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    money money

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    Author Topic
    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/26/2011 5:44:26 AM
    money money
    i'd like to propose that we do a change to how Ragnarok handles the booty. in the past, it's been a hodgepodge blast of cash, checks, or promisary notes, with drunken scribbled notes tracking who actually paid. while this system has worked fairly well in the past, from an administrative viewpoint it has been imperfect. (i'm the one who often ate the paypal fees, and on top of that i'm still owed some dues from 2009 and 2010 - but i still covered the prizes out of my own pocket. that kind of stuff ain't happening no more.)

    therefore, i'd like to either move to LeagueSafe to handle the dues and payouts, or have someone else be the league treasurer if we stick with the old school approach. either way is fine by me, as long as there is a change.

    for those who are unfamiliar with LeagueSafe, it is a third party who takes our dues and then pays out 100% immediately following the fantasy season. they are FDIC insured and have a good rep, and they only charge a 3% fee at the time dues are paid. (and that 3% is rightfully paid by each owner - dues would be $75.00 + $2.25). they also offer online payments via either e-check or credit card, so it is very convenient for everyone involved. i'm using it this year for both the Midgard and Aurora auction leagues, and so far i am loving this experience vs the past years with the old school approach.

    i know it's a big change and it is one more step away from the old pen and paper approach of days gone by, but LeagueSafe does simplify things all around. for the first time ever, in those other leagues i don't have to worry about tracking down dues or getting people to pay their own paypal fees, nor concern myself with five months of caretaking a stack of cash on my desk. i'm already completely mentally free, even though it's still two weeks before the Packers put the smackdown on the Saints. hang on, i'm having a Calgon moment.

    anyways, i'm game for either scenario - whatever you dudes want to do is great. so what it be, gents?

    1) LeagueSafe
    2) stick with traditional way, but have a different Ragnarok Treasurer
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    Bass Master

    General Manager

    393 posts
    Fu: 97.18
    Posted - 8/26/2011 5:53:23 AM
    Down with league safe
    I will miss late evening drunken transactions.
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    Critical Manager

    1310 posts
    Fu: 101.10
    Posted - 8/26/2011 11:19:38 AM
    LeagueSafe's the accountable alternative. BTW, I can't believe there are owners in Ragnarok who owe anything except this year. I'm shocked. For shame! I wouldn't think of supposing I could be in this league and have a marker. A Makers Mark? Maybe....
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    Roving Gamblers

    Football Freak

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 8/26/2011 11:38:55 AM
    up with league safe
    Let's go with the website. There's no reason to have a treasurer if it cost $2 to take it out of Keith's hands.
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