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    Rules Proposals
    Rules Proposal 16.1 : Updated Yardage Charts

    Author Topic
    Oleg the Finn


    3327 posts
    Posted - 6/6/2012 8:44:06 AM
    Rules Proposal 16.1 : Updated Yardage Charts
    "Yardage charts for QB, RB, WR, and TE will be slightly adjusted to reflect changes in the modern game. These updates will be conservative in nature and will not be an overreaction to any particular past season."

    check out the links at the bottom of the Ragnarok homepage; all yardage charts are detailed and graphed.

    while it does come down to analyzing the system and then formulating a strategy for maximizing your team accordingly, as most of us agree our scoring charts are a little bit out of kilter especially in the light of how the game seems to have evolved. and i don't say that pointedly in regards to nerfing QB's, but more towards empowering the other skill positions.

    in particular, most teams have a RBBC approach and this also now extends to receivers. the ball is being spread around to so many players each game, compared to 10 years ago when teams threw most of their balls to their well defined #1, #2, and #3 WR's. in the current NFL, it's fairly common to see a QB throw to 9-10 different players in one game. and since our Ragnarok system doesn't even count the first 29 yards receiving, in one game we're looking at 290 yards of receiving output that doesn't earn a single fantasy point. it's kind of silly how in our current system a WR could get 6 catches for 85 yards and earn a whopping 4 fantasy points. is that a fair representation of their impact on their real life game?

    all this being said, the proposed changes to the yardage system are very conservative. QB's were slightly improved at the lower level (~ +5%) and slightly reduced at the very top (~ -10%). WR's and RB's were modestly improved in the lower part of the curve (~ +5%). WR's now earn a point starting at 20 yards instead of 30 (just like RB's do). all in all, it's not too much of a shift, but it seems to me to be a balancing shift.

    if we move forward with these changes, they will probably be the last scoring changes for a long time. looking at the past five years, we do see a wide variance in QB output so we should not be overreacting after the 2011 campaign. it's hard to know if this was a result of the evolution of the game itself, or because defenses didn't get a full offseason due to the lockout, or because of the new rules limiting hitting in practice each week. only time will tell. but in any case, even if things average out for the 2012 season, i still think these minor scoring tweaks will make the league better, faster, stronger than before.
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