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    oh lord, here we go again

    Author Topic
    Roving Gamblers

    Football Freak

    748 posts
    Fu: 101.96
    Posted - 9/7/2003 10:40:40 PM
    oh lord, here we go again
    there are three main issues here that need to be remembered when talking about defense in fantasy football.

    One, defense is only 1 of 9 starters in Ragnarok while they are 1 of 3 units in the NFL. to give 1 unit of 3 40% of the credit for an NFL win makes sense; we all know that defenses win championships. to give 1 unit of 9 40% of the credit (or maybe influence is a better term) for a fantasy win so devalues the other 8 units as to render them secondary at best. why would it matter that a person have a top tight end, or top kicker, or better #2 running back when these positions will be so thoroughly overshadowed by the efforts of the defensive starter? i know that if defenses scored ~40% of fantasty points, they'd be my first 3 picks, since you'd practically need to be better at every other position to be secure in beating a team that had a better defense. and that would suck, because having good depth has long been the hallmark of a good owner, and having one position dominate the rest would eliminate the need for depth.

    Two, fantasy defenses are a collection of 11 players, while fantasy offensive players are only 1 person. if Priest Holmes scores 2 touchdowns, he did it on his own. it wasn't the KC offense that got credit for 2 TDs in Ragnarok, it was Priest. to equate the exploits of 11 players to the exploits of 1 player is very unfair to that 1 player. if 1 defensive player has 2 ints and 3 sacks, they have been crucial to the team's success, perhaps equal to Priest's two TDs. but if it's 11 guys that get 2 ints and 3 sacks between them, to award alot of points to that collective effort demeans the big individual performance Priest put on. if we're going to group 11 players into 1 fantasy spot, those 11 best do something really special to get Priest-like points, more even than Priest alone did. it's only fair to the offensive players who do it alone to put some kind of handicap on the team defense's efforts.

    Three, defenses are notoriously hard to predict in fantasy football. i may have posted this before, but some fantasy geek bothered to chart the correlation between one year's success and the next for fantasy players, to try and determine which positions you can count on from year to year. without giving away too many trade secrets, this analysis showed that predicting defensive performance was BY FAR the hardest to do. it's their very nature of 11 interconnected players that makes them so hard to predict, and it will always be that way. there is no good that can come from placing a $900 pot in the hands of the position that is most difficult to research and predict. i for one think that my obsession with fantasy football puts me in a better position to get some of that prize money, but if team defense were 40% of the reason i got that money, there's no way i'm putting my $75 in. it's a total crap shoot, and why would you want to put 75 bucks on a crap shoot?

    so while i recognize why you think defenses should score more to reflect the NFL, i think that there are at least 3 reasons why that could be detrimental to Ragnarok. so i have to respectfully disagree with you on this point.

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    83 posts
    Fu: 94.38
    Posted - 9/7/2003 11:36:44 PM
    1,2,3 are wrong
    its not 1 of 9, its 11 being counted only as 1 and then its extremly devalued being that it is 11 being counter as 1 when in reality it should be being compared to 4 other groups qb, rb, recievers, and kickers, and when you compare it to group totals each week we have just made defenses worth less than kickers, and thats bullshit, you can evaluate defenses just as well as any other you second paragraph, what difference does it make wether 1 player makes the play on defense or 2 or3 different players, were talking about impact on the game that is where scoring should come from. as is if a defense makes 2 ints and returns them 85 and 67 yards respectivley down to the five yard line and gets 3 sacks its the equalivent as one 40 yard feild goal and that is fricking rediculos. And of course the kc offense doesnt get credit for it, thats why we score all of the other offensive positions.and lastly if we drafted indivual defensive positions it would be a third of you team. a finally preist or any body else didnt do shit on their own their just credited that way, but some plays are pitches and some are hand offs but Trent doesnt get credit on those plays and neither do the blockers, but you want to talk about something that is hard to predict, is how well an offensive line will play together. ie this week L.T. not shit Marshall Faulk not shit, ect.
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