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 Customized Football

8bit Football Fu


Football Fu

Badges Earned

Missile Commanders
Keith M.
Fu: 124.23
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Cruise Director, Taste the Paste, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Asian, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, 420, Vikings fan, Colts fan
Jim J.
Fu: 97.83
Black Set, Muscle Hamster, Taste the Paste, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Seahawks fan
Gibsonville Grackles
Jeffrey G.
Fu: 79.00
Post Pad of Doom, Kick Me, Paste Taster, Taste the Paste, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Buccaneers fan
Houston Bayous
Zachary A.
Fu: 71.26
Arrogant, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Ludicrous Speed
Matt D.
Fu: 59.95
Fitzmagic, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5, Crazed Panthers fan, Panthers fan
Vino D.
Fu: 46.90
Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Chatter - Level 5, Commanders fan
Dallas Tuff Luck
Luke S.
Fu: 46.50
Thanksgiving, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5, Chiefs fan
Dallas Snakebit
Chris G.
Fu: 40.80
Trade Master, Thanksgiving, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Chatter - Level 5, Cowboys fan
JJ Pink LlamaCorn
Scott J.
Fu: 28.50
Muscle Hamster, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Emoticons, Ravens fan
JJ Christian
Christian J.
Fu: 28.00
Legatron, Emoticons

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