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    Daily Ramblings
    Victory points vs Record

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    Author Topic
    Alan's Colts
    Jockstrap Wrangler

    13 posts
    Fu: 48.10
    Posted - 11/16/2018 8:44:09 AM
    Victory points vs Record
    Why are the playoff seedings shown on the standing using the records when the rules say that division winners are determined by the victory points.
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    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 11/18/2018 7:36:48 PM
    you are a good man Charlie Brown Alan's Colts
    should now be rectified with the next server calculationeses.. .
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    Alpaca Man
    Water Boy

    49 posts
    Fu: 61.25
    Posted - 11/18/2018 8:36:00 PM
    Why Have Head to Head Games
    This is mt first season here, but I am puzzled by the Victory Points vs Wins things. I guess I understand how it makes luck less of a factor, but at the same time why do we even bother with weekly head-to-head games if they are totally meaningless in regards to the playoffs?
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    3322 posts
    Fu: 124.22
    Posted - 11/20/2018 7:58:25 PM
    love the discussion
    It is true that the use of Victory Points dilutes head to head matches to a significant degree. However, head to head still makes up 50% of the VP total and is still a highly relevant part of the process and experience. In addition to contributing to the VP total, the overall W-L record is the primary tiebreaker for making and seeding the playoffs.

    I think VPs where originated with the idea of mitigated a bit of the high random factor of fantasy football matchups in any given week. It's a buffer against the crazy storms of the fantasy football ocean, for good or for worse. If you can score in the top half of teams in any given week, the thought behind it is that you should get some recognition for being better than the rest.

    That being said, one can certainly argue about whether or not Victory Points should exist for any given league. I personally like them, but I wouldn't necessarily want to play with them everywhere.

    On a related note, I run five different leagues on this website and they are intentionally varied. It's cool the way that Victory Points have been shown to be the buffer that they were designed to be. Btw, here are the five league configurations if anyone is curious:

    * Aurora: Victory Points, Auction, Flex, no PPR, deep rosters, Ebay FA
    * Midgard: Victory Points, Auction, no Flex, PPR, deep rosters, Ebay FA
    * Ragnarok: no VPs, standard draft, no Flex, no PPR, deep rosters, Caveman FA, Caveman Scoring
    * 8bit: no VPs, standard draft, Flex, 0.5 PPR, midsize rosters, Ebay FA
    * Drafthouse: no VPs, Flex, 0.5 PPR, 8-player rosters, Live Draft every Wednesday night of the regular season

    Victory Points have been a nice time-tested addition to the array.

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    Alpaca Man
    Water Boy

    49 posts
    Fu: 61.25
    Posted - 11/20/2018 8:51:50 PM
    I Enjoy the Discussion as Well
    I'm not trying to be a pain in the neck, and I certainly don't expect anything to change, but I want to point something out: let's say, by some stroke of luck, next week I beat Show Me Them TDs despite my being a 13.5 pt underdog, and do so while scoring in the top half of the league. According to my record, I would be in first place in my division, but according to my VP I will remain in last place in the division and also likely not make the playoffs. To me, this seems sort of odd...

    And now I will go back to fretting about the Panthers...

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