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    Daily Ramblings
    1 point?

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    Author Topic

    Football Freak

    1334 posts
    Fu: 101.16
    Posted - 12/15/2022 6:45:07 PM
    1 point?
    I know I've been pre-occupied and that there have been discussions about Dave and Eric, but DAYUM, I just see that they are all tied - except for the one point for? Dayum.

    uh, Football!

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    Coach Cowher Tomlin

    Football Freak

    1005 posts
    Fu: 100.98
    Posted - 12/17/2022 2:25:42 PM
    Be afraid, be very afraid!
    In order to allow our beloved Commish some time to get much needed chores done at home he has foolishly handed the reigns over to me to input scoring stats. I make no promises as to accuracy, particularly as the day goes on and I get kigh as a hite. Joe should definitely expect that any points scored by his players will mysteriously be spirited away to the Bermuda Triangle by Bigfeet piloting an UFO. Buckle up it's gonna be a wild ride!
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    Theremin Player

    654 posts
    Fu: 99.68
    Posted - 12/17/2022 3:40:31 PM
    A major challenge flag has been thrown
    I apologize for not noticing this earlier, but we all actually missed it. Aren't the #12 and #11 teams supposed to get byes in the losers' bracket?
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    Oscar Goldman


    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 12/17/2022 7:16:10 PM
    holy fuckballs
    Stu is right. Billy and Zach get the byes. Bigfoots and Mao, get your shit together and put in some starters.
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