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    The Big One

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    Author Topic
    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Posted - 6/17/2022 9:34:08 PM
    The Big One
    Ok, Gentlemen, it is time to address the big dangling thread: New ownership.

    As the chairman of the Ownership Committee, Kent has conducted in-person interviews and the final recommendation of the committee is for Alex M. to take over the vacant ownership.

    Alex grew up in Idaho but now lives in Chapel Hill and has been playing fantasy football for 9 years. He got 4th place in his inaugural auction debut in Midgard last year and was the biggest social leader of all the owners. In addition to meeting with Kent and playing board games, Alex and his wife have been coming out to my house since last summer and it is always a grand time.

    He is also a Lions fan, so it would be hilarious to watch the homer futility.

    If anyone has anyone that they would like to nominate, now would be the time. This is a gentlemen's club and everyone is equal. Let's get everything on the table and then make the best ownership decision as a group. Let's light this Ragnarok 25 rocket!
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    Roving Gambler

    Paste Taster

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 6/19/2022 11:36:24 AM
    Re: The Big One - Should We Ask Tommy?
    Alex M sounds great. But Tommy was an incredible fit, and while he's the one who said he was done with Ragnarok, I'd love to be able to ask him to reconsider. It's probably a fool's errand, but that makes me perfect for the job.
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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 6/19/2022 12:29:22 PM
    LOL, thanks
    That was the funniest thing I've read all year.
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    Theremin Player

    650 posts
    Fu: 99.66
    Posted - 6/19/2022 1:31:11 PM
    I have no issue with Alex M
    The only other person that comes to mind for me is Scott. I don't know what his status is, but I would be fine with him coming back if he is available and wants to rejoin.
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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 6/20/2022 7:01:46 AM
    ownership mulling
    Since Tommy's name has been brought up, I'd like to share my thoughts. While my hope with the ownership topic is to turn the proverbial page and establish some positivity in Ragnarok moving forward, we may as well dive back into the morass of 2021 one more time.

    Using the phrase "incredible fit" to describe Tommy's chapter in Ragnarok history reveals the schism that took place in 2021. Maybe if you were one of the "cool kids" you had an incredible fit with Tommy, but if you weren't in that group then the experience was quite different.

    The anger and damage aftermath from the Draft Weekend was as I said earlier this year: "pointless and poisonous." I hope time will heal the wounds and also allow for some accountability and a lessening of the self-righteousness, because that directed anger was unjustified, disrespectful, and damaging. And all for what? To find someone to blame for what will never be known and for what could have been brought by a vaccinated person all along. Tommy and a few others led the charge and the finger pointing and didn't budge an inch even after our Week 7 league meeting. That indignation and victimization attitude persisted and for all I know it still exists today.

    I heard through two different people that in the first two weeks Tommy was already pissed off enough that he declared that he was going to quit the league. Btw, I didn't hear this from Tommy because Tommy only talked to his few cool friends and wouldn't return my phone calls.

    Tommy also wouldn't acknowledge trade offers nor return any communications regarding the offers. This was my personal experience and I've been told that other owners had a similar lack of simple acknowledgement.

    So here's a guy who fomented anger and schisms in the league, decided right away that he was quitting the league, wouldn't return calls, and wouldn't even acknowledge trade offers or followup communications... and he's someone that is a "perfect fit" and we should beg for him to come back to Ragnarok? What am I missing here? Are we that desperate? Or were his interactions so different with some owners vs others?

    Personally, I don't see why Ragnarok should compromise itself in terms of league ownerships - especially when there is no need to do so. If someone quits the league out of anger, let 'em go live in Quitsville. I don't need to beg someone to move back to Ragnarok. We can find someone else who actually appreciates and respects the league and the other owners and will act accordingly.

    In my book, at this time I only see two people to consider for the opening: Scott and Alex. Tommy isn't on the list for the reasons that I just outlined.

    I hadn't thought about Scott until Stu brought up his name, because it seems like it was just yesterday that Scott hung up his Ragnarok jersey in order to take care of his mom. I would imagine that he is still in that same situation, but maybe there have been changes in his life and he would have the desire to be back in Ragnarok. I think Scott deserves to be the first one asked anytime that we would have an open team.

    If someone wants to nominate another name, now is the time to do so. Let's try to figure this out in a timely manner so that we can turn the page, have a clean deck on the ship, and set sail for better waters.
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    Roving Gambler

    Paste Taster

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 6/20/2022 9:32:29 AM
    Tomination withdrawn
    I didn't realize I had a different impression of Tommy than others. Nomination withdrawn.
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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 6/20/2022 2:07:40 PM
    I just spoke with Scott
    He's still in the same situation as last year, with taking care of his mom who needs regular hands-on care. I gave him the rundown with the past year of Ragnarok and told him that the league will always give him the right of first refusal for any new ownership openings. He said that he's going to think about it and will let us know, so I'm guessing that he'll share his thoughts with us in the next few days.
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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 6/28/2022 9:23:44 AM
    Scott's reply
    Thought I'd share with the gang his reply:

    "Great talking to you as well. I greatly appreciate keeping my seat warm but as my circumstances with my moms care have not changed I need to decline. I don’t have enough energy for much else these days. Hopefully that will change at some point as my sister and I are exploring alternative care options for my mom.

    I do want that beer though and would love to see your garden. I’m usually free Fri to Sun and earlier is better.

    Ragnarok rules!

    It is definitely the right thing to ask Scott whenever we have an opening. From talking with him, it seems that challenges are increasing and so it didn't work out this time.

    With that being said, and being that Alex has been approved by the Ownership Committee and that no other nominations have been put forth, I'd like to move forward and officially welcome Alex into the league.
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