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    Rules Proposals
    Rules Proposal 12.4: Ragnarok Royal Rumble

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    Author Topic
    Oscar Goldman


    3357 posts
    Posted - 11/29/2022 9:37:07 PM
    Rules Proposal 25.4: Ragnarok Royal Rumble
    Ok everyone, it's time to admit that Eric is a very skilled individual. Not only can he offer the most ridiculous physics-defying trade offers, but he is the master of rules creativity and nuance.

    Eric is proposing that in the Week 14 Ragnarok Royal Rumble, if the #6 and #7 team tie in their game, then they get an official regular season Tie as well.

    I second that motion. Tis better to discover this possibility before the Rumble than after the Rumble. Well done, sir.
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin

    Football Freak

    1005 posts
    Fu: 100.98
    Posted - 11/29/2022 10:46:25 PM
    In other words
    Making shit far more complicated than it needs to be. Isn't that what tie-breakers are for?
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    General Manager

    487 posts
    Fu: 100.98
    Posted - 11/30/2022 12:33:58 PM
    Makes sense to me.
    Eric has had many good ideas. Perhaps his best is one we haven't even done, which was the idea of drafting Ragnarok divisions. Absolutely brilliant.
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