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    Scoring Question

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    Steve O.

    Assistant Coach

    108 posts
    Fu: 94.40
    Posted - 9/14/2008 2:30:45 PM
    Scoring Question
    How is the Bears blocked punt that went for a TD scored?
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    Steve M.

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/14/2008 5:09:42 PM
    Kick Return
    How does Bush get poits for a punt return?I saw nothing in the rules about players getting points for this?Please let me know the rule on this.Thanks Steve
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    Steve M.

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/15/2008 9:17:52 PM
    He doesn;t have any points and he scored a TD and had over 100 yards .What is wrong with the scoring system?
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    Football Freak

    654 posts
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    Posted - 9/16/2008 4:34:07 PM
    Romo had 312 yards passing weeks 2.

    Also, the Titans D scoring is messed up, but ends up with the right amount. They didn't have any fumble recoveries, but they did have a TD on a blocked punt (I didn't play them in this league, but I did in Ragnarok).

    The week 1 scoring for Santonio Holmes still shows a fumble that shouldn't be there.
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    Pee Wee

    6 posts
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    Posted - 9/16/2008 7:34:19 PM
    Not sure if the rules changed, doesn't look like they did to me, but touchdowns on special teams counted for the individual last year.
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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/16/2008 7:43:45 PM
    For replying and I know its your team but no where in the rules does it say players get td;s for kick or punt returns.If it was a guy like Hester would become more valuble and would have drafted a little different or bid I mean.We;ll see what the commish sees in our rules.Have a good one Taz and a good game between us.
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    Pee Wee

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    Posted - 9/16/2008 7:48:14 PM
    Yeah, great game between us. Darn Green Bay D with those two picks for TD's in the last 5 mins, thought I was done right then.

    I agree, it isn't listed anywhere in the rules. Just wanted to throw out that the rules read the same last year and they definitely counted.
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    Raving Hermits

    Football Freak

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    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 9/17/2008 1:05:15 PM
    thanks for chiming in, gents
    i've been absolutely laid out the last 3 days and hence my distant status since sunday... it's been a pretty rough few days, and i really appreciate everyone's patience this week. and thanks again for everyone who has brought up scoring issues as well as addressed some of the nuances.

    Taz brings up an excellent point about how the scoring page could use some additional and explicit information about how players can earn points for oddball situations. For example, if a RB throws a 70 yard TD pass, even though they are technically not a QB they get points for 70 yards passing and 1 passing TD. Similarly, if a WR happens to play on special teams and that player runs back a kick or punt for a TD, they get credit for 1 runback TD. I can certainly see how this should be clearer with the points breakdown, and I appreciate Taz's understanding in light of an incredibly close game this week.

    Oh, and to answer the Wolverine's related question about the Bears blocked punt, the Bears DF/ST gets 1pt for the blocked punt and 6pts for the TD. In addition to that, WR Brandon Lloyd gets credit for what is essentially a punt return for a TD.
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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

    26 posts
    Fu: 0.00
    Posted - 9/17/2008 7:25:25 PM
    Your Wrong
    I;m not agreeing I;m new to the league and you must follow the rules the way the site says.I would have drafted totally different if I new you had some other scoring system.You can put it in next year but with me being new I think you should go by the rules that I know not made up.
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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

    26 posts
    Fu: 0.00
    Posted - 9/17/2008 7:28:04 PM
    I think you have the rest of it right if a rb throws a td he gets points or runs it on a fake punt or passes it but that is totally different then returning kicks that is whar DEF-Special Teams is please remove the points from the game.
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    Pee Wee

    6 posts
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    Posted - 9/17/2008 11:42:13 PM
    New to the league here also, not sure why that matters though.
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

    33 posts
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    Posted - 9/18/2008 12:30:15 PM
    I hate to drag this out but he does have a point. It's listed in the rules that if a RB throws a TD he'd get 4 points or if a kicker catches a TD pass, he'd get 6 points. However, it doesn't say anything about special team touchdowns for the individual player.

    Normally I could care less but it's a matter of W/L.
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/18/2008 12:36:17 PM
    I'm waivering
    Then again, one could say it's common sense to expect an individual player to get credit for a special teams TD. I also find it hard to believe that you'd draft 'totally different' in light of players scoring special teams TDs. Especially considering they're a rare occurance, even for a guy like Hester, and no fantasy service projects them.

    Blah, I shoulda just kept my mouth shut instead of thinking out loud on these two posts.
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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

    26 posts
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    Posted - 9/18/2008 5:36:46 PM
    No Other Leagues
    Give points for kick or punt returns to the player only the def gets these points.No common sense here needed all of the others are like this.A rb or WR throwing tds is totally different then kick return.And I would have bid alot higher on Bush as he could get an added 2 to 3 tds and in this league with the low scoring point system that is huge.
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/18/2008 8:34:53 PM
    Funny, I've been doing this for a long time and every other league I've been in has scored kickoff/punts for TDs for individuals, including this league last season...
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    T J.
    Pee Wee

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    Posted - 9/18/2008 8:40:53 PM
    I am in 3 leagues and they all count ST td's for individual plyrs. But bottom line is we need to decide on the rule. Commish says they should count, and they counted in previous years, but I say give tax the win cause this ridiculous. He isn't gonna let it go & $25 is not worth it. Give him his way and make a rule and move on please.

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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/18/2008 8:59:24 PM
    If I;m carrying this out to long why didn;t you just say follow the rules the way they are?I;m just trying to get it right by what all your rules say.What if the shoe was on the other foot?I sure didn;t hear you say you would agrre with me and take the lost so it must be important to you too.
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    T J.
    Pee Wee

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    Posted - 9/18/2008 9:58:26 PM
    I said give you the win, what more do you want me to say? Did you read what i wrote? Just want the rule clarified and am ready to move on win or lose. And I do not know anyone in this league at all, randomly joined onlinre and this is also my first time in the league so please stop with the us against you stuff.
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    Raving Hermits

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 9/19/2008 5:53:20 PM
    Rulings and Musings
    The controversy over the 89-88 Hammered vs Taz Devils game is understandable to a certain extent and it should be clear that everyone wants to have it come to a fair resolution.

    Some of the posted comments lend themselves to a response and I would like to address each of them.

    First off, the league Scoring page does not explicitly display the runback scoring for the offensive skill players and this will be corrected. It is simply but tragically a programming issue. This individual point is the strongest and only case for considering some alternative outcome for the 89-88 game.

    It should be noted that for the first six years of Midgard, runback TD's have always counted for the individual offensive skill players. To make a comment like "I think you should go by the rules that I know not made up" clearly implies suspicion and I don't see how such an approach is warranted.

    Also, Taz states that a RB who runs it in on a fake punt should get credit for a TD, so I'm not really understanding how that scenario is making a case for not crediting a runback TD for Reggie Bush. Both types of plays take place on special teams.

    As for the charge that "no other leagues" give a special teams TD to the individual player, I beg to differ. I am in many leagues and have been for twelve years and in reality I have never seen a league NOT give credit for special team TD's. This season, I am in both an ESPN and a Yahoo league and both leagues gave credit for Reggie's runback TD. If anything, the default setting is that individual players do get credit for special team TD's.

    So how to properly handle this? I think that the fair solution is to:

    1) Keep Armed & Hammered's win.

    2) Hold a league vote to determine if we should make an exceptional ruling and grant the Taz Devils a win as well.

    I'll put up a league ballot box and when we get a vote from everyone then the ballots will be counted and a verdict officially made. If 2/3 of the owners vote to also grant a win to the Taz Devils, then the measure passes and both teams will be awarded a win.

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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

    26 posts
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    Posted - 9/19/2008 6:43:42 PM
    You guys sure take things personal.I feel I was attacked by common sense quote. And suspicion of putting in a new rule to beat me that I was never implying I beleive this league just wasn;t in the rules.Also I;m in mostly CBs leagues and not a one of them gives points to individual for kick or punt returns and I guess you guys see this different then I do just like rb or wr catching a fake punt that I think is totally different then after the kick but this is just how all my leagues are.I will go with whatever the vote is and be fine with it and move on from here.I just wanted everyone to know how I feel and I;m not personaly attacking anyone and if you feel that way I;m sorry.Win or lose I;ll go on in this league and have fun.Also thanks for reading all my post that I;ve wrote and I won;t send no more.Good luck to everyone Taz
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

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    Posted - 9/19/2008 6:56:30 PM
    I think granting both teams a win is the least fair to the other 10 owners in the league that had nothing to do with this...
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    Raving Hermits

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 9/19/2008 9:49:09 PM
    i've updated the Scoring display
    runback TD's are now dispayed for offensive players. note that Coaches do not get any points for runbacks, even if they are over 50 years old.
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

    33 posts
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    Posted - 9/19/2008 11:53:47 PM
    This is B.S.

    If I knew we weren't counting TD runbacks for coaches, I wouldn't have drafted Wade 'The Blade' Phillips...
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    Football Freak

    654 posts
    Fu: 99.68
    Posted - 9/20/2008 5:12:11 PM
    While you're updating things
    Is there any chance you can remove Santonio Holmes' week 1 fumble - seeing as it does affect the victory points for the week.
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