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OCFL Football Fu


Football Fu

Badges Earned

Cacalacca Crawdads
Scott R.
Fu: 100.48
Slayer, Black Set, Super Cool Pool III, Self Defined, Unique Postit, Heavy Metal, Postit Color Pak, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Pirate Day, Emoticons, Emoticons - Alien, Emoticons - Master of Disaster, Emoticons - Animated, Emoticons - Champion, Chatter - Level 5
Defiance Flying Dutchmen
Jamie L.
Fu: 0.00
St. Lucia Brumbies
Lee H.
Fu: 0.00
Gotham Goat Breaths
George H.
Fu: 0.00
Trophy Set
Philadelphia Phantom
Mark P.
Fu: 0.00
Long Island Irates
Patrick S.
Fu: 0.00
Honolulu Wave
Denton W. H.
Fu: 0.00
Pittsboro Stealers
Tommy O.
Fu: 0.00
Iron City
Scott  G.
Fu: 0.00
Monsters of the Midway
Paul H.
Fu: 0.00
Durham Wiseguys
Chris K.
Fu: 0.00
Reservoir Dogs
David C.
Fu: 0.00

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