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Member since: 11/19/2003
2008 Logins: 0
Last Login: 8/11/2008
  From: GA

All posts by Albatross:

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good game Rody!!!!
Posted - 7/25/2008 10:55:24 AM Post a reply to Hello....
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good game Rody!!!!
Posted - 12/25/2007 9:44:02 AM Post a reply to Congrats, Pat!!!!
Congrats, Pat!!!!
That was fun. Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
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OK little buddy...
Posted - 12/20/2007 3:54:21 PM Post a reply to Pat, it is official...
Pat, it is official...
You got gay when you BF'd Michael Slocumb in Coach Stamp's office after a rough game of British Bulldog on the stage in the gym at LMS. I think Rick Dockery watched.
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OK little buddy...
Posted - 12/20/2007 1:15:39 PM Post a reply to Touche
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OK little buddy...
Posted - 12/20/2007 1:07:29 PM Post a reply to I'm the gay one????
I'm the gay one????
Did you or did you not sleep in a double bed in a hotel room with a MAN when you were in Auburn this year??? Just answer the question, Pat. It's yes or no, like a lie detector.

P.S. Eat shit, homo!!!
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OK little buddy...
Posted - 12/20/2007 10:38:54 AM Post a reply to Here's the deal, Pat...
Here's the deal, Pat...
In week 4...I beat that ass. In week 13...I beat that ass badly. So now it is time for the super bowl. What do you think is going to happen?? The answer...Reference Michael Strahan's quote about the Detroit Lions. That's right. I'm gonna beat that ass again! I'm runnin' low on pie so it's time to stock up. Have fun losing!!!!

P.S. Fuck you!!!!!
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Posted - 12/18/2007 2:24:12 PM Post a reply to Hey Pat....
Hey Pat....
When you get home tonight I think you should go sit on your lawnmower in your shed, pet your kitty (as well as rub your feline, as well as touch your cat, as well as...I could go on all day) and think about the beatdown that's coming your way.
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Posted - 12/18/2007 9:48:12 AM Post a reply to Rematch?????
I never thought we would see a super bowl rematch but here it is. Chinatown baby. Pack your fuckin' bags, bitch!!!
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speaking of tea bagging a set of donkey nuts....
Posted - 12/12/2007 1:31:53 PM Post a reply to 1-13 is AWFUL Goodman.
1-13 is AWFUL Goodman.
I feel bad for you. I feel even worse for the poor sum bitch that lost to you!!!! Who in the hell was that??? Yikes, talk about taking two weeks off and quitting.
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speaking of tea bagging a set of donkey nuts....
Posted - 12/12/2007 10:45:05 AM Post a reply to Entered a dick sucking competition????????
Entered a dick sucking competition????????
He won it by a landslide!!! Goodman loves to tongue fuck man nuts.
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Posted - 12/4/2007 9:55:48 AM Post a reply to Sorry Bandit...
Sorry Bandit...
You had a solid squad this year. Unfortunately, when teams saw you on the shedule they decided to straight tee off on that ass!!! Better luck next year.
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Posted - 11/29/2007 11:11:44 AM Post a reply to Seriously...
Please chill out!!! You are making the rest of us very tense!!
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River City Recorder Reporter????????
Posted - 11/20/2007 4:03:55 PM Post a reply to That's what I'm talkin' about!!!
That's what I'm talkin' about!!!
It's funny because it's true.
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River City Recorder Reporter????????
Posted - 11/20/2007 12:09:00 PM Post a reply to I guess it goes without saying....
I guess it goes without saying....
...That the gloves are now off and nothing is off limits. Pat, you wanna take it to the next level?? Well, Giddee up big boy.
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River City Recorder Reporter????????
Posted - 11/20/2007 10:02:42 AM Post a reply to Hey Will...
Hey Will...
We are both 7-4 and could see each other down the road. If so, I'll beat that ass again!!!
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Posted - 11/8/2007 1:37:08 PM Post a reply to Haylo...
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Rumor has it...
Posted - 11/2/2007 1:48:53 PM Post a reply to Rumor has it...
Rumor has it...
...Pat got caught giving himself a stranger behind the dumpster at the Krystal in Dothan. I don't know all of the details, however I do know that there were a ton of saucy chicks involved.
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Hardest part of naming your team Bandit's Ballers?.......
Posted - 10/31/2007 10:04:58 AM Post a reply to Hardest part  of naming your team Bandit's Ballers???.......
Hardest part of naming your team Bandit's Ballers???.......
........having to tell your parents that your gay.
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Bandits lineup..
Posted - 10/23/2007 10:12:35 AM Post a reply to Pat....
Honestly, have you lost your mind? I do not understand what you are talking about.
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Bandits lineup..
Posted - 10/23/2007 9:33:31 AM Post a reply to Pat.....
That is honestly the gayest post that has ever graced the pages of this message board.
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Bandits lineup..
Posted - 10/22/2007 1:33:32 PM Post a reply to I totally agree
I totally agree
Hey, I'm Pat. This is fuckin' bullshit!!! Why the fuck is he getting double points for Cotchery?? If I don't say anything about it , it will probably never get fixed and Bandit will get credit for points he did not earn. I don't care if I'm winning by 40 points!! There are principalities involved. Must complain!!! Even when things go my way it feels good to complain!! I'm Pat.
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Posted - 10/19/2007 9:47:15 AM Post a reply to Crawdads are updated
Crawdads are updated
Check your balances to make sure they are correct.
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Posted - 10/18/2007 4:19:21 PM Post a reply to Rosters will be fixed today.
Rosters will be fixed today.
FA is tomorrow night (Friday) at 8 PM.
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Hitmen week 4 score still incorrect......
Posted - 10/8/2007 10:32:50 AM Post a reply to P. Manning is still missing points from week 4
P. Manning is still missing points from week 4
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Crawdads are updated
Posted - 10/4/2007 6:55:28 PM Post a reply to I do not control that
I do not control that
I have been going to NFL.com for stats regarding trades. Pat fucks small animals for grins.
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Crawdads are updated
Posted - 10/4/2007 10:26:07 AM Post a reply to Nelson and Pat...
Nelson and Pat...
Send a bid to g-sherrill@comcast.net today. I will check it when I get home and post the result. The bid is for Dwayne Bowe.
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Crawdads are updated
Posted - 10/3/2007 1:53:01 PM Post a reply to Crawdads are updated
Crawdads are updated
Everyone should have 10 dads extra per loss. Sorry, I guess this is not done automatically this year.
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Good Game Nelly
Posted - 9/21/2007 10:50:19 AM Post a reply to I can't force a recorder...
I can't force a recorder...
I have to wait until it comes to me. In the meantime I have given you all reporter status, so each of you can post a recorder as you see fit. I fully expect to see at least one article from each of you throughout the year. Go Rebs!! (Yeah, about the rebs, Glenn, uuuummmmm, they suck. Okay??)
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Good Game Nelly
Posted - 9/19/2007 1:14:45 PM Post a reply to Shiver me ballsack
Shiver me ballsack
God bless pirate talkin' day.
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Posted - 9/14/2007 3:34:25 PM Post a reply to You mean...
You mean...
Greg Oden????????
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Posted - 9/14/2007 10:24:13 AM Post a reply to Pat did FA and it says he can change bid up until 8 pm on wed. the 19th.
Pat did FA and it says he can change bid up until 8 pm on wed. the 19th.
So it looks like the first FA session is NOT tonight, but Wednesday.
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Posted - 9/14/2007 10:15:28 AM Post a reply to EVERYBODY RESPOND!!!!!!!
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Free agency
Posted - 9/13/2007 1:32:26 PM Post a reply to I have fixed the crawdads
I have fixed the crawdads
I sent league fines to everyone so that the amount of dads that needed to be subtracted from each team would be. Everyone should have the correct amount of dads in the bank.
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Free agency
Posted - 9/13/2007 10:08:16 AM Post a reply to Free agency
Free agency
It looks like the rules have changed this year and free agency starts one week early. It will be this Friday. After this week it will return to its normal wednesday schedule. Please respond if you have a problem with having it one week early this year. Also respond so that I know everyone is aware of the change.
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reminder for scoring errors.....
Posted - 9/12/2007 2:23:08 PM Post a reply to I've got a scoring error to report, too...
I've got a scoring error to report, too...
...Bandit takes it straight up the ass
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Goodman sucks dick for money?????
Posted - 9/11/2007 1:25:26 PM Post a reply to I'm a little worried about Neltson.
I'm a little worried about Neltson.
I mean he did score 81 points and lose to Estes' ears. Couple that with Auburns loss to South Florida on Saturday.......Yikes!!!!! Somebody's suicidal!!! Let us know your okay out there big buddy.
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How about a little letter from...
Posted - 9/6/2007 2:19:47 PM Post a reply to Good Lord...
Good Lord...
...How drunk was I when I checked and then went all in???? I kind of remember it. I think we were playing gut. Red velvet sure thought it was funny.
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How about a little letter from...
Posted - 9/5/2007 1:06:33 PM Post a reply to The weiner dog line only works when...
The weiner dog line only works when...
...You have not owned a cat as a single man.
P.S. You kept your cats litter box in your kitchen. That is fucking wierd!
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Estes..welcome back to the league....
Posted - 8/29/2007 1:12:24 PM Post a reply to I believe Estes is getting a little sensitive in his old age...
I believe Estes is getting a little sensitive in his old age...
...He used to be the guy with enormous ears that was outgoing and didn't have a care in the world. Now he's simply a guy with enormous ears.
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Estes..welcome back to the league....
Posted - 8/28/2007 10:04:12 AM Post a reply to Rosters are updated!!
Rosters are updated!!
Everyone double check me and let me know if there are any mistakes.
Good luck to all!!
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Posted - 8/22/2007 1:23:05 PM Post a reply to Goodman franchises Frank Gore
Goodman franchises Frank Gore
Rookie rules Joseph Addai
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Posted - 8/21/2007 10:35:46 AM Post a reply to Estes franchises Rudi Johnson
Estes franchises Rudi Johnson
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Posted - 8/6/2007 1:47:23 PM Post a reply to LT for me.
LT for me.
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Posted - 8/6/2007 1:33:07 PM Post a reply to That's true
That's true
Goodman and Nelvis need to know who franchise players are in order to rank their top 150. If your FP gets hurt in the preseason, you will be allowed to replace them. Pat is gay. So the deadline stays the same.
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What's up bitches????
Posted - 8/1/2007 3:50:36 PM Post a reply to August 10th is fine.
August 10th is fine.
Everyone make sure and post FP by August 10th at 5 PM.
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RCFL team ownership changes.
Posted - 8/1/2007 2:23:18 PM Post a reply to RCFL team ownership changes.
RCFL team ownership changes.
Trying to bring two new owners in to take over teams in the RCFL and it won't let me change ownership because the new owners email is not registered to customized football. How can we fix this??
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What's up bitches????
Posted - 8/1/2007 2:18:49 PM Post a reply to Hey Homo's!!
Hey Homo's!!
I am going to take the 2nd pick in this years draft. Why did Bandit change his name back to the Ballers?? I thought if anything it would be the Rock Hill Furry.
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It's that time of year...
Posted - 8/1/2007 10:14:34 AM Post a reply to It's that time of year...
It's that time of year...
Howdy everybody!!
It is the first of August and that means it is FF time. The draft is Aug 25th here in Savannah and unfortunately only 6 of the 8 of us will be in attendance. Nelson and goodman will have to write out there top 150 players and we will draft for you based on your sheet. We can also try and coordinate a time to draft when you will both be able to be reached by phone so that we can call you with options if necessary. Franchise players must be posted by August 15th so strategies can be put in place. Bill will be taking over Elizabeth's team and Estes will be taking Rudy's team. They move to the end of the line since they are new. I believe the order is Pat, Glenn, Nelson, Steven, Will, Goodman, Bill, Estes. It is going to be another great year!! Pat, which pick do you want??
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congrats, Pat!!
Posted - 12/27/2006 1:20:12 PM Post a reply to It's $125.
It's $125.
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congrats, Pat!!
Posted - 12/27/2006 10:24:03 AM Post a reply to Hey pat...
Hey pat...
You suck!!!!
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The ole drunken midget....
Posted - 12/21/2006 9:44:23 AM Post a reply to Hey Pat...
Hey Pat...
Enjoy your trip to Chinatown you cum guzzlin' homo. I'm not the one that's having dinner with Ricky Bowers on Christmas eve, you are! That should be a lot of fun. Give me a call and I will give you updates. Congrats on making it this far but unfortunately for you, the ride ends here.
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The ole drunken midget....
Posted - 12/19/2006 2:05:22 PM Post a reply to And that ole drunken midget...
And that ole drunken midget...
Is about to get royally bitch slapped by me. No pie for Pat! No pie for Pat! Go ahead and make your plans to go to PCB with your $75 second place winnings. That should get you a few lap dances.
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Matt Stovers field goals not counting...
Posted - 12/17/2006 6:21:08 PM Post a reply to Matt Stovers field goals not counting...
Matt Stovers field goals not counting...
Towards the score of Albatross in the RCFL.
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need Franchise player....
Posted - 12/12/2006 9:55:32 AM Post a reply to Playoffs are set up and ready to go.
Playoffs are set up and ready to go.
I could not remember if we did homefield adv. in the playoffs or not. I have it set at 0 right now but I can change it anytime. Please let me know if anyone remembers whether we use it or not.
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need Franchise player....
Posted - 12/10/2006 12:57:49 PM Post a reply to Huge day in the RCFL
Huge day in the RCFL
Looks like Albatross, Penis and Nailtson are going to get in. Who will get the last spot??
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That trade is being reviewed by the committee...
Posted - 11/29/2006 1:31:46 PM Post a reply to Here is the problem...
Here is the problem...
The big question here is
if Elizabeth was going to be in the league next year, would she have pulled the trigger on this trade? If the answer to that question is no, then it is an unfair trade. Just by looking at who is left to franchise on her team, I am going to assume that she would have kept Portis to franchise next year. We need to keep everything fair and on an even playing field. Since she doesn't care about next years franchise, she has left a team to someone with no franchise player on it. That is not fair at all.
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That trade is being reviewed by the committee...
Posted - 11/29/2006 9:34:26 AM Post a reply to That trade is being reviewed by the committee...
That trade is being reviewed by the committee...
In my opinion, that trade would NEVER have happened if Elizabeth wasn't quitting at the end of the year. Who would trade away their franchise player??
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Im not dead....
Posted - 11/20/2006 1:39:15 PM Post a reply to HAYLO!!!!!!!
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It's official.......
Posted - 11/14/2006 11:27:50 AM Post a reply to Holy Shit...
Holy Shit...
Rudy must either be really flexible or have enormous balls.
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Hey Losers...
Posted - 11/6/2006 2:46:18 PM Post a reply to OUCH!!!!!!!!!!
This one is gonna sting for a bit.
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Hey Losers...
Posted - 10/31/2006 9:41:39 AM Post a reply to labor day is a no can do.
labor day is a no can do.
I was just trying to make it where the people who have been driving 5-6 hours for this event the past 3-5 years maybe wouldn't have to travel so far this year (i.e. everyone except Nelson, Goodman and Rudy). The reason I said Daufuskie was that it is central to everyone, except for Pat and obviously Sandestin is close to him. Meadow Creek is about a 7.5 hour drive for me. That just might be too far.
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Hey Losers...
Posted - 10/30/2006 10:45:27 AM Post a reply to Hey Losers...
Hey Losers...
As everyone is aware, Lizbuf and Tiki Barber are retiring at seasons end. Bill Mattocks, my brother in law, has agreed to take her place. I am sure you will all join me in welcoming Bill to the league by constantly hazing him on the message board. It is never to early to talk about next years draft. I mentioned to Will that we could have a golf weekend on Daufuskie Island (Melrose). We can rent houses there for pretty cheap. Also, Will mentioned Meadow Creek. Any other ideas?? Let us know what you think. Badit, save it. We are not going to Vegas.
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I'm sure it's a bit premature....
Posted - 10/23/2006 3:22:22 PM Post a reply to FA
From now on, all FA bids should be emailed to me at 8 pm on Wed. I will not open them unless there is a controversy that needs to be resolved. If you have to send them to me before 8, you will just have to trust that I WILL NOT open them for my own benefit. The address is g-sherrill@comcast.net
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Hey eveybody.....
Posted - 10/18/2006 1:34:00 PM Post a reply to I do love my wiener dogs...
I do love my wiener dogs...
...and you have a cat.
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my FA crawdad balance is incorrect.....
Posted - 10/11/2006 7:23:52 PM Post a reply to Crawdads should be correct
Crawdads should be correct
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Hellsfire does not have access to a computer...
Posted - 10/9/2006 10:06:33 AM Post a reply to For some reason...
For some reason...
It has Favre starting 4 times in Will's lineup. I'm sure it is a glitch that will get fixed. Rudy's favorite meal is the cock-and-ball delight.
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Hellsfire does not have access to a computer...
Posted - 10/8/2006 2:17:19 PM Post a reply to Just got back from Macon...
Just got back from Macon...
Will is starting Favre.
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what the fuck ever....
Posted - 10/6/2006 1:27:01 PM Post a reply to Hey Rudy, you dumbass....
Hey Rudy, you dumbass....
Have you ever beat me? Creo que no!! Enjoy your trip to Chinatown. I hear they really take kindly to anal spelunkers down there. You should fit right in. Don't forget your cock ring and your butt plug.
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what the fuck ever....
Posted - 10/5/2006 11:02:36 AM Post a reply to Very funny, Rudy
Very funny, Rudy
Take a look at Rudy's lineup. It is pretty funny.
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what the fuck ever....
Posted - 10/3/2006 9:35:16 AM Post a reply to Look dude...
Look dude...
I said that I made a mistake. It did not cost you the game. I was under the impression that Carney was already on a roster and you were able to bid on him like Goodman did with Desmond Clark. I was trying to do your dumbass a favor by fixing it before gametime on Sunday morning so you would not get fucked out of a kicker. When I realized that you simply got outbid then it would be just like any other failed bid in FA. It was a glitch on the website that I did my best to fix so nobody would get screwed. As for someone else being in charge, Rudy, if everyone thinks I am doing a bad job then that is fine, someone else can take over. If not then just sit there and shut the fuck up.
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I'll take David Akers of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Posted - 10/2/2006 4:26:37 PM Post a reply to It was just brought to my attention..
It was just brought to my attention..
that Rudy did not get screwed out of Carney, he got outbid. I made a mistake in thinking that Carney was already on a roster and Rudy bid on him. Sorry, Rudy my bad but you are not entitled to a kicker and Akers will remain in Free agency.
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I'll take David Akers of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Posted - 10/2/2006 4:10:03 PM Post a reply to Rosters are locked at 1 PM on Sunday
Rosters are locked at 1 PM on Sunday
I think that if you wanted to start him, you had to declare him before the games started. What does everyone else think??
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Rudy ass rapes kittens?????
Posted - 10/1/2006 9:21:56 AM Post a reply to All updates are done
All updates are done
Rudy, pick a kicker and I will add him to your roster for the amount of crawdads you bid on Carney.
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Rudy ass rapes kittens?????
Posted - 9/29/2006 4:31:27 PM Post a reply to Here is the deal
Here is the deal
Nelson-please post again who you wanted and who you cut along with amount of crawdads. Goodman- please post what TE you want and how many crawdads you put on Clark. I will adjust rosters when I see these posts.
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This board sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted - 9/29/2006 9:51:57 AM Post a reply to Follow up to previous post
Follow up to previous post
You did not bid on Clayton, you tried to cut him...my bad. It sounds to me like Nelson's FA was fucked up. If he did bid on Carney and bid more than Rudy, it is only fair that Carney is on Nelson's team. This site is not perfect so when stuff like this happens, we need to make sure and adjust it the fairest way we can. I think that Nelson should get the players he bid on and the crawdads taken away. Again, I also think Goodman should be able to choose a tight end. Sorry Rudy, I know you are getting fucked here but I think it is the right thing to do.
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This board sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted - 9/29/2006 9:44:23 AM Post a reply to I really don't know what to do
I really don't know what to do
Goodman needs a tight end for this weekend. It is not his fault that Desmond Clark was available. I think that we should let him have a tight end for the amount of crawdads that he bid on Clark. I also am willing to let Nelson have the players he bid on as long as he did not make an error in FA. You said that you bid on Clayton but the FA page says you bid on Colston. I do not think we should make up for human error as you should make sure that your bids are correct. However, if you are certain that they were correct, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt and give you the players you bid on and subtract crawdads from your account. EVERYONE PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS POST AND LET US KNOW IF YOU AGREE WITH ME!!!! If you don't then I will make the decision myself. Rudy ass rapes kittens.
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This board sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted - 9/28/2006 2:54:55 PM Post a reply to I will never live down...
I will never live down...
The night that I rocked it out to The bitch is back on Forest Avenue. At least I managed to simply embarass myself and not try to burn that house down like Estes. Someone please tell Estes when you see him that popcorn goes in the microwave for 4 minutes, not 40!! Why was I pumpin' the bitch is back? I think I was pretty hammered. Like the time Will was s-faced at my house and literally got pissed at me because my Bob Seger disc didn't have Katmandu on it. He was very drunk and angry.
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Posted - 9/28/2006 11:02:45 AM Post a reply to Sorry Goodman...
Sorry Goodman...
Pat picked up Desmond Clark last week so I am putting Stevens back on your roster.
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Posted - 9/28/2006 10:01:54 AM Post a reply to I don't know what is going on with FA
I don't know what is going on with FA
I do know that Nelson fucks poodles, Pat watches entirely too much porn, Will butt fucks Doyle in the dog kennels at meadow creek, Goodman causes solar eclipses, Bandit is...well...a bandit, Elizabeth married a bandit, and Rudy likes to sit on the wall at the commons and give himself a stranger while Byron commons delivers quite the hot lunch.
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Commsish...my score is wrong...
Posted - 9/26/2006 9:36:13 AM Post a reply to I cannot update scores.
I cannot update scores.
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Nice win Stefan....
Posted - 9/19/2006 4:07:38 PM Post a reply to The rules page says...
The rules page says...
...Free agency starts tomorrow. Get your bids in by 8 PM.
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Nice win Stefan....
Posted - 9/19/2006 4:05:37 PM Post a reply to I can't remember...
I can't remember...
...When do we usually start FA?
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Colpepper is on the trading block!!
Posted - 9/17/2006 5:02:26 PM Post a reply to I think.....
I think.....
.....a small pile of baboon shit is as good as it is going to get.
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Appreciate it Goodman...
Posted - 9/17/2006 1:13:15 PM Post a reply to Appreciate it Goodman...
Appreciate it Goodman...
Not that I am going to need any help, but thanks for starting Steve Smith...AGAIN!!!!!
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Ole Miss is TERRIBLE!!
Posted - 9/11/2006 9:41:14 AM Post a reply to Nice move....
Nice move....
....starting Steve Smith. That is some fine team management. Rudy humps little boys.
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Good to see that.....
Posted - 9/8/2006 5:22:03 PM Post a reply to Guess who's a homo????
Guess who's a homo????
You got that right.........Rudy!!
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a scene from behind the commons pavillion
Posted - 9/7/2006 10:33:00 AM Post a reply to Alternate ending to the alternate ending...
Alternate ending to the alternate ending...
Rudy is still getting his ass reamed by Little Tugman.

JT's little brother: What's my name, bitch?!?!

Rudy: Pierre??

JT's little brother: No, it's Robert.

Rudy: OK, could you be quiet so I can concentrate?
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Where is the love?
Posted - 9/5/2006 9:29:18 AM Post a reply to I don't know.
I don't know.
I have no f'n idea what is going on. I put all rosters in on sunday. Maybe Keith is doing some sort of Maintenance. Rudy fucks poodles.
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Rosters are up.
Posted - 9/3/2006 10:56:47 AM Post a reply to Rosters are up.
Rosters are up.
Check and make sure they are correct. Rudy is a homo.
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Posted - 8/30/2006 4:01:36 PM Post a reply to Rosters will be up by Saturday.
Rosters will be up by Saturday.
By the way, Rudy, how have your felching sessions with Andy Fowler been going?
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maybe I can help ya'll out....
Posted - 8/7/2006 4:05:22 PM Post a reply to Always good to hear from the
Always good to hear from the "Dickeman" himself
You know he's got a lovely dick. Just ask him.
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Has anyone seen my father???
Posted - 8/7/2006 9:27:03 AM Post a reply to Mr. Wilson literally hit me in the nuts.....
Mr. Wilson literally hit me in the nuts.....
On purpose when I was going for a rebound!! What a shithead!
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Where are the white women at?????
Posted - 8/4/2006 2:58:12 PM Post a reply to Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band?
Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band?
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Franchise players/draft order
Posted - 8/3/2006 4:02:32 PM Post a reply to I'll pick 3rd.
I'll pick 3rd.
And I can't decide between Nathaniel Taylor and Kelly Hannah. I assume that Pierre Tugman will be off the board by then.
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Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band??
Posted - 8/3/2006 2:21:32 PM Post a reply to Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band??
Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band??
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Am I in a Dave Matthews cover band??
Posted - 8/3/2006 2:19:39 PM Post a reply to
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Franchise players/draft order
Posted - 8/3/2006 1:54:41 PM Post a reply to Who the fuck is Dusty Bradshaw??
Who the fuck is Dusty Bradshaw??
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Franchise players/draft order
Posted - 8/3/2006 9:46:18 AM Post a reply to Franchise players/draft order
Franchise players/draft order
Everyone has to have their franchise posted by August 15th. We are still waiting on Will, Goodman, Rudy and Bandit. Lets pick draft order. Will, are you taking first pick? After Will the order to pick your spot in the draft is as follows:
Nelson, Glenn, Rudy, Pat, Lizbef, Goodman, Bandit.
I just talked to Nelson and he is calling to get tee times at canyon ridge for about 10 am on saturday. We will meet at his house around 9. We just thought it would be fun to do something different.
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Posted - 8/2/2006 3:04:48 PM Post a reply to I'm in for sure
I'm in for sure
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I'm keeping
Posted - 8/1/2006 9:23:49 AM Post a reply to Franchise player
Franchise player
Toby Silberman
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Here we go...
Posted - 7/28/2006 10:15:59 AM Post a reply to Here we go...
Here we go...
Let's try to get franchise players/rookies and draft order posted. I think we choose our order as follows:
Will, Nelson, Glenn, Rudy, Pat, Lizbef, and then I don't know if it's Bandit or Big Head Todd next. My franchise player is Ladanian. Pat has already claimed Larry Johnson. Let's also try to figure a good golf game for that day. I think last year Rudy, Nelson and Goodman beat Me, Will and Pat. I wouldn't mind a rematch. If Bandit plays we will figure out the best way to pair him up. See ya' in a few weeks!!!!
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Just to let you know...
Posted - 7/26/2006 1:31:25 PM Post a reply to I also heard that...
I also heard that...
Rudy likes to go to Northgate on the weekends and roll through the mall for hours wearing white socks with birkenstocks, jean shorts and a tanktop that says "I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look."
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Posted - 7/26/2006 10:29:29 AM Post a reply to Holy Shit....
Holy Shit....
Did you just go Chattanooga swim league on us?? What in the mother f'n shit does that have to do with fantasy football? IMO you are a dumbass. By the way, are you going to take Brian Griese with your first pick this year?
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We are getting close...
Posted - 7/25/2006 3:05:35 PM Post a reply to I actually saw Greg Filter about 2 years ago...
I actually saw Greg Filter about 2 years ago...
...at 212 market. I thought it was strange that he kept talking about Nelson's ass and referring to him as "cupcake".
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We are getting close...
Posted - 7/20/2006 9:46:05 AM Post a reply to We are getting close...
We are getting close...
I have switched up the divisions and created the schedule for this year. By the way, Will used to BF Mrs. Chipley in the LMS library while Ms. Geer watched.
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Posted - 6/23/2006 11:08:19 AM Post a reply to Yep
I think you should come home early. There are people driving up to 6 hours for the draft. Doing it sunday afternoon is just rediculous. If you can't be there, you can always fill out a sheet and we will draft your team for you.
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Hey all you butt-fucks.....
Posted - 6/6/2006 2:23:12 PM Post a reply to Hey all you butt-fucks.....
Hey all you butt-fucks.....
Draft is at Nelson's house on Sat. August 26th. Let us know if you have a conflict!
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Posted - 5/23/2006 3:17:30 PM Post a reply to Hello.....
Is anybody out there?? Date and location of draft should be decided early to avoid possible conflicts. Will and I talked about it yesterday, and Chattanooga does make the most sense because everybody either lives there or has kids with grandparents that live there so babysitters are easy to come by in the Noog. I am always open to suggestions, though. Destin would not be a bad idea.
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Hey everybody...
Posted - 1/3/2006 9:00:37 AM Post a reply to Hey everybody...
Hey everybody...
Will's address is posted on his team homepage. Everyone needs to send him a check for $125 except for Nelson. I thought since Goodman lives in Chatt. then he could give Nelson his extra $75 and send Will $50. Let me know if this is okay. Happy new year!!
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Wow!! What a super bowl!!!
Posted - 12/28/2005 11:37:08 AM Post a reply to Wow!! What a super bowl!!!
Wow!! What a super bowl!!!
I am not sure when or if the website is going to be updated. I did score the game and it seems as though it is a tie. I have the score as 93-93. It is possible that I made a mistake and if either of the two participants have a different score, please let me know. In the event of a tie it goes to bench scoring which would make Will the 2005 champion. My score from last week vs. Will still has not been updated, so I have no idea when this one will be. That is why I went ahead and scored it. Congrats to both on a game well played and please let me know if there are any discrepancies.
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WFT...Commish...do I seriously not get to play this week?
Posted - 12/24/2005 8:16:11 AM Post a reply to El bandito...
El bandito...
Just put your lineup in and we will get it fixed. Merry Christmas!
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It is not all about.....
Posted - 12/22/2005 9:07:40 AM Post a reply to It is not all about.....
It is not all about.....
....The dirty sanchez, the rusty trombone or the shit stains on your balls.
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Hey does anybody remember.....
Posted - 12/21/2005 10:45:05 AM Post a reply to I mean, come on.....
I mean, come on.....
Even the thought of referring to Josita as "that pussy" is fucking disgusting. The fact that you actually posted it signifies what I would call a "serious problem"
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Hey does anybody remember.....
Posted - 12/21/2005 8:41:35 AM Post a reply to You can edit post by....
You can edit post by....
Clicking on the paper and pencil next to reply.
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Searching for fumbles, interceptions, jockstraps etc....
Posted - 12/19/2005 2:30:10 PM Post a reply to Are you kidding....
Are you kidding....
Do you remember how s-faced everyone was at the draft?? Even if I did have records of side action, I would not know where to look. Maybe there still up Pat's ass where Rex Welch put 'em!!
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Ouch!!!! This ones gonna leave a mark
Posted - 12/19/2005 11:09:37 AM Post a reply to Ouch!!!! This ones gonna leave a mark
Ouch!!!! This ones gonna leave a mark
The score on the board says 71-57. That, I could deal with. However when you add in Jay Feely's field goals and Dallas Clark's 7 points that have not posted yet....the final is 71-70. That is what you call a PAINFUL loss in the playoffs. Congrats, Will and good luck!
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Does anyone remember the Administrator of Custodial Services at LMS
Posted - 12/16/2005 8:34:08 PM Post a reply to Did Will's post really just say....
Did Will's post really just say....
...."I think this is very inappropriate. By the way, Mrs. Chipley has a nine inch cock?" Now THAT is some funny shit!!
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Does anyone remember the Administrator of Custodial Services at LMS
Posted - 12/16/2005 1:20:26 PM Post a reply to I wasn't going to go there, but...
I wasn't going to go there, but...
...I believe the year was 1982, we were in the third grade. I had just gotten a serious spanking from Mr. Lane for showing Mrs. Hartrumpf my chicken heart. I decided to head down to the lunchroom for a rectangular piece of pizza and some chocalate milk. As I turned the corner to walk in, I heard some comotion coming from the music classroom. What I saw still keeps me up at night. Pat, who I believe was 14 at the time, was on his hands and knees with Mr. Welch's balls completely in his mouth. As if that wasn't enough, Ms. Geer was fucking Pat in the ass with a strap on and Will was bent over the desk getting his salad tossed by Mrs. McFadden. Lester Littell and Chris Balthrop calmly masturbated in the corner. Yikes!!!!! That memory will stay with me forever.
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That's it
Posted - 12/16/2005 9:21:08 AM Post a reply to Nelson, I can't believe you remember all that....
Nelson, I can't believe you remember all that....
...and you totally forget about the time you and I caught Dale Tuder and Andy Fowler runnin' a train on Courtney Smith in Brad Solomon's back yard. I think Jay Walston and Pierre Tugman were there. The wierd thing is that Sammy Smith is still driving the same blue station wagon today that he was back in '85. That wife of his is a real dandy, huh? She used to get so worked up at the Handy Andy vs. Krystal game, they would have to sedate her crazy ass.
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Posted - 12/14/2005 8:31:08 AM Post a reply to PLAYOFFS = CHINATOWN....
For Hellsfire Damn Nation
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FA Question/F'up...
Posted - 12/11/2005 11:29:00 AM Post a reply to Done.
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FA is Saturday at noon
Posted - 12/9/2005 1:12:33 PM Post a reply to FA is Saturday at noon
FA is Saturday at noon
That should give plenty of time to place bids. We will lockdown roster at 8 PM Saturday. That way there can be post FA trades if necessary. I have emailed Keith to make sure that the problem with FA is fixed and we will be able to bid on players.
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What the F
Posted - 12/8/2005 9:50:00 AM Post a reply to My roster is completely gone
My roster is completely gone
We also have incorrect scores and not too much time to fix all of it. I 'll let you know when I hear anything, but right now it is extremely fucked up.
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Tonight is the last FA
Posted - 12/7/2005 6:37:42 PM Post a reply to I have not heard back from Keith....
I have not heard back from Keith....
I guess we will try to do FA tomorrow. Is anyone else able to do it?
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Tonight is the last FA
Posted - 12/7/2005 9:37:53 AM Post a reply to FA IS NOT WORKING FOR ME
I will email Keith and try to figure it out. If we cannot do it today, we will tomorrow.
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Tonight is the last FA
Posted - 12/7/2005 9:34:40 AM Post a reply to Tonight is the last FA
Tonight is the last FA
Rosters are locked down as of 8 PM tonight. Everybody check your scores from the past couple of weeks. For some reason, certain players aren't getting credit for their performance. Cadillac Williams 4 points still have not posted for me from 2 weeks ago.
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Trade Announcement
Posted - 12/4/2005 10:57:51 AM Post a reply to Rosters are updated.
Rosters are updated.
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I don't have any crawdads but I would have made a trade
Posted - 12/2/2005 7:14:19 PM Post a reply to OK...it is my fault
OK...it is my fault
I heard back from Keith and it is up to the commissioner to decide when lockdown is. He said in our league it has always been kickoff of week 12 games. With all of the new commissioner controls, it is pretty much hands off for him as far as the RCFL goes. I am still trying to learn all of this so I apologize. Even though the lockdown was when I thought it was, I did not make it clear so as of now, lockdown is officially at 8:00 on 12/7. That would be Wed. It gives everyone one more chance at FA. I hope that this is OK with everyone and as always, your input is welcome.
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I don't have any crawdads but I would have made a trade
Posted - 12/2/2005 7:03:12 PM Post a reply to This is a misunderstanding....
This is a misunderstanding....
I guess it is my fault that not everyone is on the same page. I have not heard back from Keith and nothing has been posted so you know as much as I do. I posted when I thought lockdown was and apparently was wrong. We cannot do another round tonight or tomorrow, but we can have another round next week if everyone wants to do that. Again, sorry for the misunderstanding and I am doing my best to get to the bottom of it.
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How was Hellsfire able to do Free Agency?
Posted - 12/2/2005 1:53:45 PM Post a reply to I thought the lockdown was after week 12
I thought the lockdown was after week 12
FA did not happen on Wed. For some reason it happened on thurs. I don't know what is going on so I emailed Keith yesterday to make sure rosters were locked and I have not heard back from him yet. In the past it has always been after week 12. The console says that you don't have any crawdads left Nelson. Is that not correct? If not we need to fix it.
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Im sorry for ruffling those feathers...
Posted - 11/29/2005 2:47:30 PM Post a reply to Dude..
..Now that's just fucked up!!!!!!
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Im sorry for ruffling those feathers...
Posted - 11/29/2005 2:41:49 PM Post a reply to I don't remember that...
I don't remember that...
But I do remember when Lucy Burns told me she caught you cornholing Townsend on Johnny Frierson's trampoline around that same time. I think Bos smith and Gordon Griffin were there.
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Hey Rudy...
Posted - 11/29/2005 2:22:21 PM Post a reply to Hey Rudy...
Hey Rudy...
Rumor has it you were caught giving George Foster a rim job in the shoe shine room at LMGC while Allen Hamilton watched. Kind of gives new meaning to the nickname "Poopster".
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Is FA over??
Posted - 11/29/2005 2:17:25 PM Post a reply to If I remember correctly
If I remember correctly
Roster lockdown is after week 12. So that would be now. By the way, Rudy, Feel free to fuck yourself anytime you poodle fuckin' homo.
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Hey Alba-toss ...Nice predictions in the recorder ....
Posted - 11/29/2005 2:12:15 PM Post a reply to Dude, all I said is that his fuckin' team is good...
Dude, all I said is that his fuckin' team is good...
...You cock suckin' pillow sniffer!
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I have just realized something...
Posted - 11/29/2005 8:56:50 AM Post a reply to I have just realized something...
I have just realized something...
Starting this year, it is up to me to input when someone has clinched their division or a playoff spot. I think Nelson and I both clinched a playoff spot last week, so I was really surprised when it didn't say we did this morning. Keith just gives us the legend and I go in and change it. So I have input what looks correct to me. If anyone thinks I have overlooked something or made a mistake, please let me know.
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That's pretty funny...
Posted - 11/27/2005 1:32:34 PM Post a reply to That's pretty funny...
That's pretty funny...
Whoever posted that under my handle!
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One time at bandcamp...
Posted - 11/26/2005 9:17:12 PM Post a reply to One time at bandcamp...
One time at bandcamp...
I sucked off 30 circus midgets while Neil Thomas licked my grundle.
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RCFL Playoff configuration...
Posted - 11/22/2005 3:56:20 PM Post a reply to RCFL Playoff configuration...
RCFL Playoff configuration...
Hey Keith,
Just to let you know, RCFL playoffs consist of the top two teams in each division and then the two remaining best teams REGARDLESS of division. So it is possible that this year there will be three teams from the Montana division and only one from the Marino. Just wanted to make sure you were aware.

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Does anyone else have players whose scores are not posting?
Posted - 11/22/2005 8:57:12 AM Post a reply to Does anyone else have players whose scores are not posting?
Does anyone else have players whose scores are not posting?
Dallas Clark had a monster day for me, but it still has him with zero points.
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Dallas Clark-Week 11
Posted - 11/22/2005 8:54:55 AM Post a reply to Dallas Clark-Week 11
Dallas Clark-Week 11
Dallas Clark should have 11 points for Albatross in RCFL, but has zero
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Hey Ridgemont Homos....
Posted - 11/18/2005 9:27:03 AM Post a reply to Hey Ridgemont Homos....
Hey Ridgemont Homos....
Just wanted to write you a quick letter and let you know that I am going to beat your ass again this weekend. I think your team sucks and I do NOT think that you will make the playoffs (please refer to recorder). Anyway, have a nice Thanksgiving in Chinatown!!
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Fact or fiction?
Posted - 11/16/2005 8:01:35 AM Post a reply to Sounds like it's time for the 2005 version
Sounds like it's time for the 2005 version
Of the Ricky and Rudy show!
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Hey Rudy...
Posted - 11/15/2005 8:37:33 AM Post a reply to Hey Rudy...
Hey Rudy...
Haven't you learned your lesson yet? It is far too early and your division is far to close to be saying stupid shit like that. What are you going to do one week from today after I take you behind the wood shed and kick your ass AGAIN, while bandit cruises to an easy victory over Goodhead? Then you are 5-6 and Bandit is 4-6-1 with three games left. You dumb ass, you just fucked up your chances again!!
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Hey Super Skull...
Posted - 11/11/2005 8:53:03 AM Post a reply to Hey Super Skull...
Hey Super Skull...
Enjoy the trip...That's correct...Chinatizzle!!!!!!!
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The trade has been re- negotiated...
Posted - 11/9/2005 7:57:07 PM Post a reply to I know nobody is questioning that....
I know nobody is questioning that....
I just don't want the league to think that the trade is unfair when it really is not. Pat was never going to use him, and I basically spent 20 FA points for an RB that I might use once (barring more injuries to my RB's .) I got him for insurance, and like Will said, it is not going to affect the outcome of the league.
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The trade has been re- negotiated...
Posted - 11/9/2005 7:26:41 PM Post a reply to I'm all for the fairness of the league...
I'm all for the fairness of the league...
and I think everyone knows that. I'm getting Cadillac as a backup. Only to start if totally necessary. My RB's are not so healthy. I go out of my way to make sure this league runs smoothly and will continue to do so.
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We have a trade....
Posted - 11/9/2005 11:52:00 AM Post a reply to I did put Mike Williams...
I did put Mike Williams...
and two seconds later changed my mind and put JAX D. IF everybody thinks that is unfair, I will change it back. Not trying to pull a fast one at all.
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We have a trade....
Posted - 11/9/2005 9:31:27 AM Post a reply to Albatross cuts JAX D
Albatross cuts JAX D
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We have a trade....
Posted - 11/9/2005 9:25:08 AM Post a reply to Albatross cuts Mike Williams
Albatross cuts Mike Williams
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We have a trade....
Posted - 11/9/2005 9:24:27 AM Post a reply to We have a trade....
We have a trade....
BIG ENIS trades Cadillac Williams to Albatross for 12 FA points
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yo commish, could you hook a brother up......
Posted - 11/9/2005 8:25:26 AM Post a reply to Done.
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It is the top team from each division......
Posted - 11/8/2005 8:52:06 AM Post a reply to It is the top team from each division......
It is the top team from each division......
and the top two remaining teams regardless of division.
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Hey Bandit..........
Posted - 11/2/2005 8:39:49 PM Post a reply to Hey Bandit..........
Hey Bandit..........
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hey Pat...
Posted - 10/23/2005 12:02:20 PM Post a reply to hey Pat...
hey Pat...
Box up your won tons and your Kung pau chicken and kiss carlisle goodye..........next stop, Chinatown!!
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Damn, I forgot about FA.....
Posted - 10/13/2005 10:55:59 AM Post a reply to Damn, I forgot about FA.....
Damn, I forgot about FA.....
and I was planning on picking up Javon Walker, Chad Pennington and Rex Grossman. Thank God nobody beat me to the punch!!!!
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FG's have been updated for sure!!!
Posted - 10/12/2005 3:50:51 PM Post a reply to FG's have been updated for sure!!!
FG's have been updated for sure!!!
All scores should be corrected shortly!
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I only got 2 points for one of my FG's
Posted - 10/11/2005 1:29:00 PM Post a reply to FG'S ARE AS FOLLOWS...
1-49 IS 3 PTS. 50-59 IS 4. 60-69 IS 5.
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I only got 2 points for one of my FG's
Posted - 10/11/2005 8:55:38 AM Post a reply to It seems as though Nelson wins by one...
It seems as though Nelson wins by one...
I will make sure this is taken care of.
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I only got 2 points for one of my FG's
Posted - 10/11/2005 8:53:52 AM Post a reply to Yes...
Elizabeth and I both only got 2 points for our FG's under 30 yds. I will email Keith again. He said it was taken care of. Sorry, Lizbef, I still cut you by one...Good Game!!!
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Black Widows = Chinatown!!
Posted - 10/7/2005 8:54:00 AM Post a reply to Black Widows = Chinatown!!
Black Widows = Chinatown!!
Don't worry Lizbef, Will saved you a spot down there. Have a nice trip!!
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20 players
Posted - 10/6/2005 8:38:41 AM Post a reply to Done.
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All updates have been made
Posted - 9/30/2005 10:36:36 AM Post a reply to All updates have been made
All updates have been made
Keith has changed the scoring for FG'S, int's, fumbles and sacks. He updated all the past weeks games to reflect that so you all should have more total points. No games were reversed as a result of this. All crawdads have been credited where necessary. It looks like eveything has been resolved as far as FA and rosters go so everyone have a great week 4!!
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I guess we all agree....
Posted - 9/30/2005 8:56:09 AM Post a reply to I guess we all agree....
I guess we all agree....
That we are not re-doing FA. Sorry, Goodman. If you want to take your pick of someone in FA right now for 20 crawdads (half of what you bid on the 2 ineligibles), go ahead and I will change your roster.
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Posted - 9/29/2005 3:37:13 PM Post a reply to 912-655-0909
Hit me on my hip, blow up my celly, or you could just give me a call.
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Everybody check your rosters....
Posted - 9/29/2005 2:23:29 PM Post a reply to Everybody check your rosters....
Everybody check your rosters....
I think I have updated eveyone's roster to reflect what happened in FA last night. The only person that ends up getting screwed is Goodman because he bid on 2 ineligible players. I am up for suggestion on how to make it up to him. I have put Deshaun Foster and Troy Williamson back on your roster, Goodman, and we will credit your FA account the 40 points you lost on the bids. Nelson, you would not have gotten any of your players anyway because you were outbid on all of them. I think it is unfair to re-do because of teams like Elizabeth who got Brandon Lloyd in a competitive bidding war. There is no right way to fix this to make everybody happy, but I am doing my best to make it work. Please give me your input on how to resolve the problem with Goodman and please check your rosters to make sure that they are correct and that they DO reflect FA last night.

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Posted - 9/29/2005 11:25:03 AM Post a reply to Folks...
I need you ALL to respond to this ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!! Keith emailed me and feels horrible about the FA situation. He said he can fix the current rosters no problem. What he feels really bad about is that S. Davis and Keyshawn were able to be bid on. He said that this "effectively screws up the entire FA session, from a game perspective."......and he is right. Here is why I need a response from you: Do you guys want to reset FA for this week and redo it on Friday or Saturday? I understand that there is going to be controversy with this. Obviously Goodman wants a redo, and those who actually aquired people probably do not. I do not have a say, because I did not bid on anybody. However, if I don't hear from you guys about this I will have to make a decision on it and I would prefer not to do that. So please let me know what you think!!!
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Keith has been emailed concerning FA...
Posted - 9/29/2005 8:52:14 AM Post a reply to Keith has been emailed concerning FA...
Keith has been emailed concerning FA...
Goodman, you do NOT have Stephen Davis or Keyshawn Johnson on your team!! Whoever you cut for them will remain on your team and you will get your points back. I don't know what the f we are going to do about Rudy cutting the same player 4 times, but I will figure it out.
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All I'm saying is......
Posted - 9/28/2005 3:33:42 PM Post a reply to All I'm saying is......
All I'm saying is......
Did you see what happened to Rudy last weekend?? That was just a warm-up for the embarassing ass-kickin' I'm going to lay down on your pathetically managed team on Sunday, beeeeeeeyotch!!!!!!!!
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Senor Bailey.......
Posted - 9/28/2005 1:46:48 PM Post a reply to Senor Bailey.......
Senor Bailey.......
Quieres ir al Chinatown??
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Hey Will......
Posted - 9/27/2005 3:00:10 PM Post a reply to Hey Will......
Hey Will......
......have you ever heard of a little place that I like to call Chinatown? Pack your bags, bitch....I booked you a flight!!
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Don't forget....
Posted - 9/20/2005 9:01:16 AM Post a reply to Don't forget....
Don't forget....
Free agency tomorrow night by 8:00!!
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Nice Game Nelson....
Posted - 9/20/2005 8:53:29 AM Post a reply to Nice Game Nelson....
Nice Game Nelson....
Donovantrelvius got me again. Lookin' forward to the rematch.
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I personally like the system the way it is too.....
Posted - 9/15/2005 3:26:43 PM Post a reply to I personally like the system the way it is too.....
I personally like the system the way it is too.....
I was going to let everyone else decide, but since we have had so few responses, I will chime in. I feel that the scale we have now as far as yardage goes is very fair. If we change it, it will not reward the breakout day by a RB or WR the way it does now. For example, if a RB runs for 200 yds now, he gets 15 more points than if he ran for 100. The new way, it would only be 10 points more. I know it isn't a huge difference, but I like the fact that a breakout day gets rewarded big time over an average day. Just my two cents.
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Why won't this f'n system let me type in the word UPDATE???
Posted - 9/14/2005 4:15:39 PM Post a reply to Why won't this f'n system let me type in the word UPDATE???
Why won't this f'n system let me type in the word UPDATE???
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sorry, the last headline was supposed to read: just to you!
Posted - 9/14/2005 4:14:04 PM Post a reply to sorry, the last headline was supposed to read: just to you!
sorry, the last headline was supposed to read: just to you!
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just to you...
Posted - 9/14/2005 4:12:35 PM Post a reply to just to you...
just to you...
I emailed Keith again about the change in field goals and sacks. I am sure he is quite busy with the start of the season and it should be updated soon. Thank you for your patience and good luck to all in week 2!!
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field goals and sacks got changed...
Posted - 9/10/2005 9:49:27 AM Post a reply to field goals and sacks got changed...
field goals and sacks got changed...
Only 2 people responded about the yardage, so that has not been changed. Since week 1 has already begun, we can change it starting week 2 or keep it the way it is.
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Rosters updated....
Posted - 8/30/2005 10:04:19 AM Post a reply to Rosters updated....
Rosters updated....
Please check your homepages and make sure everything is correct! Also, I emailed Keith about the scoring changes (I cannot do it myself). I asked him to change the field goals, and the sacks. Also, I noticed that fumbles and interceptions are combined now and you get points based off of how many total turnovers you have. I asked him to give us 2 points for each fumble AND interception. Let me know how you guys feel about that. Also let me know if you want to change the yardage to one point per 10 yards.
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I did just randomly change the divisions...
Posted - 8/25/2005 10:37:45 AM Post a reply to I did just randomly change the divisions...
I did just randomly change the divisions...
But as the recorder says, if you don't agree we can always change it again!!
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I am a 10.....
Posted - 8/25/2005 7:41:57 AM Post a reply to I am a 10.....
I am a 10.....
But I thought Rudy was like a 4. He posted that he was an 8 so it is probably pretty fair.
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The stakes sound good......
Posted - 8/22/2005 2:18:06 PM Post a reply to The stakes sound good......
The stakes sound good......
But the difference lies between Rudy and I. I am a 10 and I think Rudy is like a 4. So maybe we should all get strokes off Rudy's handicap.
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That sounds fair to me.
Posted - 8/22/2005 12:59:37 PM Post a reply to That sounds fair to me.
That sounds fair to me.
Everyone agree??
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No nelson.....
Posted - 8/19/2005 11:32:32 AM Post a reply to No nelson.....
No nelson.....
You are so f'n PEMPED!
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As of right now.....
Posted - 8/19/2005 9:38:13 AM Post a reply to As of right now.....
As of right now.....
I am planning on golfing with you knuckleheads!!!!!
Glenn, Will, Nelson vs. Pat , Goodman, Rudy???
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I will take the 8th pick...
Posted - 8/17/2005 12:14:14 PM Post a reply to I will take the 8th pick...
I will take the 8th pick...
That leaves the widows with #7.
Draft order is as follows:
1. Nelson canlickdeez
2. Warpigs
3. Furry
4. Vertical Tacos (H. Wounds)
5. Reign Hellsfire
6. The Disturbing ones
7. Widows
8. Albatross
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Hey folks...
Posted - 8/17/2005 9:48:55 AM Post a reply to Hey folks...
Hey folks...
I have a new cell phone #- 912-655-0909
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So I guess Will picks fifth.....
Posted - 8/16/2005 10:34:29 AM Post a reply to So I guess Will picks fifth.....
So I guess Will picks fifth.....
Hey Rudy, you want 6, 7, or 8?
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Posted - 8/12/2005 8:00:24 AM Post a reply to Pat.....
Are you out there anywhere????? It's your pick.
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Alright, here is the situation....
Posted - 8/11/2005 8:04:46 AM Post a reply to Alright, here is the situation....
Alright, here is the situation....
Goodman is picking 1st and keeping Daunte. Neltson is 2nd with S. Alexander. El Bandito is 3rd with "what you talkin' about willis" Mcgahee. The rest of the draft should be picked in the following order and needs to be done IMMEDIATELY:

4. Pat- P. Manning
5. Will- E. James
6. Rudy- Rudi
7. Glenn- Ladanian
8. Elizabeth- Deuce

As Nelson has said, he is nice enough to provide us with a venue as well as hot dogs and beer. It is 50/50 whether the bandits will be in attendance or on conference call. Either way we should have an awesome draft. By the way, Stacy Ferguson is extremely hot!!!
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Lets declare fp by Aug. 5th
Posted - 7/29/2005 3:36:09 PM Post a reply to Lets declare fp by Aug. 5th
Lets declare fp by Aug. 5th
Mine is LT
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After further review..........
Posted - 7/27/2005 3:54:09 PM Post a reply to After further review..........
After further review..........
I have won two super bowls as Albatross, so I am going to stick with that as my team name.
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Team name change......
Posted - 7/6/2005 3:22:56 PM Post a reply to Team name change......
Team name change......
Albatross has run its course as my team name. The name has officially been changed to Coastal Empire.
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Looks like Aug. 27...
Posted - 7/6/2005 3:08:29 PM Post a reply to Looks like Aug. 27...
Looks like Aug. 27...
Golf in the morning and draft in the evening at Nelson's pool.
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August 27 for draft???? LMGC golf n' draft???
Posted - 6/22/2005 2:27:20 PM Post a reply to August 27 for draft???? LMGC golf n' draft???
August 27 for draft???? LMGC golf n' draft???
Let your voices be heard concerning draft date, time, location etc....
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You know thats right, beeeeeatch!!!
Posted - 6/22/2005 2:24:56 PM Post a reply to You know thats right, beeeeeatch!!!
You know thats right, beeeeeatch!!!
It is almost time. All you ass-sniffers need to watch out for the mighty Albatross this year.
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Goddamn piece of mother fuckin' shit cock suckin' ass lickin' tit fuckin' hershey squirtin' son of a Biaaaaaaatch...
Posted - 12/20/2004 5:14:55 PM Post a reply to Goddamn piece of mother fuckin' shit cock suckin' ass lickin' tit fuckin' hershey squirtin' son of a Biaaaaaaatch...
Goddamn piece of mother fuckin' shit cock suckin' ass lickin' tit fuckin' hershey squirtin' son of a Biaaaaaaatch...
...I can't believe I am playin' in the toilet bowl for the second year in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to the Fury and Nelson can LickDeez!!!!!!!
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Posted - 12/9/2004 12:05:40 PM Post a reply to I've been quiet until now.......
I've been quiet until now.......
.......Nelson-You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I don't ever dog your team, in fact I was very supportive of you this year if you remember correctly. However, if you are going to dog my school, then at least get your facts straight and do a little research before hand.
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Everybody just needs to simma' down now.
Posted - 12/8/2004 5:20:59 PM Post a reply to I forgot.....
I forgot.....
Those Mountain Mirror connections are tough to come by. It's like trying to buy an ounce of dope at the Mountain Fountain.
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Everybody just needs to simma' down now.
Posted - 12/8/2004 12:42:08 PM Post a reply to Everybody just needs to simma' down now.
Everybody just needs to simma' down now.
Hey Pat, why do you get the mountain mirror? I thought you lived in Mississippi.
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