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Member since: 11/19/2003
2024 Logins: 26
Last Login: 9/19/2024
  From: PA

All posts by Roving Gambler:

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Ragnarok 2024 Draft Weekend and More
Posted - 8/21/2024 1:44:25 PM Post a reply to Gamblers food/drink plans (including a coffee pot)
Gamblers food/drink plans (including a coffee pot)
I planned to try and fill in any food and drink gaps, including running to the grocery store during draft weekend to replenish supplies. Between Keith, Kent, Billy, Alex, Sean's annual blueberry pancake breakfast, and Joe's incredible wife probably making something amazing again, main dishes seem pretty well accounted for. But I'd like to bring some brats for grilling on Sunday, and probably some fresh fruits and veggies too, at the very least. And I'll bring a drip coffee maker, Billy.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 5/1/2024 10:48:31 AM Post a reply to Gamblers house picks
Gamblers house picks
A lot of great options here. Keith's list of criteria is great, and I'd add one for me which is a little privacy from neighbors so being outside talking late at night isn't an issue.

Saying that, my top 3 are:

#1: Zach's palace - to me this is effectively the ideal draft house. But it's pricey and I'm not trying to tell anyone how to spend their money.

#2: Main View - A ton of space, lots of cornhole locations for Kent to dominate on, multiple smoking options. Still pretty pricey...

#3: Mt Gilead Lake Tillery - if the weather was right we could spend a ton of time on that boat dock. Plus, bigfoot.

All of the others have more pros than cons to me as well, so they all pass as good options. The only one of these I'd raise an issue on is Lake Escape, which has zero trees or other coverings and is right next to another house. And even then, it's only a chance of an issue, not a certainty.
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First Options of the year!
Posted - 4/10/2024 3:23:35 PM Post a reply to Lake Gaston palace, please
Lake Gaston palace, please
That place looks great, Zach. Nice find.
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Roster Lockdown is Sunday at 1pm
Posted - 12/7/2023 5:44:52 PM Post a reply to Free Agent Fix? More Like Free Agent Farce!!
Free Agent Fix? More Like Free Agent Farce!!
I'm all for getting free agency right, but not at the expense of the Gamblers. Please put the Saints D back on the Gamblers roster, deduct 5 MB and 2 wins from Mao, and put the Gamblers back in 1st place in Asgard. Thank you in advance.
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Rules Proposal 27.1: Ragnarok Rumble schedule
Posted - 10/24/2023 4:48:31 PM Post a reply to I like week 14 being the Ragnarok Rumble
I like week 14 being the Ragnarok Rumble
Maybe I'm biased because the Gamblers won the 1st Ragnarok Rumble in 2021, beating all comers. Or maybe I'm biased because the Gamblers won the 2nd Ragnarok Rumble in 2022, beating all comers again. But I really enjoy having the Rumble in week 14. There are so many ways our playoffs can be affected when we all play each other that final regular season week. It adds an element of chaos that feels very Ragnaroky to me. I'd hate to lose that just because the NFL has the dumbest possible bye week schedule. Having the Rumble end the season just feels right - I mean, sure, maybe that's because the Gamblers are the only team to ever win a Ragnarok Rumble. While I definitely see the logic of having the Rumble be on a week with all players available, I don't see that as more valuable than the chaos element week 14 provides. Saying that, doing it week 1 seems like a decent 2nd choice, since many of us are together for that Sunday.

Overall, I'm a 'no' in voting for moving it for this year, and pretty down on moving it next year too. Though doing it week 1 would be preferable to other weeks, if it had to move.

But of course, regardless of my vote, if Keith wills it so, I say let it be so.
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Draft Weekend
Posted - 8/30/2023 8:09:55 PM Post a reply to I will be drafting offline, and have a spare computer
I will be drafting offline, and have a spare computer
Happy to bring a computer for use as Draft Central Headquarters
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Rules Proposal 26.5: The Fucking Lockbox and injuries
Posted - 8/12/2023 11:30:39 AM Post a reply to 100% yes on 26.5 clarification
100% yes on 26.5 clarification
That’s the big risk of the Fucking Lockbox.
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Rules Clarification 26.4: Rookie Rule
Posted - 8/12/2023 10:22:21 AM Post a reply to Rule 26.4 clarification seems right to me
Rule 26.4 clarification seems right to me
Good catch
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Rules Clarification 26.4: Rookie Rule
Posted - 8/12/2023 10:22:18 AM Post a reply to Rule 26.4 clarification seems right to me
Rule 26.4 clarification seems right to me
Good catch
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Rules Proposal 26.3: Franchise Declaration Deadline
Posted - 8/12/2023 9:55:15 AM Post a reply to Keith has earned the benefit of the doubt so I'm good, but I wonder if any clarity will come with an extra week
Keith has earned the benefit of the doubt so I'm good, but I wonder if any clarity will come with an extra week
For injuries, holdouts, or other uncertainties plaguing Ragnarok decision-making, I don't expect that an extra week will add any clarity. So much of this stuff goes til the last minute in the NFL. Personally, I'd rather everyone dclare early and know that a few teams might make a last-minute and totally reasonable change than have us all wait a week on the hopes we learn something new 3 weeks before kickoff instead of 4 weeks before kickoff - and even then have a few team make a last-minute and totally reasonable change.
But most of all, I roll with Keith. If we move it a week, it will be all good.
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/25/2023 1:14:39 PM Post a reply to Agreed on FAAB fine for late declaration
Agreed on FAAB fine for late declaration
I would've said 25 MB given how frequently this happens.

I'm not against formalizing some kind of backup plan, like emailing in a 'Don't Open Til Christmas' message ahead of time with my picks in them, just in case there's a user error when placing the standard declaration online. I'm willing to forgive a person trying to dclare on time and messing up, but not willing to forgive a person forgetting to declare. Know what I mean?

Wheel of Death is an amazing idea, by the way, and there's got to a be a good use for it somewhere in Ragnarok.
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Rules Proposal 26.2: Franchise Declaration Day and Beer Coupons
Posted - 6/25/2023 1:14:36 PM Post a reply to Agreed on FAAB fine for late declaration
Agreed on FAAB fine for late declaration
I would've said 25 MB given how frequently this happens.

I'm not against formalizing some kind of backup plan, like emailing in a 'Don't Open Til Christmas' message ahead of time with my picks in them, just in case there's a user error when placing the standard declaration online. I'm willing to forgive a person trying to dclare on time and messing up, but not willing to forgive a person forgetting to declare. Know what I mean?

Wheel of Death is an amazing idea, by the way, and there's got to a be a good use for it somewhere in Ragnarok.
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I'll Be Your Huckleberry
Posted - 5/4/2023 2:02:52 PM Post a reply to I've got the same top 2 as Keith
I've got the same top 2 as Keith
Those two houses both look terrific. To me, I prefer the actual house itself on Keith #1 (mountain house near the VA border), but I prefer the location for Keith #2 (Lake Gaston).

I'd personally lean towards Keith #1, because the house really looks terrific. But it means a lot more driving overall. Looks to be ~3hrs from RDU, 6 hrs from DC, 2.5 for the Triangle folks. (Conversely, it's likely way better for Z and Joe.) So I would like to put a vote in for both Keith #1 and Keith #2, and be content with either.

Can't wait to see everyone
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Bigfoot sighting 4 miles from my house
Posted - 2/6/2023 10:45:29 AM Post a reply to Going on a Foot hunt?
Going on a Foot hunt?
That's crazy close, Keith. Are you gonna go check out the area at all?
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This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Posted - 12/13/2022 1:31:24 PM Post a reply to Keith said to post if something's amiss
Keith said to post if something's amiss
Well I think something may be amiss in our amazing 3-6 matchup of Minnesotans. Are those week 14 kicker scores correct? Looks to me like Joseph is missing a point and Zuerlein has 2 points too many. If so, is a home field shakeup needed?
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This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Posted - 12/6/2022 12:05:22 PM Post a reply to This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
This is gonna be an EPIC week 14
Scribbles has his hands full putting into words this crazy last week. Razor thin margins. Untimely injuries. A preposterous 6-team bye week. A Monday night game with a bunch of Ragnarok starters for playoff hopefuls. This is gonna be nuts!
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 4:27:23 PM Post a reply to OK, final decision: Andrews, JuJu back to Bruins, Ertz and MBs back to Gamblers. I'll get Tua next week
OK, final decision: Andrews, JuJu back to Bruins, Ertz and MBs back to Gamblers. I'll get Tua next week
I don't plan on making a habit of offering to undo trades, but this felt like an extraordinary circumstance where Tua looked like his career was over. I think the only person affected here is me, so hopefully others won't feel put out. Now I gotta go talk to Ertz - he can't be happy about being traded then sent right back.
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 11:35:09 AM Post a reply to Thank you guys for weighing in. Sorry for making a mess
Thank you guys for weighing in. Sorry for making a mess
I personally didn't think through any of these larger ramifications, but I see where people are coming from. I want to re-emphasize that this wasn't something Zach asked for at all. This was my idea, done at a point where it looked like Tua could be like SERIOUSLY hurt. So my apologies for acting rashly and causing a mess. If this requires the approval of the league, or a rule change, I understand and won't fight about it. Just know this was not done to subvert rules or harm other Ragnarok teams; rather, it was a hastily done attempt to do what felt morally right and remedy a shitty situation. I hope that can still happen.
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Injuries are a part of football (and fantasy)
Posted - 9/30/2022 10:11:06 AM Post a reply to I think we are all on the same page - I just didn't reverse the trade the proper way
I think we are all on the same page - I just didn't reverse the trade the proper way
I also agree that Tua has to be Zach's week 4 QB. So does Zach (though I'll let him speak for himself on this). But since I feel like the Dolphins lied about Tua and that contributed to his injury, I offered to reverse the trade late last night, and submitted it to Zach with all players involved. I just assumed Zach would be stuck having played Tua this week. I didn't think about the technical ramifications of Tua coming back to me mid-week; I just wanted Zach to have his original players back. What I should've done was make a trade offer this week that switches Ertz and 11MB back to me and Andrews + JuJu back to Zach. Then next week I can trade 1 MB to Zach and I get Tua back, returning all players and MBs to their original team.

Would people be comfortable with this? Only Tua stays traded this week, and he gets traded back next week?
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Free Agency correction
Posted - 9/21/2022 12:27:35 PM Post a reply to Free Agency correction - check the fine print
Free Agency correction - check the fine print
It clearly states at the bottom of the rules, "unless you're the Koo Dynasty, in which case screw you." I assume everyone else sees that as well. Sean, shame on you for lying about the rules.
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An abundance of caution
Posted - 9/14/2022 4:25:09 PM Post a reply to An abundance of irony
An abundance of irony
Glad to hear that Kent and Alex are getting better. That's great news. Covid is dumb and I don't care what anyone says.

Meanwhile, here in the Goldstein house we've got two kids with Covid, and possibly more positives on the way, contracted during the weekend spent away from the draft due to last year's Covid outbreak. Fuckin' unreal.
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/17/2022 12:37:20 PM Post a reply to Eliminate kickers?! Might as well eliminate America
Eliminate kickers?! Might as well eliminate America
OK, maybe that's an overreaction on my part. And I definitely get the case for eliminating kickers in fantasy football. But I've always believed there was a ton of merit in trying to include all facets of the NFL game into the Ragnarok game. If a good punter matters in the NFL, why shouldn't it matter to us? I gotta believe a punter is worth something like 1-3% to a team's fortunes. Maybe that's all our punters should be worth. But I really love the punter idea the more I think about it. (Especially at lower point totals.) Very Ragnarok of us to zig while others zag (fuck off, PPR!)

Saying that, maybe one way to curb some of the free agency dilution would be to keep roster sizes the way they are and add a 1 punter requirement? That would add 12 players back into the FA pool at least.
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Rules Proposal 25.2: Punters
Posted - 8/17/2022 11:44:16 AM Post a reply to I like adding punters, but not the scoring system
I like adding punters, but not the scoring system
I'd rather try a system where good punters provide a small point total each week, somewhere between kickers and coaches. Adding a big bonus for record-breaking kicks is fun, but it seems less fun if it's the only way to score and it wins a week by itself.

So how about 1 point for a 50 yarder, 2 points for a 65+ yarder, 5 points for a 75+ yarder, something like that? Is it possible to get points for kicks downed inside the 5? Can KeithBot 3000 do that?
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Woo hoo, tomorrow is declaration day!
Posted - 8/14/2022 9:55:23 AM Post a reply to Woo hoo, tomorrow is declaration day!
Woo hoo, tomorrow is declaration day!
...unless you've taken Delta 9, in which case franchise declarations may still be in 1 week.

I'm so excited. Can't wait to see everyone's decisions - I wish I could bet on this. That would be a pretty fun game to play, I think.
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Countdown to the end of Eric's bachelorhood
Posted - 8/10/2022 6:22:23 PM Post a reply to Congratulations Eric!
Congratulations Eric!
That's really awesome news, man! It's a big change, but a good one. I'm very tempted to make an off-color '20 years of sucking' joke here, but mostly I'm just happy for you and wish you the best. And I'm definitely watching Drunken Master in your honor. What a movie!
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I think we saw a UFO last night
Posted - 8/1/2022 6:04:29 PM Post a reply to Those are amazing & creepy stories!
Those are amazing & creepy stories!
I've never seen a UFO, but that sounds both awesome and creepy.
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Rules Proposal 25.1: Injured Rookies
Posted - 7/27/2022 11:00:32 PM Post a reply to I vote yes too, unless I'm supposed to abstain as the original question asker
I vote yes too, unless I'm supposed to abstain as the original question asker
This truly is the only place in the world where I'm excited about adding more rules.
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Rules Committee Question: Is Travis Etienne a rookie again?
Posted - 7/21/2022 7:14:41 AM Post a reply to Rules Committee Question: Is Travis Etienne a rookie again?
Rules Committee Question: Is Travis Etienne a rookie again?
Thought I'd get an official word on this. Etienne wasn't on the Jags active roster at any point last year due to injury (at least I don't think he was). Is he eligible to be a "rookie" again? It seems like the answer should be 'no', but in the NBA a player who missed his whole first season with an injury was eligible for - and won! - Rookie of the Year the next year. The rationale there was that it was his first season actually playing. So there's at least some precedence somewhere in sports for a rookie year do-over.
What say you, oh wise ones?
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Important News!
Posted - 7/20/2022 2:15:52 PM Post a reply to Not ashamed to say I'm jealous  |  And I'll be remote too
Not ashamed to say I'm jealous | And I'll be remote too
OK, a little ashamed. But that still sounds awesome. We took our kids to Harry Potter this winter to celebrate one of our kids' cochlear implant surgery, and it was a ton of fun.

And as Zach rightly noted, best to not spring plans on people late. I told Keith already, but I won't be live at this draft either, instituting a self-imposed "time out" for bad behavior. (i.e. I didn't take the safety precautions I told my family I would take last year, and after screwing up their lives for 2 weeks I can't in good conscience go back to the best weekend of the year without a penalty.) Though I can tell it's gonna suck to not see everyone.
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Welcome to Ragnarok, Alex!
Posted - 7/3/2022 11:46:33 AM Post a reply to Great answer
Great answer
Welcome Alex! That's a great answer you've given. Personally I would've accepted "Who gives a shit", but I think your answer suffices.

Looking forward to meeting you, and welcome aboard.
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The Big One
Posted - 6/20/2022 9:32:29 AM Post a reply to Tomination withdrawn
Tomination withdrawn
I didn't realize I had a different impression of Tommy than others. Nomination withdrawn.
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The Big One
Posted - 6/19/2022 11:36:24 AM Post a reply to Re: The Big One - Should We Ask Tommy?
Re: The Big One - Should We Ask Tommy?
Alex M sounds great. But Tommy was an incredible fit, and while he's the one who said he was done with Ragnarok, I'd love to be able to ask him to reconsider. It's probably a fool's errand, but that makes me perfect for the job.
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Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Posted - 12/15/2021 9:17:40 PM Post a reply to Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Greatest playoff matchups ever?
Bruins v Bass
Splitters v 20YearsofSucking
Blast v Noob

That’s 3 big time rivalries. And Kent told me privately that he hates Stu’s guts. (Not true.) Should be a great time this weekend. Good luck to all!
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 12/7/2021 7:44:56 AM Post a reply to Jamboree! Jamboree!
Jamboree! Jamboree!
I’m legitimately excited about this. I wish somehow all 12 teams were still in the playoffs hunt, which would make this truly bonkers. But I still think it’s got some intrigue with some playoff spots and a lot of seeding still on the line. Good luck to five of you!
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Missing FA player - can I bid here?
Posted - 11/21/2021 9:52:49 AM Post a reply to Missing FA player - can I bid here?
Missing FA player - can I bid here?
D’Onta Foreman isn’t on a roster but isn’t in the free agency list either - or I couldn’t find him. Can I bid on him here on the forum? If allowed by the rules committee I’d bid 2 MB on Foreman and drop Boston Scott. I won’t make a fuss if people don’t like this idea, since it’s pretty unusual.
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No football tomorrow for me
Posted - 11/20/2021 7:43:55 PM Post a reply to LET’S GO WATAUGA!
Bring it home, Z!
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No football tomorrow for me
Posted - 11/20/2021 7:43:50 PM Post a reply to LET’S GO WATAUGA!
Bring it home, Z!
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Side note
Posted - 11/7/2021 7:17:30 AM Post a reply to Burnsville TOUGH!
Burnsville TOUGH!
Way to go Zach!
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GOTW - GAME OF THE WEEK - Weekly Football Get-together
Posted - 10/30/2021 7:33:39 AM Post a reply to GOTW - I could do Chiefs-Giants MNF
GOTW - I could do Chiefs-Giants MNF
It’s not likely to be a great game, but maybe that’s ok. I could join a few minutes after kickoff.
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Terrace Marshall
Posted - 10/20/2021 9:25:13 AM Post a reply to Terrace Marshall
Terrace Marshall
Look, I get it. He's done nothing. I'm just putting him on the block in case someone wants to take a flyer on a rookie. Not sure I'll be able to hold him for much longer. Wouldn't expect anything back other than MBs or late bench guys.
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CustomizedDrafts.com is finally updated for 2021
Posted - 9/5/2021 8:33:56 PM Post a reply to Gamblers vote yes on virtual lockbock idea
Gamblers vote yes on virtual lockbock idea
Thank you for thinking this through, Keith.
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Getting stoked about draft weekend
Posted - 9/3/2021 5:09:14 PM Post a reply to Planning on a Harris Teeter or Publix curbside pickup
Planning on a Harris Teeter or Publix curbside pickup
Looks like both stores are still doing curbside and are near enough to the house. Happy to get any kind of groceries needed to fill in gaps. Like more breakfast or lunch stuff, drinks, perishables people don’t want to lug from home, etc.
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We doin' the Fucking Lock Box?
Posted - 9/1/2021 1:06:44 PM Post a reply to We doin' the Fucking Lock Box?
We doin' the Fucking Lock Box?
Seemed like we had a winning idea back in 2019. We doing this thing again?
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Sooo Close!!!
Posted - 8/30/2021 11:00:52 PM Post a reply to Got my test scheduled for 9/7
Got my test scheduled for 9/7
Did it a few days ago through CVS. There were lots of spots available then. Presumably still true today.
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Sooo Close!!!
Posted - 8/30/2021 11:00:49 PM Post a reply to Got my test scheduled for 9/7
Got my test scheduled for 9/7
Did it a few days ago through CVS. There were lots of spots available then. Presumably still true today.
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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 8/22/2021 7:57:52 PM Post a reply to Take 2: Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Take 2: Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Just bringing up this topic again of trying to play the season through week 17 this year - I think it fell off the radar last month. My pitch was we make week 14 the last week of the regular season, but make it a one-week Victory Points matchup: top 6 scores in the league get a win that week. So no unbalanced schedule or realigning of divisions, but we still get an extra week of football, with weeks 15-17 as the playoffs.
Kent was on board when I brought this up last time. Anyone else?
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Waiting on keepers for Sean, Jeremy, and Dat
Posted - 8/15/2021 1:27:47 PM Post a reply to Keepers
FP: Saquon Barkley
Rookie: Terry McLaurin (2nd round, 1-round keeper designation)
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An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
Posted - 8/13/2021 3:21:18 PM Post a reply to An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
An in memoriam for my Uncle Bill
I played fantasy football for the first time in 1991, at the age of 14. My Uncle Bill invited me to co-own a team with him in a league here in Durham. He was a Bears fan. At the time I was a Giants fan. We named our team the Giant Bears. (I agree - not a great name.)

The league was him, me, and 11 lawyers. The league had the standard scoring system of the time: 6 points per TD, with 3 point bonuses for 100 yards rushing or receiving or 300 yards passing.
The draft was held in person at some downtown lawyer club that now must be long gone. Most owners came equipped with a Street & Smith’s or the USA Today season preview, the two pinnacles of fantasy research. And we were ready - by which I mean we had Street & Smith’s.

I believe Uncle Bill made our first two picks. Honesty, I don’t remember them. I’m sure they were solid. Uncle Bill was no fool. And he probably made me feel like I helped decide, but I’m sure I didn’t. I’m sure I didn’t because I remember our 3rd round pick clear as day. That pick he gave me free rein. My first real pick in fantasy football. I saw a perfect candidate, a guy who’d already fallen well below where Street & Smith’s ranked him - a real steal of the draft. So I confidently made my first ever fantasy football pick: Denver RB Bobby Humphrey. “He’s holding out, kid” some dickhead lawyer smirked, holding a USA Today, and the other dickheads lawyers laughed like total dickheads, since I guess they all had USA Today’s too and knew I’d fucked up. Humphrey sat out most of that season and played like 3 useless games. A worse first pick you will rarely see. But Uncle Bill was undeterred. He made a few more solid picks, kept involving me in drafting decisions, and even let me draft my sleeper in the 7th round, a past his prime Washington RB named Gerald Riggs who I thought might be good, based mostly on the fact that I had actually heard of him. That season Gerald Riggs had 78 carries for 248 yards. But he also had 11 TDs, which tied for 3rd in the NFL. (After all, this was a 6 pts per TDs and 3 pt yardage bonus league). Riggs was a star. I was a genius. We made the playoffs. That league ran its course in a few years, as most do, but that first draft stayed with me. And I’ve loved fantasy football ever since.

Uncle Bill passed away in the early hours of Thursday morning after a long cancer bout. He was a wonderful and kind person who dedicated his life to the mental health and well-being of others, leaving behind a professional legacy I expect will be larger than nearly anyone I know. But of all the big deeds he did, and the many great memories I have of him after being around him since we moved to Durham in 1986, it was the small deed of letting me tag along in fantasy football that I expect I'll remember most fondly.

Thank you, Uncle Bill. I’ll miss you. Long live the Giant Bears.
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A little over a month away
Posted - 8/10/2021 10:34:46 AM Post a reply to 3 nights for the Gamblers
3 nights for the Gamblers
Thu-Sat nights
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Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Posted - 7/30/2021 1:48:07 PM Post a reply to Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
Another thought for dealing with the 18th week
To me, an ideal outcome for handling the new 18 week NFL calendar would be one where we a) keep the 4 division alignment, b) keep competitive balance, and c) get to play one more Ragnarok game and don't have to sit out a week? Do others agree? If so, how about this idea: a one-week Victory Points Matchup.

The details: We keep our planned regular season schedule exactly as it is, but append a new regular season game in week 14. That last regular season week is a Victory Points week. The whole league plays against everyone else, with the top 6 scorers being week 14 "winners". So the top 6 scorers get week 14 wins, regardless of division, and the bottom 6 scorers get week 14 losses.

The pros: I think it meets the ideal outcome criteria from above. It doesn't require any changes to the first 13 weeks of the schedule. I also think it makes for a potentially AWESOME final regular season week where there's a lot more chance for teams to move up and down the playoff ladder since it's not dependent on head-to-head matchups.

The cons: We've not done anything like this before and there may be some unintended consequence. (I can't think of any, but maybe someone else will.) It's definitely a departure from our traditional methods, and that can be problematic. And I don't know how hard the programming is for the Commissioner, which I consider to be a deal breaker for any change.

Any thoughts? I feel like there's something here.
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Some good news and some not-so-good news
Posted - 7/21/2021 7:45:42 PM Post a reply to No Stu?! Say it ain’t so! Also, congrats!
No Stu?! Say it ain’t so! Also, congrats!
I’m very happy to hear the good news, Stu. If you need anyone to draft for you, we probably have identical ranks so I can take care of it.
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A sad day.
Posted - 6/24/2021 4:11:41 PM Post a reply to I would vote NO on Scott's decision. Is that possible?
I would vote NO on Scott's decision. Is that possible?
Really sorry to hear about your mother, Scott. I'll second Dat's comments about taking on a caregiver role. I hope that it provides some joy and solace along the way.

As for Ragnarok, you'll be deeply missed. I'll be sure to tell the new guy how much better of a league mate you were than they are. Hope to see you - around town or around a podium - real soon.
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NFL now has an 18 week regular season
Posted - 5/19/2021 6:41:05 PM Post a reply to How about use Week 14 to start a secondary tournament?
How about use Week 14 to start a secondary tournament?
Keith invented a truly kick ass fantasy tournament a couple years back, where you play in single-elimination head-to-head matchups with a one-on-one draft each week (drafting starters only). It's really fun.

What if we used this in our league to handle the week 14 problem?

Here's my idea: Keep Ragnarok's regular season as weeks 1-13, and set the playoffs for weeks 15-17. In the week 14 "bye week" we start a secondary tournament, like they have in soccer, using Keith's tournament setup. Let's call it the Loki Cup for now.

How it works: In week 14 we are assigned head-to-head matchups. Each matchup has a head-to-head draft that Wednesday. The 6 head-to-head winners plus top 2 point-scoring head-to-head losers advance (so we have 8 teams left). Week 15-17 is single-elimination, with new drafts each Wednesday. Importantly, the Loki Cup is totally independent of the main Ragnarok playoffs. And because we draft anew each week, we could easily modify this to incorporate week 18 - like have the 12 teams play a 2-week matchup weeks 14 & 15 so we end on week 18.

What I like about it: 1) This would give all teams new life during playoff time. Non-playoff teams play for more than just draft picks, as they get a chance to start over and win a secondary title with a whole new strategy and set of players. Playoff teams can try for the elusive and truly dominant Double Ragnarok Title. 2) We don't have to take a Ragnarok break during our regular season, especially during the first few weeks when everyone is at their most engaged.

What I don't like about it: Nothing. This is a great idea that I had. I hear Erik on the concerns about having players with no byes during our regular season. But it seems to me that it's got as many negatives as positives from a fantasy perspective - it's great to not have to bench a starter because of a bye, but good luck staying healthy if you're a team that goes through that gauntlet to get to their week 14 bye.

So that's it. Fun new tournament at the end of the season so we can shift Ragnarok playoffs to a more reasonable week 15 start, without skipping a beat in the regular season. What say you all?
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The Big One: Covid on Rosters
Posted - 4/20/2021 11:24:53 AM Post a reply to Re: The Big One: Covid on Rosters
Re: The Big One: Covid on Rosters
Interesting thoughts, and I agree on avoiding uniform roster expansion. I'll admit, though, I don't love the option in the Eric method of picking anyone in the FA pool. Two reasons: 1) I can imagine a competitive advantage gained by having a Covid absence at a time when a high-quality FA emerges. 2) I don't like the idea of one team getting to play a guy "for free" when another team paid MBs to roster that player.

Some other thoughts:

- The Eric method, but only after Wednesday's FA or even Sunday's FA?

- Covid IR spots that confer MBs, so you don't lose a roster spot AND you get a little bump (say, 10 MBs) in FA bidding?

- I'm also OK not bending over backwards for Covid this year. I'm glad we're being prepared, but I think I'd be fine with a "sucks to be you" response to Covid absences.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/13/2021 9:08:51 AM Post a reply to Blowing Rock seems great too
Blowing Rock seems great too
I'd be totally happy going there, fwiw, even if I didn't name it in my original list. It looks awesome too.
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Ragnarok is back!
Posted - 4/12/2021 8:53:24 PM Post a reply to Finals vote
Finals vote
Gamblers vote for Newland or Lake Gaston, though all houses look like they've got great qualities. Thanks to all who put in the research time.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 10/30/2020 8:18:24 AM Post a reply to Good advice, Scribbles
Good advice, Scribbles
Love you Kent. Love you Ragnarokers.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 10/29/2020 3:05:51 PM Post a reply to Scribbles forever!
Scribbles forever!
We may never know who Scribbles really is --- oh, you say it's Kent? And Kent says it's Kent? Well, jury is still out I guess --- but that writer is fantastic.
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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 9/8/2020 1:32:13 PM Post a reply to We love you Kent
We love you Kent
Your love for Alicia always shone through in all the times you've mentioned her over these many years - which has been a lot - and you beautifully capture that love in what you wrote. She clearly made you very happy, and always will. And that will always make me happy too. Thank you Alicia.
Love you buddy.

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So sorry to hear, Kent.
Posted - 9/4/2020 12:06:01 PM Post a reply to Love to Alicia and Kent
Love to Alicia and Kent
Oh buddy. What a terrible day indeed. I'm heartened that she's at such a good hospital at least. To the extent that you're willing, please keep us posted.
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Some Good News In All The Muck and Myre
Posted - 6/4/2020 7:42:44 PM Post a reply to Yeah, way to go Z!
Yeah, way to go Z!
Burnsville Tough!
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Round 3!
Posted - 1/16/2020 8:57:01 PM Post a reply to Slow draft underway, Chiefs
Slow draft underway, Chiefs
Your pick, whenever you’re ready
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Round 3!
Posted - 1/16/2020 7:54:55 AM Post a reply to Chief of KC, would you want to move the draft?
Chief of KC, would you want to move the draft?
Let me know if you prefer other times. Like earlier Friday evening or some time on Saturday. I’ll be there Friday at 9 if that’s best, but it’s not my first choice
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Round 2!
Posted - 1/15/2020 8:50:27 AM Post a reply to Weary Hunters will pick first
Weary Hunters will pick first
Should be a fun Sunday
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I know you guy's don't understand but, fuck this pisses me off!
Posted - 12/13/2019 8:51:41 AM Post a reply to Amen Dave
Amen Dave
You deserve better. We all do. Actually, you definitely deserve better but I’m not sure about the rest of this husk of a republic
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/7/2019 10:21:45 AM Post a reply to Stu, any chance you are still in town Sunday morning?
Stu, any chance you are still in town Sunday morning?
I can’t make tonight’s show. Any chance you are sticking around for a bit? Would love to catch up!
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/6/2019 4:38:48 PM Post a reply to Eliminating the clusterfuck is the exact idea
Eliminating the clusterfuck is the exact idea
Damn right there's a clusterfuck at QB. Isn't that a bad thing? Isn't that worth trying to fix? Ragnarok has its own scoring system because traditional scoring systems sucked. If it's not worth drafting QBs because they're all the same in our scoring system now, doesn't that kind of suck? Shouldn't we do something about it?
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Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Posted - 12/6/2019 2:14:37 PM Post a reply to Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Ragnarok champ prediction pool. Winners get extra 10 MBs to start next year
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Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Posted - 12/6/2019 2:14:33 PM Post a reply to Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Rule proposal 27. Whateverwereatnow
Ragnarok champ prediction pool. Winners get extra 10 MBs to start next year
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/6/2019 10:21:38 AM Post a reply to QBs - what if wins mattered?
QBs - what if wins mattered?
Billy's right that QB scoring ain't broke. But I do think it's a little rusty.

Ragnarok scoring was designed to better reflect a player's true impact on NFL games than standard fantasy scoring systems do. And yet, good NFL QBs are in short supply and good fantasy QBs are not. I believe this is because game stats tell an inaccurate picture of a QBs impact on the outcome. Far too often a good QB on a good team gets a lead and then bleeds the clock. And in the same game, a QB on a mediocre team throws a ton of passes in a futile attempt to make the final score look respectable. Just last night, most of Dak's points came in the final 12 minutes of an unwinnable game whose final score doesn't reflect the ass kicking the game was. So the big advantage Mitch Trubisky had in stats and impact during the first 3 quarters was eroded by Dak's garbage time stats.

So end-of-game stats leads to fantasy QB scores that don't differentiate between the guys who truly played the best and those that didn't. And I think that lack of differentiation is the problem. That's something we could fix.

What if we looked at including wins and losses in our QB scoring system? Not sure how many points, but something substantial. Like adding 6-8 points if the QB wins the NFL game and subtracting 6-8 points if they lose. The goal is to boost the stats of the good QB bleeding the clock and undermine the garbage time stats of the not-as-good QB.

On first glance this should make the top QBs more valuable; guys like Lamar, Rodgers, Mahomes, etc would have another big glut of points. And the bad-team gunslingers that won't have jobs next year (Jameis Winston, I'm looking at you) would be way less useful. I think this should have two big effects:

1) Widening the gap between the best QBs and the rest of the pack
2) Making the best QBs more valuable early in the draft

Both of those outcomes sound good to me.

Now, I also see some flaws or at least question marks about this idea. One, I wonder if this undermines the coach position. Two, I wonder if this just allows a new crop of unworthy QBs to be more valuable, like Tom Brady, who sucks. But looking through the current NFL standings, most of the teams with great records have great QBs. There are still some meh guys with great records, like Jimmy G or Cousins, but those guys are better than Rivers or Carr or someone like that, right? And very few really good QBs are on losing teams. Matt Ryan, maybe? Another potential issue is that WRs also benefit from garbage time, so including wins and losses for QBs doesn't fully solve the garbage time problem. But we do have 3 WRs and only 1 QB, so maybe just having more WR options makes that not such a big deal.

Any thoughts? Maybe I could do a little data analysis and compare QB scores with and without win/loss points after the season is over, see if it makes a difference.
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A thoughtful article from the Surt
Posted - 12/1/2019 10:59:26 AM Post a reply to Get Your 300 On, Everybody
Get Your 300 On, Everybody
Great ads this year. Bought $1200 worth of stuff - mostly McDonalds chicken tenders.
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High School Play Festival
Posted - 11/23/2019 10:41:38 AM Post a reply to ZACH!
That’s amazing buddy. Congratulations! You must feel amazing after all that hard work paid off. So there’s another competition after this one?
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In Greensboro for States.
Posted - 11/22/2019 10:08:37 AM Post a reply to Good luck tonight, Zach!
Good luck tonight, Zach!
Go break some legs. The other actor’s legs. That’ll limit their acting ability I bet.
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When is the final FA period?
Posted - 11/13/2019 9:25:35 PM Post a reply to When is the final FA period?
When is the final FA period?
Can’t remember
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High School Play Festival
Posted - 11/13/2019 2:19:17 PM Post a reply to Way to go Zach!!
Way to go Zach!!
I totally missed it when you first posted this news. But that's awesome! Honestly, everyone knows Maggie and Cole dragged your sorry ass across the Outstanding Director finish line, but it's a win all the same. ;)
I remember you saying this play was a bit of a departure from the standard high school play, so I'm all the more pleased that your efforts paid off. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Burnsville Tough!
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Much love to Kent during this time
Posted - 10/18/2019 1:08:32 PM Post a reply to Much love to Kent during this time
Much love to Kent during this time
Didn't post this on Sunday but should've. Sounds like a shit situation right now, and we'll be here throughout as you deal with with times.
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Best Commish in sports might just be Keith Mickelson
Posted - 10/10/2019 12:18:15 PM Post a reply to Best Commish in sports might just be Keith Mickelson
Best Commish in sports might just be Keith Mickelson
Logging on to see the note about Sunday 930am games and the switch to a special 9am FA was another reminder of Keith really kicking ass and making this site and our league amazing. I expect that few if any know how hard Keith works to make this all run smoothly. I sure don't. But it's appreciated, I know that.
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Hope all goes OK Scribbles
Posted - 9/29/2019 9:07:01 AM Post a reply to Hope all goes OK Scribbles
Hope all goes OK Scribbles
Sorry to hear it's a tough week coming up
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2019 Football Social #1
Posted - 9/27/2019 11:00:46 AM Post a reply to Football social - how about Colts/Chiefs 10/6?
Football social - how about Colts/Chiefs 10/6?
Colts Chiefs week 5 appeals to me. Any others?
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A Scribbles masterpiece today
Posted - 9/22/2019 4:22:22 PM Post a reply to A Scribbles masterpiece today
A Scribbles masterpiece today
I don't know who Kent hired to be his ghost writer, but they wrote an outstanding one today. Well done, and hear hear.
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pulling the plug on cable tv
Posted - 9/16/2019 11:25:41 PM Post a reply to Streaming worked perfectly
Streaming worked perfectly
Thanks Raiden!
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I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
Posted - 9/11/2019 8:41:32 PM Post a reply to I don't know, maybe Zach should have to give up Metcalf...
I don't know, maybe Zach should have to give up Metcalf...
A great man once said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, amd Zach didn't bid on Metcalf a second time. Shot not taken... ;)
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I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
Posted - 9/11/2019 8:32:37 PM Post a reply to I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
I'm seeing double - 2 DJ Metcalfs
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 9/5/2019 9:32:04 AM Post a reply to Gamblers have the extra laptop
Gamblers have the extra laptop
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All right boys....
Posted - 9/1/2019 12:19:03 PM Post a reply to Fucking lock box answer
Fucking lock box answer
Yes, your 4th round pick will be the first pick of that round.
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 8/24/2019 10:24:56 PM Post a reply to Hell yeah Dat!
Hell yeah Dat!
So glad youll be coming down.

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Pick 1.01
Posted - 8/16/2019 8:44:39 PM Post a reply to Flash Gordon is back!
Flash Gordon is back!
Billy, let's talk pick 1.01.
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draft weekend details!
Posted - 8/15/2019 10:01:13 AM Post a reply to Gamblers draft plans
Gamblers draft plans
3 nights for me, Thursday night through Sunday mid-day.

I will bring a laptop for Keith, and I'll figure out other community based items as we get closer. I'm probably most useful as a guy to supplement stuff that is missing or in short supply.
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Posted - 8/14/2019 10:12:09 AM Post a reply to Gamblers keeping two
Gamblers keeping two
I love that we still post these in the forums!

Michael Thomas as franchise player, Saquon in the 2nd.
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Rules Proposal 23.2: Enforcing Starting Lineups
Posted - 7/31/2019 5:29:02 PM Post a reply to YES to jacket and YES to major & minor rule change designation
YES to jacket and YES to major & minor rule change designation
The jacket is fantastic.

Equally fantastic is Keith's use of 'major' and 'minor' rule change language, and designating different thresholds for passing major and minor changes. For example, 'minor' changes could need 7 yesses to pass, while 'major' changes need 10+ yesses or 100% yes/no opinion votes. I really like the clarity this brings. I can imagine some future situation where there's some debate about a potential new rule being major or minor, but otherwise I think Keith is on to a great idea here.
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Rules Proposal 23.8: The Thursday Lock Box
Posted - 7/10/2019 10:05:10 PM Post a reply to Fucking lock box fucking rules!
Fucking lock box fucking rules!
This is so awesome. Biggest thanks to Keith for actually doing the work, but I think we all deserve some praise for figuring out a way to incorporate the NFL's garbage TNF kick-off game into the greatest fantasy league ever devised. Fuck you Goodell and long live Ragnarok!!!

Roving Gamblers of Asgard Division
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When are draft slot and FP deadlines?
Posted - 6/24/2019 9:09:53 PM Post a reply to P.S. BURNSVILLE TOUGH!
Still very cool to think of you winning it all, even against my beloved Koo.
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When are draft slot and FP deadlines?
Posted - 6/24/2019 9:08:30 PM Post a reply to This isn't the first year of the new draft order, and you have 12th choice
This isn't the first year of the new draft order, and you have 12th choice
We instituted this new draft order last year, FYI.
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When are draft slot and FP deadlines?
Posted - 6/24/2019 4:18:17 PM Post a reply to When are draft slot and FP deadlines?
When are draft slot and FP deadlines?
I don't remember from last year. Anyone?
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Rules Proposal 23.8: The Thursday Lock Box
Posted - 6/13/2019 4:21:46 PM Post a reply to If cyber lock box is ok with the programmer, it's ok with me
If cyber lock box is ok with the programmer, it's ok with me
Cyber lock box definitely eliminates human error so that's great. But if the cyber lock box becomes too onerous to program I'm sure we can make a physical lock box work.
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Rules Proposal 23.8: The Thursday Lock Box
Posted - 6/11/2019 9:56:11 PM Post a reply to Talkin' box
Talkin' box
1) I love me some fuckin lock box and intend to vote yes on basically any fuckin lock box proposal
2) May I propose that we institute some plan for the first year of the lock box that helps reduce the likelihood of someone skipping over their lock box bid? Like, forexample, everyone submitting an entry into the lock box submits that entry in a sealed envelope, and on the outside of that envelope writes their team name and draft round? Once the draft is underway the owner name and round are announced so that no one drafts a player in their lock box round? I know that announcing the draft rounds may provide a hint to other owners about the nature of the lock box submittal, but maybe that's better than someone submitting a name to the lock box then not selecting that player when they should've.
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Rules Proposal 23.5: The Two Marketplaces Rule
Posted - 6/11/2019 9:30:39 PM Post a reply to If simplicity is what we are after, Winnerheim and Loserheim is simplest
If simplicity is what we are after, Winnerheim and Loserheim is simplest
Can't make trades with Winmerheim after entering Loserheim. That's super simple. And a little mean. So, it's perfect.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/7/2019 7:45:35 AM Post a reply to I'll vote for Mountain 7 too
I'll vote for Mountain 7 too
Great house, great location
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 5/5/2019 7:15:55 PM Post a reply to Billy insight makes me reluctant to choose Hyco, and Taylorsville is obviously out
Billy insight makes me reluctant to choose Hyco, and Taylorsville is obviously out
I'd like to hear from the out of towners about their preferences since they bearthe largest burden.
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Gentlemen, it is time to reserve the 2019 Ragnarok Draft!
Posted - 4/24/2019 9:34:10 PM Post a reply to Lake Hyco seems cool to me
Lake Hyco seems cool to me
I love Lake Gaston and would go there in perpetuity, but if Hyco is a better fit for the group I'm all for it.
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Paging Dr. DP.... Dr. Double Penetration ;-)
Posted - 2/21/2019 3:43:47 PM Post a reply to Congratulations Dr Dat!
Congratulations Dr Dat!
That's fantastic news, Dat. That's a huge deal and I hope it's the terrific day you deserve. It's so great you're graduating, especially when everyone else in the league said behind your back that you would never amount to anything. I tried to tell them that you could do this, but they steadfastly refused to believe you would graduate or even pass a single class. So take that, everyone else! ;)
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Posted - 12/23/2018 11:21:08 PM Post a reply to Asgard has fallen. Congrats Zach!
Asgard has fallen. Congrats Zach!
Way to go buddy. That's one Hel of a way to win a title. Plus an Arrogant Motherfucker Post it!
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Posted - 11/30/2018 3:58:08 PM Post a reply to Seconding the yield
Seconding the yield
And for what it's worth, I'm the one who first brought this up not him. Please don't think this a selfish attempt by Sean to rig the playoffs in his favor - think this a selfish attempt by ME to rig the playoffs in his favor! (Kidding!!)

Like Sean, the 10-win benchmark really stood out to me and made me question the status quo of division-based seeding in a way I'd never done before. The great examples people gave showed this is not a new issue. And those examples show that many other people have felt this issue not worthy of a "fix". Moreover, given how long Stu showed this has been happening in Ragnarok, I'm clearly among those who previously felt it not worth fixing. Pretty inconsistent of me. Wish I'd done better.

I still think there's merit to seeds better reflecting wins and points. But more than that, I see the merit in the group's collective wisdom, and happily back the group's decision.

Thanks to all who weighed in.

Good luck to the Vegas gamblers! (And the Roving Gamblers...)
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Posted - 11/29/2018 11:02:30 AM Post a reply to I get it, but I've gotta admit some frustration with this new direction
I get it, but I've gotta admit some frustration with this new direction
The goal of increased parity for the league is a good one, and I believe one that we all agree on. But this latest decision is highlighting for me some of the frustrations with this new direction. Two big questions come to mind:

1) What does parity mean to us?
2) What's more important to us - providing opportunity for parity or ensuring an outcome of parity?

For question 1, is parity defined by more diversity in playoff teams? More diversity in title teams? Is one more important than the other? Take this year as an example: We head into week 13 with a very inclusive and exciting race for 3 playoff spots AND our 2 dominant franchises are a collective 20-4. In people's minds, is this parity? Moreover, if #4 the seed beats #5 seed Koo because of home field advantage, is that a good outcome? Does that bring us closer to parity? Or if Keith beats Koo in the title game, is that a bad outcome? Does that push us farther from parity? What do people think? I'm concerned that as of right now we are not all on the same page about what "parity" means.

For question 2, I guess I'm wondering if the ends justify the means in rule-making. Rearranging the draft order feels to me like it was focused more on ensuring OPPORTUNITY than ensuring outcome, as it's designed to give better access to non-playoff teams. It's the focus on opportunity that I think makes it such a great rule. Conversely, locking in the top 4 seeds feels like it's leaning more towards ensuring OUTCOME than ensuring opportunity, because I worry it suggests that our underlying belief is that the #4 seed winning is a better outcome than the #5 team winning. And I don't think I'm convinced that a lean towards ensuring outcome is a good thing. When a rule is more focused on ensuring outcome than opportunity, I think there are probably better rules to use.

Having said that, I get where the league is coming from on all these changes - or lack thereof, in this most recent case. This road, though, doesn't feel optimal yet. At least not to me.
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Hey rules committee - shouldn't the 10-win teams be the top 3 seeds?
Posted - 11/27/2018 9:33:54 AM Post a reply to Hey rules committee - shouldn't the 10-win teams be the top 3 seeds?
Hey rules committee - shouldn't the 10-win teams be the top 3 seeds?
Each division winner deserves a playoff berth, but I don't think those 4 division-winner spots need to be the top 4 seeds. Rules committee, please consider a format whereby once playoff teams are determined, seeding is based strictly on record and points instead of division winners as 1-4.

What say you, rules committee?
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My Mom
Posted - 10/20/2018 3:33:07 PM Post a reply to Deepest sympathies Billy
Deepest sympathies Billy
Zach's words rang true for me, and I hope they do for you. We love you Bill and are here for you.
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pulling the plug on cable tv
Posted - 10/17/2018 11:08:14 AM Post a reply to Sounds great Keith. Keep us posted
Sounds great Keith. Keep us posted
I'm really interested to know how this works out. The more detail the better - I'm a complete novice at all this, though I do have a Roku device and would love to know if this may be transferable to that.
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football social?
Posted - 10/15/2018 6:36:59 PM Post a reply to Great seeing everyone, even if not ideal circumstances
Great seeing everyone, even if not ideal circumstances
Always wonderful seeing Ragnarok guys. I hope we'll do it again as the season goes on.
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football social?
Posted - 10/10/2018 3:48:38 PM Post a reply to Gamblers are in for SNF
Gamblers are in for SNF
Looking forward to it
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football social?
Posted - 9/26/2018 7:13:57 AM Post a reply to Football Social
Football Social
I'm a general yes, with the evenings easier to arrange than midday, but We do have out of town guests coming twice in October. Still, I'll do what i can to make it work.

May all your paste be tasted, brothers.
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Ragnarok history is being made
Posted - 9/14/2018 3:28:59 PM Post a reply to Way to go Bruins! Make 'em all Taste the Paste! Ughh.
Way to go Bruins! Make 'em all Taste the Paste! Ughh.
p.s. weather here is good so far.
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i just drafted my Week 2 team for Drafthouse
Posted - 9/13/2018 7:22:51 PM Post a reply to I hate you Joe
I hate you Joe
Joe's new team page photo is both cruel and hilarious. My self esteem is completely shattered.
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i just drafted my Week 2 team for Drafthouse
Posted - 9/13/2018 8:32:28 AM Post a reply to Poor Joe
Poor Joe
This is both cruel and hilarious.
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Can holdouts trigger Jamal Lewis Rule?
Posted - 9/7/2018 6:20:47 AM Post a reply to Gamblers Invoke Jamal Lewis Rule - LeVeon dropped and Michael Thomas added
Gamblers Invoke Jamal Lewis Rule - LeVeon dropped and Michael Thomas added
For those not at the Draft house last night,it was determined that holdouts can trigger the rule and that the change had to be made asap. So Bell is out and Thomas is in. It's been a great ride, LeVeon. Good luck getting paid.
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Can holdouts trigger Jamal Lewis Rule?
Posted - 9/5/2018 9:38:11 AM Post a reply to Can holdouts trigger Jamal Lewis Rule?
Can holdouts trigger Jamal Lewis Rule?
Legit question for the rules committee: if LeVeon is holding out, can I replace him as my franchise player under the Jamal Lewis Rule?
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just curious
Posted - 8/25/2018 2:50:36 PM Post a reply to also curious
also curious
What are everyone's rankings and free agent strategies? Also, what are everyone's ATM pin codes?
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Rules Proposal 22.6: No 3rd QB requirement and going to 19 roster slots
Posted - 8/23/2018 4:43:10 PM Post a reply to Thanks Stu
Thanks Stu
That all makes sense.

2 weeks, fellas!
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Math related topic
Posted - 8/21/2018 3:23:07 PM Post a reply to No mustache for me
No mustache for me
Billy and Keith know how to rock mustaches. The rest of us, not so much. Well, I bet Zach could grow a great mustache. Maybe Dave?
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Declaration Deadline - 12 hours away, or 36 hours away?
Posted - 8/14/2018 1:15:14 PM Post a reply to Declaration Deadline - 12 hours away, or 36 hours away?
Declaration Deadline - 12 hours away, or 36 hours away?
Will we know franchise players tomorrow morning, or Thursday morning? Either way, I'm excited to see what people do. Will Stu go with Zeke or Antonio? Will Dave keep Gronk or McKinnon? Will Koo select Rodgers or flash-in-the-pan Kamera? Will Joe retain McCoy or someone who didn't assault his ex? Will Zach keep anyone who doesn't immediately get hurt? (No.) So much to find out. Can't wait!
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Draft House
Posted - 8/8/2018 4:31:18 PM Post a reply to Great location - and Gamblers 3 nights Thurs-Sun
Great location - and Gamblers 3 nights Thurs-Sun
This is a very good spot. I like how close it is to Food Lion and Tanglewood Shores. Plus it doesn't look like we need to drive down a road where it feels like we're going to get murdered.
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Rule 21.2: Draft Inversion
Posted - 8/4/2018 1:35:17 PM Post a reply to The Assistant Director is the only smart one in the league office
The Assistant Director is the only smart one in the league office
Finally, a good idea from the league. Promote that guy.
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Rules Proposal 22.6: No 3rd QB requirement and going to 19 roster slots
Posted - 6/29/2018 7:58:02 PM Post a reply to Less math but more QB relevance
Less math but more QB relevance
I find superflex to be intriguing. But I also think it's worthwhile to try and improve QB relevance without making major changes to our league structure or requiring complicated math. Ideally, we could just make a bigger spread between the top QBs and the mediocre ones, thus improving the position's draft stock, trade value, and FA worth and moving us away from the late round QB era that goes against NFL realities. Here are some ideas:

+3 points for QB winning their NFL game, -3 points for losing - To me, QBs are more associated with their team's chance of winning NFL games than any other position. So how about we include their outcome in our scoring. That would boost the Brady's and Rodgers' value while tamping down the points given to QBs on bad teams getting garbage points.

Increasing points for each TD - I expect that TD passes are well correlated with winning, and the best QBs are generally more associated with big TD totals than big yardage totals. So how about a sliding scale for TD passes, like 4 points for TD 1, 5 points for TD2, etc. Again, this should help the QBs with truly great performances.

Total point threshold - if your QB doesn't get, say, 10 points, they go back to zero. So there is added risk in playing rotating mediocre QBs with supposedly good matchups, and increased benefit in drafting and rostering consistent QB1s that are more likely to reach that threshold.

None of these ideas would change scores by more than a few points per week. And there are more aggressive concepts as well if these are too tame (like only giving points to the top half scoring QBs that week, having different scoring charts for winning QBs and losing QBs, etc). But I expect they could encourage teams to prioritize QBs a bit more, without Kent-harming math or major structural overhauls.


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Rules Proposal 22.6: No 3rd QB requirement and going to 19 roster slots
Posted - 6/27/2018 7:47:59 PM Post a reply to 22.5 doesn't do much for me
22.5 doesn't do much for me
I don't have a strong case against this idea; I just don't see it solving a major problem. If there are ideas out there to make QBs relevant enough to want to roster 3 of them, I'd rather that idea be implemented than further erode QB relevance, which I think 22.5 may do.
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Rules Proposal 22.3: Expanding the Rookie Rule
Posted - 6/27/2018 7:40:53 PM Post a reply to I'm in favor of those 22.3 details
I'm in favor of those 22.3 details
That seems like a fun new wrinkle.
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Rules Proposal 22.2: Drafting Drafted Players
Posted - 3/26/2018 1:56:48 PM Post a reply to 22.2 is the most important rule ever created
22.2 is the most important rule ever created
1,000 votes for yes.
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2018 Draft Weekend Venue
Posted - 3/21/2018 8:55:07 AM Post a reply to Lake Gaston #1 with Lake Gaston #2 as a backup just in case?
Lake Gaston #1 with Lake Gaston #2 as a backup just in case?
Should we go ahead and do this?
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2018 Draft Weekend Venue
Posted - 3/12/2018 1:10:52 PM Post a reply to My ranking
My ranking
This is a great group, and I'm sure we can make all of these work.

My preferences lean towards the lakes:

1) Gaston #2
2) Kerr
3) Badin
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Seriously though. This couldn't have come at a better time...
Posted - 12/7/2017 4:33:14 PM Post a reply to Amazing!!
Congratulations buddy. That's incredible news!
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Gerrymandering works in fantasy football too!
Posted - 12/6/2017 7:49:23 AM Post a reply to Gerrymandering works in fantasy football too!
Gerrymandering works in fantasy football too!
Top scoring team gets the 5th seed. #2 scoring team is in the loser's bracket. The rich (Koo) stay rich. The poor (Bifrost, Hel) get token representation that ultimately has no impact on who wins. Cool system we got here. Next rule change should be a league dues break for Asgard, paid for by the other divisions. Bifrost and Hel, this is good for you! Stick it to the cucks in Midgard. MRGA

OK, OK, that's an exaggeration. And it WAS great having 11 out of 12 teams in it to the wire. Forgive the hyperbole. But I'm not certain that this outcome is the kind of competitive balance we were hoping for, or at least I was hoping for. The outcome feels a bit more random than in the past - or perhaps it feels a bit more predetermined. It's of course too early to judge, but I wanted to get these half-serious points into the conversation as we move forward. As of right now, I think we can do better. Hopefully time will prove me wrong.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to ogle pictures of Antonio Brown and Zeke Elliott as I chase that #1 pick. Loser's bracket is awesome!

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Plucky Kids do it. AGAIN.
Posted - 10/30/2017 8:41:09 PM Post a reply to Don't worry, Zach.
Don't worry, Zach.
I think you need to finish 7th to get the first pick, so you're safe.

Congrats on making State. That's really wonderful. It's become a welcome annual tradition to get this great news midseason.
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Big show tonight
Posted - 10/29/2017 10:25:59 AM Post a reply to How was the show??
How was the show??
I hope everyone had a blast. Did anyone happen to take pictures or video by chance?
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Football Social
Posted - 10/23/2017 10:34:33 PM Post a reply to I'm fucking out of town!
I'm fucking out of town!
We've had a family trip in the books for months, since it's a date of school for the k kids on Monday. I'd bail on that but we have family friends joining us. This sucks. Is there any way we can get a short video clip of the Ragnarok rock gods in action?
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Doug Baldwin
Posted - 9/23/2017 10:38:09 PM Post a reply to LeSean McCoy
LeSean McCoy
Incredible statement by LeSean too (though a bit more lude). Go LeSean, Go Bills, Go - again - Fowl Mouth Bass. And fuck that asshole.
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Doug Baldwin
Posted - 9/23/2017 10:30:57 PM Post a reply to Doug Baldwin
Doug Baldwin
Incredible statement by Baldwin today. Go Doug, Go Seahawks, Go Fowl Mouth Bass. And fuck you forever, fake president drumpf.
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Looks like a bunch of us have 21 players on our rosters
Posted - 9/20/2017 8:36:20 PM Post a reply to Looks like a bunch of us have 21 players on our rosters
Looks like a bunch of us have 21 players on our rosters
Aren't we only supposed to have 20? I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm one of the guilty parties, and will take whatever penalty there is.
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what the fuck is going on around here?!
Posted - 9/20/2017 6:56:33 PM Post a reply to I got Mauled
I got Mauled
I traded the better player and gave him MBs. I got straight reaved!
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I ordered Chinese food tonight and this as the fortune in the cookie...
Posted - 9/7/2017 12:05:42 PM Post a reply to Amazing fortune!
Amazing fortune!
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2017 Tiki House rules
Posted - 9/4/2017 9:55:32 AM Post a reply to Seems like maybe food is covered - should I bring non-perishables?
Seems like maybe food is covered - should I bring non-perishables?
I can't remember if this house had the same "bring your own toilet paper" policy. But I can supply paper products of all sorts, and will bring some fruit as well, maybe bananas and strawberries. And I'm also happy to play designated 'we ran out of stuff and someone needs to go to Food Lion' guy as well.
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Football is in the air!!!
Posted - 8/8/2017 6:34:37 AM Post a reply to 3 nights for Jeremy
3 nights for Jeremy
Hoping for Thursday to Sunday afternoon.
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realignment rankings formula
Posted - 7/5/2017 6:53:12 AM Post a reply to I like the names Keith came up with
I like the names Keith came up with
Norse names in a league called Ragnarok seems hard to beat.
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Rule 1
Posted - 6/28/2017 7:07:23 AM Post a reply to Rule 1
Rule 1
As eye-opening as it was to have a vote on rule 21.1, it's hard to ignore Rule 1 of the rule book that has Keith plainly listed as benevolent dictator. As we get into the weeds of 21.2, I just want to reaffirm that the benevolent dictator concept is fine with me. I'm not going to denigrate democracy, and appreciate the benefits of a vote. But I feel like the 21.1 vote didn't go all that well. Seemed like we entered a sort of grey zone, where Keith is the ultimate decision maker but there's also a "binding" vote. And there were conflicting votes, which didn't help things. It was all too unstable to me. If we do things differently in Rule 21.2, and lean back towards Rule 1, that's fine with me. Above all, I trust Keith to do things for the right reasons. So however we move forward, I think we'll be alright.
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Rule 1
Posted - 6/28/2017 7:07:19 AM Post a reply to Rule 1
Rule 1
As eye-opening as it was to have a vote on rule 21.1, it's hard to ignore Rule 1 of the rule book that has Keith plainly listed as benevolent dictator. As we get into the weeds of 21.2, I just want to reaffirm that the benevolent dictator concept is fine with me. I'm not going to denigrate democracy, and appreciate the benefits of a vote. But I feel like the 21.1 vote didn't go all that well. Seemed like we entered a sort of grey zone, where Keith is the ultimate decision maker but there's also a "binding" vote. And there were conflicting votes, which didn't help things. It was all too unstable to me. If we do things differently in Rule 21.2, and lean back towards Rule 1, that's fine with me. Above all, I trust Keith to do things for the right reasons. So however we move forward, I think we'll be alright.
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Rule 21.2: Draft Inversion
Posted - 6/28/2017 6:50:26 AM Post a reply to Pros and Cons to each, perhaps
Pros and Cons to each, perhaps
Seems like either year has pros and cons.
The pros of 2017 is that we had a lot of stated support for inversion - at least as a stand-alone idea independent of peered divisions - and we get the big changes over and done with.
The cons are that we haven't fully thought out the right order yet - for instance, the 3rd place finisher (let's see who that is real quick, oh it's me!) would lose the incentive to win that 3rd place game if the prize is no extra cash and a worst draft slot. Same for 5th place. Another con is that if implemented this year we wouldn't be able to tell as clearly how rules 21.1 and 21.2 succeeded independently, and may make it harder to evaluate their success.

I'm probably missing other pros and cons here as well. It'd be nice to talk them through, see what other thoughts are out there.
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Posted - 6/18/2017 2:06:35 PM Post a reply to Congratulations and good luck
Congratulations and good luck
Hope it's a big success for you, Keith.
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public summary: everyone please reply to this post
Posted - 6/14/2017 7:26:16 AM Post a reply to Gamblers vote B
Gamblers vote B

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public summary: everyone please reply to this post
Posted - 6/14/2017 7:26:13 AM Post a reply to Gamblers vote B
Gamblers vote B

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public summary: everyone please reply to this post
Posted - 6/14/2017 7:26:09 AM Post a reply to Gamblers vote B
Gamblers vote B

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Let's also talk money
Posted - 6/12/2017 1:57:07 PM Post a reply to Dat's great news
Dat's great news
Glad you're in, man.
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Let's also talk money
Posted - 6/12/2017 10:19:51 AM Post a reply to First to Keith, then to everyone
First to Keith, then to everyone
Keith, I was trying to be a dick this morning. That doesn't help anybody. It just makes me a dick. It does make me a dick who feels a little better after lashing out, but I should know better. Please forgive or ignore me.

To everyone, I think Sean's draft order is a stroke of genius. Gives some solid benefit to last year's non-playoff teams while not producing much of a downside that I can see. Presumably this order as suggested would be the order for picking draft slots still, so that people up top can move around as they see fit? I've come to enjoy the draft slot picking.

Also, I really don't want to lose franchise players and rookies. Not sure it's really on the table, but seeing it posted about makes me want to weigh in. FPs and Rookies are of my favorite parts of this league. I recognize that I'm pleading for something that is currently to my benefit (LeVeon!!!) which can be a bit questionable, but I loved chasing that future star even when saddled with Terrell Davis post-ACL surgery back in 2000, so I hope I've still got legitimacy here. Anyway, I know I'd be sad to lose the FP/Rookie component. Just putting it out there.

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Let's also talk money
Posted - 6/12/2017 6:58:38 AM Post a reply to Let's also talk money
Let's also talk money
I'm not as inclined to drop $75 a year if the future focus of Ragnarok is on getting more teams into the playoffs. I'd rather spend an additional $75 on draft weekend and just be done with financing a weighted chance to make a weighted playoff. Maybe that's just me. But it's for real - professional leagues have profit sharing for precisely this reason. In lieu of actual profits, we just stop paying in.
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Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Posted - 6/12/2017 6:49:38 AM Post a reply to Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Now that we are a league that incentivizes losing, we need a rule in place that more closely monitors trades. With a major long-term benefits being derived from falling into the losers division, teams that are in or near contention for this division should be scrutinized in particular for suspicious trades that benefit their draft and division positions in the future. Selfish trades that benefit those teams could have major implications for competitive balance, and need to be addressed.
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Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Posted - 6/12/2017 6:49:35 AM Post a reply to Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Rule 21.3 needs to address trades
Now that we are a league that incentivizes losing, we need a rule in place that more closely monitors trades. With a major long-term benefits being derived from falling into the losers division, teams that are in or near contention for this division should be scrutinized in particular for suspicious trades that benefit their draft and division positions in the future. Selfish trades that benefit those teams could have major implications for competitive balance, and need to be addressed.
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Rule 21.2 needs to address tanking
Posted - 6/12/2017 6:44:18 AM Post a reply to Rule 21.2 needs to address tanking
Rule 21.2 needs to address tanking
Now that we are headed towards a league that incentivizes losing, we need to address the tanking problem we've just created. When 12th place is the path to future success, do we stop people from purposefully losing in order to win next year? Is that even fair? If we do stop people, how do we decide what is "too much losing"? What is the threshold? Who monitors this? How is it enforced? This needs to be codified.
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2017 Realignment and Beyond
Posted - 6/8/2017 10:23:07 AM Post a reply to You know what really undermines competitiveness?
You know what really undermines competitiveness?
Having Koo in this league. As long as he's here, we're doomed!

Seriously though, I expect that regardless of what change is made to increase competitiveness, the Seans, Keiths, and Stus of the world will figure out a way to succeed. While there's plenty of luck that goes into this game, those guys work hard at this basically all year long, and they're smart about it. Draft, FA, trades, starter decisions. Year after year. If we're being honest, the same cannot be said for all 12 of us, right? The result: no parity.

To be clear, I have no beef with trying to create a more competitive league. New draft orders, no franchise players, Sean's wins only count for half a win. Change is fun, particularly when done in the spirit of fun and camaraderie (though camaraderie can sometimes seem mean-spirited). So I'm all for making changes, and I look forward to the new wrinkles that change brings.

But after whatever change comes, my money will still be on the same group of guys to win it. Won't yours?
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2017 Realignment and Beyond
Posted - 6/5/2017 9:41:58 PM Post a reply to HOT TAKE - I have no opinion
HOT TAKE - I have no opinion
Just want to add my vote on realignment and say I legitimately don't care how it's done. Whatever way the wind blows on this is fine with me. They all seem fine. Hope you weren't burned by that hot take.
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2017 Realignment and Beyond
Posted - 6/5/2017 9:41:55 PM Post a reply to HOT TAKE - I have no opinion
HOT TAKE - I have no opinion
Just want to add my vote on realignment and say I legitimately don't care how it's done. Whatever way the wind blows on this is fine with me. They all seem fine. Hope you weren't burned by that hot take.
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Posted - 12/27/2016 9:09:50 AM Post a reply to Way to go, Koo!
Way to go, Koo!
congratulations buddy. a great season that culminated in a terrific title game performance. you calmly followed the scrpt - draft day sobriety, never bidding 50 min on a flash in the pan free agent like the rest of us do, pestering kent into making a late season trade that doesn't help him but gives you a stud rb against the bills on week 16 - and it paid off!

and congrats to stu, who turned a completely rational lack of bias against the dallas cowboys into a juggernaut for years to come. stay focused this offseason and keep your eye on the 2017 prize. you may be our only hope against the annual dynasty threat and every third year skullsplitter threat.

love you guys. can't wait for realignment day.
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Blocked FG not accounted for...
Posted - 12/13/2016 8:08:33 PM Post a reply to Fuck the Pats
Fuck the Pats
Zach was robbed. Burnsville Tough!
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Blocked FG not accounted for...
Posted - 12/13/2016 6:45:27 AM Post a reply to Congrats Zach!
Congrats Zach!
Well earned win, and fun game. Good luck the rest of the way!
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unless there is a franchise player involved...
Posted - 11/26/2016 9:00:08 AM Post a reply to Agree on 2017 rule change, but shenanigans is 1 trade too late
Agree on 2017 rule change, but shenanigans is 1 trade too late
I recognize that as a Koo loyalist my opinion is not valued by the rules committee, but I don't see how this week's trade is shenanigans worthy when last week's wasn't. And I'll say here what I wrote to Sean before seeing this thread: I think this is a fair trade, with Hill and Bennett sure to get a ton of work down the stretch but Ajayi having a great schedule. Last week's trade looks much harder to justify.
It's still Kent's team, and he's one of the best owners - I've no doubt there's no malicious intent in these trades. Plus, I've been wrong before about almost every trade, so who knows the extent to which these trades alter the 2016 landscape. (Personally, I think Stu wins this thing in a walk, with or without Martin. Jinx jinx jinx!) But I don't really like the possibility of these trades impacting the playoffs, particularly without Kent getting something he could use in 2017. As such, I'd be up for a rule change discussion for 2017 to prevent similar trades in the future.
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Taste The Paste!
Posted - 11/25/2016 10:38:45 PM Post a reply to Taste The Paste!
Taste The Paste!
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Foul on the play
Posted - 11/6/2016 8:56:45 PM Post a reply to So what is the official rule here?
So what is the official rule here?
As a completely objective and non-partisan observer who bid on Dion Lewis and would love to have him on my team instead of on the roster of my division rival, thus having no stake whatsoever in this matter, what should the rule be going forward when someone drops an illegal player? Maybe that bid is null and void and Dion Lewis goes to me as the next highest bidder? Or whatever?
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Zach's plucky kids do it again!
Posted - 10/30/2016 8:39:32 AM Post a reply to Way to go Zach!
Way to go Zach!
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Highway 61 Revisited
Posted - 10/14/2016 8:22:29 AM Post a reply to Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
I've heard newborn babies wailin' like a mournin' dove
And old men with broken teeth stranded without love
Do I understand your question, man, is it hopeless and forlorn?
"Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

I know for many his work doesn't resonate. But Christ almighty, it does for me. Congratulations Mr. Zimmerman, and thank you.
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Should Sunday FA be 9am now?
Posted - 9/30/2016 8:02:16 AM Post a reply to Should Sunday FA be 9am now?
Should Sunday FA be 9am now?
With these London games now starting at 9:30, should Sunday FA be at 9AM instead of 10 AM? Rules committee, any thoughts?
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You poor, poor Vikings fans
Posted - 9/3/2016 10:59:42 AM Post a reply to You poor, poor Vikings fans
You poor, poor Vikings fans
Sam Bradford for a 1st?! Say it ain't so.
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2016 bring lists
Posted - 8/31/2016 8:31:40 PM Post a reply to Anything left to bring?
Anything left to bring?
Seems like you guys have covered damn near everything. Anybody want to share their list, or could I volunteer to do any additional provision runs during the weekend?
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Posted - 8/20/2016 9:54:31 PM Post a reply to Burnsville Tough!!!
Burnsville Tough!!!
Great post Zach! That really pumped me up. So excited for draft weekend.
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Von Miller be like
Posted - 7/18/2016 11:49:48 PM Post a reply to That's great news!
That's great news!
So, so excited to have the Minnesotans at the draft this year. Glad you guys can make it!!
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some Lake Gaston options
Posted - 3/30/2016 5:07:24 PM Post a reply to Lake Gaston place looks nice!
Lake Gaston place looks nice!
Good draft room, a place for cornhole, great views as always. Plus, maybe someone will burn themselves horribly in the fire pit! This place has my vote.
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Congratulations Keith!!
Posted - 12/29/2015 8:09:11 AM Post a reply to Congratulations Keith!!
Congratulations Keith!!
What a season. For 0-4 to champ, a thing we may never see again. Congrats to a very worthy champion.
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An Ode to Jeremy
Posted - 12/10/2015 2:36:08 PM Post a reply to Any ode to me is a good ode
Any ode to me is a good ode
I stopped after the first 7 lines, but I probably didn't miss anything important after that.
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All the top dogs get busted last week...
Posted - 11/25/2015 8:35:28 AM Post a reply to Zach, I made your poll
Zach, I made your poll
Should be interesting to see how the results turn out.
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Week 10 Football Social
Posted - 11/14/2015 10:30:00 AM Post a reply to Hillsborough sounds great
Hillsborough sounds great
Looking forward to it.
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Receiving stats and scoring
Posted - 11/12/2015 2:03:29 PM Post a reply to The GOTW change is great!
The GOTW change is great!
I'm just so so glad that the great owners and fans of Ragnarok can be supported by a terrific product like Colgate Toothpaste. Makers of household products for over 150 years, Colgate-Palmolive has always been an industry leader in providing high-quality toothpaste to our players, fans, owners, and most importantly, our troops*. This new partnership is sure to make everyone's smile a little wider, and a whole lot brighter!

*The term "troops" is a paid endorsement by the US Department of Defense. Without such endorsement, we really couldn't give two shits about our troops, as evidenced by literally everything else we do except commercials featuring a couple of actors saying "thank you" with faux sincerity.
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Did it again!
Posted - 11/2/2015 6:21:26 AM Post a reply to Congratulations Zach!
Congratulations Zach!
I almost didn't see the news, buried under a Scribbles addendum and all these glorious new ads. That's terrific, Zach. You've built quite the powerhouse. What are the exact details for the 19th/20th? I'd say it's a long shot to attend, but I'd love to do so if I can make it work.
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draft weekend recollections
Posted - 9/26/2015 11:33:30 PM Post a reply to Amazing video
Amazing video
Can't even be mad. So great. And boy am I glad we gave you the finger while driving away.
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I called Adrian Peterson's stardom, and I'm calling this one
Posted - 9/19/2015 10:10:27 PM Post a reply to I called Adrian Peterson's stardom, and I'm calling this one
I called Adrian Peterson's stardom, and I'm calling this one
All hail the new king and Gamblers future Franchise Player Leonard Fournette.
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Good luck Keith! And thanks to all for a great weekend!
Posted - 9/17/2015 6:37:29 AM Post a reply to Confirmed with Dat: Jeffery is not an FA
Confirmed with Dat: Jeffery is not an FA
It does look like the problem stems with the acquisition of Aiken, but Dat said he had no intention of dropping Jeffery. I'll send a note to Keith through the proper channels, but I think it's fair to suggest that people ignore his name for now.
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Good luck Keith! And thanks to all for a great weekend!
Posted - 9/15/2015 10:02:56 AM Post a reply to Good luck Keith! And thanks to all for a great weekend!
Good luck Keith! And thanks to all for a great weekend!
Sucks to have to come back home to a work emergency - the most annoying, most time-sucking, and yet least important emergency there is. Hope you can solve your web issues quickly. But I hope it takes much longer to solve your Peterson problems!

Probably goes without saying, but the weekend was so amazing and cathartic. I had an incredible time, and I hope you all did too. And I learned something about myself - had no idea I liked gay porn until a bumper sticker tipped me off. So thanks to Keith in particular for that!!

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Draft house update. Things are looking very good.
Posted - 9/3/2015 9:46:48 AM Post a reply to Damnit, now I see that breakfast was claimed
Damnit, now I see that breakfast was claimed
Back to the drawing board.
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Draft house update. Things are looking very good.
Posted - 9/3/2015 9:45:48 AM Post a reply to Has anyone claimed breakfast foods?
Has anyone claimed breakfast foods?
Thought I'd bring eggs, sausage or bacon (or both), cheese, maybe bisquick to make half-assed biscuits, and pastries.
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Important news about the draft house.
Posted - 8/26/2015 12:39:05 PM Post a reply to Sorry to hear it, Scott
Sorry to hear it, Scott
My thoughts and secular prayer-like wishes to you and your family. I hope he is being well taken care of. I'm glad we'll be that much closer to the triangle so you can do whatever you need to with your family. Let us know how we can make things easy for you during Ragnarok weekend.
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Important news about the draft house.
Posted - 8/26/2015 12:33:43 PM Post a reply to I can deal with 2.5 baths
I can deal with 2.5 baths
I'm with Billy. Let's stay with the old owner in the new house.

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Important news about the draft house.
Posted - 8/25/2015 10:07:26 PM Post a reply to 3 bed 2.5 bath might be a deal killer
3 bed 2.5 bath might be a deal killer
What was the old house, 5 bed 4 bath? I think given the uncertainty with this new place that it's worth inquiring about some of Billy's vrbo options. I'd lean towards the ones closer to the VA border to give Stu his first short trip. I think that #1 and #3 in Billy's list meet that criteria.

Saying that, I'm sure that we will have a blast no matter where we go, so I won't fuss about any decision the group makes.
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Posted - 8/20/2015 10:25:39 PM Post a reply to Scribbles!!
What a great prelude to the year, Scribbles! Pulitzer worthy stuff.
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Posted - 8/20/2015 10:25:37 PM Post a reply to Scribbles!!
What a great prelude to the year, Scribbles! Pulitzer worthy stuff.
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Maulers, Mao, Rattus, and Thunder didn't set their keepers
Posted - 8/15/2015 3:32:43 PM Post a reply to While Keith is scouting Aaron Rodgers in Wisconsin
While Keith is scouting Aaron Rodgers in Wisconsin
I'm keeping Jeremy Hill in the 2nd.
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Football season
Posted - 8/15/2015 8:18:17 AM Post a reply to Franchise Player Day!!!
Franchise Player Day!!!
Happy franchise player day, everyone. I'm pleased to announce that the Gamblers are keeping Justin Hunter and the Dolphins DST, who I deemed last year to be as valuable as Odell Beckham.
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Football season
Posted - 8/9/2015 7:53:00 PM Post a reply to Franchise Declaration
Franchise Declaration
"I am absolutely sickened by what I just read concerning the AP case. This was not just a matter of a Dad going all old school with a "switch". This man has a history of extremely abusive behavior. The testimony of his child is heartbreaking. This "man" should be tried, convicted and imprisoned. He shall no longer be on my team, and he should never be allowed to play in the NFL again. I ask that the Commissioner remove him from the data bank. If he chooses not to, and someone picks him up in FA, then I am fucking outta here. Things like domestic violence and child abuse only change when someone makes a stand. I am making mine right here."

- Kent Snavely, 9/13/14

Looking forward to franchise declaration day!
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Football season
Posted - 8/8/2015 4:45:59 PM Post a reply to Football season
Football season
Just had a major "FFFUUUCCCCKKK YYYEEEAAAHHH Ragnarok!" Moment. So pumped to see everyone, meet the noob, chill on the porch, draft a kickass team, and watch some football. Fuck yeah!!!
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Draft House!!!!!!!
Posted - 7/24/2015 9:22:38 PM Post a reply to Thursday to Sunday
Thursday to Sunday
Looking forward to it, fellas.
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Another thought.
Posted - 6/7/2015 8:36:28 AM Post a reply to Dat is #1
Dat is #1
Dat keeping the #1 pick seems like a no-brainer. Besides it already being his pick, he would deserve it solely because he's the only one who didn't lay down to a newbie who hated being in the league.

Welcome to Ragnarok, Dat. Excited to meet you. Any friend of Billy and Keith's is sure to be a great addition.
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Wearing my Kentfidence shirt today
Posted - 12/7/2014 3:13:57 PM Post a reply to Wearing my Kentfidence shirt today
Wearing my Kentfidence shirt today
And now I feel like I'm going to win the title. Kentfidence!!!
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Plucky Kids do it again!
Posted - 11/24/2014 9:23:16 PM Post a reply to Congrats Zach!
Congrats Zach!
That's great news. Congratulations! You're becoming a real star-maker!
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why does everyone hate the free market?
Posted - 11/11/2014 10:18:09 PM Post a reply to In the spirit of free markets
In the spirit of free markets
I'm on the lookout for a WR3, and I have RBs to offer. Anyone interested, let me know. Keith, I look forward to you blowing me away with a great offer.
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Anyone remember when free agency ends?
Posted - 11/8/2014 7:07:33 AM Post a reply to Anyone remember when free agency ends?
Anyone remember when free agency ends?
Do we have free agency into the playoffs, or does it end in the next few weeks? Asking for a friend.
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That trade is ridiculous
Posted - 10/31/2014 6:46:49 AM Post a reply to You know what is veto-worthy?
You know what is veto-worthy?
The Game of the Week choice. The Blast vs WRMC is clearly the top game, for several reasons now. That one is a must watch!
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That trade is ridiculous
Posted - 10/29/2014 10:18:10 PM Post a reply to No explanation needed
No explanation needed
I don't see any reason for either guy to justify their trade to us. We've had too many seemingly "bad" trades made that turned out to be anything but. And we really are terrible at trading, as a league. Terrible offers (some from me), terrible overvaluing of our own players (some by me), and a good number of owners that don't seem to be making any trades (now that's not me - I'm looking right at the two guys complaining about this trade, though). There's been basically no movement for 2 months until this week. Props to Billy and Dave for getting out there and making good offers to people, and finding something that works for their selfish best interests. Those of us who overvalue our players are the real losers here. Well, not me. I'm awesome. But the rest of you are losers. Especially Sean. You suck, Sean.
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Great post, Kent
Posted - 10/28/2014 10:00:37 AM Post a reply to Great post, Kent
Great post, Kent
I only read Scribbles today, and wish I'd seen it sooner. That was very touching, and I'm very thankful that you're willing to share your story. You're an impressive fella.
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