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    Rules Proposals
    Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping

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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/12/2023 9:11:05 PM
    Rules Proposal 26.6: The Fucking Lockbox and sniping
    Ok boys, there is one more nuanced scenario that we should address and codify in the Rules Book: If a team puts a player in The Fucking Lockbox, are they allowed to snipe their own round selection during the draft?

    As we all know, the following is true:

    1. If you put a player in the F'n box and specify the certain pick/round, you MUST draft that player when that pick arrives AND you then must have that player in your starting lineup in Week 1 AND you get the fantasy points.

    2. If anyone picks that player before your specified pick/round, they get that player like a normal draft selection and they are not able to start that player in Week 1.

    So the question remains: Can the one who put the player in The Fucking Lockbox snipe themselves and pick that player earlier?

    Here is where it gets murky.... Let's say that player had a monstrous week and scored 3 TDs but they were specified as a Round 8 selection in the lockbox. Can the declaring team pick that player in Round 3, for example, so that they ensure those points will be in their starting lineup and another team won't be starry-eyed and pick them far earlier than their general ADP?

    Conversely, let's say that the player in question had a terrible week and laid a goose egg. Can that declaring team pick them in Round 7 so that their lockbox selection doesn't get executed and therefore they can avoid putting that player in the starting lineup?

    After thinking and talking about this for a couple of days, my take on it is:

    A. Teams cannot snipe themselves.
    B. Teams must take the fantasy result if their lockbox pick is executed.

    I am definitely open to everyone's thoughts and interpretations on these nuanced scenarios. Regardless of our ultimate decision, we definitely want to get this codified in the near future.

    Kudos to Eric, of course, for trying to find the exploit! 🤣
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    Theremin Player

    650 posts
    Fu: 99.66
    Posted - 8/12/2023 9:24:34 PM
    My take...
    If a team snipes themself, they don't get to start the player week 1. You only get the week 1 stats if the pick is made through the Fucking Lockbox.
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    Oscar Goldman


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/12/2023 9:30:07 PM
    ... do we want to allow a team to avoid that commitment by taking that player earlier than the lockbox declaration?

    Like, let's say that I put a lockbox selection in for pick 9.1 and then that player craps the bed. Can I simply take that player at 8.12 (which is just one pick earlier) and thus avoid the goose egg in my Week 1 starting lineup? That gives me an unfair advantage because of my draft position and my picks being concurrent.

    The more I thought about this, the murkier it became.
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    Football Freak

    1310 posts
    Fu: 101.10
    Posted - 8/12/2023 9:31:27 PM
    Agree with Stu
    If you panic and snipe yourself, sure. You can have him. But you don’t get to start him in week one. Has to be the round you stated in the fucking lockbox.
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    Football Freak

    1310 posts
    Fu: 101.10
    Posted - 8/12/2023 9:51:27 PM
    My gut instinct is no.
    I don’t ever recall this being a thing. But here’s how I’ve always thought about it: You are the only one in the room that knows: In round 9, I committed to X player for the Lions. I made this gamble before the game. Can’t trade that pick. Can’t pick someone else in round 9.

    He scores -2 points. You played the fucking lock box. You have to sleep in that bed. Right? Otherwise, we might as well remove “fucking” and “lock”. Just call it a box. It’s the same strategy as the rookie keeper. Predict the best round to take ‘em. It might be a poor decision, but that’s the game.

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    185 posts
    Fu: 102.27
    Posted - 8/13/2023 5:50:39 PM
    The easy thing would be that…..
    If you choose to put a player in the lock box, this is the only place you can draft him. This would prevent Keith from lock boxing Jared Goff in the 9th (9.1) but being able to pick him 8.12 so he isn’t started, for example. Or picking him at 6.12 because he has a 6th week.
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    Nathaniel Hornblower


    67 posts
    Fu: 58.90
    Posted - 8/14/2023 7:55:01 AM
    From my understanding...
    It's called a lockbox because you have locked the player in at that pick and plan to start them come hell or high-water. So my take is you can't snipe yourself since you've technically already made your bid. If that person goes off and it gets sniped from you, then them's the breaks. That's the nuance and excitement of the lockbox. It's a gamble.

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