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    how about rolling over Quid?

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    Football Freak

    3327 posts
    Posted - 7/29/2003 7:27:32 PM
    how about rolling over Quid?
    this may be a great idea: what about allowing Quid to persist in bank accounts from season to season?

    our economic model was based on the original Ragnarok league, with some nifty capitalistic twists. that league, however, resets itself each season, while our dynasty league is all about the longterm strategies that can play out.

    it seems that the only reason not to allow Quid to rollover would be to prevent any potential abuse. but what abuse could take place? if the rule obviously states that no future Quid earnings/deposits can be traded, and only actual Quid in bank accounts can be traded, then what harm could occur?

    i think that this will actually have tremendous and interesting effects on the role of Quid in our league:

    -> in the Ragnarok league, since Megabucks do not rollover, everyone spends them by the roster lockdown in week 12. this results in some erratic free agency bidding both at the beginning and end of the season - either get a big gun at the beginning, or at the end spend everything to fill up any roster weaknesses in preparation for the playoff run. by having Quid rollover from season to season, such reckless bidding would be detrimental in the long run. a big free agency bid or trade would be a huge decision to make.

    -> Quid will actually increase in value as time goes on, due to two reasons. 1) by a natural evolutionary process of free agency spending, and 2) there is power and leverage in having more Quid than any other team, especially during the blind free agency bidding; this will create its own strategies.

    -> the structure of our league actually awards more Quid as teams rack up Wins, so over time the teams that generate more Quid through Wins will actually see this benefit over time, from season to season (probably just a slight effect, but cool nonetheless).

    -> in regards to the abuse issue, the Shananigans Rule allows for a natural checks and balances against any bad faith trades. of course, this Rule will never need to be applied, as it also has the unfortunate side effect of killing the team owners involved in such a trade. thank gosh that will never happen.

    So what does everyone think? Are there any potential ways of abuse with allowing Quid to rollover, besides the ever-persistent issue of future bad faith trades (which already is handled)?

    Shall we allow Quid to rollover from season to season?
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    Tape Junkie

    55 posts
    Posted - 7/30/2003 7:40:22 AM
    let the quid roll . . .
    this may be a great idea: what about allowing Quid to persist in bank accounts from season to season?

    our economic model was based on the original Ragnarok league, with some nifty capitalistic twists. that league, however, resets itself each season, while our dynasty league is all about the longterm strategies that can play out.

    it seems that the only reason not to allow Quid to rollover would be to prevent any potential abuse. but what abuse could take place? if the rule obviously states that no future Quid earnings/deposits can be traded, and only actual Quid in bank accounts can be traded, then what harm could occur?

    i think that this will actually have tremendous and interesting effects on the role of Quid in our league:

    -> in the Ragnarok league, since Megabucks do not rollover, everyone spends them by the roster lockdown in week 12. this results in some erratic free agency bidding both at the beginning and end of the season - either get a big gun at the beginning, or at the end spend everything to fill up any roster weaknesses in preparation for the playoff run. by having Quid rollover from season to season, such reckless bidding would be detrimental in the long run. a big free agency bid or trade would be a huge decision to make.

    -> Quid will actually increase in value as time goes on, due to two reasons. 1) by a natural evolutionary process of free agency spending, and 2) there is power and leverage in having more Quid than any other team, especially during the blind free agency bidding; this will create its own strategies.

    -> the structure of our league actually awards more Quid as teams rack up Wins, so over time the teams that generate more Quid through Wins will actually see this benefit over time, from season to season (probably just a slight effect, but cool nonetheless).

    -> in regards to the abuse issue, the Shananigans Rule allows for a natural checks and balances against any bad faith trades. of course, this Rule will never need to be applied, as it also has the unfortunate side effect of killing the team owners involved in such a trade. thank gosh that will never happen.

    So what does everyone think? Are there any potential ways of abuse with allowing Quid to rollover, besides the ever-persistent issue of future bad faith trades (which already is handled)?

    Shall we allow Quid to rollover from season to season?
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