State!
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One month from tonight
Posted - 11/8/2019 5:55:01 AM Post a reply to Woo Hoo!
Woo Hoo!
We'll be there!
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a long slow clap for Long Duck Dong
Posted - 10/17/2019 8:15:01 AM Post a reply to Be vewy vewy quiet
Be vewy vewy quiet
We're hunting wabbits!
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a long slow clap for Long Duck Dong
Posted - 10/15/2019 10:17:36 PM Post a reply to Total Bullshit
Total Bullshit
Oh well at least the Maulers got a second win this week. Color me shocked. And yes I'd love some rabbit stew!
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Would everyone be up for a 1MB Ragnarok Survivor Pool?
Posted - 10/12/2019 11:30:25 PM Post a reply to I'm in.
I'm in.
No amount of MB can possibly help me now.
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Washington DC - City of Champions!!!
Posted - 10/12/2019 4:24:30 AM Post a reply to Go Mystics!
Go Mystics!
That's awesome. Have you been to any games this year?
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Positive Vibes to you Kent!!
Posted - 10/8/2019 4:49:03 AM Post a reply to All my love
All my love
To everyone that has reached out and kept me in their thoughts and prayers...thank you. Major kudos to Zach for a most excellent news post. Sometimes things happen and you know you will never be the same again. Life is like that. But having guys that you know will always have yer fucking back sure helps.
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Hope all goes OK Scribbles
Posted - 9/29/2019 2:17:47 PM Post a reply to Joe
At this point Joe must feel like the guy off to the side of the hill wearing a Go Custer! t-shirt. However it looks like the Bills may be about to turn things around!
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Rules Proposal 24.1: Smashmouth Submissions
Posted - 9/25/2019 9:48:29 PM Post a reply to Another thought
Another thought
It is common in the print media to have multiple bylines. Therefore I would encourage co-operation amongst reporters. I envision Eric and Dave posting a manifesto on how to survive -300 degree weather or perhaps Sean and Jeremy rhapsodizing on their everlasting love.
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Rules Proposal 24.1: Smashmouth Submissions
Posted - 9/25/2019 11:02:33 AM Post a reply to My proposal
My proposal
As the League Scribe, I get a great deal of satisfaction out of printing my Sunday Scribbles, and I would rather not feel like I am having to compete for that slot. How about introducing a special guest Saturday edition each week? More content is a good thing, but I don't want anyone to feel like I'm stepping on their toes or vice versa.
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Happy Birthday, Stu!
Posted - 9/20/2019 10:28:27 PM Post a reply to Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Alicia totally wants to come hear metal BeeGees songs!
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LeagueSafe link
Posted - 9/17/2019 11:48:47 PM Post a reply to Done
LS finally let me pay. Now it's time to win those mutherfuckin' Benjamins bitches.
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 9/4/2019 11:49:21 PM Post a reply to Maybe
If I can fight my way through my Room of Doom...I have lots of Tavern Poker stuff from a place I worked that went under. I'll look.
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 9/4/2019 10:48:22 AM Post a reply to Gumbo!
The chicken stock is made and when I get home tonight I will grill the sausage and finish the gumbo. I bought beef kielbasa as I could not remember whether Jeremy eats pork or not. BAM!
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Rules Proposal 23.8: The Thursday Lock Box
Posted - 9/1/2019 9:52:52 PM Post a reply to Another Fucking Lock Box question.
Another Fucking Lock Box question.
It says if you absentmindedly trade away your FLB pick away the trade goes through and you lose your next pick. Ok cool. But what if you deliberately trade your prospective FLB pick away in a totally devious way? I think this should totally be encouraged.
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All right boys....
Posted - 9/1/2019 12:06:07 PM Post a reply to Fucking Lock Box question.
Fucking Lock Box question.
So let's say I want to make a pick in the 4th round. Since I am in the 12th position and get back to back picks in the 3rd and 4th, would my 4th Round pick technically be the 1st for that round?
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Fine Tuning.
Posted - 8/25/2019 7:19:20 PM Post a reply to You can use mine on the site.
You can use mine on the site.
I am not a Dr. but I AM STRANGE!
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 8/16/2019 8:14:52 PM Post a reply to Also
I plan to stay from Thursday to Sunday. Looking for a ride!
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 8/16/2019 8:14:01 PM Post a reply to Maulers plans
Maulers plans
Unfortunately, my attendance is not completely certain at this point. However, if I can work things out I plan to make some gumbo and perhaps bring some sandwich makings and maybe some pancake mix.
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Posted - 8/14/2019 9:28:14 AM Post a reply to Keeper
After much conscience-wrangling, the Maulers have parted ways with long-time Franchise player Cam Newton. Le'veon Bell is the new Maulers keeper. Odin help me.
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Posted - 8/5/2019 6:23:52 PM Post a reply to Vixens are in
Vixens are in
I just have to remember how to log in. Also, not a big fan of flex.
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Happy Birthday, Eric!
Posted - 7/12/2019 10:05:14 AM Post a reply to Happy fucking lockbox birthday!
Happy fucking lockbox birthday!
And many more dude!
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heading to Asheville on July 20
Posted - 6/23/2019 4:59:23 PM Post a reply to I'd love to go see Striker in Asheville.
I'd love to go see Striker in Asheville.
But I am not allowed. Pretty sure Jacqueline agrees. *Yeesh*
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It's time for the annual Rules refinement
Posted - 6/9/2019 5:12:38 PM Post a reply to Two marketplaces rule
Two marketplaces rule
I don't see a place to vote on this. For the record I vote no.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/7/2019 5:11:20 PM Post a reply to That place is awesome!
That place is awesome!
I will miss swimming, but that home theater is the bomb!
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/6/2019 2:45:39 AM Post a reply to I think Camp run a Muk is the best I've seen
I think Camp run a Muk is the best I've seen
But that's just me.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/28/2019 4:11:59 PM Post a reply to Oh and a side note
Oh and a side note
As a cook, I would greatly prefer we avoid any place that has those shitty ass radiant burner stoves. They suck a bag of dicks.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/28/2019 4:08:33 PM Post a reply to Camp Run-A-Muk
Camp Run-A-Muk
That looks like the best one by far!
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/25/2019 5:40:46 AM Post a reply to I agree.
I agree.
I have grown very fond of Lake Gaston, but if Hyco is more convenient then so be it.
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record is 7-22 so far in Mortal Kombat 11 pre-Beta access
Posted - 3/16/2019 6:18:20 AM Post a reply to I just hit 1,000 wins with Hunter class in Hearthstone!
I just hit 1,000 wins with Hunter class in Hearthstone!
A winner is me! Oh and FUCK D00K!!
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Paging Dr. DP.... Dr. Double Penetration ;-)
Posted - 2/22/2019 6:50:26 AM Post a reply to Dude
Nice backhanded Jew snark, Jeremy!
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Paging Dr. DP.... Dr. Double Penetration ;-)
Posted - 2/21/2019 6:07:07 AM Post a reply to Congrats!
Way to go dude!
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worst to first
Posted - 12/24/2018 4:49:14 PM Post a reply to So fucking cool!
So fucking cool!
You are my hero Zach! We have toiled in the trenches together for a long time and I am so excited for you and your amazing season. Way to go bro!
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