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 Customized Football

Drafthouse Football Fu


Football Fu

Badges Earned

Robot Sea Monsters
Keith M.
Fu: 124.22
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Asian, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, 420
Bigfoot Barleywine
Eric G.
Fu: 102.27
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie
Jim J.
Fu: 97.83
Black Set, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Northern Exposure
Cory L.
Fu: 88.18
Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Go To Helen Waite
Jacob C.
Fu: 79.15
Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Killing me Smalls!
Joshua C.
Fu: 77.14
Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5
Aaron  G.
Fu: 66.15
Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Chatter - Level 5
Matt K.
Fu: 35.30
Emoticons, Chatter - Level 5

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