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    Rules Discussions
    Help me understand . . .

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    Tape Junkie

    55 posts
    Posted - 11/17/2004 7:16:05 AM
    Help me understand . . .
    why we would change our rules. I understand keeping everyone competitive, but I thought the purpose of this league was to get the best owners together and create an environment where owner's decisions were the integral part of participation. I've made my moves based on long time production and kept some players who may or may not payoff in the long run. To change the rules again would really mess up my strategy.
    When I look at the standings, I see two teams who were the dominate teams last year both below .500 - these same two teams made the choice of letting a lot of their players go to improve their position in the draft. While I respect their decision, I'm not clear on how we should change our rules based on that. Jamie made his choice to dump his whole team very early last year - he traded away quality players for draft picks & quid. The Blunts are having a tough year based on injuries and players decisions to burn blunts. I just don't see changing the rules to get everyone a chance at the top of the standings - they need to earn that honor. Of course fantasy football is 90% luck anyway, but 10% takes up 90% of my week (what a loser I am)!
    If you look at the quid totals, most of the people who have quid left, are teams who need to improve. The idea is to spend your quid to get better - or save it for the future.
    My stance is to leave things as they are and let a few seasons play out. I understand not everyone was at the draft, but I don't see the draft as that important unless you give up on your team. I am all for adjusting the draft date so it does not interfere with all our other drafts . . . this will make it more of an event.
    The Rouges have spoken their mind . . . it's time for the scramble to the postseason!
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    Football Freak

    748 posts
    Fu: 101.96
    Posted - 11/17/2004 12:50:32 PM
    I love the "I respect your decision, but your decision sucked" comment. Nice jab.
    As for changing the rules, I feel a little awkward about having this conversation as my team goes down in flames. Maybe i'll stay out of it for fear of my comments being misconstrued as attempts to turn my team around.
    I know that regardless of the outcome of this conversation, I'll be excited about next year and the years to come in this league, even if it takes me a while to recover from bad trades, bad keeper decisions, and bad ownership in general (I lost one week because i forgot to start a kicker). I think that we need look no further than the Dutchmen to see how quickly things can turn around in this league. His lineup will be very scary very soon, if not already.
    If people would like to institute a draft cap or any other rule change, that's great. If not, that's great. This league rules either way.
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