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    Daily Ramblings
    Super Bowl Boards

    Author Topic
    Killing me Smalls!
    Water Boy

    40 posts
    Fu: 77.14
    Posted - 1/18/2024 3:29:29 PM
    Super Bowl Boards
    Hello everyone! I also have a variety of ways to play on a Super Bowl Board if you are interested! I have 3 different games that we play. I will put that information here. If you are interested in playing, just reach out to me here, email me directly, or text me, and we will work out the details.

    My email is:
    Text is: 320-760-5836

    Here are the boards I offer:

    1st game:

    100 squares. $10 each. Your numbers change at halftime.

    $40 each for the first 10 scoring changes. $150 for each quarter

    0-0 does not count as a scoring change

    2nd game:

    100 squares. $20 each. Numbers never change

    "Friendship Board." Winning square for each quarter gets $180. Each of the 8 squares that touch the winning square will get $40 each. Each quarter is worth $500 total in this game.

    3rd Game:

    50 squares. $50 each. each person gets 2 numbers down the left side and 1 number across the top. numbers don't change.

    $400 for each quarter.

    $150 each for these 6 categories:

    QB Passing Yards
    Rushing Yards for entire team
    First Downs
    Punt Yards Total
    Total Team Tackles

    example: 327 passing yards for NFC quarterback and 292 yards for AFC quarterback, the winning numbers are 7 & 2.

    If there are any questions, please reach out!
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