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Midgard Football Fu


Football Fu

Badges Earned

Barneveld Raving Hermits
Keith M.
Fu: 124.22
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Cruise Director, Legatron, Uncle Rico, Fitzmagic, Postit Color Pak, Heavy Metal, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Asian, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, 420, Eagles fan
Great White North Snowman Melter
David L.
Fu: 99.57
X-Ray Vision, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Arrogant, Taste the Paste, Postit Color Pak, Heavy Metal, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Crazed Commanders fan, Commanders fan, Vikings fan
Ya Neva Know
Jim J.
Fu: 97.83
Black Set, Arrogant, Tebow Saves, Duke Sucks, Taste the Paste, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Cowboys fan
Darth Manster
Shawn K.
Fu: 96.31
Black Set, Sound Blaster, Arrogant, Fitzmagic, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Defiance Wolverines
Steve O.
Fu: 94.35
Black Set, Trade Master, Black Unicorn, Duke Sucks, Fitzmagic, Taste the Paste, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Crazed Cowboys fan, Cowboys fan
Bristol Vixens
Kent S.
Fu: 91.96
Black Set, Duke Sucks, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Broncos fan
J & J Good Stuff
Jacob C.
Fu: 79.15
Arrogant, Megatron, Black Unicorn, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Crazed Bills fan, Bills fan
Just One More Thing
Jeffrey G.
Fu: 79.00
Megatron, Fitzmagic, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Bengals fan
MN Hitmen
Joshua C.
Fu: 77.14
Arrogant, Voltron, Legatron, Megatron, Black Unicorn, Fitzmagic, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5, Commanders fan, Chiefs fan
Cujo's Avengers
Mike B.
Fu: 60.25
Kick Me, Legatron, Fitzmagic, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5, Crazed Eagles fan, Eagles fan
Not Sure Camacho's
Alex M.
Fu: 58.90
Arrogant, Voltron, Legatron, Megatron, Muscle Hamster, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Chatter - Level 5, Crazed Lions fan, Lions fan
Suffering Chin Straps
William W.
Fu: 50.70
Post Pad of Doom, Arrogant, Taste the Paste, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5

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