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    Rules Proposals
    Rules Proposal 19.1: The Lock Box

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    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Posted - 4/25/2015 7:43:09 AM
    Rules Proposal 19.2: The Thursday Lock Box
    Introduce a system where the Thursday night players can be eligible to be drafted AND started in Week 1. The basic requirements for such a system are i) you have to make that "start-or-not" decision *before* the Thursday game, and ii) no information whatsoever should be revealed to other owners either before or during the Draft.

    So here is how it could work:

    a) Anyone who wants to draft AND start a Thursday night player in Week 1 can participate. Nobody is required to participate. And if you want a Thursday night player and don't want to start them, you can simply draft them as normal.

    b) If, using the process described herein, you are successful in drafting your player then you MUST start that player in Week 1.

    c) If you don't use this process and just do a normal drafting of a Thursday night player, you can obviously still have that player but you CANNOT start that player in Week 1.

    d) We have a Draft Lock Box. It's a real fucking box with a real fucking lock on it. It's a fucking lock box.

    e) Anyone who wants to participate would need to put a SEALED ENVELOPE in that box before kickoff on Thursday night.

    f) You can either snail mail it to my house, as long as it *arrives by Wednesday*, or you can bring it with you on Thursday if you are coming to the house that day. If we have to, we may be able to come up with some electronic way to do it, but this paper approach is not subject to electronic fraud. Plus, we have a fucking box.

    g) What you would put in the envelope would be like the following: "Koo, Pick 6.1, Mason Crosby".

    h) Using that fine example, Sean would be waiting for that 6.1 pick to roll around. When it arrives, he can triumphantly announce to the room that he geniously opted for the draft-and-start route with regard to Crosby. The Koo would be required to take Crosby in that slot and to also include him in their Week 1 starters.

    i) If a team puts an envelope in the fucking lock box and then does not honor their pick, they get holy fucking hell rained down upon them. I have no idea what the consequences of that should be, but it should be terrible. Suggestions are welcome.

    j) NO ONE SHALL SPEAK OF WHAT IS IN THE CONTENTS OF THE BOX. THE FUCKING BOX. IT SHALL BE THE BOX THAT SHALL NOT BE SPOKEN OF. To do so would jeopardize the purity of the Draft. And so we either need to a) have a penalty for speaking about the box, or b) encourage total lying about the box. I like b) because of its elegant simplicity. If people are lying about it all the time, it's not taboo and no one is going to believe anything anyone else says.

    k) Limitations. Because this is a new idea, we should start with a limit of one (1) of these Draft-and-Start nominations per team.
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    Capt. Blast


    995 posts
    Fu: 99.73
    Posted - 5/4/2015 9:43:09 AM
    I say that the consequences should be that we never do this fucking lock box again. Just another thing to think about. I am for it until someone screws it up. Then, 86 it. Our league is the tits. 2 tits are enough for me.
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin


    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 5/6/2015 6:21:18 PM
    Cheating ass bastards!
    Like we all knew, Golden Boy Brady was involved in Deflategate. Now we have to see if Goodell has the fucking balls to punish his butt-buddy Kraft and the organization.I doubt it.
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    Executive Director

    1309 posts
    Fu: 101.10
    Posted - 5/8/2015 1:18:20 PM
    Thursday Game
    It's just the Steelers and the Pats. There's nobody to start on those teams...
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