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    Past Rules Discussions

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    83 posts
    Fu: 94.38
    Posted - 11/14/2003 4:14:36 PM
    First things first, no one has had more, or been frustrated by more ties than me. But ties are ties, and sometimes they will pay off for you and sometimes screw you. If you just add coaches,worth one pt. ,we are still going to come up with just as many ties. If we really want to get less ties, each week we should pick one head to head player, who ever you want that week. This will get every one who wants to win looking into, and understanding individual match ups better. ( you cant just designate franchise players, because their schedual could dictate fate).If you franchise is a RB. playing the Ravens D. hes probally not going any where, but if we picked who ever we wanted in a head to head it would put a little bit of that fate , Keith mentioned, Back into our own hands. But ties or no ties, when they happen to me I get pissed and when they happen to you, I laugh my ass off. Its the ying and yang of it all. Peace the Portland Factor

    michael, michael,Michael,MICHAEL
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    Roving Gamblers

    Football Freak

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 11/14/2003 7:39:55 PM
    Eric's idea is awesome
    While i'm still not sold on needing a new tie-breaker system, Eric's idea is intruiging. Like he says, adding coaching points won't solve the problem. But picking any player from your team to be your tiebreaker would be very interesting. I looked through the three games that were ties this year and only one of them had even a chance of remaining a tie (if the Maulers used LT and the Dreamcrushers used Garcia, they would still have tied since both players scored 10pts). I know that's not alot of evidence, but it makes sense that using Eric's solution would drastically reduce the odds of a tie, and it would be a lot of fun too. While it may be annoying to administer, I'd vote for this solution (if a solution is necessary; like i said, i'm not sold on needing one).
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    Coach Knoll Cowher

    Football Freak

    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 11/14/2003 11:59:19 PM
    I agree
    I also don't see any pressing need to change the current system, but Erik's idea is the best I've seen posted so far. I like the idea of adding coaches as well.
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    Roving Gamblers

    Football Freak

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 11/15/2003 8:36:11 AM
    my bad, it's Erik not Eric
    i'll figure that out some day.
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