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    Anything Goes

    Author Topic
    Head of Scouting

    Gjallarhorn Master

    529 posts
    Fu: 99.57
    Posted - 6/14/2016 10:47:35 AM
    I woke up Sunday morning to the news of the massacre at Pulse Night Club, and sadly it didn't affect me. I didn't cry, I didn't mourn the loss of all those men and women who needlessly lost their lives to a mad mans bullets. I just sat and watched as the news kept breaking and the death toll kept climbing.

    And that saddens me even more, the fact that people by the dozens are dying, and I can't so much as squeeze out a tear. I have become immune to it. How many time have we heard the same breaking story "Mass killing at______" Columbine Sandy Hook, Boston, Oklahoma City, Red Lake, Santa Clara, Paris, Brussels, Orlando, you fill in the name of the city.

    Instead of sadness I feel anger, I am angry at people saying and doing the same things after each of these "events". I am tired of the President saying words of condolences, I am tired of the House Speaker having a moment of silence, I am tired of celebrities saying words of tribute to those affected by the tragedy, I am tired of seeing candle light vigils. I am tired of people calling these types of murders, events. I don't want condolences, or silence, nor a vigils. I want action, I want something done, I want this time to be the last time Unfortunately I have come to expect the effect of nothing. Nothing will change.

    Except us. We all know this is not the last time we hear these things. We are all a little colder, a little more callous.
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