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    Author Topic
    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Posted - 11/24/2019 10:11:58 AM
    Customized Drafts
    I sure do appreciate everyone being in Drafthouse and for using my new draft website, I have been working on it for four years and I think that it will finally be ready for a commercial launch in 2020.

    At this point, all of the core functionality seems to be in place and the draft room runs fairly well. There are just a couple of small, very subtle bugs that I know I need to dig into, and there are also some tweaks needed to the user account management and password resetting. And I want to add some polish to the overall matchmaking experience. And continue to improve the AI.

    If any one has any other bug reports or requests or polish or even requests for entirely new features, please let me know! Eric had a good one last week, for example: He suggested that when a position gets filled for your drafting team, that position just gets grayed-out buttons in your player lists rather than having those positional buttons disappear entirely.

    I don't think many people are tweaking their personal rankings ahead of our drafts (go to the My Rankings section), but for in-season drafts I'll be adding weekly opponents to that interface. As an aside, I think that working in the My Rankings area helps me prepare for the weekly drafts and so I'd recommend that feature to everyone who doesn't like to get chomped by sea monsters.

    These are just a few examples of things that will make the website easier to use. I want to make this the best website for mock drafting home leagues in the offseason as well as being able to do easy one-off live drafts for any league that doesn't want to use a corporate website or that does in-season drafts.

    And so all feedback is extemely desirable. If you've ever thought about "Gee, it'd be swell if the draft website did X" or "I hate that the website does Y" then please let me know! I greatly welcome all feedback and will implement anything that fits or improves its core vision. Your feedback is the most valuable contribution! Thank you all!

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