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    latest labor rumblings, as heard on NFL Radio

    Author Topic
    Oleg the Finn


    3322 posts
    Posted - 2/10/2011 9:59:26 PM
    latest labor rumblings, as heard on NFL Radio
    this is information that i've heard in the past 24 hours on NFL Radio:

    1. in the pre-Superbowl meeting between players and owners last week, the owners walked in with an offer and tossed it on the table and said 'take it or leave it.' then walked out.

    2. today's meeting was cancelled.

    3. next week's owners-only meeting was cancelled.

    4. the players have offered a 50/50 split (which is the actual middle ground of the numbers as defined by the owner's initial demands when the owners opted out of the current CBA), but the owners rejected it.

    obviously, there is much much more to this than this simple list. but it does offer additional light as to the intent and approach of the owners towards this entire labor dispute. the owners have plotted and wished for this for 3-4 years, and it's finally coming to fruition for them. they are trying to break the union, get rid of the salary cap, and eliminate revenue sharing.

    the most Tragic consequence of all of this is that football may turn in to baseball. the Saddest part of this is witnessing how the universal knee-jerk response seems to cast the players as being equally as greedy as the owners. really, in the case of Jimmy Kleinsasser vs Jerry Jones, all is equal? i don't recall Jimmy getting $300M in public funds.

    this reminds me of a classic Chris Rock bit, about the difference between "rich" and "wealth":
    click here for Rock
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