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    Current scoring system vs. "pick your draft spot"

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    185 posts
    Fu: 102.27
    Posted - 1/23/2012 2:20:36 PM
    Current scoring system vs. "pick your draft spot"
    Picking your draft spot, to me, seems to be a good idea on the surface but only causes more problems in the long run. Currently a Qb scores twice as much a a rb and three times as much as a wr. If this problem is not adressed it will lean, even more, towards teams with stellar QBs winning the championship. QB's are so over powered that the top player picked this year had all ready missed 9% of our regualar season. The losing teams qb was picked shortly after that!

    Part of this is due to the scoring system we have and to trends in the NFL. Just like when the NFL changes rules to adjust to the changes in the game, we should too. For the most part, TD's should be the base for scoring and therefore rushing TD's should stay at 6. But we could increase yardage points for other positions, nerf yardage for QB's, offer "points per reception", or decrease QB's TD points to 3. A "standard scoring system" could also help acheive this. With the changes in the NFL's passing yardage, the top ranked QB's are consitently hitting the "super bonus" that was rarely hit in years past.

    I feel we need to adjust this scoring system in some form befor before we can even consider changing the draft order. not to mention the fact that I earned my spot under last seasons rules and can get voted out of what I earned is truely unfair! Rule changes like these should at the least be voted in for the following year. They solve no major emergency problem and are "flavor" rules, at best.

    Please let me know what you feel are the pros and cons of both the "pick your spot" and the scoring system. Thanks and may the god of thunder bless you.
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