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 Ragnarok 2009 Realignment Calculator

If the season ended after week 9, this is how the realignment would look for the 2010 season

DIVISIONAL CHANGE! The divisions would become the following....


Asgard Division

Bifrost Division

Midgard Division

Hel Division


Asgard Division
Machu pichu Blast
Jotunheim Skullsplitters
Koo Dynasty

Bifrost Division
Walter Reed Medical Center
Roving Gamblers
Frewsburg Fowl Mouth Bass

Midgard Division
Chattanooga Hitmen
Gridiron Rush
Asgard Thunder

Hel Division
Portland Factor
Valhalla Maulers
Critical Syndrome

The order of teams is based on a two-year moving window, using this formula:
Team Score = (Regular Season YTD Points) + (Number of Wins * 40) + (Number of Ties * 20) + ((12 - Final Position) * 5)

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