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Ragnarok Football Fu


Football Fu

Badges Earned

Jotunheim Skullsplitters
Keith M.
Fu: 124.22
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Cruise Director, Legatron, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Asian, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, 420
Asgard Thunder
Eric G.
Fu: 102.27
Judas Priest, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, Jets fan, Lions fan
Roving Gamblers
Jeremy G.
Fu: 101.89
Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Unique Postit, Megatron, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Chargers fan, Saints fan
Critical Syndrome
Zachary W.
Fu: 101.11
Kick Me, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Sound Blaster, Unique Postit, Black Unicorn, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Ravens fan
Koo Dynasty
Sean B.
Fu: 101.01
Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Unique Postit, Arrogant, Arrogant, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Asian, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Dolphins fan
Valhalla Maulers
Kent S.
Fu: 100.96
Black Sabbath, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420
Rattus Norvegicus
Scott R.
Fu: 100.48
Slayer, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Unique Postit, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 49ers fan
Machu pichu Blast
Billy B.
Fu: 99.74
Melvins, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Black Unicorn, Muscle Hamster, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Crazed Eagles fan, Eagles fan
Walter Reed Medical Center
Stuart G.
Fu: 99.66
Rage, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Unique Postit, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Colts fan
Gridiron Rush
David L.
Fu: 99.57
X-Ray Vision, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Sound Blaster, Postit Color Pak, Heavy Metal, Easter Egger, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Easter, Easter, 4th of July, 4th of July, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, 420, Vikings fan
Frewsburg Fowl Mouth Bass
Joseph G.
Fu: 97.18
Metallica, Black Set, Self Defined, Unique Postit, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5, Chicken Pot Pie, Eagles fan
Rebellion Bulleits
Justin H.
Fu: 92.54
Post Pad of Doom, Black Set, Sound Blaster, Arrogant, Sex Panther, Beetlejuice, Postit Color Pak, Patriots fan

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