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    Trading History
    55 for Boldin

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    Author Topic

    Football Freak

    749 posts
    Fu: 101.96
    Posted - 9/20/2003 10:33:20 AM
    55 for Boldin
    gotta hate when you see that the next guy bid 7. that shit happens to me every time i bid high on a player. although it's not so bad when Erik does it. hehehe :)
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    Road Kill

    Head Coach

    259 posts
    Fu: 100.48
    Posted - 9/20/2003 1:21:58 PM
    Hope he's worth it.
    I was very interested in how this free agency thingy would work out and I gotta say - I like it. It adds to the whole process, giving us a bit of midweek excitement. Can't wait to see more.
    Also, I know we roll over the quid but do we also gain an additional 100 quid at the start of each season? Yes?
    Good luck to all this weekend and Erik, if you run out ouf quid I'll give you 45 for Boldin.
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    Water Boy

    42 posts
    Fu: 0.00
    Posted - 9/20/2003 4:18:05 PM
    Holy Sh*t
    I thought I bid a lot on Northcutt. Don't worry Erik, that'll pay off in
    a couple of years.- Vultures, with your build for the future shit,you must be living in Narnia if you think your teams gonna win. As Aslan would say "I'm gonna kick your ass all the way back to the wardrobe".
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    Football Freak

    749 posts
    Fu: 101.96
    Posted - 9/20/2003 5:32:40 PM
    that's a good question about quid
    do we in fact get an additional 100 quid at the beginning of the next year, as Scott asked? it's an interesting question. getting 100 quid each year pretty much guarantees you can pick up reasonably good players each year, regardless of how much you spend the previous year. But it knocks you out of the running for next year's Anquan-Boldin-budding-superstar-type.

    Maybe we don't want to give any quid next year, and make people pick them up only via trade or win, making the big free agency pickups that much bigger (IMPORTANT NOTE: it would be unfair to set a rule like that now that people have bid already this year; so it shouldn't go into effect until at least the year after next). Or maybe not give 100, but some smaller number just to allow people to pick up mediocre players but not great ones.

    Keith, is there already a rule on this issue? if there is, should it be discussed more?

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