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    Anything Goes
    first i trade with the Koo, and now i agree with Kent

    Author Topic
    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Posted - 1/29/2016 7:54:49 PM
    first i trade with the Koo, and now i agree with Kent
    have i entered the Twilight Zone?

    i finally had a chance to see the new star wars movie, and boy was it a disappointment. my expectations were already extremely modest, and the movie didn't even come close to matching those. i don't even know where to begin. that movie sucked Joe's big bag of dicks and then sucked it again. J.J. Adams is a total hack.
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    Head of Scouting

    head of scouting

    529 posts
    Fu: 99.57
    Posted - 1/31/2016 10:10:06 AM
    Yes I agree it was a total case of warming up yesterday's leftovers
    And I really didn't like how Ben was suddenly Leah's son in stead of Luke's. But they had a unique challenge of reintroducing old characters to a new audience and new ones to an old. I hope they use this to set up for a fantastic next story. Maybe my hopes are a little high.

    Also, next year's Rouges movie could be the one to surpass expectations.
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    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 2/1/2016 5:22:54 PM
    feel the Bern
    why should we have to continuously compromise by accepting substandard quality as if we had no other choice?

    disney spent a gabillion dollars making the latest star wars movie and yet the movie lacks any imagination or originality whatsoever. it is hard to think of another modern movie so poorly written, so shallow, and so dependent upon coincidence. even the Transformers series is more tightly written.

    yet we are supposed to be thankful that it's not George Lucas. well, i'd rather have George Lucas continue to destroy that great franchise than pretend JJ Adams is some genius who is saving it while he is essentially already guilty of everything Lucas was criticized for. at least then we'd have an honest accountability when it was all over, instead of pretending there is a difference.

    i'm no longer compromising, nor do i see a need to do so. Star Wars: A Force Awakens, you are a turd and i'm not going to give you a free pass. Hillary, you are an even bigger decepticon turd and i'll never vote for you.

    no more compromise. FEEL THE BERN!!!!
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