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Rules Proposals
Realignment (2007 proposed new rule)

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Member since: 11/19/2003
2024 Logins: 89
Last Login: 9/20/2024
  From: NC

All posts by Mountaineer:

Thread Topic
Mc Caffrey
Posted - 9/17/2024 9:45:23 PM Post a reply to Many players...
Many players...
...are sidelined.

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I love...
Posted - 9/15/2024 6:06:06 PM Post a reply to Wow!
These scores are wild.
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I love...
Posted - 9/15/2024 4:37:10 PM Post a reply to I love...
I love...
...when the scoreboard button is pushed.

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Posted - 9/10/2024 9:39:35 PM Post a reply to Perfect song!
Perfect song!
Bro-mance is real.
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Auction Free agent screw ups
Posted - 9/5/2024 10:16:37 AM Post a reply to Oh I see...
Oh I see...
The auction is still going on! I went there and it seemed to be disabled so I thought it was complete. My b. If you had him in the auction on the block, you should get him and I should get Bucky back.

Sorry Bells. Thought you were talking about FA!
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Auction Free agent screw ups
Posted - 9/5/2024 10:14:21 AM Post a reply to Jaleel
I bid $11 on McLaughlin.
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Have I ever been more excited?
Posted - 9/4/2024 5:21:07 PM Post a reply to Have I ever been more excited?
Have I ever been more excited?

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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 9/1/2024 8:45:29 PM Post a reply to Roger. Over.
Roger. Over.
Thanks Commish.
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/30/2024 11:59:08 PM Post a reply to And their score.
And their score.
No Matter What.

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Fuck Yeah!
Posted - 8/30/2024 10:57:54 PM Post a reply to Fuck Yeah!
Fuck Yeah!
Happy last Friday for August 2024!

Fuckin love my team (exceptforthreetofiveguysthatiwilldropsoon) and get ready to get ROXXED by the DOX!

haha that shit is funny...

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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/24/2024 1:30:26 PM Post a reply to Heck yeah
Heck yeah
Someone just post a list of ingredients. Happy pitch in if Dat wants to 🍲 it up!
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Two Weeks!
Posted - 8/23/2024 3:02:03 PM Post a reply to Two Weeks!
Two Weeks!

So ready!
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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/21/2024 1:59:55 PM Post a reply to WOW!
Lots of food. I'll bring hydration other than beer. And Beer. Gatorades, juice, soda, some bottled water - lake house water can sometimes taste odd. Let me know if you would prefer anything different unless you are overworking the liver that weekend, or for the bar.

A colleague went to KC this summer and SAYS he got me a bottle of one of the local famous BBQ sauces which I plan to use all of there. Haven't decided what to put them on, but thinking wings. I have an air fryer that I will bring if anyone thought it may be useful.

So excited to see you guys! hoe to leave school by 1:30 which lands me on Song Bird Drive between 5:30-6:00.

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Good Luck and Have Fun!
Posted - 8/17/2024 2:47:30 PM Post a reply to Good Luck and Have Fun!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Cool that we ALL came back!

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New Theme for the Home Page!
Posted - 8/15/2024 8:59:41 PM Post a reply to New Theme for the Home Page!
New Theme for the Home Page!
Dig it.
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Posted - 7/31/2024 3:36:42 PM Post a reply to Ice King is in!
Ice King is in!
He allowed me to officially accept the invitation on his honor.

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Posted - 7/29/2024 4:30:27 PM Post a reply to Boone Dox...
Boone Dox...
...has money. Will spend.

Try not to lose. haha.
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single digits...
Posted - 7/6/2024 2:41:42 PM Post a reply to Ah well
Ah well
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single digits...
Posted - 7/6/2024 2:37:46 PM Post a reply to single digits...
single digits...
...to the draft pick slot place where you draft. Mutha Fuckas.

Les g0!

BTW Go Swiss!
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single digits...
Posted - 7/6/2024 2:37:23 PM Post a reply to single digits...
single digits...
...to the draft pick slot place where you draft. Mutha Fuckas.

Les g0!

BTW Go Swiss!
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One month
Posted - 7/1/2024 9:35:51 PM Post a reply to One month
One month
…cannot go by without a post.

That’s it.
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Daily Ramblings
Posted - 6/2/2024 3:00:08 PM Post a reply to Hoes? I was gonna say…
Hoes? I was gonna say…
The Rebellion Bulleits haven’t played in a decade. (Bu-dum Ting!)
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Daily Ramblings
Posted - 5/27/2024 7:55:02 PM Post a reply to Daily Ramblings
Daily Ramblings
Just making ramblings... it's been a minute.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 10:43:00 PM Post a reply to Radio Edit.
Radio Edit.
I forgot the word “I” before the word vote in my last post. I’m not so arrogant.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 9:45:53 PM Post a reply to Well shit
Well shit
I laid it out there, so vote for that one. It’s OUR Vegas.
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Draft Day 2024.
Posted - 4/25/2024 7:59:23 PM Post a reply to Draft Day 2024.
Draft Day 2024.
Les go!
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/19/2024 10:35:59 AM Post a reply to Yehhhh.
That place is sick, Billy. Love the room on the water.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/12/2024 7:07:49 PM Post a reply to Sure, but remember
Sure, but remember
It’s 500 divided by 10, usually. Am I right? So that’s 50 bucks a night. But I hear you. So the 300 a night is only $30. Thrifty.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/6/2024 4:40:27 PM Post a reply to First Options of the year!
First Options of the year!
I know. I know. I said no bells and whistles, but ($494/$1976 for Thurs thru Mon)...

Zach's Palace

Looks great. And here's a non Bells and Whistles bare bones in Charlotte (Matthews) ($297 night/$1187 for Thurs thru Mon). Seems semi secluded.

MAYBE the Panthers will have a Sunday home game for $3.79 a ticket. We have talked about this for a few years! That would be FUN with you guys!

Zach's Thrifty Inn

Sorry. Don't know how to do links. Copy/paste. Meh.
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The new season is fast approaching.
Posted - 4/5/2024 9:28:22 PM Post a reply to Bells and whistles
Bells and whistles
In reflecting on past drafts, we typically don’t ever use the luxury items. Sure, the quad boys golf, but that’s not part of the house. We haven’t even played pool the last two years. We play corn hole which comes with us. We draft, watch football, drink, eat, and catch a buzz. Maybe we do scale back on a nice place that simply houses enough of us with a place to sleep, internet/TV, a kitchen, and a few toilets. We have had places with two kitchens and we only used one of them! Not everyone swims. Hmm.

Yes. Same response as I have always had about Sin City. If I go to Vegas before or without Kelly, she’s kicking my hard ass.

Anyone want to race me in my Lamborghini?
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Congrats to the Medical Center!
Posted - 1/2/2024 10:16:56 AM Post a reply to Oh Yeah!
Oh Yeah!
That was fun! We should...
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Posted - 12/27/2023 3:51:18 PM Post a reply to Based on the headlines…
Based on the headlines…
Gotta root for my old division nemesis, TD’s! If the Seeping Anus is drying up and retiring/leaving, then I’m rooting to keep the title in the family!

Should be a tough game regardless! 3rd place is second best place! Haha!
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Posted - 12/27/2023 3:51:15 PM Post a reply to Based on the headlines…
Based on the headlines…
Gotta root for my old division nemesis, TD’s! If the Seeping Anus is drying up and retiring/leaving, then I’m rooting to keep the title in the family!

Should be a tough game regardless! 3rd place is second best place! Haha!
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Playoff Brackets
Posted - 12/14/2023 7:17:27 PM Post a reply to Yes.
Would be nice to know specifically what's going down before games kick off (an hour). Though I don't start trash like Raiders or Chargers! Haha!

Thanks Commish!
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Posted - 11/27/2023 10:39:00 PM Post a reply to Ouch.
That was not fun at all.

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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 9:36:20 PM Post a reply to So no unanimous vote. But…
So no unanimous vote. But…
Week one does sound fun! But I don’t really care this year. Week 14 is cool too. I’ve honestly forgotten each year until it’s mentioned.
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 12:49:45 PM Post a reply to Remaining schedule
Remaining schedule
If it was passed for this week, everything just bumps back one week? That seems dumb to ask, but as a teacher of teens, there are no dumb questions.

Not thinking this through...I'm fine with this. Why not? Let's rumble.

I vote Yes.
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/10/2023 8:56:44 PM Post a reply to Les go!
Les go!
Put the ball in its home.
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I'm going to be live streamed on Twitch tonight
Posted - 10/1/2023 7:19:12 PM Post a reply to It’s close!
It’s close!
They are up 4 to 3 in mid second round. Keith is playing well!
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Rules Proposal 26.8: Dating Taylor Swift is worth 12 pts per week for the player involved.
Posted - 9/30/2023 3:51:53 PM Post a reply to Great game!
Great game!
Glad you did that! I wasn’t gonna do it. See you in the playoffs!
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Rules Proposal 26.8: Dating Taylor Swift is worth 12 pts per week for the player involved.
Posted - 9/25/2023 9:18:30 PM Post a reply to Horrible funny joke
Horrible funny joke
This is a horrible funny joke.
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Happy Birthday, Stu!
Posted - 9/24/2023 3:00:12 PM Post a reply to Yup!
You da man!
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We're back!
Posted - 9/12/2023 5:52:19 PM Post a reply to Feeling like…
Feeling like…
A Superstar!
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Rules Proposal 26.7: Franchise Declaration After the Deadline
Posted - 9/6/2023 6:51:55 PM Post a reply to Jim Irsay is a DICK
Jim Irsay is a DICK
For what it's worth, I truly believed, and with the speculation from multiple websites, that JT would get paid OR be traded before that Tuesday deadline. It was a gamble, but for an owner to want top $$ and 1st rd. picks for JT, but not willing to pay JT TOP $$ - at this point I don't think JT's gonna play for that dick at all costs, and dickhead won't trade him. Dumb. So he is likely to Le'veon Bell it. I never thought the Colts would torpedo their top 5 RB. Did you? What a Dick, even if he did save some whale.

I know I have had well documented difficult misfortunes following each other in rapid succession for me recently (here and in real life) - some of which I haven't shared yet. I don't want pity, but starting the draft down a full FP who may not play at all isn't how we want to journey. But I would stick with JT if majority ruled. I think most of y'all said you didn't care, but I think the Commish is looking for a formal voice on the site. I did dclare another player from my roster last year, and he isn't in the same tier, but it's a stronger start than most likely starting with just Pickens.

I have strategized for both FP's. But it would be helpful to know which road I'm going down to start. It goes to all high hell after a few rounds anyway, so Let's Rock!! Hoping for a negative test in the morning, cause I feel good!

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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/31/2023 9:51:47 AM Post a reply to Food from Boone
Food from Boone
Thinking that I'll do a big ole batch of Lizard & Snake Guac (IYKYK). Maybe do quesadillas. The pork would be good if there was any extra in a cheesy pocket of goodness. Also, will bring other protein and fixins fer them. Chips. salsa. Ya know.

And then maybe something from the famous Stick Boy Bakery. A cheesecake, pie, something sweet. They also have nice bread if anyone is interested in bread other than regular sandwich bread.

Otherwise, let me know.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/28/2023 2:02:14 PM Post a reply to Plan
Leaving after school on Thursday, It's an hour so...5ish. I can't miss Monday, so I'll leave towards the end of the 4:oo games. 3 nights.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/25/2023 10:55:56 PM Post a reply to Dat’s right
Dat’s right
Piney Creek, but don’t see a concrete address. https://www.vrbo.com/2134727
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Two Short Weeks!
Posted - 8/25/2023 1:46:52 PM Post a reply to Two Short Weeks!
Two Short Weeks!
Woo Hoo!

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Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:51:27 PM Post a reply to My gut instinct is no.
My gut instinct is no.
I don’t ever recall this being a thing. But here’s how I’ve always thought about it: You are the only one in the room that knows: In round 9, I committed to X player for the Lions. I made this gamble before the game. Can’t trade that pick. Can’t pick someone else in round 9.

He scores -2 points. You played the fucking lock box. You have to sleep in that bed. Right? Otherwise, we might as well remove “fucking” and “lock”. Just call it a box. It’s the same strategy as the rookie keeper. Predict the best round to take ‘em. It might be a poor decision, but that’s the game.

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Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:31:27 PM Post a reply to Agree with Stu
Agree with Stu
If you panic and snipe yourself, sure. You can have him. But you don’t get to start him in week one. Has to be the round you stated in the fucking lockbox.
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Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Posted - 8/11/2023 12:03:41 PM Post a reply to I’m good with this.
I’m good with this.
And was a little sheepish about asking because the Jamal rule doesn’t acknowledge holdouts or shitty owners. But it seems this may be the new normal moving forward. If players choose to sit out an entire year, it could be devastating and impact one’s draft in monumental ways.
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LeagueSafe is set up
Posted - 8/8/2023 2:13:22 PM Post a reply to Next week!
Next week!
The 15th! There is a countdown at the top of the home page. See you then!
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Posted - 7/16/2023 8:21:58 AM Post a reply to Boone Dox…
Boone Dox…
…is in it to win it.

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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/28/2023 4:29:58 PM Post a reply to Still seems fuzzy
Still seems fuzzy
So do we need some kind of official vote before FP are declared? And I mean something specific to vote on. I’m down with a die, but are we saying that number is the Megabucks lost, or the player in that position IS your default FP (draft well my friend…). Not sure how that’s different than the Wheel of Death, though. Or are we just passive aggressively pointing a finger and shaming specific owners?

Happy end of June. 🍻

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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/19/2023 10:56:08 AM Post a reply to Jokey yes.
Jokey yes.
But it would never be imposed because everyone will dclare on time.

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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/10/2023 2:52:26 PM Post a reply to Addendum
Their FP is declared by the Wheel of Death. Record the spinning of the wheel (a la division selections in Aurora) with all of their players from last year. The wheel chooses their franchise and they do not get to have a rookie rule. That seems like a good way to prevent late declarations. Yeah?
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Rules Proposal 26.1: Loser Playoffs Seeding
Posted - 5/9/2023 3:41:53 PM Post a reply to Yea on the rules proposal
Yea on the rules proposal
And I LOVE the new site! Lots of blood red.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 6:51:37 PM Post a reply to Piney Creek
Piney Creek
It's a kings paradise. No lake, but all the privacy we want - and a pond! I can see Billy jumping in. I didn't put it cause seems like y'all have come this way the last couple times. But it looks awesome, and I like it too.

Just saying... Think we can narrow down to two though: 5 votes for Keith's top two and at least three abstentions. Mountain Cabin OR Lake House?

I'm good with either of those. Let's go!

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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 7:45:03 PM Post a reply to My top three
My top three
I really like the layout of the Pinehurst Lake House Retreat (virtual tour is cool)
Lake Front Home with Pano Views
5 Mile Sunrise on Gaston Lake

They are all kinda in the same place so not really ranked. I don't have the cheese to lay down a deposit so I'll go where the man tells me to go. The price is great for $332 a night at the Pinehurst Place... but again, "Have wheels. Will travel."
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/3/2023 2:00:38 PM Post a reply to It works for me.
It works for me.
And I see the Max 10 guests. It's under "Damage and Incidentals." Below that though in small print it says under Events: Maximum event attendees: 15. Now fantasy draft is not listed but family gatherings is... I would think those events run over multiple days.

I like all of these. I will be happy to drive to any of these.

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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 3:06:54 PM Post a reply to Or this is like every other lake house...
Or this is like every other lake house...
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 2:19:26 PM Post a reply to But I think we did this one!
But I think we did this one!
paddle boats and more
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 2:17:27 PM Post a reply to It's on Zillow
It's on Zillow
Waa- Whaaa
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 2:03:17 PM Post a reply to I think we need an address?
I think we need an address?
Anyone have that buried in their Threads? Stu? We do remember that was a fuckin' pill. Let's do only if the sitch is better than before. I'm happy to call if we find any lead. I'll look too, and keep y'all informed.

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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/11/2023 1:57:18 PM Post a reply to I think we need an address?
I think we need an address?
Anyone have that buried in their Threads? Stu? We do remember that was a fuckin' pill. Let's do only if the sitch is better than before. I'm happy to call if we find any lead. I'll look too, and keep y'all informed.

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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 4/9/2023 1:09:50 AM Post a reply to I'll Be Your Huckleberry
I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Good Evening and Good Morning. I'm Zach, or Z, and this is your local news:

We need to pick a house pretty soon. I'm trying to get an airbnb for mid August myself, and most places are already seem to be booked. Not necessarily the places that have been thrown in the hat... but here's my thought: I would like to suggest we look to see if the Tiki Bar House is an option. It's a sacred place for us with great and historic memories and I think we'd have more fun in a place we are familiar with.

If not, cool. But we STILL need to make some crucial decisons soon to secure a space that serves us all.

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well, shit
Posted - 1/14/2023 5:00:43 PM Post a reply to It WAS crazy
It WAS crazy
But that’s a lot on Keith. If each owner doesn’t say at the time…

But I’m not contesting anything.
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well, shit
Posted - 1/14/2023 4:37:38 PM Post a reply to No way.
No way.
You win. s
Simon and Schuster is past due on cashing in, as the rules clearly state. Too much of a headache as it is. My .02
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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/4/2023 12:28:26 PM Post a reply to Yeah
Sounds more and more like it will not be played. Bummer.
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Tale of the Tape
Posted - 1/3/2023 9:14:52 PM Post a reply to Losers Championship wasn’t a done deal either.
Losers Championship wasn’t a done deal either.
Billy and I both scored points in that game and we still sit at a 3 point difference. I can be happy with pick #2… but. It was/is a close match. No solutions from me. Just pointing that detail out with the Blast Bowl since there were only 238 in attendance. All the given options feel meh to me, however we are faced with THAT word of the 2020’s decade again: Unprecedented.

Ugh. But Joe and Stu definitely have the most skin in the game. I’ll vote on any official moves.

It’s wildly exciting and extremely confounding at the same time.


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Good Luck...
Posted - 1/1/2023 12:05:14 PM Post a reply to Good Luck...
Good Luck...
...to everyone still playing for something! It was a wild fun season!

Enjoy the real playoffs in the coming weeks!

Go Chiefs!
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Realignment? Playoffs?
Posted - 12/22/2022 9:53:15 PM Post a reply to Realignment? Playoffs?
Realignment? Playoffs?
If this holds true, boy the league just gets stronger.

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1 point?
Posted - 12/15/2022 6:45:07 PM Post a reply to 1 point?
1 point?
I know I've been pre-occupied and that there have been discussions about Dave and Eric, but DAYUM, I just see that they are all tied - except for the one point for? Dayum.

uh, Football!

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Ragnarok Football Social II
Posted - 12/14/2022 7:58:46 PM Post a reply to Hmmm
I will be in Salisbury, MD. But I have my predictions and my lips are sealed. Have a great end of 2022!
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Top 6
Posted - 12/13/2022 6:25:43 AM Post a reply to Top 6
Top 6
Looks like I’m in it, but I have a loss. Am I missing something? Thanks for your extra work this week, Bud!
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This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Posted - 12/6/2022 3:47:34 PM Post a reply to Damn.
This is fucking insane.
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Can anyone beat...
Posted - 11/21/2022 11:30:43 PM Post a reply to Can anyone beat...
Can anyone beat...
...The Dumbells?
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Posted - 11/14/2022 11:13:35 PM Post a reply to Dang.
This was a TOUGH week.
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Unable to alter roster.
Posted - 11/5/2022 10:28:55 PM Post a reply to Oy Vey, is right.
Oy Vey, is right.
I've already been at the center of an atypical trade event this season where rules came into question. I can remember in the past when an owner would post on the message board (for that timestamp) when the situation arose. I don't want nor need the spotlight to yay or nay Cooks. We all have either played guys who were questionable or out in the past. Just becasue I'm 2-6, I don't want need any exception to a rule as old as time.

The only thing I can think of is that Kent wasn't logged in and so his roster was all footballs. But it was 5:40 am when we got the second text. The first one was 8:18. Kickoff was 8:15? I heard Cooks wasn't playing way earlier in the day.

If all the owners are truly looking to me if the Maulers can sub out Cooks on Sunday morning from the game on Thursday when he didn't play, I'd say: Good luck with your two other WR's!

It's how we play. Last week I benched Metcalf because I thought he was Out. He played and played well, and I still beat Stu.

If there is an owner's majority that will recognize to let Kent sub in, who...Olamide Zaccheaus? I won't flex. But...football is hard.

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Posted - 10/23/2022 9:01:33 PM Post a reply to Uranium.
We said you could name your team that. But we didn't say you could take it on bye weeks.

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Nice 1st 1/3 of the season...
Posted - 10/20/2022 7:31:32 PM Post a reply to Nice 1st 1/3 of the season...
Nice 1st 1/3 of the season...
The auction seems years ago! Are we all happy? Confident? Sad... Records are nice but we have miles to go before we sleep.

Keep grinding!

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Proposed football social for October 9th
Posted - 10/4/2022 12:34:43 PM Post a reply to Same.
Have fun!

Fuckin' Football.
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 11:48:48 AM Post a reply to I put in the re-reversable.
I put in the re-reversable.
Jeremy and I will deal with any future trades after next week, as needed. I miss this progresive interchange! Thanks for being the league that we've always been. This was part of the excitement Jeremy and I felt in the negotiations this week! I won't devulge deets, but we even had a mega deal in the works. There was a lot of evolution. We had tunnel vision. It's a fun part of FF that we haven't had the last couple of seasons. Not sure there were even any trades last year!

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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 10:58:02 AM Post a reply to Trade
I clearly hear all of the voiced points. All valid. To be transparent, I didn't go to Jeremy and ask him to reverse this trade. We had been talking about it a few days and it wasn't a rash decision. We discussed for quite sometime over a lengthy thread. There was a voice in the back of my head that gave me funny tummy feelings, but I was truly acting as a manager and based on what the NFL was saying he would have been - Probable, if that designation still existed. Numbers wise he was second in the league and a stack for me. Felt fair and worked for both of us. I totally get injuries happen. What happened last night doesn't seem like an isolated tackle event. People were egregious and irresponsible letting him go out there. But how are we to know that when the news (that we get from about ALL players) is so off base that when he takes a shot, his hands stiffen from neurological damage. Anyway. His health was clearly was in the balance.

I told Keith and Jeremy this morning that owners would question the reverse trade, but I took it anyway. I'm happy to keep my QB slot empty (He scored 0 points) and wouldn't expect (nor accept the idea) to have a "second chance" on QB points this week. I don't think that's the core of the issue. I told J and K as much. I think we were operating on the premise of fair trade value. Mark Andrews and Juju for Ertz and a broken/IR Tua would likely not pass in another league that operates on a majority vote approval by the league. I just have less than mediocre QB's and I was eager to upgrade. That's on me. It sets a precident, and I'll muster through however the league deems equitable.

Happy to re-reverse the trade, override any QB score if a name needs to be there for the system, leave empty, etc. It certainly doesn't need to be a cloud hanging over the season. That's the last thing we need.

I really just hope the kid is okay, and the medical staff gets repremanded, sued, or fired.
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Putting it out there..
Posted - 9/17/2022 10:35:41 PM Post a reply to Thanks!
Keep inviting us to your plans! After Disney, I just can't. But live it up for me! I should be around 10-0...9-1...around then...

Haha! Go Chiefs! Go Mountaineers!


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An abundance of caution
Posted - 9/12/2022 8:39:31 PM Post a reply to Stu!
Classic Stu. So funny.
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Zoom Link
Posted - 9/9/2022 7:52:13 AM Post a reply to Zoom Link
Zoom Link
Sorry boys. My intention was to send out a test link last night but we had a significant water leak in our basement that I had to fix before the weekend started and so that the girls could have water! So... It should be fine. Zoom works. I'm packing up the car after school and will send out a link well before the draft - unless there is a plan that I'm unaware of. Don't care, either way.

Excited! Will be there in the morning maybe before some y'all wake up.

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Weekend news
Posted - 9/7/2022 8:33:01 PM Post a reply to Nevermind.
It's at 8:00. PM.
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Weekend news
Posted - 9/7/2022 8:32:02 PM Post a reply to Similar Question.
Similar Question.
What time are we starting on Friday?
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Weekend news
Posted - 9/7/2022 8:09:31 PM Post a reply to That's tough
That's tough
Sorry to hear. Truly. I will make sure that Joe fills your roster with stars.
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Aurora schedule is posted!
Posted - 9/6/2022 4:31:13 PM Post a reply to Woo Hoo!
Woo Hoo!
And you can set your lineups! The MAN!

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Good Luck!
Posted - 9/5/2022 5:14:14 PM Post a reply to Good Luck!
Good Luck!
You all have a good season. Enjoy the players I put on the block. They are strong players!
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This is the week
Posted - 9/5/2022 4:47:07 PM Post a reply to Nice.
And I'll send an invite link on Friday for the First Rounds. Might set up a time to link (maybe during the Thursday night game?) just to ensure all the dots are connecting?

Happy to do.

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This is the week
Posted - 9/5/2022 3:45:07 PM Post a reply to I don't have a plan.
I don't have a plan.
I'll certainly bring food, however if you are all in a pinch or want something specific, just shout. (Ice, Snacks, sauces, etc). I plan to hit the road by 6am Saturday morning at the latest so I'll be there around 8:30 - at the latest. I still have a deluxe Zoom account so we can definitely use it Friday night if nobody else has the goods. Would like to use my laptop Saturday, but I can Use my phone/worksheets if we must use my laptop for Saturday. Respectfully, would ask we limit lascvious, overt "use" or bags of dicks on the Zoom as it is linked to my school account. Ha Ha! If that's all taken care of - all the better!

So very excited.

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This is the week
Posted - 9/5/2022 11:18:04 AM Post a reply to As a multi State Champion Theatre Teacher/Director...
As a multi State Champion Theatre Teacher/Director...
I approve this message. And it's hilarious! And true.
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This is the week
Posted - 9/4/2022 5:09:23 PM Post a reply to I meant:
I meant:
A tradition unlike any other.
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This is the week
Posted - 9/4/2022 4:33:40 PM Post a reply to This is the week
This is the week
I begin the defense of my second title! Will there be a repeat? Will it be a first timer? The NoOb? Or will one of the owners with a title or two (or more), add to their mantle? Very exciting week! Can’t wait to see you whether it’s live or on the tv. In the words of Jim Nance: The Tradition Continues.

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Just got my schedule for next week.
Posted - 9/2/2022 9:49:19 PM Post a reply to Funtastic!
Great news!
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New Guy
Posted - 9/1/2022 9:06:32 PM Post a reply to Good God! 1998!
Good God! 1998!
IYKYK. I sang People Are Strange by The Doors. But I kept antagonizing Ron (Carboro Dreamcrushers) by singing/JM Dancing in "his bubble." He got really pissed off - as he usually would! And we ended up wrestling in the living room. I still think I had him, but he'd wrestle anyone about anything and would never tap out (just wear you out). But I did get to the end of the song.

Unless you are a strong singer, Alex, my advice is belting a song that sounds good even off key.


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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/25/2022 5:20:03 PM Post a reply to IPA IPA!

Day beers and HG! But still...

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Wheel Picker!
Posted - 8/25/2022 7:39:23 AM Post a reply to Wheel Picker!
Wheel Picker!
Awesome baby!
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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/24/2022 10:35:11 AM Post a reply to League corn hole boards...
League corn hole boards...
will be attending! And I have new better bags.

So stoked!
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Food for the Draft.
Posted - 8/23/2022 7:48:27 PM Post a reply to Yes!
Just Saturday and Sunday though.
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/18/2022 2:57:02 PM Post a reply to I can get behind that..
I can get behind that..
...you jockstrap wrangler, you.
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/17/2022 5:23:33 PM Post a reply to on the fence
on the fence
I wouldn't miss kickers, but I get it. I don't think 10 - 20 points for a good punt is a valid system. Jerm's makes it a little more appealing. Don't think we need two slots for punters. But generally don't like it.

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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/13/2022 8:55:14 PM Post a reply to And Tommy, The Ice King.
And Tommy, The Ice King.
He was tag teamed. Good dude. He’s a Tar Heel!
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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/13/2022 8:55:11 PM Post a reply to And Tommy, The Ice King.
And Tommy, The Ice King.
He was tag teamed. Good dude. He’s a Tar Heel!
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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/13/2022 8:55:08 PM Post a reply to And Tommy, The Ice King.
And Tommy, The Ice King.
He was tag teamed. Good dude. He’s a Tar Heel!
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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/13/2022 9:17:48 AM Post a reply to Have we found I last owner?
Have we found I last owner?
Is there a contingency plan?
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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/11/2022 7:18:45 PM Post a reply to Ice King has a guy
Ice King has a guy
His name is Rio (and the song is now in your head) and he wants in!

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Countdown to the end of Eric's bachelorhood
Posted - 8/10/2022 8:39:06 PM Post a reply to SO Happy for you!
SO Happy for you!
I got nuthin snarky. I think it's great! And if she's worth her salt, she will lay around neked with ya!

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Breaking News!
Posted - 8/9/2022 8:52:02 PM Post a reply to Breaking News!
Breaking News!
The Football Gods have quasi-answered. Earlier this week we learned that Lucy's Homecoming Week is September 10-17. Disney Week!!! Well, we can't deny our only child the single opportunity to wear a toga to school, and miss her last Homecoming football game and dance. #dadoftheyear Lord knows COVID has taken away most of her HS dances. So. We called our Disney agent (yeah, we have one) and she was able to modify and shift our reservations to the 18th-24th. Pays to plan early boys. The point being...

I still have a conflict with a car for Friday because the girls have dibs. (I probably shouldn't miss anyway since I'm skipping a full week soon thereafter.) But I plan to LIVE Zoom-A-Zoom Room on Friday as far as we get. And EVEN if we were to do the full draft that night (unlikely?), I will pack the boards, a tent, and zip to Keith's early Saturday morning to finish the draft LIVE and stay until mid afternoon on Sunday!!! Les Go!

So Stoked!

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Customized Drafts!
Posted - 8/7/2022 5:14:47 PM Post a reply to Customized Drafts!
Customized Drafts!
Works like a charm! Thanks! Now I can stop binging tv in bed! Thanks Keith!

BTW, feeling much better. Think I'm coming out of it, but have two more days upstairs. However, The Sandman on Netflix fucking slaps. Reservation Dogs, The Bear, and The Old Man on Hulu are all high recs.

FP declarations coming up soon!

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Just occured to me!
Posted - 8/2/2022 7:49:15 PM Post a reply to Just occured to me!
Just occured to me!
Are we doing the wheel of death for divisions again, or staying put? I loved the video Keith did last year. I like my dudes, but always love a random challenge!

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Roll Call!
Posted - 8/2/2022 7:47:09 PM Post a reply to Let's Go!!!!
Let's Go!!!!
Auction on!
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Rules Proposal 25.1: Injured Rookies
Posted - 7/27/2022 5:07:34 PM Post a reply to Yes.
Make it so.
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Rookie qualification
Posted - 7/25/2022 5:05:16 PM Post a reply to Jamal Lewis Rule amended?
Jamal Lewis Rule amended?
Jamal Lewis Rule
"If any declared Franchise or Rookie player suffers a serious injury in the preseason, that team may choose to change their Franchise or Rookie player designation to any player from their previous season's roster. They may also choose to change their designation from a player to "no player."

Now, this scenario doesn't exactly describe Etienne's situation, but there is enough language in this rule (I think, if ammended), that an owner could designate said rookie as a keeper if they kept them on their roster and if said player didn't play ANY games the PREVIOUS regular season, because of injury (not contract negotiations). He is technically a rook, and has no professional experience.

There's my .02
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Important News!
Posted - 7/20/2022 1:00:30 PM Post a reply to Important News!
Important News!
Hey men! I want to let you know about this sooner that later. While it won't be as much a factor this year as it had been in the past, I think it bears sharing: My intention was to stay with Keith for the live/remote draft on the 9th. My awesome family has sprung a 50th birthday week at Star Wars and Harry Potter Lands on a resort at Disney from the 10th-17th; it's the only time we can do it with Lucy's senior year schedule. It's awesome, and is what it is. If we don't do the complete draft that Friday night (we did it fast for the Sleeper league, but...), I will have a hot spot and be live remote in the car on Saturday.

My guess is that not everyone was physically getting together anyway, but like I said, I want you all to know my plan this year for that weekend, and not spring it on yoos right before the draft. Still as stoked, but was also looking forward to soaking in the pool. I'll just have to come over later!

That's it! It's going to be a great season, and I can only believe that our premediatated "baby steps" will return us back together one day!


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Afraid of your pick?
Posted - 7/17/2022 8:22:48 PM Post a reply to Afraid of your pick?
Afraid of your pick?
Not married to trade it/them, but if you like the 11/14 (or both) swing in rounds 1 and 2... I am open to discuss swapping cards. I also got tired of seeing "vampire" at the top every time I dropped by.

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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 6/28/2022 12:18:57 PM Post a reply to Welcome Alex!
Welcome Alex!
Thanks for stepping up to the challenge! Looking forward to meeting you.

Good luck!
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Roll Call!
Posted - 6/22/2022 5:12:04 PM Post a reply to Roll Call!
Roll Call!
Boone Dox is in!
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Rosters are fixed
Posted - 6/15/2022 2:16:00 PM Post a reply to Decisions, decisions.
Decisions, decisions.
Some of us have major decisions coming up. Oof!
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Ragnarok 2022 Draft Venue
Posted - 5/30/2022 3:28:09 PM Post a reply to Woop!
As of now, I plan on coming over. Will decide later whether I camp out or not. Will bring the updated boards, of course. Old School is New School!
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ZOOM address for Round One!
Posted - 4/28/2022 7:19:08 PM Post a reply to ZOOM address for Round One!
ZOOM address for Round One!
Zach Walker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFL DRAFT 2022
Time: Apr 28, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
click here

Meeting ID: 790 7312 5511
Passcode: ragnarok

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Love the new look!
Posted - 4/16/2022 12:36:11 PM Post a reply to Love the new look!
Love the new look!
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Love the new look!
Posted - 4/16/2022 12:36:05 PM Post a reply to Love the new look!
Love the new look!
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Ragnarok 2022
Posted - 4/1/2022 4:57:06 PM Post a reply to Agreed.
Thanks for ringing the bell. I am still unable to disaggregate the series of events of last year. I know it’s impossible for any of us to say that it’s all water under the bridge. However, like any relationship, there are ups and downs. But some are worth finding the hill out of the valley. I have done that with you all in the past in some form or fashion. And I’ll do it again. And again. As I said in our last Zoom, no matter what the draft/season looks like, you guys are a part of my life that I look forward to, enjoy, and celebrate each fall. And we share way more bonds than the misunderstandings or poor choices that we’ve made. Even if we need to take really small positive incremental steps, let’s move in that forward direction. Not stagnant, or backwards.

Plus, I’m the champ. I wanna play.

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Sound off on the big game!
Posted - 2/12/2022 11:26:30 AM Post a reply to AFC!
I've pretty much always been an AFC guy, and I will stick with the younger guns. So...the gatorade dunk will be orange!Lucy tries out for Varsity soccer next week, and got her "after 9's" a month ago, so she's driving whenever. Kelly and I saw Billy Strings last night in Greensboro. Y'all need to check this dude out if you don't know.

Everything else is rolling right along. Miss you guys. Thanks for the link, Stu!

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Congrats Jim!
Posted - 1/4/2022 5:10:31 PM Post a reply to Congrats Jim!
Congrats Jim!
You had a great team all season!

Way to go!

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And Thanks!
Posted - 1/2/2022 7:35:27 PM Post a reply to And Thanks!
And Thanks!
Love you fuckers. Proud to hold the invsible trophy!
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Posted - 1/2/2022 7:31:43 PM Post a reply to T O U G H
Go to be y'all. Season is over.


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as of 5:00 pm
Posted - 1/2/2022 5:02:35 PM Post a reply to as of 5:00 pm
as of 5:00 pm
Burnsville has 82 pts. jus sayin...
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/30/2021 2:14:36 PM Post a reply to Yo.
If it wasn’t already unprecedented. For fuck’s sake.

Would rather hold Koo to his five titles in a tie with Keith.

Keep holding them back!
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/30/2021 12:33:06 PM Post a reply to You should care!
You should care!
Don’t you want me to join you and Jeremy in your cozy Two Title Club?
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I always forget to mention this at the draft
Posted - 12/23/2021 10:44:57 PM Post a reply to I always forget to mention this at the draft
I always forget to mention this at the draft
But whatever iteration Ragnarok is in the future, we get rid of the +2 for the home team. It doesn't make sense. And always never fair. 2 points is a lot of points. - Psst... there are no real stadiums or fans.
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/16/2021 6:40:12 PM Post a reply to Aren’t they doing that right now?
Aren’t they doing that right now?
As I type?
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/15/2021 9:27:07 PM Post a reply to On the same weekend?
On the same weekend?
Maybe! It’s all gravy now. Fun stuff!
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/15/2021 9:27:03 PM Post a reply to On the same weekend?
On the same weekend?
Maybe! It’s all gravy now. Fun stuff!
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 12/7/2021 12:45:52 PM Post a reply to There are byes next week...
There are byes next week...
...which is why we kinda liked the Jamoboree, I think, instead of starting the playoffs. There are definitely seeding and playoff implications on the line.

I guess we never put it in a ballot box, but at this point it seems the fairest way to solidify the brackets.

It seems like by week 18, some playoff bound teams will happily rest many relevant fantasy players. So I'm not sure how much it's worth for Keith to program a Probowl week if dudes aren't playing.


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Before they go away...
Posted - 12/1/2021 12:29:39 PM Post a reply to Before they go away...
Before they go away...
...if you're new, the annoying banners and ads are actually links to music and such.

Check 'em out!

Thanks Keith!
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Don't be eating lunch...
Posted - 12/1/2021 12:28:03 PM Post a reply to Don't be eating lunch...
Don't be eating lunch...
when you listen to the "Taste The Paste" link.
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Thankful for you guys!
Posted - 11/25/2021 8:36:16 AM Post a reply to Thankful for you guys!
Thankful for you guys!
Hope that you all are able to be with friends and/or family and eat the shit out of some food, drink, and watch some football.I got:


Eat up Johnny!
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Over .500!
Posted - 11/23/2021 12:35:42 PM Post a reply to Over .500!
Over .500!
...for the first time this season!

Woo Hoo!
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No football tomorrow for me
Posted - 11/20/2021 4:55:57 PM Post a reply to No football tomorrow for me
No football tomorrow for me
I'll be at States defending our title! send me some good vibes around 3:45!

Of course, I'll let you know the outcome at some point!

Go Chiefs!
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Posted - 11/9/2021 7:08:30 AM Post a reply to 5-4
The flavor of the week.
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Side note
Posted - 11/7/2021 12:23:48 AM Post a reply to Side note
Side note
WHS playmakers, "Acts of Love" going to STATE! ...again.
Excellence in Music Composition
Barbizon Excellence in Stage Management
Barbizon Excellence in Lighting Design
Barbizon Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design for two students with scholarships to College Discovery Day
Excellence in physicality to the ensemble
Outstanding achievement in ensemble work
Excellence in Directing Award to Zach Walker
Unanimous judges and audience Cast Your Vote erning the
Most Distinguished Play from Gardner-Webb regional competition!

Defending Champs still alive!

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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 11/2/2021 4:33:56 PM Post a reply to Sorry!
If y'all zoomed last night, I was in deep at school prepping for this weekend. Good News! I don't have to commit Hari Kari!
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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 10/30/2021 2:02:19 PM Post a reply to I could jump in later
I could jump in later
I have rehearsal so I’m out of pocket maybe til halftime. If the Chiefs can’t pull this one out, I’m performing Hari Kari.
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Go Bruins!
Posted - 10/17/2021 5:18:03 PM Post a reply to Go Bruins!
Go Bruins!
Guess if the latest post will last 10+ days, I’d rather see Go Bruins if stead of Alt League. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Thanks fellas!
Posted - 9/30/2021 12:36:54 PM Post a reply to Thanks fellas!
Thanks fellas!
Birthday was fantastic!
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covid treatment
Posted - 9/18/2021 10:58:03 AM Post a reply to Thanks Keith!
Thanks Keith!
That's quite thorough!

As always, thinking about y'all.
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Free Agent bidding
Posted - 9/8/2021 6:23:59 PM Post a reply to FA...
Seemed to work for me.
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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/6/2021 4:44:14 PM Post a reply to Info going into landing week.
Info going into landing week.
Sorry. Wish I was a guy that had two laptops in my life. Sadly... not so. Not old schooling the weekend.

I know you will, but post the address when the dude releases it to ya, Stu. I think I'll have Lucy drive me over and drop off after school on Thursday. The site looks like parking could be tricky for more than a few cars.

Don't forget your fucking Green Jackets!


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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/5/2021 8:40:32 PM Post a reply to Yay
Sounds good. Mammoth work Keith! 🍻
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Moving Mountains
Posted - 9/3/2021 9:20:27 PM Post a reply to Breaking News.
Breaking News.
I got the substitute! Pulled him up from practice squad and he's great! But don't draft him, like Dat does with Etienne.
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Moving Mountains
Posted - 9/3/2021 9:10:55 PM Post a reply to Moving Mountains
Moving Mountains
Ok. This is still not officially set in stone - because a sub hasn't confirmed. However, I have just requested THE day (Friday...!) so it's set. I have bribed, begged, and blackmaled more than one person to do this, but I think I can officially say that I will be there Thursday Night for the game - through Monday! Which I think helps all paying guests a little because I'm adding a night. Right?

I went ahead and took a personal day on Friday. Check. I am calling my family doctor in the morning for a pcr on Tuesday morning. (fingers crossed) But I'm coming Thursday! Still doing rapid tests. Still negative, and Kelly is beck in the swing. Woot!

I can't tell you how hard I'm making this happen and it's one of my greatest passions so I can't imagine you all being 30 minutes away and me going to work. Fuck that. I apologize for making this a soap for me, but if I could have just said fuckit a month ago, believe me. I would have. mmm. I get by with a little help, from my friends. To be with my friends. And the cornhile boards can get a nice workout on Friday!

Hold onto your socks. Bringing the air fryer and the instant pot for ditties to air fry and rice to cook.


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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/3/2021 7:21:55 AM Post a reply to I was able to create a new league...
I was able to create a new league...
...with current FPs and Rookie Keepers. However, after one full mock draft, all subsequent drafts have my choices to be queued, not straight up drafted. Not the biggest deal, but adds a step in the process. And Dat keeps drafting Etienne. Strong move Dat.

One Week Bichez!
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 9/2/2021 6:42:45 PM Post a reply to 7 pounds???
7 pounds???
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Sooo Close!!!
Posted - 8/31/2021 9:29:44 PM Post a reply to Testing in Blowing Rock
Testing in Blowing Rock
There is an Urgent Care there that can give tests. Not sure about the efficiency of scheduling, etc. In Boone they do tests fairly easily as well. Boone Drug.
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Aurora Realignment
Posted - 8/31/2021 4:53:57 PM Post a reply to I'll chime in!
I'll chime in!
While I do relish in having Billy in both of my divisions in Customized Football, I do like the last week being a Guillotine-esque week where you play all scores for a possible needed win to get in. So I would say while the video fucking rocks, I am interested in revisiting my old stomping ground guys for a spot of revenge, with the added twist at the end. Maybe we do the wheel of fate next year?

But, as always, I'm flex.
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Aurora Realignment
Posted - 8/31/2021 12:32:16 PM Post a reply to This is kick Ass!
This is kick Ass!
Love it! And a refreshing new dynamic!
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It's Official.
Posted - 8/26/2021 1:39:57 PM Post a reply to It's Official.
It's Official.
I am not able to take off Thursday or Friday basically becasue there are no subs this year! However, I did secure one and got Monday off. So I can stay with the last hurrah boys on Sundaty night! I should be there before 5 on Friday.

Getting ever closer!

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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 8/22/2021 9:22:34 PM Post a reply to Sounds fun!
Sounds fun!
I'd say yes!
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Can we do something?
Posted - 8/21/2021 9:55:21 PM Post a reply to We can.
We can.
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Waiting on keepers for Sean, Jeremy, and Dat
Posted - 8/15/2021 5:46:04 PM Post a reply to Yes...
Ready to mock it up!
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An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
Posted - 8/13/2021 10:05:44 PM Post a reply to Great memories
Great memories
Along with many more, I’m sure. Thinking of you and your family. A stellar tribute.
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A little over a month away
Posted - 8/8/2021 2:40:47 PM Post a reply to The visit
The visit
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

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Football is back!
Posted - 8/5/2021 4:21:20 PM Post a reply to Football is back!
Football is back!
A glorified, televised practice on tonight!
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Covid and The Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/1/2021 1:09:55 PM Post a reply to I would be able to get a rapid test
I would be able to get a rapid test
that week too. As of today, masks are optional for students at my school. I can’t imagine that staying that way. But who knows. There are folks who have been trying to destroy public education for years. Anyway...

Getting closer!
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/25/2021 4:07:09 PM Post a reply to If that were the scenario, hell yeah!
If that were the scenario, hell yeah!
I think we could occupy ourselves if you were on the road Friday night headed toward the house. And what's wrong with an old school Saturday draft blitz like duing The Ancient Times? I know I would rather do that than have you on spidey cam. Though, we will take what we can get!

And congrats Dat! Really great news, man!

Keep us updated!

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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 7/25/2021 10:49:22 AM Post a reply to Stoked!
My bocce set after 21 years died, but obviously bringing the udated boards with brand new bags!

Don't forget your "green jackets" for the ceremony. We do a pretty good job of organically bringing a wide variety of grub. Coffee. Drinks. I got an air fryer last Christmas that's easy to transport. May bring that for quick n' easy bites to eat.

Joe, do you still have that crazy numbered stake game? That was fun!

It's difficult to believe we're back on track. It seems like years since we've been together!

If we think of anything, add it to the list. And since I'm pretty close, don't hesitiate to reach out if you don't have room for something. It might be easier for me.


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Starting to get really close?
Posted - 7/23/2021 7:11:54 PM Post a reply to Welcome Josh!
Welcome Josh!
SO...can we have a vote on the home page? No division vs. 3 divisions? Although, I'm still torn. Would go either way, and even live with a coin flip. But at least a vote would give a good temperature check.

Excited to get rolling!

P.S. If you don't have a vax shot, you have to forfiet your VPs.


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Starting to get really close?
Posted - 7/21/2021 1:09:12 PM Post a reply to Starting to get really close?
Starting to get really close?
Hey all! Have decisions about the format and structure of the league been made yet? If we don't get two more owners, and we do "no divisions," can we just have 10 teams? Or is that bad math in terms of playoffs? Or if we do have divisions, have just two?

Just wondering.


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Ah, it's summer and the smell of football is in the air
Posted - 7/18/2021 6:42:53 PM Post a reply to 2 QB’s in the Sleeper League,
2 QB’s in the Sleeper League,
was enough for me. It’s a strong word, but I hated it. Even as only a SUPERFLEX position, it didn’t feel balanced and essentially was a 2 QB lineup. In fact, there seemed to be only a very small elite group of players (not QBs) that could consistently match the points of what an additional tier 1-3 QB could. And if teams had two blue chip QBs, they played them every week. And then, you’re simply hoping for luck or an unfortunate event to your opponent’s team. Which feels different (less fun?) than when both teams have our standard lineup. But I didn’t miss Kickers. If we did ANYTHING to our lineup, I would consider retiring kickers (keeping all records in the Hall) and making that a regular FLEX (RB/WR/TE). But I also understand that kickers are part of the game. AND there is a purity that we have held high for decades by not having a FLEX slot. I love that about Ragnarok.

At any rate, it did change the dynamic of the draft last year. Additionally, I’m not sure why we need to penalize shitty QBs. What’s up with that? The simple fact that they’re shitty is penalty enough for an owner. And all voiced opinions prior to mine on this thread are seconded by me. We NEED a decent pool of QBs (even shitty ones) available in FA throughout the season to plug in as injuries or byes may occur. Otherwise, games are noncompetitive.

That’s my .02 and will always vote no 2 QBs - or even penalizing shitty QBs.

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#5 Pick...
Posted - 7/16/2021 8:04:55 PM Post a reply to Well.
I guess I wasn’t talking to you, Koo.
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#5 Pick...
Posted - 7/16/2021 5:20:28 PM Post a reply to #5 Pick...
#5 Pick...
...is officially on the block, if any y’all wants to deal into that slot.

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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 10:54:57 PM Post a reply to After a day of drinking
After a day of drinking
Leave the three in Hel. Put him where Ratts left. I worked hard to get out of Hel, so...they should too. We have more important stuff to deal with. 🤷🏼‍♂️🍻
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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 9:32:26 AM Post a reply to Is this legit?
Is this legit?
Don't fight me on this, but this seems to be a natural and perfect time to reset everyone. Since we blanked last year as official stats, we all start as if this is "year zero" and we all move in sync moving forward. Then we ALL end the season with one year of stats. Is that nonsense? I'm not stats minded, and I'm thinking out loud. It's an opportunity for everyone to have an even shot to land in any division next year. Right?

That's bold. But it does affect all teams rather than just the lowly owners in Hel. Again, this may be too apocalyptic.

If you throw Tommy in Hel I wouldn't rage, either. It just fun to discuss. 69 days!
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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 8:36:34 AM Post a reply to My initial thought
My initial thought
...is leave Two Straws there. It doesn't upset the whole cart. If you move that team to the bottom and another moves up (Asgard to Midgard?) doesn't that cause more waves in the realignment process than just leaving everyone else on the paths they have earned/landed on? We often go back to trying to follow the actual NFL as closely as we can. When teams get new coaches, they aren't moved to the bottom of the draft.

Slot him in and let's move on. It shouldn't be punitive to join the league.

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Will having a new owner affect the weighted divisions?
Posted - 7/3/2021 8:36:31 AM Post a reply to My initial thought
My initial thought
...is leave Two Straws there. It doesn't upset the whole cart. If you move that team to the bottom and another moves up (Asgard to Midgard?) doesn't that cause more waves in the realignment process than just leaving everyone else on the paths they have earned/landed on? We often go back to trying to follow the actual NFL as closely as we can. When teams get new coaches, they aren't moved to the bottom of the draft.

Slot him in and let's move on. It shouldn't be punitive to join the league.

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New Blood
Posted - 6/24/2021 12:06:07 AM Post a reply to No noms here...
No noms here...
And I have faith that (almost) all legit noobies will be 👍🏽 by me. What is the process? Vote? Make fire? Dance off?
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A sad day.
Posted - 6/17/2021 4:50:16 PM Post a reply to Sad day indeed.
Sad day indeed.
You will always be a brother, Scott. We have been honored to have you play with us. Keep in touch as you can. We all have you, your Mom, and your loved ones in our hearts!

Tough Love.
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Official Aurora Roll Call!
Posted - 5/31/2021 12:39:09 AM Post a reply to Boone Dox
Boone Dox
Playin’ the Wheel of Death.
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Posted - 5/28/2021 1:38:51 PM Post a reply to Yes!
That’s what I’m talking about! I vote yes!
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Posted - 5/25/2021 8:18:01 AM Post a reply to Realignment
I like the divisions, myself. But that's probably because that's the only way I've ever played. But since this is a slow auction, with victory points, and has a different bent anyway, I suppose I'd be open to try something outside the box. It seems that it would bring VP into the foreground even more, which isn't a bad thing. For a season there, I didn't even notice or get it. Hah!

That said, I don't have a strong preference, though if we do stay in divisions and roll dice, or spin a wheel, I'd like to "see" it. Not out of a lack of trust. It would just be more fun. Even if it's recorded. I'm just happy to get back on the fantasy gridiron.

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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/23/2021 4:02:13 PM Post a reply to I'll send a down payment this week, and...
I'll send a down payment this week, and...
dammit I'm ready for some football!

Miss you guys! And go Phil! D'you see that pitch from the sand!?

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Posted - 5/22/2021 5:52:14 PM Post a reply to PGA
GO Phil!
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 5/22/2021 7:58:23 AM Post a reply to Mayhem to the rescue!
Mayhem to the rescue!
Thanks Stu!
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Posted - 5/21/2021 6:59:52 PM Post a reply to Woot!
Let’s go.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 5/19/2021 8:14:15 PM Post a reply to Gambler to the end.
Gambler to the end.
I haven’t taken time to punch holes in this Loki Cup, but I like it! And I second to not having a league wide bye early in the season. Boo! Ultimately, It’s more games. More fun. BTW...have we picked a home?

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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 5/15/2021 10:35:53 AM Post a reply to Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!
Okay, thanks I won't draft any of those guys.

No really...That's a huge wrinkle.

Thanks Goodell.

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Ragnarok 2021 Schedule is Released!
Posted - 5/12/2021 8:53:35 PM Post a reply to Aw Yeah!
Aw Yeah!
Let’s get. It. On!
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Game postponements or cancellations
Posted - 4/19/2021 5:23:37 PM Post a reply to Got it.
Got it.
You don’t have to get touchy Jay Feely.
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Game postponements or cancellations
Posted - 4/18/2021 9:47:41 AM Post a reply to Game postponements or cancellations
Game postponements or cancellations
Shit outta luck, is right for sure. If it were me, I'd be pretty chappy about it but I get it, knowing that will still be part of the calculated risk. However, I will say if games this late in the year are being cancelled...the season may very well already be in the shitter as far as fantasy goes.

But are you really SOL? We would still allow real time/immediate replacements on our roster though, correct? One may not be shit outta luck if they have a solid bench. OR would the aforementioned rules proposal be relagated to only the regular season (24.1 Condidtional Starts)? I would suggest the clarification that an owner could apply that rule to any start for Regular or Postseasn games since there seems to be no clear resolution to this possible scenario. Just so there would be a player in that position (if the owner was bright enough to keep a backup...) and we remain as competitive as we can. Obviously if there are multiple games and your backups are not playing... yeah. SOL.

But again, if that's the case, the season has likely already been dealt the likes of the snap from Thanos.

Another point of clarification. As stated in the propsal 24.1, an owner starts player X because Y (franchise) is postponed or cancelled. To be clear, X is your points guy, end of story? Scenario: It's Week 4. You slot X (bench dude) on Sunday morning. He scores 12 points during the 1:00 games. On Sunday night the stoopid NFL says they WILL play Y's game on Monday night as a double header, after your X's game has completed. Your Y player, on Monday scores 34 points. An owner can't retroactivate any decision based on 24.1, correct? Or could they? What about the same scenario in Week 15?

Just putting it out there. Don't really have a strong preference either way, though I would like it to be clear cut before the season.



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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/13/2021 4:48:33 PM Post a reply to Blowing Rock seems strong
Blowing Rock seems strong
I like all of those. BR would be great.


App State is playing Miami in Florida so there won't be an influx of 10,000+ extra people that week. Bonus.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 4/11/2021 5:07:27 PM Post a reply to I have thought about that, Sean...
I have thought about that, Sean...
The two week game. Where scores are added together. I didn’t bring it up because we have historically been a league that tends to model reality. I do like the pro bowl idea. And we could do a two week event with that and we can play vs. everyone. First week a full roster, second week maybe goes to a modified (mini superstar) roster added to your scores the first week? Or some other fun twist? Only your Franchise and Rookie scores the second week? Fun to think about.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 4/11/2021 10:22:19 AM Post a reply to I vote C
I vote C
It ain't broke. The last week will likely be a week with important players sitting, or injured anyway. We have other things we can spend our time on more important factors.

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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/8/2021 6:45:55 PM Post a reply to Post scrpt
Post scrpt
In response to Raiden's post on the what is and what shall be done, I figured I'd just put this out there, now. I would come on the same day as being around teens that may or amy not have the shot. There isn't a scenario where I could quarrantine 10-14 days before arrival. I totally understand and respect anyone that wouldn't feel comfortable, and could sleep in a tent as well. But we'd all be in a shared bubble if we are in room. If there are stronger concerns, we can revisit as needed.

We have time to see how things play out, but I thought you should all be reminded that I'll be in the petri dish that week. If there is no school, things have gone the wrong way, and this may be the least of our worries.

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Posted - 4/6/2021 8:44:56 PM Post a reply to If you haven't seen the
If you haven't seen the "NEW" Hall...
check the text feed. If you...don't check your texts...
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Posted - 4/3/2021 5:43:22 PM Post a reply to Unveiling...
Hoping to share a photo with the newest champ emblazoned on the cornhole board. It’s spring break and I think I can finish it up. Finally. Got awesome new bags too.
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