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    Anything Goes
    America, 1776-2006, R.I.P.

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    Football Freak

    3327 posts
    Posted - 11/25/2006 11:00:38 AM
    America, 1776-2006
    (with a tip of the hat to Forrest)

    This fall President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act, which suspended Habeas Corpus, and the 2007 Defense Authorization Act, which effectively repeals Posse Comitatus. Why is this not generally known, and why is there no outrage?

    This collective yawn is due to the fact that we have devolved in a country where 1) we have no legitimate mainstream media, and 2) most people are not true to principles but only to their “team.” Their intellectual dishonesty has enabled our fall into fascism.

    A. Posse Comitatus
    This 1878 law prohibited the use of the federal military to be used against its own citizens for law enforcement purposes. This law protected U.S. citizens from being subject to a military state. Now, the U.S. military can be used for any domestic enforcement purpose that the President declares. What reasoning is there for justifying this repeal?

    B. Habeas Corpus
    Habeas Corpus is a legal precedent that has been around since 1215 and it requires that no person can be held without charges being brought against them. It is a cornerstone of our democracy and it was declared irrelevant by the Military Commissions Act which states that any person can be held indefinitely without charges being brought against them.

    Let me say that again – any citizen can now be picked up by the government and held in a secret location and never be charged with a crime. They just disappear.

    The fascists that support this Act state that it doesn’t apply to American citizens, but that is an outright lie. This applies to any person that is declared an “enemy combatant,” and citizenship is not a factor for eligibility. This legal designation is simply declared by the government and is based on secret evidence and can be applied to any U.S. citizen.

    Oh, not only that, but the Military Commissions Act also authorizes the use of torture.

    Do you understand the magnitude of this? Is this acceptable to you?

    It’s about time that we all wake up and call it for what it is: fascism. And if you support this type of government, then I suggest that you move your intellectually dishonest self to Russia and leave this country to the real patriots.

    Let’s look at the Bill of Rights as it stands now:
    1. Rights to assemble, speak, a free press, and to petition the government for redress: without habeas corpus, you lose all of these rights; MCA killed it
    2. Keep and bear arms: intact
    3. Can’t quarter soldiers in houses: intact
    4. Gotta have a warrant: gone via Patriot Act
    5. Grand Jury and due process: gone via MCA
    6. Speedy and public trial, with counsel: gone via MCA
    7. Trial by Jury: gone via MCA
    8. Excessive bail, fines, or punishments: gone via MCA
    9. Other rights: gone, see above
    10. Other powers fall to the states and people: intact, but um, which powers are left?

    What possible justification is there for this? We’ve lived through decades of a real cold war with a real enemy that spent real trillions on real weapons that could really destroy us, and we didn’t need to repeal posse comitatus and suspend habeas corpus. If your answer is that we need to do it because of the terrorists, you are insane.

    Take a step back and look at what is happening to our country in the past five years. Under a provision in the latest Patriot Act, there is even a new criminal offense that is called “disruptor” and this applies to anyone that vocally expresses themselves in an area that is not designated a free speech zone.
    click here to read about it

    Keep an eye out for what is going to be the new phrase of manipulation: “domestic terrorism.” It is now being applied to the protection of corporate meat production, where protesters for animal rights are going to be labeled “extremists” and their acts as “terrorism.” Do we really need new laws that reclassify forms of dissent as terrorism? Can’t you smell what the Rock is cooking?
    Are you a terrorist?

    Think this is an overreaction? Why was a Halliburton subsidy (KBR) awarded a $385 million contract this year to build detention camps throughout the U.S.? Now why would this be?

    Regardless of each of our political viewpoints, ALL of our phone calls are monitored. ALL of our internet history is logged and handed over to the Justice Department for analysis. ALL of us have lost our privacy and now lost our Bill of Rights. Yet somehow no one seems to care.

    And I’m the crazy one?

    We should be ashamed

    It's starting
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    Football Freak

    998 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 11/25/2006 7:45:49 PM
    No one cares, back to football
    Ya really think anyone is gonna take notice? Our country has devolved into consumerist zombie-ism and I fear that nothing will wake up the sleeping masses. But thanks for trying.
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