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    General History
    'It's spelled Bulleits!'

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    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Posted - 1/2/2015 9:19:09 PM
    'It's spelled Bulleits!'
    it's an understatement to say that i'm surprised by the sentiments and specifics put forth by the Bulliets Bulleits. regardless of the various brain-things going on in my head, i suppose it can best be summarized by observing how adorable it is to hear the demands of a n00b.

    Life continues to throw curve balls and this is the latest volley by the curve ball cannon. nonetheless, i'm ready for my Magnum P.I. mustache and I'm also fine with turning the page. and smoking the bong and not getting it.
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    Capt. Blast


    995 posts
    Fu: 99.73
    Posted - 1/3/2015 6:47:58 PM
    that is some article.
    I find it hard to believe that the "person" who wrote it was ever admitted to our league. I mean, who still uses the word " faggot"? A true display of shallow,inane use of my time reading that garbage. Good riddance.
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin


    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 1/4/2015 9:59:44 PM
    I truly hope that that was a drunken attempt at humor, like most of my Scribblings. Otherwise, I am just sad. We welcomed a n00B into the League and gave him props for winning and we get poo flung into our face for it? And btw, I am the only member here that gets to use the term faggot (which I do not generally) unless there is something Justin would like to share with the class.
    Peace out and Happy New Year.
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    Dr. Mayhem

    Theremin Player

    650 posts
    Fu: 99.66
    Posted - 1/6/2015 12:20:01 PM
    Well alright then
    I mentioned this before and it's definitely worth repeating - Justin did us a big favor by joining the league on very short notice and he sat through the entire draft in conditions much different than the rest of us did. I have no idea what either the draft or the season would have been like if he hadn't been willing to do all of that.

    If his comments were an attempt at humor, he failed miserably. If not, he made a much bigger comment about himself than he did about this league.

    At least we have plenty of time to find a replacement owner.

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    Executive Director

    1310 posts
    Fu: 101.10
    Posted - 1/7/2015 3:17:43 PM
    As of January 7th...
    I just saw all this nonsense. hey, I got the name of the team. I appreciated your video time for the draft (I've been there). As for the article, we all rib and poke each other. I can even take the comment about not vetoing questionable trades and our scoring system...which is compared to a "Walmart" system by ESPN. BUT don't trash the title, and especially this league. You want a veto? We make last year a phantom year and take it back. Don't win and then say, later bro. WE DONT CONTROL PLAYERS IN REAL LIFE. IT'S FANTASY. You act like we tried to lose.

    Don't care. Don't appreciate. That wasn't a failed attempt to be funny. That was winning with your worst roster and treating everyone else like second class citizens in a world you don't understand. Wanna bolt? It's free. Take your $$$ and go!

    Unless it's a joke. In that case...HAHAHAHAHA! Not funny.

    Fuck this.
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    General Manager

    484 posts
    Fu: 101.01
    Posted - 1/8/2015 10:41:16 PM
    Addition by subtraction
    There are many things uniquely special about this league, three among them that we trust each other enough not to need a veto-system in place for trades, that we appreciate that our scoring system is different rather than bitching about it, and that while we all like to talk shit to each other, we understand what is considered in good humor and what is crossing the line.

    In a single, self-congratulatory post, our noob "Champ" violated all three.

    I wish I could say I'm surprised, but frankly there were signs all season this was coming. Who comes into a revered league and starts complaining and lobbying for changes in his first season anyway? And while it's too bad we're one short of a full complement of owners again (literally and figuratively), it's a welcome opportunity to take another shot at finding someone who will embody the Ragnarok values (including that you don't win the title in your first season!).

    Onward and upward.
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    Head Coach

    259 posts
    Fu: 100.48
    Posted - 1/10/2015 4:39:59 PM
    Bottom line for me and bell bottoms.
    I've discovered that the key to happiness in life is not what you do but who you do it with. Relationships, friendships, coworkers, league mates, whatever. You could shovel shit for a living but if everyone you worked with was happy and pleasant and sang "Hi ho, hi ho" all day it might be the best job in the world. That being said, next year will be my 20th season playing fantasy football (super stoked about that, gonna splurge on some caviar to celebrate) but last year in Ragnarok was my favorite even though my team was one of my worst. The reason is because of all you other owners. Best group of owners I've ever been involved with and if I could only do one league I would quit all the others - even my long standing league. I think Justin did an incredible thing by showing the perseverance to draft online but missed out on experiencing the true purpose and meaning of this league by not being able to be there in person. Draft day may be better than Christmas but only if you're there for it. If his post was an attempt at humor then make amends. Sean summed up the things that make this league great and unique and I wouldn't want to change anything. In other leagues I care more if I win or lose because that's pretty much the bottom line but in this league I care more about having a blast at next years draft. And cave man scoring systems remind me of Kent and bell bottoms, quirky and out of date but I still love them.
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    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 1/12/2015 8:15:52 PM
    turd blossoms
    i wasn't really sure what to make of this whole situation and i was hoping that it was just a fumble, but after twelve days it appears that it was a called play after all. and that's ok. everything is ok.

    the one thing that i am taking away from this, besides thanking the flying spaghetti monster that the Koo didn't win again, is that the higher principles of our league are so overtly appreciated by everyone else. i don't think it could have been articulated any better by everyone, and i feel warm and fuzzy billy all over.
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin


    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 1/13/2015 7:29:05 AM
    Do the right thing
    If Justin truly feels that he took unfair advantage over a bunch of mentally challenged butt-munchers, he could always refund his winnings minus his entry fee. That way he could vacate the throne with a modicum of dignity. Or he can just be happy with shitting all over his brother-in-law and the rest of us. Yer call, bro.
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