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    Daily Ramblings
    Interleague play?

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    152 posts
    Fu: 93.60
    Posted - 12/13/2009 5:35:10 PM
    Interleague play?
    Can we have interleague play between leagues based on a set scoring system set out for teams who did not make the playoffs? Kind of worst of the worst contest. Anyone want interleague play for non playoff contenders? Is that possible Keith?
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    Raving Hermits

    Football Freak

    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 12/27/2009 9:59:20 AM
    an interesting idea...
    and here's a twist: why not create a playoff fantasy league that could be open to anyone whether or not they made the Midgard playoffs, and even whether or not they are in any league hosted by Customized Football?

    this may be something i'll build for 2010, as it would involve some different setups for roster creation, etc.

    another idea i'm kicking around is an Elite League that would have its ownerships determined by how teams did in the other leagues. for example, the top 3 teams from Midgard would be invited to join the top 3 teams from each of the other leagues, and the league membership would change from year to year and only the top teams would qualify to join. there are some nuances to resolve, such as dues and/or prizes and/or incentives, and it may not be feasible simply based on the fact that some owners only want to be in one league, but it's food for thought.
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