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Classic Shit-talking
I want SO much to talk some smack...

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Member since: 11/19/2003
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Last Login: 8/15/2004
  From: NC

All posts by Head Basher:

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You're right, Zak...your team has been hammered.
Posted - 1/1/2005 1:43:00 PM Post a reply to You're right, Zak...your team has been hammered.
You're right, Zak...your team has been hammered.
I sympathize with you. Interesting how no one seems to suggest you're whining, but I make the same observation and I am attacked (by you as well). That's alright, in as much as this is my last year anyway. Good luck to you...and I do mean that.
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Are year to date points updated?
Posted - 12/13/2004 1:16:29 PM Post a reply to Don't worry, Gamblers...
Don't worry, Gamblers...
Barring some MNF miracle (like those everyone ELSE gets other than me - yes whine, whine, whine) where Gonzalez and Vermeil combine for 30+ points, both you and the Koo are in and I'm out. That'll teach you to have 2 QB's, 3 RB's, and 4 WR's get injured during the year (totals over 70 games missed and that doesn't even count suspensions! I am amazed I even ended up at .500...NO, I'M NOT BITTER, AM I?????!!!!!)
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Posted - 12/5/2004 7:58:29 PM Post a reply to INJURIES!!!INJURIES!!!!INJURIE S!!!!
I am SO f$%#ing TIRED of INJURIES!!!! SHIT!!!!
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Dang you, Will! Dang you! Dang you! Dang you!
Posted - 11/30/2004 8:18:12 AM Post a reply to Dang you, Will! Dang you! Dang you! Dang you!
Dang you, Will! Dang you! Dang you! Dang you!
If I had Jones, I would have WON by 1 POINT! Aaaaargh!!!!!!
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HITMEN!!! you should be ashamed!!!
Posted - 11/28/2004 12:41:13 PM Post a reply to Yeah, Hitmen! You should be ashamed!
Yeah, Hitmen! You should be ashamed!
And the Factor should be very happy - he saved them from that 22 points Julius Jones put up 'cause if I had got him he was playing this week!!!! Dang you, Will!!!!
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Can we please concentrate on Football...I thought that was the purpose of this website.
Posted - 11/18/2004 4:00:31 PM Post a reply to Well...pretty obvious I won't be spending much time here anymore
Well...pretty obvious I won't be spending much time here anymore
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Can we please concentrate on Football...I thought that was the purpose of this website.
Posted - 11/18/2004 2:00:16 PM Post a reply to Can we please concentrate on Football...I thought that was the purpose of this website.
Can we please concentrate on Football...I thought that was the purpose of this website.
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My simple view on the draft...
Posted - 11/16/2004 12:24:07 PM Post a reply to My simple view on the draft...
My simple view on the draft...
If this was a keeper league, then I would agree to allow the owner of the poorest record to go first and then accordingly, etc. However, this is NOT a keeper league. Much as Jeremy has suggested, I spend a great deal of time on this "hobby" (you tend to lose a lot of your other hobbies after you get married so you gotta pick those most important - you newleyweds in this league should have learned this by now!) and I work pretty damned hard to be competitive week in and out as well as draft day. Some owners fare poorly due to injuries and those are the breaks of the game (pardon the poor pun): hell, I've lost 5 players this year alone. But if you draft poorly, its your own fault. For whatever my opinion matters (and I'm sure one of you will send a cute terse little message indicating it doesn't) I say keep it as it is. Besides - I don't want it changed the year I'm gonna win it! (Ha!Ha!Ha!)
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a new record?
Posted - 11/16/2004 10:48:01 AM Post a reply to Its close ...but no cigar!
Its close ...but no cigar!
Believe me - I am NEVER gonna forget that 143 point spot put on my butt by the Factor 2 years ago. By halftime that day of the 1:00 PM games, i was already behind by 100!
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Bashers and Dynasty complete a deal
Posted - 11/9/2004 10:43:44 PM Post a reply to An addition to the Basher-Dynasty trade...
An addition to the Basher-Dynasty trade...
As a player to be named later...WR Travis Taylor is sent to the Dynasty to finalize the exchange
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Mewelde Moore did great, but he ain't no Superstar Arlen Harris!!!!!!!
Posted - 10/11/2004 12:17:06 PM Post a reply to Mewelde Moore did great, but he ain't no Superstar Arlen Harris!!!!!!!
Mewelde Moore did great, but he ain't no Superstar Arlen Harris!!!!!!!
and agree that it's the Grant division that sucks ass?
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Gimme some of that ole' time religion....
Posted - 10/5/2004 11:29:57 AM Post a reply to Gimme some of that ole' time religion....
Gimme some of that ole' time religion....
I guess the demons were exercised (sic) from the Ravens last night. Uh, by the way...will the Chiefs D please return the Ravens unis and likewise the ravens back to the Chiefs? No...really. A good win for you, Zach. Congrats for being top scorer (that is, after your Steeler points are added into the mix. I have 1 point coming as well. Techinically, you never were behind but I truly thought evn with Holmes going that Lewis and Gonzalez could catch up..oh well). By the way...Deja Vu all over again....leading the league in points FOR for the third straight year...and in the top two in points against! AGAIN! Damn!
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Ha! Ha! Ha! That's our Kerry!
Posted - 10/3/2004 2:00:10 PM Post a reply to Ha! Ha! Ha!  That's our Kerry!
Ha! Ha! Ha! That's our Kerry!
Atta boy, KC! I see playing in Oakland certainly hasn't affected your fumbling skills! (Of course, I think ANYONE with the name "KERRY" is lower than pond scum, anyway!)
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Ya know....
Posted - 9/23/2004 9:36:26 AM Post a reply to Ya know....
Ya know....
The Tom Landry days w/the cheap shot artists like Cliff Waters and D.D. Lewis are gone....the Jimmie Johnson days w/loud mouth overhyped crybabies like Michael Irvin are gone...the undisciplined pampered arrogance days of Barry Switzer are gone...now you have solid no-nonsense Bill Parcells for whom I have great respect and as long as he's there I'll be a Cowboys fan. Nobody hated 'em as much as I did...but I always give a second chance to organizations when they realize they need to change. And if I win with a few Cowboys on my roster 'cause of short sightedness on some persons part, so be it.
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Bitch slappin' number 2...
Posted - 9/22/2004 9:20:50 PM Post a reply to Bitch slappin' number 2...
Bitch slappin' number 2...
When you bid 55 for Emmit Smith....and LOSE! Somebody got in someone's head on that one. Great to see it up so quick, Keith. Now I can sleep soundly tonight!
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This really bites....
Posted - 9/19/2004 10:25:47 AM Post a reply to This really bites....
This really bites....
I have to leave for the day and I can''t tell whether Alexander is starting or not. I guess I''m just posting this so everyone will know I played him anyway ''cause ya always dance with the lady that brung ya. If Morris plays? Oh well...I''m screwed. I know Will and the Factor have gone through this as well. It just bites!
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I feel your pain, Factor
Posted - 9/14/2004 7:39:35 AM Post a reply to I feel your pain, Factor
I feel your pain, Factor
I hate for anyone to have crap happen like this
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Rumor Denial
Posted - 9/13/2004 10:29:13 PM Post a reply to Rumor Denial
Rumor Denial
At this time the Commissioners office categorically denies requesting fantasy football owner Forrest Parlette has received notice from all 32 teams requesting he no longer draft any of their wide receivers. Though we do recognize the strong correlation between his drafts and season-ending injuries sustained (6 receivers, 1 running back in 3 years) to players significant to their teams success we nonetheless encourage all Fantasy Football activities to promote the greatest sport in this wonderful country of ours.
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Regarding ties
Posted - 9/9/2004 9:21:06 PM Post a reply to Okay...let me understand this....
Okay...let me understand this....
We will now have 2 additional draft rounds in which 24 coaches (assuming everyone waits) are selected. Alright. Can''t say I care one way or the other (unless, of course, I lose by one point sometime during the year. heh!heh!heh!)
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Warrior Monks Waffle
Posted - 8/13/2004 4:42:05 PM Post a reply to Okay, I'll weigh in on this one...
Okay, I'll weigh in on this one...
Although I am not adverse to allowing the switch per se, I want better reasons stated than what I am hearing. Inheriting a bad team is not enough, nor is "not enough time to review scouting reports". First off, I inherited such a lousy team I had to choose Kerry Collins as my FP! "Nuff Said??!!!!!! As for the other arguement, I remember a post made that stated the 49ers would have such a crappy o-line that the individual picked Joe Horn instead. That says to me somebody WAS watching, WAS thinking, and HAD looked at the info available (interpretation notwithstanding). Unless I hear a better reason, I am against this particular case being allowed to switch.
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Franchise Players
Posted - 7/26/2004 11:35:10 PM Post a reply to Hey, new guys...
Hey, new guys...
As a former new guy a few years back, I do appreciate and understand how difficult your first year of adjustment can be. So, on behalf of everyone here I feel qualified to give you a little first round tip. Whichever one fo you guys drafts first , you really need to think strong sleeper here. I say ...go for Kerry Collins at Oakland. Don't say I never tried to help here....
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Verrrrrry interestin' stuff happenin'....
Posted - 7/19/2004 10:06:12 PM Post a reply to Verrrrrry interestin' stuff happenin'....
Verrrrrry interestin' stuff happenin'....
Is it my imagination, or has it been an extremely eventful offseason? Also, it appears to be an eventful declaration period as well. Fred Taylor instead of Ricky (even with the...er...um..."revamped" Dolphin offense)? Randy Moss instead of Jamal Lewis (yeah, I guess the threat of a FELONY conviction would kinda sway me, too!)? So, for the Bunch what will it be, Marvelous Marvin or Travelin Travis? (Not as obvious as one might think, according to what I've read so far). Or better yet...Vick or Faulk or James? Be careful, Factor! Again, its not nearly as obvious to me as perhaps to some others. Yeah, whoever has the Pumas...geesh, is THAT cupboard bare. At least I had that future Hall-of-Famer (yeah, right!) going for me my first year (until I cut his fumblin', interception throwin', losing ass. You know who you were, you benchwarming piece of human debris!). The football season officially starts for me when I start raggin' on ole' KC! Doesn't everyone wish he had signed with Dallas so you could have another reason to hate them?
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Tomlinson retained as Franchise Player
Posted - 7/18/2004 2:01:14 PM Post a reply to And so I do it again...
And so I do it again...
For yet another year Shaun Alexander will be totin' the ball near the end zone for the Bashers. Let's hope for the same results or better in what appears to be his last season in Seattle!
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Bass Announce Franchise
Posted - 7/14/2004 1:22:27 PM Post a reply to Maybe if I'm lucky nobody will draft him!
Maybe if I'm lucky nobody will draft him!
Forrest will be happy to know that the Bass are officially releasing Rich Gannon. The Bass will take Deuce McAllister as their franchise player.

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Let me be the first to congratulate you, Jeremy!
Posted - 12/29/2003 12:02:31 PM Post a reply to Let me be the first to congratulate you, Jeremy!
Let me be the first to congratulate you, Jeremy!
I thought I was still in it last night until the fake punt....wiped out any chance of me catching up. I didn't play my New Yorkers 'cause I thought Miami would play well to keep Wannestadt his job. And how 'bout those Lions shutting down the Rams (who I thought would want to play for home field through the playoffs)? In any case, the Chiefs shut down the Bears after Grossman went out, Bubba scored and out went the lights...the party was over. I am happy for you, but........WAIT 'TIL NEXT YEAR!
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That just sux for the Hitmen...
Posted - 12/21/2003 11:40:45 PM Post a reply to That just sux for the Hitmen...
That just sux for the Hitmen...
I am sorry Portis couldn't play (same thing essentially with Bennett for me - a couple of plays and they pulled him to rest his ankle according to Tice) but that is BS#$@ about Burkhalter. They didn't even announce his suspension until game time.
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I want SO much to talk some smack...
Posted - 12/17/2003 4:51:01 PM Post a reply to I want SO much to talk some smack...
I want SO much to talk some smack...
at one particular opponent....one whom I outdueled deliberately in Free agency (by looking at his roster, figuring out what he needed and correctly anticipating his bid, and bidding just one megabuck more to win and force him to use his existing roster - which he did and then lost - all on account of me!).....one who mentioned that he felt his competition in the division was the OTHER two teams and failing to account for me in his predictions....one who taunted me when he got luckier than he ever knew when he beat me (not knowing my wife had talked me OUT of playing a particular roster spot and choosing a different one...the one I had originally picked would have given me the win that week had I stuck to my guns as I should have - I even would have won the division if I hadn't changed). I'm not going to name this opponent, but he knows who he is...Heh! Heh! Heh!
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HA! HA! HA! That's a good one, Keith....
Posted - 12/9/2003 1:02:48 PM Post a reply to HA! HA! HA! That's a good one, Keith....
HA! HA! HA! That's a good one, Keith....
Good joke! But we both know who we are supposed to play in the playoffs. As much as you may want the Bass, its my turn to play them sans Rich Gannon.
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Posted - 12/7/2003 8:21:54 PM Post a reply to Guess I was a little off, huh?
Guess I was a little off, huh?
Make that 4 TD's for Pennington. I missed one!
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Posted - 12/7/2003 11:32:04 AM Post a reply to Oops...
Make that 4 TD's for Pennington. I missed one!
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Posted - 12/7/2003 11:30:59 AM Post a reply to PREDICTIONS....
Some of my final game expectations...

1. Kerry Collins will find nother way to lose. To counter this, I will NOT play Tiki Barber, thus ensuring he will have a great game and the Giants will come off their snide.

2. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the Bills the #1 pass defense, and the fact that they did not give up (at home) one TD pass to Peyton Manning, John Kitna, or Tom Brady, Chad Pennington will throw for 3 TDs and 300 yards (since I'm not playing him, either).

3. 2 of these passing TDs will be to Curtis Conway (1 to Santana Moss) and the other TD will be via screen pass to Curtis Martin (both whom I am also not playing).

4. Tory Holt will catch 12 passes - taking the Rams down the field - and then Marc Bulger will hand off to Marshall Faulk twice and throw to Issac Bruce once. Holt will be shut out of the end zone again.

5. Matt Hasselbeck will throw 2 more touchdown passes of a yard and 2 yards, respectively, to Darrell Jackson on 1st down rather than try to use Alexander up the middle against one of the worst rush defenses in the league.

6. But, after its all said and done, I will still have scored my usual average of 62 points. But Keith and the Bunch (thanks to Shawn Bryson's 3 TD performance and 100+ yards rushing - the best day in his career) will both score 80+ and make the playoffs. I, in turn, for the 2nd year in a row will lead the league in points for AND AGAINST.

Am I jaded or what?
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Way to go, Kerry, BABY!!!!!!
Posted - 11/25/2003 12:45:59 AM Post a reply to Way to go, Kerry, BABY!!!!!!
Way to go, Kerry, BABY!!!!!!
Oh Kerry, my Kerry, how dost thee disgust me? Let me count the ways...2 fumbles, 2 interceptions, 3 incredibly overthrown receivers at the most critical moment. When will it be recognized the only job this guy should have in the NFL is to bring water bottles and the spit pail to the scout team! I am not sure this guy should even be allowed to wear the mascot uniform! That number 5 on his uniform does represent something important,though: its the average number of turnovers in his career he is responsible for providing his opponents per game he has played! What a LOSER! Thank you, Ron and Erik for not trading me Hilliard and Toomer (what in the hell was I thinking?). Now that Michael Bennett is coming on I can bench Tiki and not be at the mercy of this pitiful and pathetic excuse of a quarterback!
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Keyshawn Johnson?!
Posted - 11/18/2003 5:07:26 PM Post a reply to Now if the 49ers would do the same thing to Owens....
Now if the 49ers would do the same thing to Owens....
is this an April Fool's joke in November? if true, it couldn't have happened to a bigger A-hole.
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Not to be heartless, but...
Posted - 11/13/2003 7:46:23 PM Post a reply to Not to be heartless, but...
Not to be heartless, but...
Oh well, those are the breaks. If you choose your team following a particular strategy not amenable with ties, then you know it going in and should accept the possibility. Hey, virtually everything is left to fate in this game anyway - you try to get as many points as YOU can 'cause you can't do anything about your opponent. So, as I say, if you follow a strategy, be prepared to win or lose. "Fairness" has nothing to do with it.
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I think bench points are just fine...
Posted - 11/13/2003 3:53:57 PM Post a reply to I think bench points are just fine...
I think bench points are just fine...
That's what was used to eliminate me from the playoffs 2 years ago in my first year. There has already been a precedent set here. And I think the argument about not having each position backed up is specious...we are talking total points regardless of position. That was how I lost.
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Keith: LJ Smith is won by the Bunch due to the Gamblers having a better record. We each bid 4 on him.
Posted - 11/6/2003 12:31:00 PM Post a reply to YEAH, I REMEMBER ARLEN HARRIS, TOO!
Another member of the "finest day he'll ever have in his career" club!
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Just for the record...
Posted - 10/29/2003 3:46:20 PM Post a reply to Just for the record...
Just for the record...
I know Keith hasn't had time to activate the Mixed Yardage extension to the scoring module, bit if it were I would have reached the 500 point level first. Hey, after getting your butt handed to ya, ya gotta look for small victories somewhere. Hmmm...leading the league in points for and soon to be first or second in points against. Deja vu all over again...
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6 injured ,4 on a bye
Posted - 10/12/2003 10:51:58 AM Post a reply to Erik. man do I understand that, too...
Erik. man do I understand that, too...
My first year I even lost TWO kickers to injuries! Hope it does get better for you...
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Whoo! Whoo! The CURSE is over...
Posted - 9/22/2003 10:14:30 PM Post a reply to And lets hear it for Joey Harrington...
And lets hear it for Joey Harrington...
Last week, he threw 3 interceptions within his OWN 25 yard line. This week, he threw 3 interceptions inside his OPPONENTS 25 yard line (2 in the end zone and 1 on the 1 yard line). Now, THAT's improvement!
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Whoo! Whoo! The CURSE is over...
Posted - 9/22/2003 10:09:53 PM Post a reply to Whoo! Whoo! The CURSE is over...
Whoo! Whoo! The CURSE is over...
For the FIRST time EVER, I FINALLY overcome a deficit on MNF! (For that matter, I have only won ONCE when I was ahead!). Thank you Shannon Sharpe!!!
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I have seen my pain...and its Kerry Collins!
Posted - 9/16/2003 11:55:32 AM Post a reply to Alison..
Trust me...I KNOW what its like to have your butt lit up w/points on a regular basis! It is mighty frustratin'!!
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I have seen my pain...and its Kerry Collins!
Posted - 9/16/2003 1:08:07 AM Post a reply to I have seen my pain...and its Kerry Collins!
I have seen my pain...and its Kerry Collins!
The SOB sucks for three quarters, causes Barber to be removed from the gameplan, then passes the lights out in the fourth. And screw Parcells as well - 2 passes Galloway's way until the last two minutes??? I absolutely HATE Monday nights!!!
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With all this talk of defenses and points...
Posted - 9/9/2003 9:26:39 PM Post a reply to With all this talk of defenses and points...
With all this talk of defenses and points...
I am a little reluctant to mention that in addition to all the stats already accounted for my defense also blocked a punt and returned an interception for a TD that don't show up. Oh yeah, and Galloway had a TD and 139 yards receiving on 7 catches (you just HATE that, don't you!).
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They're dropping like flies...
Posted - 8/24/2003 8:47:17 AM Post a reply to They're dropping like flies...
They're dropping like flies...
I see this morning Pennington has broken his wrist and also is out for quite some time. I do feel for both Erik and Alison. But you know, having your second options be Marshall Faulk and Kurt Warner can't be all that insufferable! All I can say is at least you have the opportunity to replace them rather than lose them the first week or so into the season. May I also state I do not view the "Jamal rules" as punitive in any way. Its a gift to be allowed to replace injured franchise players prior to the season, not a punishment. A case of semantics perhaps, but nonetheless my perspective.
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Well...HERE WE GO!
Posted - 8/1/2003 4:54:28 PM Post a reply to Well...HERE WE GO!
Well...HERE WE GO!
Saturday morning...5 AM...Live on ESPN2...God, is been SO long (drool.....)
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Alexander stays to bash yet another year...
Posted - 7/14/2003 5:10:42 PM Post a reply to Alexander stays to bash yet another year...
Alexander stays to bash yet another year...
As if I really did have any doubt.
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Since it appears we're all thinkin' about it...
Posted - 6/28/2003 10:03:31 AM Post a reply to Since it appears we're all thinkin' about it...
Since it appears we're all thinkin' about it...
Some stuff I'm lookin' at...

I respect everyone's intelligence here so its not like I'm giving away anything:

1. OMG, is it my imagination or could the Lions ACTUALLY be competitive this year? The overall team speed is greatly increased at WR, LB, and S positions. And I do think Mariucci is a vast improvement over Whatever-the-losers-name was previously. Hard to believe their offensive line could be a strength but the Lions had the fewest sacks (offensively and SEEMINGLY defensively as well!) and Harrington has a year under his belt. God help the poor Lions fan who is optimistic!

2. Kordell will not help...

3. So, the Price is Right in Atlanta, eh? Hmmm...they pay all the bucks to Duckett, sign Dunn, and now bring on a high profile pass receiver. Sounds like they're serious. And other than Moulds and Reed, who is Bledsoe gonna throw to 100 times this year?

4. And speaking of being "Buffaloed", how does ole' Travis Henry feel after having his best year and they sign a big name, big time back? Hmmm....

5. After New Orleans pulled its annual "fade from the playoff picture" again last year, do you really trust any of their offensive players in the final weeks this year?

6. So who will be the "big surprise" this year? I think it will be...uh uh ah...not until draft day (Heh! Heh! Heh!).

7. And I gotta weigh in a little College football (sorry you purists). ACC wants Miami and Virginia Tech? At leatst that's a little more regional than Syracuse and Boston College. They need a 12th school, then, to qualify for a conference tournament game? I will bet EVERYTHING I own it WON'T be a "little" school just down the road in Greenville! Seriously, I have never understood why East Carolina is not in the ACC except that they have the potential to embarass the other NC schools every year (at least in OUR favorite sport here, football). I also find it VERY, VERY interesting that Miami is dictating terms to the ACC (ex: "We will not be in the same division as Florida State"). Now that's gutless, isn't it? I can't wait until the Big 10 (with 11 teams...go figure) gets its 12th team and Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois all say they won't be in the same division against each other! Once again, the Miami Whinercanes are at it again...

8. Oh...and my franchise player is...I don't know. Hard to give up Terrell but Streets is emerging and going to get more passes. And Alexander usually gets a third of all his points in one week and is inconsistent the rest of the season. I just don't know yet. Wait...I know...maybe I can trade down and get...Kerry Collins! (hah! hah!)

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Coach Knoll - Give those Steelers the best pregame talk of their lives!!! I'm rootin' for 'em!!!!
Posted - 12/23/2002 8:37:14 AM Post a reply to Coach Knoll - Give those Steelers the best pregame talk of their lives!!! I'm rootin' for 'em!!!!
Coach Knoll - Give those Steelers the best pregame talk of their lives!!! I'm rootin' for 'em!!!!
after Keith changes Washington's D from 28 to 15pts like it should be, my count is 56-55 Hitmen. That means that i'm 0-5 against you all time. this is getting out of hand...

happy holidays everyone.
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Sung to the tune "Santa Claus is Coming To Town"...(who could this be about?)
Posted - 12/15/2002 10:58:43 PM Post a reply to That was pretty good...
That was pretty good...
So much for my frown. I have to admit I was laughing. But after the ridiculousness of last years injuries and then the fates of this year I think I had a right to be just a might whiney, thank you!

And yes, I shall remain ever vigilant in my pursuit. Complacency spells doom!!!! Never be satisfied...always go for more! Charge on...through the fields! Never surrender!
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Sometimes its better to be lucky than good.....
Posted - 12/10/2002 1:35:42 PM Post a reply to Sometimes its better to be lucky than good.....
Sometimes its better to be lucky than good.....
I concede that the Bunch did indeed score 4 points with its defense and therefore legitimately won its contest with the Hitmen and thereby won the division.

BUT..........it was awful lucky. If Fiedler doesn't overthrow Chambers FIVE &^%$# times last night in the Miami victory, Chambers scores 2 points and the Hitmen tie and I win the division. It was that close. Unbelievable, but congratulations on the win, Bunch. Just don't get as full with yourself as the Smart Mouth Bass have become!
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I HATE Antoine Smith!!!!
Posted - 12/3/2002 3:22:21 PM Post a reply to I HATE Antoine Smith!!!!
I HATE Antoine Smith!!!!
This guy burned my ass twice this year. 50 or so points all season but almost 40 scored against me alone. That just sucks!!!!!

And yes, I made an all-pro out of yet ANOTHER back this week! Step on up there, Portis, and join the rest. Billy....could be a Stephen Davis/Jerome Bettis kind of day coming.....
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Keith are you trying to make a point!
Posted - 11/22/2002 9:13:55 PM Post a reply to As much as I would LOVE to claim victory...
As much as I would LOVE to claim victory...
the truth is the omnipresent Mr. Booker only scored 6 points and not 8. He passed for a touch but did not score one. Besides, I'm an honest guy. I got beat...by some luckass miracle evening that the SOB quarterback will never reproduce in his career, but I still got beat!
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fuck shit fuck
Posted - 11/20/2002 11:42:36 PM Post a reply to Wow, do I ever feel your pain....
Wow, do I ever feel your pain....
I know they say injuries are a part of the game, but it really sucks when you have to go through them. I also feel that way towards Billy losing McNabb, especially at this late juncture! I hope the injuries to Faulk and McAllister aren't season-ending (I haven't looked at them yet).
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I am so tired of this crap I don't know what to say...
Posted - 11/12/2002 12:45:12 AM Post a reply to I am so tired of this crap I don't know what to say...
I am so tired of this crap I don't know what to say...
Travis Henry has his best day as a pro the first week against me, Thomas Jones in the 2nd. Marshall Faulk has his best week as a pro in the same week as Shannon Sharpe sets a new record for receiving for tight ends. Antoine Smith scores his first touchdown of the season the following week and adds two more to go with them to have his best game as a pro. And tonight Rich Gannon sets an NFL record for consecutive game completions and posts his highest efficiency rating for a game this season, as well as Rod Woodson breaking the record for most interceptions returned for touchdowns in a career. After awhile, this isn't fun anymore...
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Is there a little collusion between the Maulers and the Factor?
Posted - 10/27/2002 12:32:08 PM Post a reply to Is there a little collusion between the Maulers and the Factor?
Is there a little collusion between the Maulers and the Factor?
As a concerned owner, I wonder as of 12:30 Sunday why both the Maulers and the Factor have Rams in their starting line-ups when undoubtedly the know it is a bye week? The Factor made no effort to pick up a back in free agency despite knowing he he did not have enough in reserve (He did so the previous week when he did not have enough receivers). Makes you go "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".......
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I don't want to hear any bull%$#@ from anyone the rest of the f@#$ing season about how much bad luck they have!!!!
Posted - 10/20/2002 8:45:27 PM Post a reply to I don't want to hear any bull%$#@ from anyone the rest of the f@#$ing season about how much bad luck they have!!!!
I don't want to hear any bull%$#@ from anyone the rest of the f@#$ing season about how much bad luck they have!!!!
All I can say is I want this one listed in the record books, Commissioner!!! Wait 'til you add up my opponents points today....
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Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't say anything BUT.......KERRY COLLINS?
Posted - 10/5/2002 11:02:02 AM Post a reply to Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't say anything BUT.......KERRY COLLINS?
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't say anything BUT.......KERRY COLLINS?
Are you kidding me? Alison, Alison...tsk, tsk, tsk. I would have sent you Brad Johnson and something else for Moss (I also have no shame!). Were you looking at his stats? Do you know his fumble and interception history? The man SINGLE HANDEDLY cost me 3 games last year with STUPID poor passing attempts at throwing into coverages and dropping the football when snapped to him under center in the 4th quarter! I just hope when you play the Skullsplitters it pays off (funny things always happen to me when I play them. Just his defenses alone have scored 65 points on me in two years!).

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Who let the Shaun out?
Posted - 9/30/2002 4:01:17 PM Post a reply to And then there are the days when I realize why I kept him... (wink, wink)
And then there are the days when I realize why I kept him... (wink, wink)
But he shoulda had more, I say in my greedy, greedy voice! Seattle went lackadaisical after half and couldn't do squat! At least, Kent, you didn't say "screw you guys, I'm goin' home!" By the way...BOTH defenses scored zippo? Unbelievable! Especially since it was Miami and New Orleans no less!!!!
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I remember Mike Webster...
Posted - 9/27/2002 8:43:26 AM Post a reply to I remember Mike Webster...
I remember Mike Webster...
(I mentioned this to Kent once...but can I tell everyone?) When I was attending college in Shreveport, LA,. I was employed as a bellman at a downtown hotel. In 1982, the city was holding a ceremony to honor Terry Bradshaw (a favored son who hails from there) and many of the famed Steelers from the 70's traveling to the city for the festivities chose to stay at that hotel. I was fortunate enough to meet and talk football with Bradshaw, Bum Phillips (one of his best buddies even though he was with the Oilers), Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, Franco Harris, Larry Brown, Jon Kolb, and Mike Webster. He was a Big 10 boy like me (from Wisconsin) and we got to talk about how his life was after football.

I won't go so far as to say he admitted steroid use, but he did mention to me that it was necessary to do whatever you could to keep your strength and stay healthy. The conversation had turned that way because of my observation of his unusual sports jacket. It seemed that the armsleeves were almost as wide as the waist. It was clear his jacket was entirely tailered from scratch and he showed me why... his biceps were so developed that he physically could not raise his arm past a 90 to 135 degree angle. Then we just talked about various other things.

It was very nice of him to take the time to spend with me (about 20 minutes) just talking. Especially with all the tragedy that later was revealed going on in his life (medical, emotional, and monetary problems). Granted that we did not talk about anything particularly "gritty" or controversial, but it was fun to hear some of the stories from the inside. I wish him the best on his new journey and hope the results will be more pleasant for him.
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I don't taunt, and I'm not gonna start now, but.....
Posted - 9/25/2002 8:23:02 AM Post a reply to I don't taunt, and I'm not gonna start now, but.....
I don't taunt, and I'm not gonna start now, but.....
Coach Knoll...I luvs ya and respects ya, but if you can't beat me this week I would fold for the year. Owens is on a bye (and he hasn't played to expectation anyway), Alexander has scored only 4 points in the last three weeks (and he also has underachieved BIG TIME - a word to the wise to all who thought I was crazy almost keeping the Priest).
Its your chance to avenge your loss last year - one of my only FOUR wins....(oh, by the way - I see the "points aginst" column is all screwed up. I KNOW you and I were toasted the first two weeks and it ain't showing up. Realize that I expect to light up your butt again this week to REALLY give you something to complain about. That's the best "talkin" I can do....)
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Okay...Final update from me for BOTH weeks...
Posted - 9/17/2002 9:44:52 PM Post a reply to I forgot...Gardner had 2 points for the Redskins. That's why the final total should be 98.
I forgot...Gardner had 2 points for the Redskins. That's why the final total should be 98.
Lets get this right (I know you're trying...just fine tunin' and i appreciate it!). In the first week, Becht of the Jets scored 7 points, not 6 as I said (forgot receiving yardage)and the Dolphins had 2 fumble recoveries,1 pic, 2 sacks, and an interception return for 14 points (not 12 as reported). Therefore...I scored 80 points and defeated Ron by 1...

BUT....Ron did not get credit for Ty Wheatley and his rushing yardage and he failed to get 1 point for Travis Henry's 149 yards on the ground. He actually scored 83 to my 80 (unless he played Wheatley as a mixed yardage, then he only should have 1 point and I lose by 81 to 80).

Now for yesterday's unf**cking belivable day again (another unknown back goes for 170 yards and TDs on my but while Alexander did shit)...Becht should have been credit for another 7 points (TD and yardage) and the Dolphin defense should receive credit for the 13 points they held the Colts (another 4 points). So...my score should be 65 points. As for my opponent, Culpepper had one rushing TD and 3 passing TDs'. With his 281 yards passing he should have 27 points, and I also see the Home field was not added in. So, I should have been beaten by a score of 65 to 98.

That's 181 points on me in two weeks. I feel for ya, Kent, with your 183! Feels pretty shitty being this unlucky, don't it?
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Okay...Final update from me for BOTH weeks...
Posted - 9/17/2002 9:42:24 PM Post a reply to Okay...Final update from me for BOTH weeks...
Okay...Final update from me for BOTH weeks...
Lets get this right (I know you're trying...just fine tunin' and i appreciate it!). In the first week, Becht of the Jets scored 7 points, not 6 as I said (forgot receiving yardage)and the Dolphins had 2 fumble recoveries,1 pic, 2 sacks, and an interception return for 14 points (not 12 as reported). Therefore...I scored 80 points and defeated Ron by 1...

BUT....Ron did not get credit for Ty Wheatley and his rushing yardage and he failed to get 1 point for Travis Henry's 149 yards on the ground. He actually scored 83 to my 80 (unless he played Wheatley as a mixed yardage, then he only should have 1 point and I lose by 81 to 80).

Now for yesterday's unf**cking belivable day again (another unknown back goes for 170 yards and TDs on my but while Alexander did shit)...Becht should have been credit for another 7 points (TD and yardage) and the Dolphin defense should receive credit for the 13 points they held the Colts (another 4 points). So...my score should be 65 points. As for my opponent, Culpepper had one rushing TD and 3 passing TDs'. With his 281 yards passing he should have 27 points, and I also see the Home field was not added in. So, I should have been beaten by a score of 65 to 98.

That's 181 points on me in two weeks. I feel for ya, Kent, with your 183! Feels pretty shitty being this unlucky, don't it?
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