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Make yer predictions!
The Skulls will prevail in their disturbing quest for endless trophies.
The Thunder is the best team. Ever. Suck it bitches.
The Syndrome will get the gang back together, put on a show and win regionals.
Koo's FF Jiu-jitsu will be no match for the plucky Syndrome gleeks.

Which is the worst team?
Roving Gamblers
Pittsburgh Steelers
Fowl Mouth Bass
Minnesota Vikings

Upset of the Week!
Gamblers beat Thunder
danzigs beat WRMC
Bass beat Syndrome
Ain't gonna happen

Which is likely to happen first?
The Thunder will lose a game.
The newb will break the 300pt ytd mark.
Keith becomes a born-again Christian.
The Gamblers will win a game.

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