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Member since: 11/19/2003
2024 Logins: 55
Last Login: 9/19/2024
  From: n.c.

All posts by Capt. Blast:

Thread Topic
Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/21/2024 9:25:16 AM Post a reply to Can’t fucking wait…..
Can’t fucking wait…..
Blast is bringing Painkillers, another rum based cocktail to sip with a cigar if wanted. lamb and chicken skewers, pita, greek salad for football sunday, H&H regular unflavored coffee. I looked the house page and I saw it had a kurig, anyone pick up if it has a drip coffee maker? L. F. G.
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 8/15/2024 1:12:29 PM Post a reply to So no tickets??!!
So no tickets??!!
Talk about a let down!
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Redundancy post
Posted - 8/14/2024 9:18:30 PM Post a reply to Redundancy post
Redundancy post
Hurts, Jalen. FP
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/12/2024 10:40:10 PM Post a reply to Hell yea to all this!!
Hell yea to all this!!
At work right now but will have a ideas for stuff soon!
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Posted - 7/29/2024 7:22:13 PM Post a reply to Bunny’s
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 6:22:31 PM Post a reply to Blast have evaluated
Blast have evaluated
And after using science in said evaluation, concludes that the only house that will be perfect is Zach’s log cabin.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 6:22:26 PM Post a reply to Blast have evaluated
Blast have evaluated
And after using science in said evaluation, concludes that the only house that will be perfect is Zach’s log cabin.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 6:22:21 PM Post a reply to Blast have evaluated
Blast have evaluated
And after using science in said evaluation, concludes that the only house that will be perfect is Zach’s log cabin.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/19/2024 9:16:35 AM Post a reply to I like this place too
I like this place too
Plenty of beds and AWESOME 2 level boat house..
Check out this place in Mt Gilead I found on Vrbo: https://t.vrbo.io/q8mHh97jVIb
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/19/2024 9:16:28 AM Post a reply to I like this place too
I like this place too
Plenty of beds and AWESOME 2 level boat house..
Check out this place in Mt Gilead I found on Vrbo.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/11/2024 2:36:20 PM Post a reply to I am all about Zach’s Palace
I am all about Zach’s Palace
Would love to be on the water. Let’s go Canes! Play off watch party?
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/11/2024 2:36:15 PM Post a reply to I am all about Zach’s Palace
I am all about Zach’s Palace
Would love to be on the water. Let’s go Canes! Play off watch party?
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/12/2023 9:09:31 AM Post a reply to 5 in a row!!
5 in a row!!
For the blast baby!! Peaking at the right time for loser playoffs champs!!
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 11:15:29 AM Post a reply to Agree
There should be language in the rule book to take care of this anomaly.

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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 11:15:27 AM Post a reply to Agree
There should be language in the rule book to take care of this anomaly.

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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/10/2023 10:57:28 AM Post a reply to So..
If other fantasy sites have him listed as a TE or any other position it doesn’t matter. Mid season trade between two Ragnarok teams had him listed as a TE. That’s who I traded for, a TE. Now a QB. Seems like there needs to be a clear definition for players like him. Clearly a bait and switch scenario. Do we scrape stats from NFL.com or ESPN.com or whom? Also, maybe I am the only one who cares about this but I am sure if anyone else had him on their roster as a TE and then suddenly mid season they are a QB, this conversation would be taking place. Can we decide how to treat multiple position players? Why do we have to abide by the a web site to determine how Ragnarok operates? Seems like we take advantage and make the league our own with cool rules and games but when it come to something simple like this we can’t figure it out?
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/7/2023 4:37:00 PM Post a reply to So…
When he starts at TE this week, is he a QB?
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/7/2023 9:49:55 AM Post a reply to Taysom Hill
Taysom Hill
Has now been classified as a QB? He has been a TE all season, was designated that when I traded for him, and started at TE in actual NFL football game. Reason for the change?
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Thanks to the thunder!!
Posted - 11/14/2023 10:25:26 PM Post a reply to Thanks to the thunder!!
Thanks to the thunder!!
For gifting me the best bday present any fella can ask for.. a win in RAGNAROK!!
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 11/2/2023 6:24:43 AM Post a reply to I actually agree
I actually agree
With Eric for the reasons stated by him.
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 4:36:25 PM Post a reply to Rumble?
Let’s Rumble!
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/16/2023 10:07:16 AM Post a reply to No controversy
No controversy
Just bitching
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/15/2023 12:19:24 PM Post a reply to Trade
Offer is in GS!
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/15/2023 10:24:54 AM Post a reply to Somehow
I put My coach on IR. Unfortunately, I did not mean to do that. I am unable to take him off IR and would like to start him. Glad Alex has 4 QBs. Always nice to shore up that position in case we go to two QB league mid season.
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Rules Proposal 26.8: Dating Taylor Swift is worth 12 pts per week for the player involved.
Posted - 9/30/2023 3:20:32 PM Post a reply to Made a stat error request
Made a stat error request
R.Shaheed missing punt return TD to give the Blast their first win!
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Rules Proposal 26.7: Franchise Declaration After the Deadline
Posted - 9/6/2023 8:28:58 PM Post a reply to This situation is different
This situation is different
Than an injury pre season. A very high bar indeed is needed, and I would say 9 of 11 must vote in favor. I vote for the bruins to be able change franchise players*. Zach is a good guy and a straight shooter.

* as long as it’s not DeVonta Smith.

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Draft Weekend
Posted - 9/4/2023 7:56:08 AM Post a reply to Hello friends
Hello friends
Billy the bartender here to let you know that there WILL be painkillers at the draft and 1 other special tiki cocktail. Keith, 1 handle of Cruzan dark aged rum should do it. I will bring everything else as well as about 15 Joints. Can’t wait!!
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/16/2023 8:18:34 AM Post a reply to Not too early to talk
Not too early to talk
I will be there Thursday-Sunday. Yummy pork!! Where is the address of the house.. anyone know? Gotta set up the golf tee time. Can’t wait!!
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Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Posted - 8/11/2023 11:48:05 AM Post a reply to I am cool
I am cool
With this.
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Posted - 7/16/2023 10:17:46 AM Post a reply to Bunnys
Are in!
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/26/2023 11:15:08 AM Post a reply to Reminds me of my favorite Motörhead song
Reminds me of my favorite Motörhead song

Also, dice are cool so anyway to incorporate that into anything I am in favor of.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 5:43:31 PM Post a reply to I am a water baby
I am a water baby
And like #2 the best. But the piney creek place is bad ass.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 8:03:20 PM Post a reply to My thoughts
My thoughts
Am fine with all of them but prefers water. Here are my top 3:
1. https://t.vrbo.io/4sbFW8GPvzb
2. https://t.vrbo.io/43CWnmNPvzb
3. https://t.vrbo.io/qne3lRbQvzb

Let’s do this!!
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well, shit
Posted - 1/14/2023 4:18:13 PM Post a reply to I say Blast should lose then
I say Blast should lose then
Is it hard to redo all the match ups with points scored already?
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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/3/2023 5:44:35 PM Post a reply to Thanks Oscar!!
Thanks Oscar!!
I think that covers all the options. That shit was crazy last night. Really feel for him and his family. Ultimately, I think Stu and Joe who are reasonable people ( Well at least Stu) could come to an agreement with the understanding that there can only be 1 champion (I think that’s important).I wanna say that it is what it is and the stats are the stats and it should be over with the best score winning. But what I secretly want is for Joe and Stu to do a head to head draft cuz that would be gonzo. Also, once again I am happy to be your loser bracket Champion. Feels good to be home.
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Walkabout discord server
Posted - 12/29/2022 11:09:07 AM Post a reply to Hot swap
Hot swap
That sounds dirty
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Rules Proposal 26.1: The Blast Bowl
Posted - 12/24/2022 7:14:58 PM Post a reply to Not as close as it looks
Not as close as it looks
Stat man Hal 9000 missing a bit of info.
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Football Social Part Deaux
Posted - 10/23/2022 7:57:21 AM Post a reply to I would like to
I would like to
Wanna see that movie too, but working
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Roster moves
Posted - 10/20/2022 8:42:27 AM Post a reply to Roster moves
Roster moves
Hey, my fat fingers accidentally hit IR for R.Moore instead of start yesterday.. used the links at the bottom of page yesterday to ask Hal 9000 to fix my error but he might be on vacation? Would like to play him tonight. Any help is appreciated.
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Proposed football social for October 9th
Posted - 10/3/2022 6:30:34 PM Post a reply to In!!
OCSC Birthday bash is the Fri and Sat (7,8) and I am working pretty much the whole thing. I will Fer sure be at the social wherever it is but prolly won’t be there for the start of the 1pm games. Can’t wait to see everyone ❤️
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 11:08:45 AM Post a reply to There is not a situation like this defined in the rule book
There is not a situation like this defined in the rule book
I am personally not questioning the initial trade… my 2 cents is the initial trade need to stand pat until the end of the NFL week, then if the two teams want, they can trade again trade same players back to each other. Also, open to other ideas.. but for sure the champ started Tua in a game so that piece can’t change IMO.
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 9:33:11 AM Post a reply to Agree with Stu
Agree with Stu
It sucks (Especially for Tua) but have to wait until next week for any action.
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GOTW lived up to the hype!!
Posted - 9/28/2022 7:50:56 PM Post a reply to GOTW lived up to the hype!!
GOTW lived up to the hype!!
Big 1 pt win for the Bunny’s!!! Boy, that team is really good!
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Putting it out there..
Posted - 9/16/2022 8:30:19 PM Post a reply to Putting it out there..
Putting it out there..
11/12-11/14 is the week I am proposing (Also my Birthday) for a football watch party at Harrahs Cherokee. They have a sports book there with a 90 Ft View screen. Would be fun to watch all the games in person hang out, etc. Could also reserve an area in the sports book for a group if there is enough interest. There is a bowling ally on campus as well as other entertainment. Arriving Sat evening with a chance to watch the prime time college games, NFL Sunday, leave Monday morning. Respond to this post with interest. Love y’all!!
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An abundance of caution
Posted - 9/14/2022 5:12:36 PM Post a reply to That is crazy
That is crazy
Sorry to hear about everyone.. hope all of the symptoms are minimal. Fuck Covid. Love you boys
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Zoom Link
Posted - 9/10/2022 8:01:48 PM Post a reply to Great job everyone!!
Great job everyone!!
Loved being in person with you all and the n0ob. Love all of you!!
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Weekend news
Posted - 9/8/2022 8:41:49 AM Post a reply to Preech the bribe idea
Preech the bribe idea
But there is no one else to work. Two other Bartenders are out of town. It’s gonna be ok. Can’t wait to see everyone Tomorrow!!
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Weekend news
Posted - 9/7/2022 6:02:34 PM Post a reply to Weekend news
Weekend news
A coworker at the bar has tested positive so now my Saturday night shift is uncovered…. which means I have to work it. Will need to leave by 7:30 pm on Saturday. Keith, still got that ranking que in the draft room?
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Just got my schedule for next week.
Posted - 9/2/2022 9:41:27 PM Post a reply to Nice Stu!!!
Nice Stu!!!
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Rules Proposal 25.3: Fucking Lockbox Injuries
Posted - 9/2/2022 7:14:47 PM Post a reply to Aye
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New Guy
Posted - 9/1/2022 6:49:51 PM Post a reply to I was thinking that same thing this morning
I was thinking that same thing this morning
What makes our league the best is all the traditions and the memories that we all have from them. I gotta say Dat that your performance was really memorable, but my version of “kiss” by Prince is tops! Good Luck Alex!! Dress to impress!!
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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/26/2022 9:27:59 AM Post a reply to Lager, Ale are great and I will drink any kind of beer except Belgian
Lager, Ale are great and I will drink any kind of beer except Belgian
Can’t wait fellas
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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/25/2022 6:31:48 AM Post a reply to Draft daze
Draft daze
Fellas.. I will arrive Friday afternoon sometime depending on when I get out of work. Kent, if you are not already there, I can give you a ride. I will bring a few racks of ribs for the smoker, coffee and H&H and of course, frozen pizza. Can’t wait!!
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/17/2022 11:31:12 AM Post a reply to I vote yes to get it out of committee
I vote yes to get it out of committee
Brilliant idea
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Woo hoo, tomorrow is declaration day!
Posted - 8/14/2022 1:37:23 PM Post a reply to I will start
I will start
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Countdown to the end of Eric's bachelorhood
Posted - 8/11/2022 5:27:17 PM Post a reply to Happy for you Eric!!
Happy for you Eric!!
Especially since Sara will be living with you week one. When I BLAST your team into tiny little pieces, you will have someone in house to comfort you. Enjoy!
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Customized Drafts!
Posted - 8/8/2022 7:02:49 AM Post a reply to Really Like the Old Man
Really Like the Old Man
Glad you are starting to feel better and I hope the stupid virus clears soon for you!❤️
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Posted - 8/3/2022 10:07:13 AM Post a reply to Fantastic!!
And welcome Jake!
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Rules Proposal 25.1: Injured Rookies
Posted - 7/30/2022 3:45:39 PM Post a reply to As an aside…
As an aside…
Rank those rookies appropriately… maybe even conservatively.
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Rules Proposal 25.1: Injured Rookies
Posted - 7/27/2022 9:45:26 AM Post a reply to I vote
I vote
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Rookie qualification
Posted - 7/25/2022 5:39:32 PM Post a reply to Agree with Zach
Agree with Zach
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Important News!
Posted - 7/21/2022 9:11:38 AM Post a reply to Draft Plans..
Draft Plans..
I plan on being out to Keith’s house by Friday 10 am or so. Bringing my tent and staying until Sunday morning. Cant wait!!
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Important News!
Posted - 7/21/2022 9:06:03 AM Post a reply to That’s great Zach!!
That’s great Zach!!
Have a BLAST in FL and we will miss you!
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Important News!
Posted - 7/21/2022 9:05:59 AM Post a reply to That’s great Zach!!
That’s great Zach!!
Have a BLAST in FL and we will miss you!
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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 7/3/2022 11:54:49 AM Post a reply to Well reasoned and thoughtful
Well reasoned and thoughtful
Unfortunately, you will be an outlier in RAGNAROK with that type of thinking. Can’t wait to cheers!!!
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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 6/28/2022 8:17:19 PM Post a reply to Welcome Alex!
Welcome Alex!
Can’t wait to meet ya and shake your hand. Until then, ponder this question.. Which inter dimensional being is more dangerous.. a Bigfoot or a Vampire?
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Roll Call!
Posted - 6/22/2022 5:13:28 PM Post a reply to 🐰
Is back.
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Ragnarok 2022 Draft Venue
Posted - 5/30/2022 11:12:09 AM Post a reply to Yey!!
I will be there in person with my tent… I have access to a 10X10 canopy as well for more outdoor shade or rain protection. Glad Kent got the new owner situated and can’t wait to gun for the loser play off winner spot ( my rightful place). Old school draft weekend, Love it!
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Upcoming Topics
Posted - 5/3/2022 9:49:53 AM Post a reply to Good job Kent!!
Good job Kent!!
And thank you Eric for organizing the draft game. I trust Kent 100% with navigating the course for a new addition to the league. Can’t wait to talk about what our draft will look like… no TE flex, 2 QB or any other change to roster/Starting line ups. If I am out voted so be it. No No No never. I love you!!!
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Ragnarok 2022
Posted - 4/2/2022 9:20:05 AM Post a reply to Saw the email for new beginning
Saw the email for new beginning
When I click the link, I don’t see the post
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Ragnarok 2022
Posted - 4/1/2022 3:32:46 PM Post a reply to Thank you Keith
Thank you Keith
..for starting off this conversation. You are right, we can be better. I apologize for my negative energy brought to the draft itself and the aftermath. I love each of you and want to continue in the league in whatever shape or form it becomes or if the format stays the same (with the obvious exception of no second QB😁). Let’s keep talking with one another. My friendship with you all is important and I want to maintain it. RAGNAROK FOREVER
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Sound off on the big game!
Posted - 2/11/2022 11:05:32 PM Post a reply to Sound off on the big game!
Sound off on the big game!
Fellas, I had a great convo with Eric the other day and it reminded me of how much I love you all and wish that we had more contact.. so let’s post about something that has happened recently that is positive in your life and call the winner of particular bet you like for the super bowl: I love joe bourrow but the Rams are gonna win the super bowl IMO and I love the over of 1.5 that during the broadcast the phrase “home team advantage “ will be said twice at least. Something new is my oldest daughter Betty qualified as a freshman to race in the state wide meet in the 200IM (swimming). So proud of her hard work. I hope everyone is well and add to the thread for an update. Let’s hear it!!
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/30/2021 7:27:14 PM Post a reply to I don’t know what everyone is talking about..
I don’t know what everyone is talking about..
Things are as they should be. Koo or Keith as the champ and Me as the losers champ. Everything is back to normal.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 12/8/2021 9:38:02 AM Post a reply to Let’s do it!
Let’s do it!
I thinks it’s a fun and clever way to resolve the extra week.
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Thankful for you guys!
Posted - 11/25/2021 8:37:53 AM Post a reply to Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I love y’all. Eat well and hug your family.
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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 10/31/2021 12:12:42 PM Post a reply to Playing hockey Monday night.
Playing hockey Monday night.
Miss you boys.
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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/7/2021 8:58:02 AM Post a reply to Fuck yea Commish!!
Fuck yea Commish!!
Locked and loaded
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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/5/2021 8:10:12 AM Post a reply to Just another day for the Commish
Just another day for the Commish
Kicking Ass!! Let’s fucking go!!
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 9/3/2021 3:52:05 PM Post a reply to provisions
i am bringing: stuff for painkillers, 13 gallon trash bags, 12 oz. bag whole bean non-flavored coffee, quart of H&H,Pringles, 5lb. bag of yukon golds, 5 lb. bag apples, bag of baby carrots, making a double batch hummus, making mango salsa, 1 pineapple. Lets Fucking Go!!!!! Cant wait boys!!!
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Aurora Realignment
Posted - 8/31/2021 5:35:24 PM Post a reply to Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble
Is always the right choice
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Sooo Close!!!
Posted - 8/30/2021 8:31:40 AM Post a reply to Sooo Close!!!
Sooo Close!!!
I am giddy with anticipation for the best 4 days in the year. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! Which is why i feel the need to talk about getting tested before the draft. I am pretty sure that we are all on the same page with this.. but just to spell it out so there are no misunderstandings..If you plan on arriving on Thursday, you need to get a PCR test done on Tuesday, September 7. If you plan on arriving on Friday, you need to get a PCR test done on Wed. September 8. You will need to have proof of the negative test. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS NOW. Do not wait and screw yourself out of the best time you'll have all year. There are no excuses. PCR test is the only acceptable test. I have been getting tested weekly because of my Job and my proximity to kids who are too young to be vaxed. I have tested negative each time with a PCR test and positive once with an antibody rapid test. Rapid tests are unreliable and will not be an accepted form of negative Covid. Lets respect each other, love each other and take care of each other. The first step in demonstrating those actions is getting tested on one of those two days in accordance with which day you are planning to arrive. Aw man... I am going to get so fucking high!

The Champ.
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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 8/22/2021 8:43:26 PM Post a reply to I like it.
I like it.
On board.
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Let’s get with it boys!
Posted - 8/20/2021 11:06:06 AM Post a reply to Let’s get with it boys!
Let’s get with it boys!
A few owners are lagging behind with the auction nominations. Takes all of us to do this…let’s pick it up!⚡️🌈❤️
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Starting to get really close?
Posted - 8/14/2021 10:13:28 AM Post a reply to 8/17 is good with me
8/17 is good with me
Can’t wait!
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An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
Posted - 8/13/2021 8:07:21 PM Post a reply to Uncle Bill
Uncle Bill
He sounded like a nice fella. Thanks for sharing a nice memory. Defending champion Blast keep CMC.
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A little over a month away
Posted - 8/8/2021 3:43:42 PM Post a reply to 4 nights
4 nights
Start to finish for me
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Covid and The Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/1/2021 12:57:32 PM Post a reply to I agree
I agree
That is a great idea. I will also get a PCR test on the 2 days before I arrive on Thursday. I am not able to isolate after the test as my job is front facing with people. I have been masking at my job starting this past week and we as a business have been strictly following CDC guild lines for what that is worth to everyone. Even with a negative PCR test I think it’s important for everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable. I personally will probably still wear a mask indoors. But I don’t expect anyone else to if they don’t want to. I can’t wait to see everyone and Stu.. I really hope you are able to make it. I don’t see any problem with starting late on Friday. Love you all!
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Similar news...
Posted - 7/24/2021 7:16:21 AM Post a reply to Kick ass!!
Kick ass!!
Dat, your hard work is paying off. Congratulations!!
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/21/2021 6:18:07 PM Post a reply to Oh No!!
Oh No!!
I totally understand the time off thing after just getting back to work. Let’s hope for the best!!
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Ah, it's summer and the smell of football is in the air
Posted - 7/17/2021 12:19:36 PM Post a reply to Thought this is Koo’s dead horse, not yours Commish..
Thought this is Koo’s dead horse, not yours Commish..
Everything matures…simply from the passage of time as we understand it. What has given Tenure to this “2 QB” discussion that we have been having for 8-10(?) years is not the validity of the change.. not wether it will make our league (that each and everyone of us loves) better.. but really, what kind of league do we have? Over the years, our scoring system has changed, we have altered rules to increase competitiveness, we sculpt the draft to be the most extraordinary, coolest weekend that exists. But we have never fundamentally altered how we would “play” the game. Adopting a change to our roster and scoring system as dramatic as adding a second QB would change how to prepare for the draft, draft strategy, roster/FA decisions not to mention more randomness in scoring results ( if the premise of QB’s are undervalued is in fact true.) It would change how we play our league and how it functions. So the real question is, what king of league do we want? One that is stable, steeped in tradition, or one that changes it it plays from year to year? I will have a proposal at draft weekend that can possibly satisfy both. Can’t Fucking Wait!!
The Champ
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Posted - 7/8/2021 1:10:26 PM Post a reply to Bills and Vikings
Bills and Vikings
Are the same team right? Playoff chokers to the end!
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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 8:19:38 PM Post a reply to I am in favor of keeping where he is
I am in favor of keeping where he is
But, not gonna make a stink about it. Not a fan of the whole league reset idea. If your team is in Hel, you have definitely earned it.
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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 6/30/2021 9:38:29 AM Post a reply to Let’s all vote by Friday?
Let’s all vote by Friday?
I will put up a poll… that’s anonymous right?
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New Blood
Posted - 6/24/2021 11:32:43 AM Post a reply to FNG
I really like Tom and believe he would be a great addition our league but am not against any recommendations from Eric, Keith or anyone else if they wish to nominate. Let’s fucking go!!
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New Blood
Posted - 6/24/2021 11:32:38 AM Post a reply to FNG
I really like Tom and believe he would be a great addition our league but am not against any recommendations from Eric, Keith or anyone else if they wish to nominate. Let’s fucking go!!
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A sad day.
Posted - 6/18/2021 8:38:51 AM Post a reply to Very Sad
Very Sad
I am gonna miss you being in the league Scott. I am grateful to have gotten to know you and spent the time that I did with you. All my love to you and your family. You will be missed.
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Rookie Rule clarifications
Posted - 5/31/2021 7:18:50 AM Post a reply to 2020 was lost
2020 was lost
And so is everything involved with RAGNAROK in 2020. I am fine with it. For the 2019 rookies drafted, rule still applies in this draft, correct?
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Official Aurora Roll Call!
Posted - 5/30/2021 4:26:39 PM Post a reply to Bunny is in
Bunny is in
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Posted - 5/26/2021 10:07:56 AM Post a reply to I hate change
I hate change
Also, I hate not playing FF. Never have been a fan of VP but still play in the league. Just wanna play. Do whatever you crazy kids think of and I am in.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/22/2021 8:17:06 AM Post a reply to Stu!!!
And that’s why Stu is the best
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/21/2021 9:05:46 PM Post a reply to Newland house
Newland house
The Newland house is in a good location, has great bed space, awesome draft room, plenty of kitchen space and the price is right. Keith, I think you will be the only person unvaccinated. You can just take the basement area as your space and then wear a mask in the house when we draft. No worries about covered outdoor space, all though that temp cover is plenty big and should work just fine. There is plenty of space around the house even though it is in a neighborhood. Check the pic and the map. I can float the down payment to this house. Let me know any dying concerns about this house by Monday 7 am. At 8 am I will book it.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/21/2021 8:55:09 PM Post a reply to Draft house
Draft house
Blowing rock has been booked… by someone else. It’s out of the running.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 5/20/2021 6:39:31 AM Post a reply to I like it!!
I like it!!
Also, as long as the RAGNAROK championship maintains it integrity as the “ championship “ that matters, I am all for it. Blowing rock house won the competition for draft house. Any one got enough float to put the deposit down?
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The Big One: Covid on Rosters
Posted - 4/22/2021 9:08:58 AM Post a reply to i kinda agree with Jeremy
i kinda agree with Jeremy
Erics idea only after Sunday FA but also,maybe tough luck? pre covid, players missed games because "illness" all the time. I would not be shocked if players do miss games this year because of covid, the NFL will call it "illness". If that happens, do we all get to replace a player because of "illness" even if its not covid?
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Rookie Rule clarifications
Posted - 4/15/2021 8:04:04 AM Post a reply to Agreed
So many rookies!!
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/12/2021 6:00:59 PM Post a reply to Its the Finals!!
Its the Finals!!
here are the top 3 answers in the house poll with the addition of the Newton house.

Blowing Rock #1

Roaring Gap #1

Lake Gaston #1

Newland #1

drop your vote here on the thread

I vote Newland.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 4/11/2021 8:27:33 AM Post a reply to schedule
I dont like option A. I do like option b as it gives Ragnarok a "wild card weekend" feel but i understand if someone doesn't like it. Prefer B but ok with C as well.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 4/11/2021 8:27:31 AM Post a reply to schedule
I dont like option A. I do like option b as it gives Ragnarok a "wild card weekend" feel but i understand if someone doesn't like it. Prefer B but ok with C as well.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/11/2021 8:14:46 AM Post a reply to one more for your consideration
one more for your consideration
Newland #1

plenty of outdoor space, great draft room, price is right, near golf and a pool.
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Rules Proposal 24.1: Conditional Starts
Posted - 4/8/2021 4:56:10 PM Post a reply to Agreed
It’s a no brainer. Also, so glad that you will be there for the draft Keith! I think I speak for everyone when I say I respect any decisions based in science and certainly, we are very early on with how the vaccines are going to play out against this virus. That being said, I hope that they kick much virus ass so that you can have a bed because that Friday mid draft nap that you take every year is gonna logistically be tricky for ya! ❤️
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/5/2021 7:05:55 PM Post a reply to That’s great Kent!
That’s great Kent!
I am glad you like that particular house, but if you would please (And EVERYONE else who has not responded to my original email) rank your top 3 choices so that the incredibly complicated scientific process can commence. Thanks!!!
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Draft house
Posted - 4/2/2021 4:34:40 PM Post a reply to Sure!!
One question though, does it get below 40 in September there? Don’t know if I can handle that. Wherever we decide to have the draft this year, let’s get on with it gentlemen. Make your opinions known!

The Champ
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 3/31/2021 3:47:57 PM Post a reply to Draft Houses
Draft Houses
process complete by 4/8/21.

Kerr Lake #1

Lake Tillery #1

Lake Tillery #2

Lake Gaston #1

Charlotte #1

Blowing Rock #1

Roaring Gap #1

Chapel Hill #1

Beech Mountain #1

inactive: https://www.vrbo.com/393573ha
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Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted - 11/26/2020 7:35:15 AM Post a reply to Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Whether at the beach, your homes or the plains or the mountains, eat the food and love your family.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 10/29/2020 1:47:53 PM Post a reply to Mid way point.
Mid way point.
So... here we are, half way through.. I just wanted to touch base with everyone with some thoughts...1. The Champ is here, everyone calm down. It’s gonna be ok. 2. I have enjoyed the messaging and interaction between all teams in the fake league. Was the main reason in my mind why I thought it important to do the fake league. I miss you y’all dearly. This past opening weekend of the season was the worst. 3. Love the YouTube tv share for red zone. Thanks big time to Jax and Keith. 4. Huge match up this weekend between arch rivals Koo and Keith. Which got me thinking about the thing I miss the most from our regular operating procedures. 5. Scribbles. I miss Scibbles (and you too Kent!!😁) I hope you are well Kent. I miss your writing, your bad personnel decisions and your kind heart. I. Any wait to be with you all again at the fucking earliest possible moment.
The Champ.
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Draft Day
Posted - 8/25/2020 9:41:14 AM Post a reply to Good
Good for me
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Draft Day
Posted - 8/18/2020 6:01:10 PM Post a reply to That is correct.
That is correct.
Scott you do need to be passed out in order for it to count.
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Draft Day
Posted - 8/18/2020 10:21:31 AM Post a reply to I am good either way
I am good either way
I am available at some during all those days. People who are actually working should talk about their schedules to firm it up.
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Draft Day
Posted - 8/12/2020 10:59:08 AM Post a reply to Make it quick
Make it quick
I think we give 3 minutes per round, make it quick and easy. It needs to be the antithesis of Ragnarok, no? I think so. Could be finished in 3 hours.
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Draft Day
Posted - 8/12/2020 8:37:20 AM Post a reply to Would love to set the date
Would love to set the date
ASAP. Let’s go canes!!
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some random rules thoughts for SFAGFY
Posted - 8/8/2020 1:10:38 PM Post a reply to Understand but..
Understand but..
Those are all very practical, astute observations. I was thinking along the lines of this not being Ragnarok and that there prolly won’t be a full season (or at least a full season with copious weekly unfit to play), trying to make the whole process quick and painless. Do something weird to mirror everything that is happening around us. I didn’t think of the point of making the draft less important. I strongly agree with that point so I yield any more discussion on the rules to whom ever is making that decision (Joe) let’s do this and set a date!!
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some random rules thoughts for SFAGFY
Posted - 8/5/2020 6:44:42 PM Post a reply to Line up
Line up
Having 5 starting slots and say 8 bench slots helps mitigate the need for an IR, making FA more open and a shorter draft. I say let’s get weird.
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some random rules thoughts for SFAGFY
Posted - 8/5/2020 6:03:11 PM Post a reply to Scoring
Definitely need at least 1 super flex. Why not eliminate kickers all together? I think small starting roster will be better for more options. Qb, super, RB, WR TE only.
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Hosting site for the 2020 season
Posted - 8/4/2020 7:28:32 AM Post a reply to Sleeper
I used Sleeper last year for the OCSC league and it was great
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Ragnarok 2020 is officially suspended
Posted - 7/27/2020 3:29:30 PM Post a reply to Agreed
This is a crappy situation we are all in. To maintain the integrity of Ragnarok, there is no other choice. Asking Keith to put more time into trying to change the nuts and bolts to the platform to accommodate all the unknowns is not brotherly or realistic. Trying to keep our connection that we have during the fall because of football is important to me. Having a side league is a great opportunity to have that. perhaps a 2 QB league? I am thinking a small starting roster and small number of bench players with wide open FA and no trade deadline...prolly PPR, maybe tying DEF scoring to solo tackles and QB pressures/sacks? Start: 2QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, 1 TE, 1 FLEX, 1 DEF. 5 bench slots. No kickers. Scoring system should be gonzo.

Chime in if you want to participate so we can set a draft date. Labor day weekend? We can do a 12 round draft pretty quick, less than 3 hours easy. I hope everyone wants to play.

The Champ.

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Ragnarok Hockey Social #1
Posted - 7/27/2020 12:33:42 PM Post a reply to Hockey social!!
Hockey social!!
Let’s go canes!! Also, anyone have solid plans over Labor Day weekend?
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best thrash metal nobody's heard of
Posted - 7/21/2020 12:42:24 PM Post a reply to Draft
So, maybe I missed this but are we still Drafting over two days?
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Happy Birthday, Eric
Posted - 7/15/2020 9:12:14 AM Post a reply to Is Hal OK?
Is Hal OK?
If he keeps saying I get the first pick, it’s science!!
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2020 Aurora roll call!
Posted - 7/14/2020 6:08:08 AM Post a reply to Bunny
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2020 Ragnarok Social #2
Posted - 7/9/2020 10:23:31 AM Post a reply to Yes
I can be on for a little bit.
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Greatest car chase in cinema history?
Posted - 7/9/2020 6:48:47 AM Post a reply to Never seen Bullet?
Never seen Bullet?
Steve McQueen driving a fast back mustang chased by a Plymouth fury up and down San Francisco. Can’t be beat.
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Greatest car chase in cinema history?
Posted - 7/9/2020 6:48:44 AM Post a reply to Never seen Bullet?
Never seen Bullet?
Steve McQueen driving a fast back mustang chased by a Plymouth fury up and down San Francisco. Can’t be beat.
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Some Good News In All The Muck and Myre
Posted - 6/4/2020 10:53:33 AM Post a reply to Congratulations Zach
Congratulations Zach
Nice to see hard work paying off!!
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Draft, 2020
Posted - 5/19/2020 9:08:48 AM Post a reply to Draft, 2020
Draft, 2020
I think it’s fair to say that Ragnarok draft 2020 is going to look like no other draft that has preceded this year. I cannot describe to you how much disappointment I have for not being able more than likely to see all of you in person over a weekend that is truly my favorite weekend of the year. So, if that is the case, and it looks like there will be some type of NFL season, what is our draft going to look like? I personally am NOT Interested in doing some type of hybrid auction/snake draft, an idea that was flooded during our first Ragnarok social. Fundamentally changing our league I believe dishonors our tradition and our history. Certainly we have tweaked our rules over the last 24 years mostly for the better, but changing the way we draft? It’s a bridge too far for me. So what do you think it’s should look like? Keep it to two days over zoom? Multiple days over the course of the final week before Sunday kick off? Multiple days the week(s)before to incorporate the Thursday game? Let’s discuss. Miss you guys.❤️ The Champ
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2020 NFL Draft social #1
Posted - 4/19/2020 7:54:03 AM Post a reply to I am in for this!!
I am in for this!!
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Official Ragnarok Draft House thread
Posted - 3/9/2020 7:44:01 PM Post a reply to Official Ragnarok Draft House thread
Official Ragnarok Draft House thread
Seeing my trophy in the header makes me feel good.
Here are some options in no particular order:





Here is a start boys!
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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 3/9/2020 6:01:05 PM Post a reply to Congrats zach!!
Congrats zach!!
it must feel nice to see hard work pay off not just for you but four students as well. thats great news about Vegas Too!! i am gonna put up some locations for this years draft soon. if anyone else wants to chime in, feel free!!
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Way off topic.
Posted - 3/9/2020 5:58:13 PM Post a reply to that is the best
that is the best
some incredible salad right there.so much flow.
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Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Posted - 2/28/2020 11:20:34 AM Post a reply to 9/10-9/14
Full draft weekend.
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Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Posted - 2/26/2020 11:28:52 AM Post a reply to I know you weren’t saying no
I know you weren’t saying no
Was thanking you and Kent for being the only ones who interacted. Good luck in KY!!
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Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Posted - 2/26/2020 10:06:40 AM Post a reply to Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Well, let’s talk draft house then?
Since the overwhelming response to me trying to start a discussion on Las Vegas next year was so warmly met ( thanks Zach and Kent!) let’s talk draft house for this year. I missed the water last year. Thoughts?
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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 2/15/2020 8:53:53 AM Post a reply to Correct
2021 would be Ragnarok 25. Kent, Prostitution is illegal inside the city limits of Las Vegas, sorry to disappoint. But you are probably right about bail. There are a couple of housing options. 1.Hotels: most hotels have rooms with double beds. We could house two persons per room like this or get cozy and house 4 per. B: suite options- could house 4 people, if we went this route, we prolly would only need one and that room would host the draft as well. All other rooms would be regular. C: there are 2 hotels that have bunk rooms as in 2 bunk beds per room. Airbnb or some other rental service: I have rented a house in Vegas a few years ago for 10 people and it was pretty easy to get around with Uber and Lyft. Plus the obvious place to have a draft. As far as hotels go with this new place being built, we don’t have to stay there per say but I am gonna watch football there on Sunday in my bathing suit Fer real. Also I forgot, Stu has been a part of this conversation before my initial post. (Sorry Stu!). I will do some quantitative analytical analysis in the fall, pricing out all options, flights from all 5 different airports, etc. Meantime, I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts about the idea.
And please, remember...
You are in the blast zone
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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 2/14/2020 10:44:23 AM Post a reply to Here is some info about the new hotel
Here is some info about the new hotel

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It’s good to be the champ
Posted - 2/14/2020 10:26:26 AM Post a reply to It’s good to be the champ
It’s good to be the champ
Just feeling it today boys. Hey, let’s talk about some stuff. Me, Keith, Jeremy and Sean have been kicking around an idea to celibate Ragnarok 25 (it’s next year). What if we drafted in Vegas? The lodging would be less expensive than the house we had last year. Maybe agree to put our dues to the housing to help mitigate the cost? Flights from RDU are pretty cheep. ( $250 trip). A new hotel is opening at the end of this year downtown (where I like to be) that will have a six level pool area with a 130 foot screen to watch sports on and the worlds largest sports book. Imagine watching opening day NFL in a pool? Let’s have an open discussion here about how we can make this happen and truly make Ragnarok the greatest FF league ever. ❤️ Billy
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Super bowl party
Posted - 1/28/2020 6:49:01 AM Post a reply to Super bowl party
Super bowl party
Fellas, I will have the game on the 10 ft big screen in 1080p with Quadfaphonic sound at OCSC on Sunday. Makings veggie chili and Red beans and rice with andouille. Be great if any y’all can make it and if you want to bring a dish feel free! Hope everyone is well. YOU ARE IN THE BLAST ZONE!!
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Posted - 1/4/2020 7:30:08 PM Post a reply to Stat Fix
Stat Fix
Not able to select players from “reports a stat issue”.
Hopkins missing PAT
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Posted - 1/2/2020 4:40:05 PM Post a reply to Chris G
Chris G
No sweats. How about 9:45 so you are not rushing?
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A Battle Worthy of the Maccabees
Posted - 12/23/2019 7:37:46 AM Post a reply to And also..
And also..
Greet game and season Keith!! You are the best!!
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A Battle Worthy of the Maccabees
Posted - 12/23/2019 7:37:14 AM Post a reply to WOWZA!!
I knew I had a good chance when Pats D only scored 2 pts. Has to be the first time a team has won the championship with 0 total points from all three WR. Crazy.
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Calling all cars!!!
Posted - 12/16/2019 7:37:12 PM Post a reply to Calling all cars!!!
Calling all cars!!!
Rage dropping Josh Gordon
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Bitfrost is coming
Posted - 12/10/2019 3:08:06 PM Post a reply to Defense is the strongest part of my team!!!!
Defense is the strongest part of my team!!!!
Everyone is saying so. A lot of teams are saying my Defense is great. Very underrated. Very fine people.

Hey, looks pretty cold up there, please put a hat on when you go outside. When someone like yourself who is “hair challenged” , the hat will really help..... With the ladies. Well, we are all thinking of you Dave. This year might be there year!
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Bitfrost is coming
Posted - 12/10/2019 1:15:14 PM Post a reply to Hahahah!! Sick burn!!!!
Hahahah!! Sick burn!!!!
How is hunting season?
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Bitfrost is coming
Posted - 12/10/2019 12:19:29 PM Post a reply to Hahaha Bit
Hahaha Bit
Spelling champion of the world
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Bitfrost is coming
Posted - 12/10/2019 12:18:47 PM Post a reply to Bitfrost is coming
Bitfrost is coming
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/6/2019 4:22:59 PM Post a reply to Let’s talk about why we are even discussing this
Let’s talk about why we are even discussing this
once again, Stu is the voice. But where did this all start? It didn’t start with points Zach. Joe, it didn’t start with Fucking the Medical Center. It started when Koo, a couple years ago, full of hubris after winning about 7 championships in a row, thought he knew what was best for our Ragnarok. Let’s add an QB to the roster he said. We need to value QBs more he said. Really what was going on was Football guys website was full of articles about 2QB leagues that year and he thought to himself, (full of hubris) self, I think we need to make our league evolve. It’s obviously gotten to easy for me. Well, here we are a few years later and it’s not so easy anymore. The rule changes implemented in the past couple years have dramatically changed the landscape of Ragnarok for the better IMHO. There is no need to make our league a 2 QB league. Now, more than ever, Draft prep is key to the success of ones team. That is what makes Ragnarok the best. Not 2QBs, not PPR not any of that goofy ass shit. Everyone has a chance now. What are ya gonna do with it?
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/6/2019 7:37:07 AM Post a reply to Thank you Stu
Thank you Stu
The voice of reason has spoken. If it ain’t broke , why fix it?
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 11/28/2019 12:42:52 PM Post a reply to A thoughtful article from the Surt
A thoughtful article from the Surt
I am not a fan of changing the scoring system for our single QBs system. I do think however that the scoring system idea for 2 QBs is creative and the best suggestion so far for the possible change. Happy Turkey day boys!! You can
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High School Play Festival
Posted - 11/23/2019 5:10:53 PM Post a reply to Congratulations!!
Keep up the good work!
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Tie Breaker
Posted - 11/19/2019 8:05:57 AM Post a reply to Tie Breaker
Tie Breaker
Don’t think this is covered specifically in the rules, what if two teams in the same division are tied for the division title after week 13? Total points is what gives one team the win of the division? Seems like division record should be the first tie breaker for division title, then total points for play off seeding. Or I could be missing something.
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Oh No!!! The Surt are coming!!!
Posted - 10/23/2019 5:35:35 PM Post a reply to Oh No!!! The Surt are coming!!!
Oh No!!! The Surt are coming!!!
Dave, by the way, I have it in good authority that the Deer are really gonna be out in force this week and weekend. Good hunting!!
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Best Commish in sports might just be Keith Mickelson
Posted - 10/10/2019 1:09:07 PM Post a reply to Here here
Here here
Never any doubt about who is the best
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Big game tonight!!
Posted - 10/7/2019 6:29:37 PM Post a reply to Big game tonight!!
Big game tonight!!
Bunny up by 1 vs Do Dads. Bunny has 9ers DEF, Do Dads have Jarvis Landry. Stranger things have happened!!
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Positive Vibes to you Kent!!
Posted - 10/6/2019 8:23:40 AM Post a reply to Positive Vibes to you Kent!!
Positive Vibes to you Kent!!
I love you and am thinking of you!
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Last call Las Vegas
Posted - 10/2/2019 10:34:43 AM Post a reply to Last call Las Vegas
Last call Las Vegas
The most excellent Las Vegas excursion is just a month away. Keith and I would love if anyone else wants to join. Call me directly if you want the details.
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2019 Football Social #1
Posted - 10/2/2019 10:32:28 AM Post a reply to Sounds great
Sounds great
Looking forward to it boys!!
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2019 Football Social #1
Posted - 10/1/2019 9:47:26 AM Post a reply to I am in
I am in
Will meet anywhere
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I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
Posted - 9/11/2019 8:58:56 PM Post a reply to Saw that too.
Saw that too.
I reported to the doppelgänger tab couple days ago. Should have checked your roster.
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I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
Posted - 9/11/2019 8:38:59 PM Post a reply to Yes
My FA bid on him is void.
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It's that time of year again for my annual let make defenses relevant!
Posted - 9/8/2019 2:22:34 PM Post a reply to DeF
And they lost
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 9/5/2019 2:27:38 AM Post a reply to I got cards
I got cards
And I can bring chips as well if you don’t want to bring yours Keith
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 8/15/2019 7:43:15 AM Post a reply to Stoked
I will bring a cocktail for the weekend, a chrome book, and plans for a meal for Sunday football. And TP/ paper towels. Thursday-Monday.
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Pick 1.01
Posted - 8/14/2019 10:22:29 AM Post a reply to Pick 1.01
Pick 1.01
Is available. Let’s talk.
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Posted - 8/14/2019 8:31:25 AM Post a reply to Blast
Keep CMC, Kirk 9th round
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Fresh meat! We have a new owner!
Posted - 8/2/2019 9:37:55 AM Post a reply to Welcome Michael!
Welcome Michael!
Good luck this season
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Rules Proposal 23.2: Enforcing Starting Lineups
Posted - 7/31/2019 2:00:50 PM Post a reply to Mega bucks Fer sure.
Mega bucks Fer sure.
Love the jacket idea Koo
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I'm in
Posted - 7/17/2019 6:23:51 PM Post a reply to Bunny’s
Are IN
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Skullsplitters keepers
Posted - 6/25/2019 1:39:10 PM Post a reply to Great!!
First over all just like I projected!
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Skullsplitters keepers
Posted - 6/25/2019 12:46:22 PM Post a reply to What round you keeping
What round you keeping
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Rules Proposal 23.8: The Thursday Lock Box
Posted - 6/12/2019 11:22:08 AM Post a reply to agreed
I talked to Keith about this Sunday. I like the idea of a fucking lock box, but want to take out any human error type situations that could possibly occur. We will all be having a couple pops those two days after all.
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Mock draft season is here
Posted - 6/1/2019 9:22:57 AM Post a reply to Keeping Kirk
Keeping Kirk
In the 8 th is a little risky, no? Might wanna adjust that mock.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/7/2019 10:45:26 AM Post a reply to lets do it then
lets do it then
#7. good golf near by as well. i am in for all 4 nights.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/6/2019 12:11:30 PM Post a reply to my new top three
my new top three
Camp run the fuck, pinehurst #1, second one down on the list that Koo provided.lets go Canes!!!!
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/28/2019 3:29:04 PM Post a reply to My preference
My preference
Lake Norman 1, Taylorsville 1, Pinehurst 1. Thanks Keith for doing the research!!
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/28/2019 10:55:56 AM Post a reply to Houses
Hyko is cool. I have spent a lot of time there. One thing to consider though is that there is a coal power plant on the lake and the water is quite warm most of the year.( lake isn’t that big)also, not a lot of stores for provisions if not near the Roxboro side of the lake. I am fine where we land as long as I have a bed to sleep on as my back is not very good these days.
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NFL Vegas Social 2019
Posted - 4/16/2019 7:57:28 PM Post a reply to NFL Vegas Social 2019
NFL Vegas Social 2019
Fellas, Keith and Billy have purchased tickets for airfare from RDU to Vegas and back for $200. Dates are 11/2-11/4. All Day on Sunday at the Westgate sprtsbook, the biggest in the world. Keith and I did it last year and let me tell you, you will never experience the NFL the same again. Would be great to get a group to go out with us. You won’t be sorry.
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Rules Proposal 23.4: Choose Your Award
Posted - 2/19/2019 1:08:01 PM Post a reply to Yes
To all new rules proposals 23.2,23.3,23.4
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worst to first
Posted - 12/25/2018 7:51:12 PM Post a reply to Thanks everyone!!
Thanks everyone!!
Winning the loser play off and the #1 over all pick was difficult. I mean, really difficult. But now that I have fulfilled my destiny, all is right in the fantasy world. You are all the best!!
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Posted - 11/30/2018 2:16:27 PM Post a reply to Stu, thank you
Stu, thank you
I agree with stu. Teams that make the playoffs in any sport sometimes have better records than a team that is seeded higher. That is how the divisional set up works. I congratulate Sean on his record this year. His team is really good. Unfortunately for him, Jeremy’s is better. That’s just life man. Tough nuggies. When Koo rips through the first two games of the playoffs and meets the gamblers in the championship game, the result will still be the same. Because as Jeremy has said to me before, he can’t beat Koo at anything.( Except golf). So don’t worry, everything is gonna work out as it should. Can’t wait to drop a shit ton of cash against the Bills this weekend.
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Posted - 11/30/2018 4:13:13 AM Post a reply to Playoff seeding declaration!
Playoff seeding declaration!
What ever Zack says is the new rule. I motion for a vote.
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Posted - 11/27/2018 3:49:42 PM Post a reply to Ok by me
Ok by me
Thursday 7pmbefore week 13 starts makes sense
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Posted - 11/9/2018 12:23:06 PM Post a reply to Trades
I’m just asking, but is it in the rules that Trades can happen once play in the week starts? I.e. the maulers in skullsplitters trade? I’m fine with Trade,I’m just asking.
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My Mom
Posted - 10/20/2018 8:45:10 AM Post a reply to My Mom
My Mom
My mom has been sick for a while and she passed this morning at 3:07. Toughest person I have ever met. She was my mom, and we didn’t have a lot in common. But we both love to cook. And that’s how we would spend our time together. I am gonna miss that.

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football social?
Posted - 10/4/2018 3:39:46 PM Post a reply to Blast
Are in
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Posted - 10/2/2018 8:38:54 AM Post a reply to Alan’s Colts
Alan’s Colts
Is a mother flipping Buzzsaw!!! Jeesh!!
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football social?
Posted - 9/27/2018 6:59:57 PM Post a reply to Like that Chiefs V Pats game
Like that Chiefs V Pats game
Would love to watch Tommy boy lose
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Big trip!!
Posted - 9/15/2018 8:55:20 PM Post a reply to Big trip!!
Big trip!!
Keith and I are going back to Vegas 12/1-12/3 to witness the unbelievable beauty of the Westgate sports book on a NFL Sunday. Any other takers?
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Thanks to everyone for another successful draft weekend.
Posted - 9/12/2018 8:20:34 PM Post a reply to Found the hat
Found the hat
It was in the pile of super bowl victory.
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first Aurora Free Agency is tonight
Posted - 9/7/2018 8:27:21 AM Post a reply to Footballs
Indicate that the player is playing in a game at that moment, and that spot is locked. You can sub any player out until the game in which they are playing starts.
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Can holdouts trigger Jamal Lewis Rule?
Posted - 9/6/2018 11:06:18 AM Post a reply to I think that's right.
I think that's right.
Can’t wait to take him #7 over all!
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can someone please bring a web camera?
Posted - 9/6/2018 11:03:58 AM Post a reply to I got it
I got it
Getting one right now
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