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Member since: 7/29/2007
2024 Logins: 0
Last Login: 1/15/2023
  From: NC

All posts by Jacqueline M:

Thread Topic
Happy Birthday
Posted - 9/20/2021 8:49:20 AM Post a reply to Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

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What a Week!
Posted - 12/10/2019 9:51:25 AM Post a reply to Wow!
I hope the ending of being a professor was by choice!
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Free Agency and Roster Limits
Posted - 9/3/2019 9:49:34 AM Post a reply to Roster limits
Roster limits
Worry not! Once you add a player via FA you will not be able to access your team until you drop someone. I just dropped Vinny so I could post this. My team is within the legal parameters now.
Have a great Tuesday!
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Posted - 8/25/2019 10:36:04 AM Post a reply to Noms
Nominations are Required:

For the first seven (7) days of the auction, all teams are required to nominate the requisite number of players each day. Each day where there is a failure to do so will result in a loss of 20CP from their regular season bank account.

Hammer Time:

* As of Day 10 and onward, teams do still have the option of not nominating a player when each new day arrives.

* Teams cannot skip nominations two days in a row. If you do so, your AUCTION BANK will take a 3CP hit for each day a nomination is not made.

* Teams can skip a day of nominations, then nominate only one player, and then skip the following day and there would be no penalty.

* If a team's auction bank reaches 0PH and they do not have a full roster, they will have to wait until free agency in order to fill out their roster.
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Posted - 8/25/2019 10:33:16 AM Post a reply to Thanks
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Posted - 8/24/2019 9:31:44 PM Post a reply to Chat and teams
Chat and teams
Who is the Mountaineer and who is Prison Guy? I cant see team name. (Beer)
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Posted - 8/24/2019 9:28:21 PM Post a reply to Like button
Like button
We need one.
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Posted - 8/24/2019 9:14:34 AM Post a reply to History
The History (new) link will also give insight to the nomination history of each team on each day.
A nomination day is 24 hours.
2 cents.
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Auction starts on this Sunday night!
Posted - 8/11/2019 5:49:58 PM Post a reply to Daaaaammmmmmmmnnn
That was fast!
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Posted - 7/21/2019 10:06:04 PM Post a reply to I wouldn't hate it
I wouldn't hate it
But I am in both Midgard AND Aurora. I always suck in Aurora so....maybe I do hate it.
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illegal bid in the Midgard Auction
Posted - 8/29/2018 7:52:57 PM Post a reply to Fine by me
Fine by me
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Bidding starts tonight at MIDNIGHT
Posted - 8/19/2018 10:25:38 PM Post a reply to Bidding starts tonight at MIDNIGHT
Bidding starts tonight at MIDNIGHT
Get your players in! I might make it to the playoffs this year.
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Excited to try this auction
Posted - 8/17/2018 5:56:54 PM Post a reply to You will love it
You will love it
It is very intense and you will catch yourself staring at the auction room constantly. It can also be maddening! Buckle your seatbelt.
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2018 Midgard roll call
Posted - 8/17/2018 12:49:32 PM Post a reply to Welcome to
Welcome to
Alan and Michael.
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2018 Midgard roll call
Posted - 8/13/2018 1:17:45 PM Post a reply to Welcome
to Midgard.
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The 2018 8bit Season is Officially Here!
Posted - 8/13/2018 1:17:09 PM Post a reply to Welcome
to 8bit.
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The 2018 8bit Season is Officially Here!
Posted - 8/9/2018 7:11:58 AM Post a reply to Im in
Im in
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2018 Aurora roll call!
Posted - 7/6/2018 8:35:04 AM Post a reply to I'm
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2018 Midgard roll call
Posted - 7/6/2018 8:34:32 AM Post a reply to I'm
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Endzone Dwellers, it's a fucking Mothra vs Godzilla deathmatch
Posted - 11/20/2017 9:21:01 PM Post a reply to Well
I am getting my ass handed to me by Snakebit
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Posted - 9/8/2017 9:28:26 PM Post a reply to s'all good
s'all good
Sometimes people dont know that he doesnt have a team of ppl running his site. I just get defensive because I (his wife) see it and know how much time and work he puts into it. <3
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Posted - 9/8/2017 12:04:54 PM Post a reply to I will get better....
I will get better....
This site is a one man show. Keith is away for his ragnarock draft (basically a hiatus from the site and major updates from Thursday to Monday) and he will do all the nip and tucks when he gets back. I think this is his 21st year of this league and it's a big deal for all of them.
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Welcome Matt!
Posted - 8/28/2017 9:13:23 PM Post a reply to Welcome
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Draft Date
Posted - 8/22/2017 5:12:00 PM Post a reply to Time
proposed works for me
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what's in a name?
Posted - 8/11/2017 10:32:50 AM Post a reply to A new name would be great!
A new name would be great!
Cackalacky sounds like a cat throwing up a hair ball.

How about Breaker of Chains

(sorry, a bit obsessed with GoT lately)
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I know this is the...
Posted - 8/11/2017 10:06:08 AM Post a reply to Zach
I was SO EXCITED to see that you joined Aurora! I have wanted to play with more Ragnarok guys for a long time. I hinted to Keith about giving me one of the RARE open spots in Ragnarok but he wouldn't do it. I think he is scared :) (not to mention, what would we do with Mars for those 4-5 days during the draft).

You will love the slow auction and find yourself staring for hours on end at the auction page. We all do it....

Good luck to you!

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Draft Date
Posted - 8/9/2017 9:10:12 PM Post a reply to Draft Date
Draft Date
September 1, 2 or 3 will work for me.
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Welcome to the league, John!
Posted - 7/21/2017 9:18:54 PM Post a reply to Hi
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Welcome to the league, John!
Posted - 7/18/2017 12:21:27 PM Post a reply to Welcome to the league!
Welcome to the league!
Happy to have you.
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Posted - 10/18/2016 10:10:20 AM Post a reply to Trade
I want to trade my entire team for Nick Novak who scored 374 points in week 6! Whada ya say Chamber? :D
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Hey good people - just a heads up here.
Posted - 10/17/2016 12:54:30 PM Post a reply to You are
You are
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I just got a text from the Tiki House owner
Posted - 9/18/2016 8:46:39 AM Post a reply to Instant
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Free agency
Posted - 9/4/2016 4:42:03 PM Post a reply to Free Agency
Free Agency
The first free agency will be this Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 8 pm. We had a catastrophic computer event this morning prohibiting the original free agency for this morning.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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2016 Aurora Roll Call!
Posted - 9/2/2016 9:53:00 PM Post a reply to Almost there!
Almost there!
Kingdom has nominated his players and we are down to the NY Flushers with the final nomination of the auction. When you get a moment Flushers, hop on and nominate your last kicker and we will be on our way!
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Posted - 9/1/2016 12:58:48 PM Post a reply to Typhoons and Marines
Typhoons and Marines
Hey guys, you both have one more player to nominate. The end of the auction depends on you! Hop on and nominate someone so we can officially END this long auction.
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Free agency
Posted - 8/31/2016 12:21:07 PM Post a reply to
Let's hope the auction is done by then....
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Free agency
Posted - 8/31/2016 12:21:04 PM Post a reply to
Let's hope the auction is done by then....
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2016 Midgard Roll Call!
Posted - 7/15/2016 3:23:40 PM Post a reply to yell
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2016 Aurora Roll Call!
Posted - 7/15/2016 9:23:51 AM Post a reply to I'm in!
I'm in!
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2016 Midgard Roll Call!
Posted - 7/15/2016 9:22:32 AM Post a reply to Im in!
Im in!
Brown! Brown and green? Ugggg.....Can we find a few more actual colors? Gross
(Boy I'm starting off bitching at GO!)
I hate brown
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This isn't soccer
Posted - 11/13/2015 7:22:12 PM Post a reply to Not soccer
Not soccer
but someone was 'drunk news tickering' it seems. Almost like live tweeting but more confusing.
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Did I miss something?
Posted - 9/17/2015 9:03:56 PM Post a reply to who?
was started>?
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Black Lives Matter
Posted - 9/3/2015 6:01:46 PM Post a reply to I
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any leads on a fill in?
Posted - 8/20/2015 3:41:14 PM Post a reply to Well
Hello there!
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any leads on a fill in?
Posted - 8/20/2015 3:30:03 PM Post a reply to So...
Did Adric 'the other Olsen' join?
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Welcome Dennis!
Posted - 8/19/2015 4:56:31 PM Post a reply to Strategy
Personally I try to spend all of my money because I'm min maxing the entire auction. Since the free agency is eBay style, you tend to not spend all of your reserves immediately. That doesn't mean it couldn't happen, I just wouldn't plan on saving any monies from the auction for that scenario.
Just my 2 cents.
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any leads on a fill in?
Posted - 8/19/2015 3:38:54 PM Post a reply to any leads on a fill in?
any leads on a fill in?
I got nutin'
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Welcome Dennis!
Posted - 8/19/2015 12:25:48 PM Post a reply to Hellooooo
Most of us are nice.
If you have any questions just ask.
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Football season is back
Posted - 6/7/2015 7:57:21 PM Post a reply to me...again
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Football season is back
Posted - 6/7/2015 7:56:46 PM Post a reply to me
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Posted - 9/4/2014 11:26:12 PM Post a reply to Live
I think...
But Keith is at his draft for Ragnarok this weekend so the games might be behind tonight and this weekend. Depends on sobriety and internet connection.
This website is a one man show.
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2014 Midgard schedule
Posted - 9/4/2014 12:34:46 PM Post a reply to Remaining auction cash
Remaining auction cash
Should be in your accounts! Make sure I didn't miss anyone.
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New Schedule
Posted - 9/3/2014 6:03:29 PM Post a reply to Yes
and done!
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auction starts TONIGHT at midnight!
Posted - 8/15/2014 8:41:30 PM Post a reply to Hermits
Have the league safe links.
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auction starts TONIGHT at midnight!
Posted - 8/15/2014 7:56:22 PM Post a reply to I think
I think
We are finally all out of deadbeats!
If it's okay with Zach I'm going to see if Keith will still start the auction tonight. We just wanted Zach to have a fair chance to see how everything works and read the rules.
Keith turned off the auction room but I will have him turn it back on so Zach can see how it works. It's very simple and pretty straightforward.
He's outside mowing the grass so he'll be in in about an hour.
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auction starts TONIGHT at midnight!
Posted - 8/15/2014 7:49:33 PM Post a reply to Welcome!
Happy to have you.
28 hours until we can start.
Can't wait!
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let's all give a big Welcome to our new team owner!
Posted - 8/14/2014 9:24:11 AM Post a reply to Happy to have ya!
Happy to have ya!
Welcome to the crazy train (another one)
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Posted - 8/10/2014 11:53:14 AM Post a reply to Really?
No, really?
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Aurora 2014 Rules Updates
Posted - 8/10/2014 9:55:45 AM Post a reply to I like that idea
I like that idea
From Lebowski. Earning your photons!
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Deadline for declaring team ownership is July 15
Posted - 7/24/2014 12:38:37 PM Post a reply to Hole-la
That is spanish for hello
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Deadline for declaring team ownership is July 15
Posted - 7/17/2014 8:40:16 AM Post a reply to It is 2014
It is 2014
and I think everyone has access to a calendar. July 15 has come and gone so CLEARLY they have no interest. I am going to ask around work to see if anyone wants one of the 2 vacant spots!
Is it really almost August!
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let's all give a big Welcome to our new team owner!
Posted - 7/9/2014 12:42:52 PM Post a reply to Hi Gail!
Hi Gail!
Welcome to the league :)
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Posted - 7/5/2014 7:53:33 AM Post a reply to I'm in
I'm in
here too...
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Posted - 7/5/2014 7:52:46 AM Post a reply to I'm in
I'm in
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Posted - 6/23/2014 10:00:29 PM Post a reply to I wish...
I wish...
for a miniature unicorn (I'll name her bubbles).
I want your annoying trophy list to burn in the lake of hell.
I'll take a million dollars deposited into my bank account......
...5 more hours in a day
...a newer car
...a pool boy
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McGahee not in FA
Posted - 9/27/2013 10:53:33 AM Post a reply to We have only had the flex be WR/RB
We have only had the flex be WR/RB
since we started this league.
Next year it would be good to have it be WR/RB/TE.
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Veto Trades?
Posted - 9/18/2013 6:58:39 PM Post a reply to mmmmm
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Free Agency
Posted - 9/11/2013 8:09:37 PM Post a reply to it was
it was
just a joke. poor attempt at south park humor.
and not ALL drugs are bad ;)
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Free Agency
Posted - 9/11/2013 7:49:00 PM Post a reply to Drugs
are bad.
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Giovani Bernard FA
Posted - 9/10/2013 9:36:01 AM Post a reply to At the bottom of every page
At the bottom of every page
is a link for "have a question or report an issue?" Use that for stat errors.
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2013? Who's in???
Posted - 8/11/2013 11:37:27 PM Post a reply to I'm in, IF
I'm in, IF
we have teams that are going to participate and field a team every week...................

so, BIG IF
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When is the planned start of the auction?
Posted - 7/31/2013 3:08:13 PM Post a reply to Stupid
trophy garbage under your avatar. It's still stupid.

Welp, that's my complaint post of the year.
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The 2013 Season Has Arrived
Posted - 7/31/2013 3:03:26 PM Post a reply to Hi
Nick and welcome Rob!
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Not sure
Posted - 7/31/2013 2:55:16 PM Post a reply to 3 questions that get all women excited
3 questions that get all women excited
Spam check
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The 2013 Season Has Arrived
Posted - 6/20/2013 12:21:19 PM Post a reply to Me
Me me
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Heeeeeere's Johnny 2013 Midgard!!!
Posted - 6/19/2013 3:14:29 PM Post a reply to I
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Congrats to the winners!
Posted - 12/27/2012 9:19:56 AM Post a reply to Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to the winners!
And better luck next year to the scoring deficient teams >.<
I have allocated the payouts in league safe ( )
You can log in to your account at and get your moolah!

Happy holidays everyone!

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Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted - 12/2/2012 12:06:43 PM Post a reply to Mars!
Ain't he cute.

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Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted - 11/22/2012 1:17:15 PM Post a reply to Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love Mars!
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Sucks to lose
Posted - 10/24/2012 8:43:06 AM Post a reply to Sucks to lose
Sucks to lose
against someone not participating!
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Football get together?
Posted - 10/18/2012 3:58:14 PM Post a reply to Football get together?
Football get together?
Just wondering if anyone wants to come over for some football action on Sunday October 28th? This is/will be a site wide invite.

~puttin' feelers out~
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Thank you!
Posted - 10/16/2012 12:00:54 AM Post a reply to Thank you!
Thank you!
A huge thanks to all who came to the wedding. I loved meeting your wives Sean, Jeremy and Zach! Why did that take so long? I would love to see them again and have the opportunity to talk to them under less chaotic circumstances.
Thanks for the lovely words Kent! You really need to quit what you are doing and go write for someone. You have a real talent.
It was great to see you, Rae and your adorable girls Billy. We all know that Josie never plans on getting married.
My friends liked your van Pfleuger.
If you couldn't make it this past Saturday, you were missed.

PS, Zach I showed Keith your FB post, so he did get to see it :)

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Posted - 9/25/2012 11:06:25 AM Post a reply to Looks like
Looks like
I still woulda had ya by 3 points BUT had the officials not been completely incompetent, my defense would have scored more points (that last "touchdown" was, in reality, an interception so GB Def would have held Sea to 7 points and had 2 ints......)

I still feel your pain.

Good luck next week (now that you are not playing me!)


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Defense points didn't post
Posted - 9/19/2012 1:19:45 PM Post a reply to Har
Talk like a pirate day made my post kinda funny.
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Defense points didn't post
Posted - 9/19/2012 1:15:27 PM Post a reply to Thanks
For the specifics! So many times it is a post or a call like this ------> "the site is broken" and it is so so much easier to know what the problem is, exactly, so it can be fixed promptly! There is also a link at the very very bottom left of the page that allows you to report stat errors.

Keith finished the fancy new data miner for the site and it is working like a charm. I think now there are a few parts of the site that won't talk to the new parts (like 3rd graders). That is being fixed. There are a few other things he is aware of and will be fixed eventually also.

He is really trying to get it all fixed while I sit next to him and ask every day, Do I look fat? When he says 'no' I then start to bitch about the wedding and baby and baby's room and the house project and "are you sure I don't look fat" and......well you get the picture. He can't win :(
Sorry for the delay on it and it will eventually be fixed :)

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Trade midweek
Posted - 9/17/2012 5:14:26 PM Post a reply to fixed
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Posted - 9/13/2012 2:34:53 PM Post a reply to No tie.
No tie.
I win.
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Found Scores- when does it update
Posted - 9/12/2012 9:29:31 AM Post a reply to F*ck
I fell for it.....
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Stats for week 1
Posted - 9/9/2012 7:39:45 PM Post a reply to Stats for week 1
Stats for week 1
I hope everyone has been enjoying the first week of football.
I want to let everyone know that Keith was away this weekend doing his Ragnarok draft (= a vacation basically) so the data miner that mines all the stats and creates our scores is till in the process of being tweaked. It will be done soon (super soon) so please bear with us while we (he) puts the final touches on it over the next day or so.

Thanks for your patients!

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Posted - 9/7/2012 8:15:58 AM Post a reply to Vacation-ish
Keith is at the mountains for his Ragnarok draft so essentially he is on a well deserved vacation! He is aware of the over limit problem some are having (20 players) and will fix it the beginning of next week. He also has to re-tweak the new and improved data miner so some of the stats may be wrong this weekend. DON'T FREAK OUT! He will fix it next week.

Dallas still f'n sux!

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My bad!
Posted - 9/5/2012 8:10:41 PM Post a reply to lol
yea, i didn't push all the right buttons when setting up free agency. i (keith) fixed it.
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Free Agency oops!
Posted - 9/5/2012 12:24:39 PM Post a reply to Free Agency oops!
Free Agency oops!
I messed up and didn't select the eBay style bidding so I will have to readjust the banks of anyone bidding the past couple of FA.

It should be eBay style now.

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Setting lineups
Posted - 9/3/2012 11:55:39 AM Post a reply to Setting lineups
Setting lineups
Everyone should be able to set their lineups starting tonight at midnight.
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Free agency
Posted - 8/31/2012 11:36:04 AM Post a reply to Free agency
Free agency
Keith explained how free agency works on the site in another league. In an effort not to confuse the crap out of everyone, I am just going to copy/past his explanation here:

For the new ladies in Triple F, we use a blind bidding system for free agency. Essentially, you can select the player(s) you want, how much you are willing to spend on them, and which player(s) you want to waive in case you successfully sign players. And then at a specified time, all blind bids by all teams are processed and the highest bidder gets that player.
(it is EBay style biding)

We do Free Agency sessions for Sunday mornings at 10am, and also on Wednesdays through Saturdays at 12 noon each day. There is no FA on Tuesdays.

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Posted - 8/26/2012 5:11:18 PM Post a reply to Rosters
are now current!

Look yours over to make sure I didn't mess anything up (or just make stuff up and give you weird players)

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Posted - 8/24/2012 12:49:24 PM Post a reply to Progress!
Okies, we have all the keepers and I have entered them into the draft site. Everyone should have their log-ins from last year. Here is how I did it last year:

***repost from 8/20/11

The software we are using for the draft is

I have created an account for everyone using your name (with no spaces) as your user name and the password is triplef. All lowercase for names and password. PLEASE take a minute to log in to be sure everyone has access (just to be sure I didn't screw something up!). Once you are there, hover over 'mock drafts' in the top menu on the site. Go to 'my pending drafts' and go to the Triple F draft room. Once there, you should see the list of all of our teams there. Hooray!
***end repost

For the 2 new ladies, I forgot how I did it last year when I was creating your accounts so I kinda used your team names and the emails you use on the site.

Lindsay username = NKOTB (all caps)
password = triplef

Lindsey username = angrybag (all lowercase and no spaces)
password = triplef

Hope I didn't complicate this. I am really good at that.

I love donuts!

As for me coming to the draft, it will still be a last minute thing but if I do I will bring banana muffins! I hope that is ok (the last minute thing....well and the banana muffins too)

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Who ya keepin'?
Posted - 8/24/2012 11:38:39 AM Post a reply to Oops!
Sorry Tracy, I missed your post!
I have everyone's keepers and I will get the draft room finished today. Check your emails for invites and make sure you can log into the draft room.
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Who ya keepin'?
Posted - 8/24/2012 11:23:43 AM Post a reply to Thanks Ladies!
Thanks Ladies!
Just need to know who Hairboro wants to keep and I can finish the draft room and send out invites to join it.

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Who ya keepin'?
Posted - 8/23/2012 12:12:10 PM Post a reply to nice choice on S Jax
nice choice on S Jax
Need to hear from the rest of the ladies

S O O N P L E A S E !!!!!!
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Who ya keepin'?
Posted - 8/23/2012 11:04:30 AM Post a reply to Since I'm not so loyal....
Since I'm not so loyal....
(sorry purple Jesus), I have changed my scattered mind!
I am keeping Stafford!!!
Here's to the future!


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Who ya keepin'?
Posted - 8/21/2012 4:09:47 PM Post a reply to Who ya keepin'?
Who ya keepin'?
Speak up and say it LOUD!

The Flea Flickers will be keeping Vernon Davis
The Piglettes will be keeping Aaron Rodgers
The One Hit Wonders will be keeping Payton (so loyal!!!)
The Attack Kittens will be keeping Tom Brady (I'm not so loyal!)

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Nominating Players
Posted - 8/16/2012 8:00:06 PM Post a reply to yes
if you see:

Put a player on the Auction Block - you can nominate up to 1 more player(s) today.

you can nominate a player.

The nomination box disappears if you have maxed out.

I think.
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Posted - 8/13/2012 6:18:45 PM Post a reply to I'm in
I'm in
but I will probably stay home since I will be 7 months pregnant at that time.

As for the keeper situation, I originally thought we were going to add 2 new teams bringing us up to 12. However, we had 2 ladies drop and they were replaced so no new teams will be created, which means they can pick a keeper from their existing roster. (Does that sound confusing? It does to me.)

If anyone is interested in declaring their keeper now just post it and I will start adjusting rosters!


Thanks for hosting the draft Rae! Maybe we can do the pool party again next year.
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Auction 2012 Budget
Posted - 8/12/2012 1:04:57 PM Post a reply to Holy crap!
Holy crap!
No one was denigrating you in chat for defending yourself. If any comment was made, 5 minutes later, everyone moved on and forgot all about it until you had to say something again. No one said you were a cheater or a liar or anything against your character. I don't want to speak for Keith but maybe he didn't see the need to defend you because you weren't being attacked. I think we all just want to MOVE ON. I am now being affected by this mess and am reluctant to bid or just wait because we don't know what your role is. Are you staying or are you going? I just want to get my auction on.

Pregnant Lady 2012!

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This might actually happen!
Posted - 8/9/2012 9:32:47 AM Post a reply to This might actually happen!
This might actually happen!
We just need to get a few more things out of the way.

First, payments!
I will be sending out the Leaguesafe payment invites today. Just follow the emailed links and create an account (if you do not have one already) and pay! Voila! Payments are due by August 23, 2012. That is 2 weeks from today.
I have added on $2.50 to the dues to pay for the draft room. It will be the same one from last year and it worked very well for us. Keith doesn't have the time to mess with the old draft room and we are the only league that uses it anyhow so maybe next year.....or not. I hope that $2.50 isn't a deal breaker for anyone and sorry to spring that on everyone last minute.

The payment deadline is a HARD DEADLINE. So if AUGUST 23 2012 does not work please let ME know ASAP.

Second, Draft date.
We can have it Friday August 24 or Saturday the 25th or Sunday or....any day after August 23. I cannot host the draft this year with the wedding, baby and house prep for both, my dance card is full! Since the draft site is online we can do it in the luxury of our own home or someone else can host a draft party. It all works for me.

Well, those were the 2 important things and we cannot move forward w/o either so I will let this be all for now.

Any questions or concerns please let me know asap!


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Dues owed?
Posted - 8/6/2012 3:03:05 PM Post a reply to Why
Doesn't Shawn pay his own? Sounds like the most simple way to get it done...........
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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 8/5/2012 3:09:24 PM Post a reply to Still waiting
Still waiting
to hear from Alison.
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Dues owed?
Posted - 8/5/2012 1:03:12 PM Post a reply to
Just set up an account with that email. (But that will be the account that gets the pays out if the team this account is paying for wins.)
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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 8/2/2012 8:26:26 AM Post a reply to How about you Alison :)
How about you Alison :)
I did get your email Laurie and I am happy you are here to stay! Just waiting on Alison and we will be full and ready to start organizing the rest.
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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 8/1/2012 1:34:39 PM Post a reply to Waiting on only ONE more!
Waiting on only ONE more!
Need to hear from one more person and then we will be ready to get moving on payments, team allocation and setting a draft schedule.

I have one question that can be chimed in on by everyone now. Since we will likely have 4 new owners this year (that means 2 extra teams!!!), should we drop our keepers this year? Assuming no turnover next year we can revisit having keepers next year?
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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 7/30/2012 12:42:26 PM Post a reply to Awww (x2!)
Awww (x2!)
We will keep you in mind for next year and Congratulations!
You will be missed :)
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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 7/30/2012 12:21:51 PM Post a reply to As we stand
As we stand

Tracy friend 1
Tracy Friend 2
Lauren Wood

OUTs :(

Lauren Erickson

Still waiting on Jennifer, Laurie and Alison with their in or outs. As soon as we hear from them we can get teams to Tracy's 2 friends and we can set a draft date!
Please let us know soon if you are in or out!


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The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Posted - 7/24/2012 10:52:31 AM Post a reply to The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
The 2012 3F Season Ins and Outs
Well, I have 2 ladies that are 'in'. Thanks B for the lightening fast response! I appreciate it!

Anyone else wanna jump in quick with their in or out? (you can just post here too)

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Aurora 2012 is ON!
Posted - 6/19/2012 7:15:40 AM Post a reply to
Jared is out
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Midgard 2012 has arrived!
Posted - 6/18/2012 6:24:05 PM Post a reply to oh and...
oh and...
Your stupid trophy clutter is obnoxious.
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Midgard 2012 has arrived!
Posted - 6/18/2012 6:21:15 PM Post a reply to I'm in
I'm in
Maybe I'll even let someone else win this year
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Aurora 2012 is ON!
Posted - 6/18/2012 6:14:18 PM Post a reply to me me me!
me me me!
I'm in.
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15 year summary of draft position and placing
Posted - 3/18/2012 2:24:15 PM Post a reply to 15 year summary of draft position and placing
15 year summary of draft position and placing
I heard Keith talking about picking draft positions this year instead of having them determined by how you placed at the end of the season (I think that is right). So, I was bored and curious one day and made a chart showing the draft positions and where those teams placed at the end of the season for the last 15 years of your league. The results were interesting!

Here is the link to the chart. I hope it is easy to understand.


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Posted - 12/27/2011 1:49:57 PM Post a reply to english
and typing......
I suxor
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Posted - 12/27/2011 1:49:04 PM Post a reply to Panthers got 4th
Panthers got 4th
And Keith is giving it to him because the Panthers doesn't have a LeagueSafe account.
The note section in LeagueSafe apparently doesn't work because the note I put in for the Triple F pay outs didn't get delivered either.
So, all is kosher!
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Congratulations Ninjas ..Playoff league?
Posted - 12/27/2011 10:13:37 AM Post a reply to Thanks!
No Ninja secret this season, I simply got lucky. You should have had our game. Aaron Rodgers and Purple Jesus alone should have won it for you. I just got lucky (x2 with the loss of Romo).
I will still happily take the win :)


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We have a winner!
Posted - 12/27/2011 8:26:57 AM Post a reply to We have a winner!
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Powder Puff Piglettes for winning the 2011 Triple F season!
The payouts have been processed. An email has been sent out from League Safe and from there you can follow the link to withdraw your winnings.

I hope everyone had a great Xmas and may your 2012 be better than your 2011!

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Posted - 12/16/2011 1:35:13 PM Post a reply to Free agency
Free agency
Is till going for this league. I see all the players listed. Let me know if you still cannot see them.
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Suggestions for next year
Posted - 12/13/2011 8:34:38 PM Post a reply to Some good suggestions
Some good suggestions
The whole thing with messed up stats, yea it can be rough sometime but for the past 2 months (at least), Keith has been working about 60-70 hours a week. It's just how it goes and it's always good to have work!
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Cry Jerry Jones Cry you bastard
Posted - 12/13/2011 8:30:05 PM Post a reply to
I love to see the Cowboy's lose! I even love it when their stupid cheerleaders are tackled/knocked down!
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Play Offs!
Posted - 12/8/2011 9:16:13 AM Post a reply to Play Offs!
Play Offs!
They are here and set!
Good luck ladies, the end is near!

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Posted - 11/22/2011 6:01:47 PM Post a reply to never mind...
never mind...
It looks like I snagged a few extra in Aurora!
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Posted - 11/22/2011 5:58:55 PM Post a reply to extra VP
extra VP
If you are giving it away, I'll take it :D
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Denarius Moore OAK WR - I bid 40 on him and it shows Early Men getting him
Posted - 11/13/2011 12:44:04 PM Post a reply to go!
You got him and Ponder is dust!
Go Faeries!
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Bowling anyone?!?
Posted - 11/6/2011 9:07:07 AM Post a reply to Bowling anyone?!?
Bowling anyone?!?
If you didn't see the post on the home page, AMF Durham Lanes and Customized football are teaming up for a free night of bowling (FREE*!!)

It will be for the Week 11 Sunday night game between the Eagles and Giants on November 20. The bowling alley will televise the game on their big screen over the lanes. All games are free, and I think the shoe rentals may also be on the house (but not sure). Our part of the bargain is to eat, drink, and be merry. If you and any wives/husbands/friends may be interested in this free night of bowling, please email Keith Once enough people confirm their intent, we'll make it official.
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email addresses?
Posted - 11/6/2011 9:00:50 AM Post a reply to here is mine
here is mine
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Eject Button
Posted - 10/25/2011 1:38:36 PM Post a reply to Cookie
in coming!
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Posted - 10/25/2011 7:53:26 AM Post a reply to OK
The scoring should be fixed now.
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Posted - 10/24/2011 12:07:47 PM Post a reply to Yes!
Sorry, I will learn how to fix it tonight....I see that Shonn Green didn't get any points credited and Denarious Moore. Am I missing anything?
I will do it tonight!!!
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Eject Button
Posted - 10/23/2011 3:11:10 PM Post a reply to Cookie
F'n Foster.....
What kind of cookie do you want?
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Posted - 10/16/2011 4:12:05 PM Post a reply to Participation
It seems this will be the second week where at least one team is not participating which means that in the past 2 week three teams were handed a free win.
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oh well!
Posted - 10/16/2011 9:50:44 AM Post a reply to Tracy
I love your new colors!
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Breaking Bad
Posted - 10/15/2011 1:14:57 PM Post a reply to Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
We have the last 2 episodes on the dvr. Can't wait to watch them. It is a great show!
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Week 1 stats rerain
Posted - 9/25/2011 7:22:27 AM Post a reply to Please
Do not apologize for asking these scoring questions here. This conversation has been very educational. I have never known how the defense was scored but now I might be able to figure it out!

And besides, you have your Fu to think of! Believe me, I do all I can to up my fu!

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Week 1 stats rerain
Posted - 9/24/2011 8:48:00 PM Post a reply to Icky
Math, defense calculations and football FU points!
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Survivor Pool!
Posted - 9/24/2011 3:52:16 PM Post a reply to Survivor Pool!
Survivor Pool!
New fun stuff!
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Shitting the bed y'all!
Posted - 9/19/2011 10:39:54 PM Post a reply to A devious plan
A devious plan
by the crappy KC Chiefs so you don't win 3F again this year :)
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Scoring and playoffs
Posted - 9/19/2011 6:16:26 PM Post a reply to Oh my god!
Oh my god!
The terro rists won!
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F'in FF!!! WTF??
Posted - 9/19/2011 4:16:31 PM Post a reply to Talk like a Pirate Day
Talk like a Pirate Day
I love it!

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F'in FF!!! WTF??
Posted - 9/19/2011 1:00:21 PM Post a reply to Way to rub it in
Way to rub it in
Mister 'My team is ruined because S. Jackson went down!'

On a similar note:
I think I like playing fantasy football with my brothers!
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For Eric
Posted - 9/18/2011 8:14:25 PM Post a reply to For Eric
For Eric
Keith told me about this today. Had to share! (for those who skip commercials)

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ugh, lost by 2 points...
Posted - 9/16/2011 4:47:19 PM Post a reply to All the credit to you!
All the credit to you!
Since it was your idea Billy :)

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ugh, lost by 2 points...
Posted - 9/16/2011 2:34:31 PM Post a reply to blog: Football is stupid
blog: Football is stupid
After this past weekends series of losses in all of Keith's leagues, I just might start a blog of all his rantings and ravings. I guess that would mean I would have to pull my fingers out of my ears once he starts in......

"football is stupid"

"I just lost S. Jackson in my Animal Farm Yahoo league! F^@%, my team just went from elite to just, whatever. I was going to crush everyone in that league and now my team is f'ed. Football is stupid!"

"Yahoos real time free agency is f'in ridiculous...he got Carnell Williams in like 3 f'in minutes of S. Jackson being down! What about those people with a life! I bet that guy was sitting in front of the computer just waiting for someone to get injured. Asshole. Yahoo sucks."

"I lost all 3 of my games this weekend! WTF! I had like the second highest scoring team and still lost! Sucks!"

"I lost by 2 points in two leagues! Football is stupid."
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Ted Ginn jr.
Posted - 9/12/2011 6:26:24 PM Post a reply to We got it
We got it
You (or someone) left it in here fridge!

Keith can bring it to ya in 2 weeks when he goes down there for that metal show thingy.

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Scoring - Ryan Grant
Posted - 9/12/2011 6:07:14 PM Post a reply to uhhhh
this isn't yahoooooooooooooooooo
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Line ups and it's SUNDAY!!!!! Yea football!
Posted - 9/11/2011 1:19:37 PM Post a reply to Sunday, 1:17pm
Sunday, 1:17pm
I set the starters for Jennifer Scull Crushers and Road House Warriors. I don't know if they were both having problems with the site but wanted to have starters in for them as Sunday football started! Hope that is Ok with everyone.
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Line ups and it's SUNDAY!!!!! Yea football!
Posted - 9/11/2011 9:19:30 AM Post a reply to Line ups and it's SUNDAY!!!!!  Yea football!
Line ups and it's SUNDAY!!!!! Yea football!
Football Sunday is here!

I am very excited about it as I'm sure most of you are.

I have noticed that a few ladies have not set their line ups. I know that Jennifer has not because of a website issue (there are still boys here from Ragnarock so Keith will not get to fix it until much later today). Please, if anyone else is having that problem, email me your lineups at so I can put them in manually. I should have posted this last night but it was chaos here and I forgot :) So, to keep it fair for everyone, get me your line ups ASAP!

Thanks and woot Football!

Good luck today and this season.

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Posted - 9/8/2011 9:18:25 PM Post a reply to Dolphins bring back Larry Johnson after Daniel Thomas injury
Dolphins bring back Larry Johnson after Daniel Thomas injury
Jeff Darlington of the Miami Herald reports that Thomas tweaked his hamstring at practice.

Looks like I spoke too soon Justin :(
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Can't remember!
Posted - 9/8/2011 5:53:10 PM Post a reply to Deadline is
Deadline is
Sunday at 1pm!
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Posted - 9/8/2011 10:03:33 AM Post a reply to Schedule
Don't get comfy with the current schedule! Keith is planning on fixing the schedule maker to make it more random. I think now it just recycles every 2 years and he was going to try to fix that....
Just a heads-up and hope that is OK with everyone.
Seems like last minute but all the boys from Ragnarock start filtering in here tonight so he has been busy preparing for the testosterone filled weekend!

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Jax - Help! (Well, Keith actually!)
Posted - 9/8/2011 9:57:44 AM Post a reply to Anyone else having a problem
Anyone else having a problem
with selecting starters? If so, let me know who you want to start and I'll have Keith enter it when he gets back today. Only need to worry about the Saints and Packer players for today.....they are playing tonight right? I should probably know this :D

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Jax - Help! (Well, Keith actually!)
Posted - 9/8/2011 9:20:53 AM Post a reply to Did it get fixed?
Did it get fixed?
I just saw this! OMGZ!
Is it all fixed now?
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Posted - 9/6/2011 6:13:17 PM Post a reply to Obviously,
That post was meant for Triple F but hey, I'm gonna win this league again this year so buckle up ladies!


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Starting Roster
Posted - 9/5/2011 9:58:50 PM Post a reply to I think
I think
that is correct...
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Starting Roster
Posted - 9/5/2011 9:54:46 PM Post a reply to Tomorrow,
you will be able to select your lineup.
It's magic!
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Free agency.
Posted - 9/4/2011 11:12:47 PM Post a reply to Easy
From your team page, under the control panel, select 'free agency'.

'Add' your new dudes, then go to step 2.

Enter the bid amount for each new dude you want. It's an eBay style system (See the league rules if that needs more of an explanation).

You can create a 'cut list' that will remove players from your roster in the order you set up, when/if you win your bids. Be sure to select the 'use cut list' box if this is what you are doing!

You can also do the 1-to-1 player cut, selecting the player from your roster in the pull down menu next to the selected free agency player.

Finally, click the 'Submit your free agency bid list'.


The free agency is run every day at 10am, except Mondays and Tuesdays.

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Any thoughts on...
Posted - 8/31/2011 8:36:48 PM Post a reply to Hell.....
I would. I can juggle 4 leagues :D
I'm pro!
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Posted - 8/31/2011 8:30:53 PM Post a reply to Maybe...
you can get all of your bad luck out of the way now :)
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Best Team
Posted - 8/30/2011 2:11:06 PM Post a reply to Best Team
Best Team
Look at that 4 way tie for best team! Should be a fun season!
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Scoring and playoffs
Posted - 8/30/2011 9:37:56 AM Post a reply to Ha
Keith is already walking away with the trophy!
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New poll for name.....
Posted - 8/26/2011 8:15:23 AM Post a reply to Aurora
Oh...I didn't/don't remember Waynes world, no less Aurora from Waynes world!
I was just looking up pictures for the league page and most of what I got was Northern Lights pictures.
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Posted - 8/24/2011 10:45:36 PM Post a reply to
Chris Johnson is scull crushers keeper
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New poll for name.....
Posted - 8/22/2011 4:33:33 PM Post a reply to Nooooo
F those early men!
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New poll for name.....
Posted - 8/22/2011 12:38:37 PM Post a reply to New poll for name.....
New poll for name.....
Since it seems to be a tie, maybe do one more poll w/ deadline Sunday and take the 2nd and 3rd place names to use for division names?

nod nod nod

* most re-posted from justin....i think i am the only one that got it.......
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Posted - 8/21/2011 4:59:31 PM Post a reply to Done...
Rosters are done!

Make sure I didn't goof up!

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Great Draft!
Posted - 8/21/2011 4:26:22 PM Post a reply to Great Draft!
Great Draft!
Great draft ladies! I will update all the rosters as soon as possible. In the updates, I will change Rae's last defense and my last QB. All else should be the same from the draft board. The software worked out well.
Thanks for coming out and swimming and eating and struggling with the beginning of the new draft board. We were super fast! As always.
Everyone should come out here, while it is still warm, for a game and we can swim and have fun. After that we will crash Alison's house for the games. :)

I will let y'all know when the rosters are updated!

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Selecting keepers (2 ladies)
Posted - 8/20/2011 6:57:04 PM Post a reply to Awww shucks!
Awww shucks!
I was hoping to pick it for ya!
Thanks for letting us know.

How about you Lauren? (Road house warriors)
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VOTE on league name.
Posted - 8/20/2011 4:25:22 PM Post a reply to VOTE on league name.
VOTE on league name.
Vote for your two favorite new league names if you have not done so yet. I'm sick of calling it Auction House.....

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Selecting keepers (2 ladies)
Posted - 8/20/2011 11:27:07 AM Post a reply to Selecting keepers (2 ladies)
Selecting keepers (2 ladies)
The 2 ladies that still need to select your keepers, please just post here who you are keeping. The magic button has already been pushed so I will have to change your teams.

or....I can select your keeper for you....muahahahahahaha!

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Draft Website and Draft time and Draft order!
Posted - 8/20/2011 11:24:08 AM Post a reply to Draft Website and Draft time and Draft order!
Draft Website and Draft time and Draft order!
Good Morning all!

The software we are using for the draft is

I have created an account for everyone using your name (with no spaces) as your user name and the password is triplef. All lowercase for names and password. PLEASE take a minute to log in to be sure everyone has access (just to be sure I didn't screw something up!). Once you are there, hover over 'mock drafts' in the top menu on the site. Go to 'my pending drafts' and go to the Triple F draft room. Once there, you should see the list of all of our teams there. Hooray!

If you want to make your own ranking list (that only you can see), hover over 'my account' and select 'my player rankings'. Click '+ create new player rankings' and name the list as well as selecting 'NFL', scoring type = PPR and I just left the default of mock draft central rankings. Once you get to your ranking page, the window pane on the left side has a bunch of random players in it. I just 'clicked and dragged' them all into the trash can so i could start from scratch. Now, you can drag the players listed on the right side to your new ranking pane on the left. I THINK this list will be available for your 'wish list' if you need the site to auto-draft for you. I'm not 100% sure of this but i believe that can work >.<
The rankings MUST be set 20 minutes BEFORE the draft starts (that's what the site said). I don't know if that can be altered during the draft.
I hope this isn't too confusing and cumbersome!

I used the draft site to set the order (it just randomized it) and you can see the order when you log in and look at the draft page.

We will start at noon (or as close to noon as we can so we can get comfy with the site). There is no time limit but we are faster than the boys! Zoom zoom!

***I entered the keepers except for the 2 teams that has yet to select their keepers! Please select your keeper guy ASAP!***

I hope that is all for now! Sorry this is so much to read. Post or email me if any questions/problems with the new site! See most of y'all tomorrow morning.

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Keepers, draft order and Sundays draft!
Posted - 8/19/2011 9:23:00 PM Post a reply to Keepers, draft order and Sundays draft!
Keepers, draft order and Sundays draft!
Tonight our rosters will be cleared of all players except your keeper (which should be the only player checked on your roster!)

Tomorrow morning I will use the double randomizer on the league site to select our draft order. So everyone will have a day to prepare for the draft on Sunday.

The software we will be using for the draft is from
I have not used/purchased the software yet but from what I have seen, it is very similar to what is on We are not using our draft room because there are a few things that need to be fixed and there was no time to fix them (and I don't want to start/stop the draft the whole time). No worries! The software should be fine. With this software we can still set up a wish list to move things along. Sorry this was so last minute! I will send out email invites as early as I can so everyone can set up their wish list and become familiar with the new site. So keep an eye out for the email!!!

Since Jennifer cannot be with us onsite, we need to decide on a more concrete time for the start of the draft. Any suggestions?

Via Rae ---> Don't forget that we cannot buy beer before noon on Sunday so go shopping on Saturday for provisions! (Thanks for the reminder Rae!!!)

Oh, just to be sure everyone is aware, I have lotz of critters! Please be aware, if you have allergies, my house might not be the best place for ya!

The phone # is there if needed!


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Posted - 8/16/2011 8:48:05 PM Post a reply to Newspaper....
Uggg. Ignore that post in the newspaper. Working on 3 teams at once has me crossing a few wires. A 3 league domination is in the works!

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Select your keepers!
Posted - 8/16/2011 11:46:22 AM Post a reply to Directions and draft
Directions and draft

The link above will get ya here!

This year for the draft, we are probably not going to use the draft room on the site. It needs work and Keith doesn't have time to fix it right now so we will probably use a service online for the draft. Haven't figured that out yet but we will before Sunday. I suggest maybe printing out a list of the players you want to draft. I can print out some lists for people to use from ESPN. I am hoping to not have to keep stopping and starting the draft board this year! :D

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Select your keepers!
Posted - 8/16/2011 9:48:30 AM Post a reply to Select your keepers!
Select your keepers!
More admin stuff and another deadline :(

OK it is keeper selection time! On your team page, there is a column with check boxes (all are currently checked) next to all of your players. Uncheck all EXCEPT the one guy you want to keep! Ignore the 'round' pull down box (that is just confusing and irrelevant to us). The deadline for selecting your players is this Friday at 11pm. This is when I will push the big red button which will clear the rosters of all players except your keeper dude.

Draft time on Sunday:

How about planning on getting here early, ~1030 am, setting up our computers, having a few beers and munchies and then starting the draft? Or however/whenever :) I want to be able to accommodate everyone.
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Payment deadline is tomorrow!
Posted - 8/16/2011 9:32:36 AM Post a reply to No problem!
No problem!
I can understand waiting to get paid (only to have it spent already!)
If you need more time, now that i know, I will happily accommodate. I will change the deadline to Saturday (which means Friday at midnight....that's how the sight does it.)
Sorry if I was terse in my post last night. I shouldn't have posted anything after getting off of a plane that was delayed a few hours! My bad! Forgive me? :D
So, no worries. Let me know if I can do anything else to help.

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Payment deadline is tomorrow!
Posted - 8/15/2011 9:52:28 PM Post a reply to payment deadline is 2hours away!
payment deadline is 2hours away!
2 ladies really waiting until the last minute. I am changing it until tomorrow at midnight. I will not change it again. I don't want to be rude about this but it must get done or there will be no draft this weekend. I am not taking money at the draft. It is all being done online....for convenience. Please login and pay asap.
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Payment deadline is tomorrow!
Posted - 8/14/2011 8:47:10 PM Post a reply to
The deadline is tomorrow at midnight.
Go to leaguesafe using your email invitation to log in and pay.
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Payment deadline is tomorrow!
Posted - 8/14/2011 8:20:01 PM Post a reply to Payment deadline is tomorrow!
Payment deadline is tomorrow!
2 ladies need to make their payments asap please.
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Wish List?
Posted - 8/12/2011 3:40:03 PM Post a reply to
I have no friends! :(
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Pony Up Time
Posted - 8/11/2011 9:13:01 PM Post a reply to Greatest....
Wow! I feel so privileged!
Thanks ;)

Pay up MFers

All my love
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Pony Up Time
Posted - 8/11/2011 10:02:43 AM Post a reply to What's up?
What's up?
Why all this waiting until the last minute to pay dues?
Pay up so we can start the auction tonight!
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new League Name
Posted - 8/10/2011 6:31:58 PM Post a reply to Name
How about Tiki's Project Runway?

(via banter in other auction league.....I like it!)
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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/10/2011 11:53:06 AM Post a reply to oops
It is Sunday August 21
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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/10/2011 10:45:15 AM Post a reply to Hooray!
OK, I feel better :)

I resent to LeagueSafe emails. It is still $20.

Time to arrive ~ 11-11:30a ?
Time to draft ~ 2pm ?

(or whatever works best for everyone.)

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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/10/2011 10:20:57 AM Post a reply to Draft and Dues and one missing?
Draft and Dues and one missing?
If we are planning on doing it at my house, how about setting 11-11:30 am for people showing up. We can select keepers and pick draft order. Then, we can eat, drink, swim and have some fun until about 2 pm, then we can start the draft?
For those drafting online, we will nail down a schedule so you won't have to wait around for us like the cable guy.
Jen, you can always crash at my place if you can/want to come up from Tenn! You are always welcome!

Still waiting on a few ladies to pay. I changed the deadline again so hopefully it can get finished this weekend so I can stop worrying about it :)

One missing:
Still have heard nothing from Laurie Brummitt. Do we know if she is planning on playing this year? If not, does anyone have someone in mind as a replacement? It already feels like last minute and I have no one to invite if she decides not to play :(

That should be all for admin duties! Let's get this all tied up so I can plan my all rookie team for this year! Might change my name to n00b Wranglers.......maybe :)

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new League Name
Posted - 8/8/2011 10:48:27 PM Post a reply to I like
I like
Holman Champion league! Oh yea!

(I'm still technically a Holman)

I like Tecmo Bowl and Breaking Bad <----
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Posted - 8/8/2011 10:01:14 AM Post a reply to Worse case
Worse case
If we cannot fill the last 2 spots, we can do a 10 team league ya?
So, at least we know we will be playing this year!

(I agree......the Cowboys DO suck!)

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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/7/2011 7:21:16 PM Post a reply to Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!
Hi Ladies!

I changed to deadline for the LeagueSafe payments to this Friday 8/12/11. Please login and pay this week. I'm not sure what happens with late payments but I think there is a $10 penalty.

The draft is right around the corner! Do we know where it will be held? As always, my house is open but I am happy with anywhere :)

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Hi Everyone!
Posted - 8/7/2011 3:51:51 PM Post a reply to Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
So happy to see this league coming together. We have one spot left and hopefully it will bet snatched up soon. If someone had a friend that will want to play let us know! The auction will start Friday so get the word out!

If you didn't already know, your team home page can be customized to your liking (colors, images and team name).

The payments are handled through LeagueSafe and the emails have been sent (except for maybe one or two new people). Please pay the dues soon so we really have an accurate count of the team owners.


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Any slots opening for new team
Posted - 8/4/2011 10:01:04 AM Post a reply to Oops
I made that last post >.<
Was on Keith's computer.

Get your friends/family to join the new league!
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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/2/2011 10:41:45 AM Post a reply to
I will resend the link to your email. If that doesn't work, try signing up using the email you have on and see if that works >.<
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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/1/2011 9:38:01 PM Post a reply to Got it!
Got it!
Invite sent (I hope!) Lemee know if you didn't get it :)
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Any slots opening for new team
Posted - 8/1/2011 9:12:21 PM Post a reply to Maybe
I know there is one other person who wants in as well.
Keith was knocking around the idea of a second Auction League. Maybe we can get enough people to populate a second so we can have our friends play (assuming everyone returns and PAYS for this league). We have to get moving on either option though. The auction starts sooooon!
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Posted - 8/1/2011 9:06:22 PM Post a reply to My House...
My House... always open for football related activities!

(I have catz and dogs so if anyone is allergic then maybe not such a good idea!)
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LeagueSafe dues
Posted - 8/1/2011 8:58:07 PM Post a reply to Dues site
Dues site
Hi all,

To pay the dues on the LeagueSafe site:

Click on the link in the email that says "Make your payment now".

From there type "yes" where it says "Type "YES" to confirm you agree to all league settings displayed." Then "continue".

Now you create your new user log in, and sign up.

After that you can select if you want to pay with a credit card or echeck and follow the links to add your payment info.

That should do it! I know it's new but it is all so convenient! Let me know if there are any problems :)

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