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    Week 1 drafting wiki

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    Author Topic
    Sea Monsters


    3322 posts
    Posted - 9/4/2018 11:16:18 PM
    Week 1 drafting wiki
    Thanks to all for joining this inaugural redraft league!

    Here is a summary of some helpful information as we start out....

    1. If you haven't done so already, please go to and set up a user account.

    2) Once logged in, go to My Friends and make sure that you are friends with "moltar". If not, please invite me to be your friend.

    3) Once we are friended, you'll be assigned a team and can enter the draft room. You'll see a link show up in the My Drafts page.

    Here is our draft room, but remember that you can't enter it until you are granted access:

    Lastly, please keep in mind that this draft room is a work in progress. As we draft each week of the regular season, I'll be taking everyone's feedback and experiences and improving the draft room every week. If we come across a bug, I'll fix it before the next draft. By the end of the season, the draft room should be battle tested and something that we all enjoy using.

    This process of development is also an opportunity to suggest ideas that you would like to see, whether they are common features elsewhere or they are completely cool or fun ideas. We are our own bosses here, and we can make whatever we want.

    Again, thank you so much for joining! If you have any questions whatsoever, please let me know.

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