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    Rules Discussions
    summary of outstanding issues

    Author Topic

    Towel Boy

    24 posts
    Posted - 8/9/2003 8:54:00 PM
    summary of outstanding issues
    while all substantial issues have been resolved and defined, there are just a handful of smaller ones that remain. here is a rundown:

    * the league name:
    the term "Dynasty" was merely intended as a placeholder, and is much too generic a term for us to adhere to. we do need something that distinguishes us from all of the other "dynasty" leagues that are out there. during a brief brainstorming session, I came up with a few ones to mull over: Empire, Masters, Provincial (was trying to go with the Quid motif), Regency, Aces High. everyone is encouraged to throw some other nominations into the ring, and let's figure out what we want to call ourselves. (I think "Aces High" rocks, but I like poker and Iron Maiden and, um, "high".)

    * the 4th-level tiebreaker:
    here are the game tiebreakers in order: 1) total defensive points by starters, 2) total bench points, and 3) total defensive points by bench defensive players. what should we do if there is still a tie? so far, two of the best ideas are: a) best "streak" entering the game (W-L), and b) longest FG by the starting kicker. we should decide on what the #4 tie-breaker is, and then make #5 by something like a coin-flip or game of croquet.

    * the league trophy:
    our meetings at Zog's have implied that we should all kick in $8-$10 towards the purchase of a Stanley Cup style of trophy. does anyone have specific information about this, and do we have options for style of trophy? then next season we just pay an engraving fee, and the trophy gets passed on? in any case, we won't start moving on the trophy until after the Draft, but let's begin to narrow our options and then maybe we can decide before or on the Draft.

    * the league entry fee:
    while the rules state that the fee is due on July 15 in order to inhibit late dropouts, it is obvious that at least this season such a policy isn't necessary. ergo, league fees will be due on Draft Day: $50 for the prize fund, $X for the trophy, $Y for the draft kit/cards, and $5 for the administrative fee.

    * and one other issue IS resolved:
    Quid WILL rollover from season to season. now that is COOL!

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