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 Aurora 2014 Contact Information

Borealis Division

Cursed Diamond Brett Hanthorn
Newspaper Reporter
The Middle Kingdom Dat Mao
Newspaper Reporter
Show Me Them TD's Jim Johnson
Newspaper Reporter

Australis Division

The Dumbells Scott Dunbar
Newspaper Reporter
Twisted Yoga G Epps
Newspaper Reporter
Little Green Faerie Jacqueline Mickelson
Newspaper Reporter

Solaris Division

Lebowski Justin Holman
Newspaper Reporter
Puma Punku Early Men Keith Mickelson
Newspaper Reporter
New York Flushers Scott Hendu
Newspaper Reporter

Marvilis Division

Tiny Pink Bunny Billy Buckley
Asst. Commissioner
Newspaper Reporter
Squirrel Master Jake Wood
Newspaper Reporter
Dixie Doo Dads Scott Russell
Newspaper Reporter

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