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    Daily Ramblings
    Draft, 2020

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    Capt. Blast


    994 posts
    Fu: 99.73
    Posted - 5/19/2020 9:08:48 AM
    Draft, 2020
    I think it’s fair to say that Ragnarok draft 2020 is going to look like no other draft that has preceded this year. I cannot describe to you how much disappointment I have for not being able more than likely to see all of you in person over a weekend that is truly my favorite weekend of the year. So, if that is the case, and it looks like there will be some type of NFL season, what is our draft going to look like? I personally am NOT Interested in doing some type of hybrid auction/snake draft, an idea that was flooded during our first Ragnarok social. Fundamentally changing our league I believe dishonors our tradition and our history. Certainly we have tweaked our rules over the last 24 years mostly for the better, but changing the way we draft? It’s a bridge too far for me. So what do you think it’s should look like? Keep it to two days over zoom? Multiple days over the course of the final week before Sunday kick off? Multiple days the week(s)before to incorporate the Thursday game? Let’s discuss. Miss you guys.❤️ The Champ
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    General Manager

    484 posts
    Fu: 101.01
    Posted - 5/19/2020 11:13:21 AM
    Well said, champ.
    I echo that it would be, frankly, gutwrenching to not be able to have our Draft Weekend. It's the best damn weekend of the year. And if that's what ends up happening, I have no doubt we'll find a way to make the best of the situation.

    My question is this: at this point in mid-May, do we know for certain we cannot hold draft weekend in-person? We have the summer to see how the world progresses--does something such as a vaccine (unlikely to be that fast, I know), testing, climate-induced mitigation of the virus, or something else occur that makes the path toward an in-person gathering more comfortable?

    On our Draft zoom, I remember us touching on this and the prevailing sentiment was that we could scramble to get a house, etc. fairly quickly if necessary. That would give us until late-Summer to hold off on making a decision one way or the other.

    I agree that at this point, things look pretty bleak. And there's the added variable that everyone's situation--health, family, comfort-level, etc.--will be different when it comes to physical proximity. But I'm all for waiting as long as possible to punt Draft Weekend, while perhaps in the meantime discussing that virtual Plan B.

    Billy's championship acceptance speech and eardrum-shattering "YOU'RE IN THE BLAST ZONEs" just won't be the same through headphones.
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    Oleg Olafson


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 5/20/2020 11:35:09 AM
    2020 Blast Zone
    There are so many moving parts to try to figure out before any plans can be made for Draft Weekend. The NFL's decision is obviously the prime piece of the puzzle. Housing logistics, work schedules, and everyone's comfort levels are some of the other considerations and these are also in a state of flux.

    My personal opinions lead me to be a bit skeptical about whether or not the NFL will have a season, or at least one that starts in September. I don't think that the first wave of the virus has even begun in most of the country. I also think that the NFL is doing their best to put a facade in front of what is a nightmare of logistics in trying to safely have a season. But the devil is in the details and things quickly go south when trying to create a safe way to practice and play. I don't see how football can happen, but insane amounts of money may end up driving the show regardless.

    If the NFL decides to move forward with a normal opening weekend, I don't know when this decision would be announced or conversely if the NFL may try to open but at the last minute they may delay the season. I don't know if we can hang our hat on anything, even in August. I wonder at what date one could confidently book a venue without a danger of the NFL not having an opening weekend. In this scenario where a season is delayed at the last minute and we have rented a venue, we could still do a draft and the Jamal Lewis rule would be in play in September and beyond.

    Besides the NFL and besides booking a venue, the other huge factor is safety. Speaking for myself and my family, I would not go to a draft house unless testing is possible and all of us got tested that week. We might need to agree to other protocols for leaving the house to get supplies or go golfing, etc. But at the very least, testing would need to be available and mandatory before I could consider it.

    All this being said, it's not out of the realm of possibility that we may still have a 2020 Ragnarok Draft. Sounds like it's almost time for me to buy a fantasy football magazine!

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    Coach Cowher Tomlin

    Football Freak

    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 5/21/2020 10:32:40 PM
    Draft Weekend
    In all probability I would not be willing or able to do an in-person draft. For one thing, I am out there on the front lines being exposed to multiple people every shift. We try to do our jobs as safely as possible, but I would pose an increased risk to you guys and I would never wish to do that.

    Secondly, I got ill right at the beginning of this mess, and company policy forced me to stay home for an extended period of time. In order to still get a paycheck I had to borrow against my Pal time. I won't have enough built back up in time for the draft, and with Alicia laid off it will not be financially feasible for me to take the time off.

    This all sux in so many ways.
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