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    Daily Ramblings
    2019 Drafthouse roll call!

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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Posted - 7/21/2019 8:51:05 PM
    2019 Drafthouse roll call!
    Football season is nearly upon us. So stoked!!!

    Who would like to renew their ownership for the 2019 Drafthouse league?

    Also, I put up the prize pool for last year as a thanks for everyone for helping to stress test the new draft room that I've been building. Going forward, I'd like Drafthouse to start using a normal dues system.

    That being the case, what amount would everyone be comfortable paying as a league dues? I'm pretty open minded about it, as long as we have some skin in the game and the possibility of a little bit of payoff at the end. Thoughts, anyone?
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    Zeke and Destroy!
    Water Boy

    40 posts
    Fu: 77.14
    Posted - 7/21/2019 10:29:05 PM
    weŕe in and money is a great idea
    Zeke and Destroy and Go To Helen Waite are both in and ready to roll.

    We also think putting money in is a great idea!!

    We could either put in X dollars each week and high score of the week or biggest blowout gets the money. Or, a flat fee is great too, with payouts at the end.

    Cant wait! Wish football started tomorrow!
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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 7/29/2019 7:21:25 AM
    prizes and dues
    A weekly prize sounds kind of fun because we would all have something to play for every week (besides the seasonal glory of a trophy). If the math works out, maybe we can have both a weekly prize and a season prize?

    Just tossing some ideas to think about...

    A) If we did a $20 weekly prize that would be $260 (playoffs don't have weekly payouts). And if we added $60 for first place that would be $320 in the kitty, which means $40 per person for a buy-in.

    I'm ok with the $40 dues level if everyone else wants to pony up that much. The weekly prize is a neat idea because if you just get the top score two times then you've gotten your money back and everything else is gravy. And the fun part of this approach is that we would all essentially have a clean slate every week and have booty to play for.

    B) If this is too much of a buy-in level, we could go with a $10 weekly prize ($130), $80 for the champion, and $30 for the 2nd place team, which would be $240 in the kitty. That would be a $30 buy-in for everyone.

    C) Or, we could go with a $10 weekly prize ($130) and $30 to the champion, which would be a $20 buy-in for everyone.

    What are everyone's thoughts? The season is just around the corner!

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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/1/2019 7:46:22 AM
    prizes, part deaux
    I had forgotten that our regular season is 14 weeks (not 13 weeks). If we do a $20 weekly prize to the top scoring team, and $80 for the Champion and $40 for 2nd Place, that comes to $400 total which is $50 per team.

    The weekly payouts make this an inviting idea, because if you just win two weeks you almost paid your dues. Any other weeks or winning the Championship is just money on top.

    And with our redraft approach where every team roster is different every week, it's a fresh slate and an even playing field (vs having static teams where one team is just better than most other teams all season).

    I'm voting for the $50 buy-in, but I understand if this is a bit high for some people. Everyone, please offer your opinions as to the dues, and then we can find the common ground and make it official.

    We are only 34 days away from our Week 1 official draft on September 4th! Woot!
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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/22/2019 8:46:01 AM
    Official Prizes and Dues
    I think a $40 buy-in is a little more inviting, which amounts to $320 in the kitty.

    Weekly regular season $20 to top scorer: $280
    League Champion: $40 and the Glory

    This seems to be a sweet spot for a buy-in, because if you simply are the high scorer twice then you get all of your money back and everything else is gravy.

    I'm going to move forward on this, because I have to start recruiting more aggressively. The Llamas are out this year, and I still have to hear from a few of last year's owners whether or not they are in. But in the meantime, I'm going to start the recruiting process.

    We're just a couple of weeks away from our first draft!
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    Zeke and Destroy!
    Water Boy

    40 posts
    Fu: 77.14
    Posted - 8/22/2019 11:56:27 PM
    prizes and dues
    So, is league champion going to be total points or overall record?
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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/26/2019 10:14:59 PM
    Drafthouse playoffs will be based on W-L records, with a HTH playoffs
    We'll have a 14 week regular season where we all accrue a W-L record. After that, we'll be seeded for the playoffs which will take place in Week 15 and Week 16. The top 4 teams will vie for the championship, and the bottom 4 teams will have their own playoff bracket.

    We may want to consider some way to incentivize the the loser playoffs with something to play for, so that we have 8 involved teams for the drafts in the final two weeks. We can all brainstorm about that and come up with something.
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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/28/2019 10:53:18 AM
    seems that the MN Miracle is out?
    i haven't heard from Jon yet, so i'm guessing he is out? if anyone personally knows him, maybe it would be good to verify this? if he is out, i'll need to start recruiting for our draft next week.
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    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 8/29/2019 4:24:39 PM
    Welcome Aaron and Jim!
    Aaron is a northern Minnesota fantasy football veteran and Jim has been crushing it in fantasy football for years. Thanks for joining, guys!

    We are all full and will be drafting next Wednesday night!
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    Amateur brewer

    185 posts
    Fu: 102.27
    Posted - 8/31/2019 7:45:14 PM
    If any of the Park Rapids guys want to get together, maybe at Bogey's, let me know. Eric.
    They have wifi there.
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