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    Past Rules Discussions
    Big-Ass issue has been raised

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    sPliTtin' sKuLz

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Posted - 11/15/2004 2:28:56 PM
    Big-Ass issue has been raised
    check out the latest Smashmouth Gazette and weigh in, if you'd like
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    Bass Master

    General Manager

    394 posts
    Fu: 97.18
    Posted - 11/15/2004 3:14:33 PM
    Do you feel bad for the Blast laying down this Weekend
    I think you can look back and see draft position does not make that big of a difference. For instance the Pooh Dynasty sat number 12 with the worst team of the previous season, and he is doing okay. The Bass went from the 12 spot to the 2 spot. If we were keeping complete rosters then I would say the worst team should pick first in the draft. I do not object either way, but I don't know that we require a change. It isn't like we have repeating champions every year. Consider the advantage of throwing late season games if you are out of the running to gain better draft position next year.

    Eat Shit,

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    sPliTtin' sKuLz

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 11/15/2004 6:42:16 PM
    evidence is still out?
    does anyone want to do a more in depth analysis? i just want to be sure that we are doing the right thing, as i know that we have a group of owners that are as passionate as they come, yet some of the same people keep missing out of the playoffs. is this a coincidence? do they just suck, or are cursed, or is it even an unrelated issue about the draft order?

    i just want to do the best thing for the league, and make sure that we are as competitive and fun as can be, year after year.
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    Football Freak

    1334 posts
    Fu: 101.16
    Posted - 11/16/2004 7:54:38 AM
    Draft issues
    I think some sort of lottery is a good idea. If there is no advantage (as some have said) in the order, then why should anyone disapprove. It does seem that about the same four or five teams get the top blue chip choice players each year, though it's my opinion that the bread and butter are the early mid drafts. I don't know. I've been sixth, seventh, or eighth every single year excpet one (fifth). I don't know if draft order has anything to do with it, but I like the lottery thing because it's more inclusive than exclusive, and unbiased. I mean the top six have their incentive through cash. It would be nice to see some kick-back for 7-12 somehow. Over time, they pay more $$ than 1-6, because 1-6 get their $$ back each year, and then some. So who's funding who?

    I know it's gambling. There's risk. But the subject was brought up, and that's my opinion.
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