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    Anything Goes
    I think we saw a UFO last night

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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/1/2022 8:47:02 AM
    I think we saw a UFO last night
    Yeah, I know I may have a reputation for having an active imagination open mind, but last night Jacqueline and I think we saw a UFO. We've never seen anything like it.

    We were driving home from the Rage Against the Machine concert and picked up our son at Alex's house in Chapel Hill, then got onto interstate 40 at exit #266 and headed west. At 11:57pm, we both saw a very large bright object straight ahead but off in the distance and about 30 degrees above the horizon. If you hold a pea between your thumb and forefinger and extend your arm, that's about how big it was in the sky. It was quite big and bright.

    It was way larger than any planet or star, and it was not the moon nor a meteor. It hung in the sky without moving and was very, very bright. There were no flashing red or green lights and it was not an aircraft. I thought it had an orange hue but Jacqueline says she saw it as bright white.

    This light was so large and unusual that I immediately grabbed my phone in order to take a video. While I was fumbling to hit the Record button, we both watched this large bright orb fold into itself and become a small dot and then completely disappear. Unfortunately, I did not get a good photo or video of it.

    Nothing can really explain what it was. It was not a planet, star, moon, meteor, or airplane. It was so large that it could not have been someone's drone. I'm not saying it was alien, but it definitely was an unidentified flying object like nothing we have ever seen before. We really can't explain it away.
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin

    Football Freak

    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 8/1/2022 5:36:04 PM
    My experience
    Many years ago my step-brother and I saw a UFO and it was also while traveling on the highway. It was hovering over Signal Hill Mall, and as we got onto 40 headed to Charlotte it seemed to be following the same direction. What we saw was a disc, flat on both top and bottom with revolving square lights with one blank one in the sequence. It got further and further ahead of us, and then all it once I lost it, only to see it was now 90 degrees off to right. No aircraft I know of could have traveled that far that fast. The weird thing was our reaction. Once we started talking about it, we both had felt extreme curiosity, but also an almost primal fear of it. So many people saw it that it was reported in the local paper.
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    Roving Gambler

    Paste Taster

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 8/1/2022 6:04:29 PM
    Those are amazing & creepy stories!
    I've never seen a UFO, but that sounds both awesome and creepy.
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    General Manager

    484 posts
    Fu: 101.01
    Posted - 8/1/2022 7:55:53 PM
    Cool story, bro.
    We all know UFOs aren’t real.

    Arrogant Mother Fuckers
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    Theremin Player

    650 posts
    Fu: 99.66
    Posted - 8/1/2022 9:26:07 PM
    UFO are most definitely real
    I've seen them live in concert - twice.

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