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    Daily Ramblings

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    Hermit Master


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/13/2017 5:28:00 AM
    Everyone is officially paid up and we are LOCKED IN for an auction launch as of 12:01am Tuesday 8/15. Get ready!
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    Hermit Master


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/13/2017 6:01:07 AM
    Rule 16.1: Nominations are Required
    After last year's surprising auction fizzle, a long-considered rule is now official:

    "For the first seven (7) days of the auction, all teams are required to nominate the requisite number of players each day. Each day where there is a failure to do so will result in a loss of 20CP from their regular season bank account."

    This is a very harsh penalty, so it should underscore the importance for everyone to be ready for the auction. Get yer game face on, cuz winter is here.

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    Hermit Master


    3322 posts
    Posted - 8/13/2017 6:09:14 AM
    Rule 16.2: Hammer Time
    Rule 16.1 addresses the start of the auction, and Rule 16.2 addresses the end of the auction.

    Our auctions usually last about two weeks. The very last 2-3 days of the auction sometimes results in a staring contest to see who will put up their nomination first. Everyone's bank accounts are thin, someone has the hammer, and everyone understands that timing is *everything* at the end of an auction. What is needed is a game structure and mechanism to force moves to be made on the proverbial game board.

    Here is how that will work:

    * As of Day 10 and onward, teams do still have the option of not nominating a player when each new day arrives.

    * Teams cannot skip nominations two days in a row. If you do so, your AUCTION BANK will take a 3CP hit for each day a nomination is not made.

    * Teams can skip a day of nominations, then nominate only one player, and then skip the following day and there would be no penalty.

    * If a team's auction bank reaches 0CP and they do not have a full roster, they will have to wait until free agency in order to fill out their roster.

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