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    Daily Ramblings

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    74 posts
    Fu: 97.83
    Posted - 8/24/2019 2:59:34 AM
    What happens to teams that don't nominate the minimum players for the day ?

    If you click on history it shows how many and which players team nominated each day

    After checking tonight I am guilty of not nominating 2 players on Day 8
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    General Manager

    365 posts
    Fu: 99.10
    Posted - 8/25/2019 10:36:04 AM
    Nominations are Required:

    For the first seven (7) days of the auction, all teams are required to nominate the requisite number of players each day. Each day where there is a failure to do so will result in a loss of 20CP from their regular season bank account.

    Hammer Time:

    * As of Day 10 and onward, teams do still have the option of not nominating a player when each new day arrives.

    * Teams cannot skip nominations two days in a row. If you do so, your AUCTION BANK will take a 3CP hit for each day a nomination is not made.

    * Teams can skip a day of nominations, then nominate only one player, and then skip the following day and there would be no penalty.

    * If a team's auction bank reaches 0PH and they do not have a full roster, they will have to wait until free agency in order to fill out their roster.
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    Hermit Master


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/29/2019 8:33:48 AM
    Nomination fines
    The Raving Hermits did not nominate anyone on Day 11 and Day 12, and so they will be fined 3 Copper Pieces. I was traveling to northern Minnesota and everything was upside down, but that's no excuse!

    Loose Cannon also missed Days 12-14, but since this is their first season and this nomination rule was not really communicated, they will get an exemption from fines for this year.
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