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    Rules Proposals
    public summary: everyone please reply to this post

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    Author Topic
    Oleg the Finn


    3327 posts
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:24:52 PM
    public summary: everyone please reply to this post
    please reply to this post with your preference for realignment. you can only choose from the following options:

    Option A: Weighted divisions
    Option B: Schoolyard pick
    Option C: No preference, either is ok

    please do not offer any other commentary. thanks!
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    Oleg the Finn


    3327 posts
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:25:17 PM
    Option A: Weighted divisions
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    65 posts
    Fu: 74.14
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:26:49 PM
    Option A: Weighted divisions
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    Burnsville TOUGH

    1314 posts
    Fu: 101.11
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:27:24 PM
    Bruins want...
    Option A: Weighted Divisions
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    General Manager

    485 posts
    Fu: 100.97
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:33:21 PM
    Option D: revised draft order. Sorry--not going to let it drop.
    Why is this not included? And I'm still waiting for someone in the Weighted Divisions camp to explain to me how it is a better solution to competitiveness/parity than the revised draft order.

    Yes, fully aware this falls under "other commentary."

    I think the vote should be as follows:

    A) Weighted Divisions
    B) Revised Draft Order
    C) No Preference

    And if B) wins out above, then a 2nd vote for or against the schoolyard realignment.

    These would be apples-to-apples votes. Weighted Divisions and Revised Draft Order both directly address competitiveness. The Schoolyard Realignment was not thought of to address competitiveness, but rather to potentially add an element of fun.
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    Burnsville TOUGH

    1314 posts
    Fu: 101.11
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:38:31 PM
    I don't think it's dropped,
    I feel like that's a yea/nay vote, on its own.
    Realignment has nothing to do with a new draft order.
    Let's do one thing at a time.

    My .02
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    Oleg the Finn


    3327 posts
    Fu: 124.23
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:39:01 PM
    they aren't exclusive
    i'm a massive fan of the draft order inversion and think that we need to do it. i actually totally LOVE the idea, but that is outside of divisional imbalance issues. we can do both, but the draft inversion should be a separate thread.
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    Capt. Blast


    996 posts
    Fu: 99.74
    Posted - 6/13/2017 7:54:57 PM
    Blast want schoolyard
    And I love the Draft idea.
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    Bass Master

    General Manager

    393 posts
    Fu: 97.18
    Posted - 6/13/2017 8:15:10 PM
    Bass have no preference
    Option C...piece.
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    General Manager

    485 posts
    Fu: 100.97
    Posted - 6/13/2017 8:47:19 PM
    OK, thanks for the reply, Keith and Zach.
    Just needed to hear that.

    For the record, I DO think that Weighted Realignment has EVERYTHING to do with the Revised Draft Order, because, as mentioned, they both have been suggested to solve the problem of competitiveness/parity. Implementing both--to me--would be going too much to the other extreme.

    Just think: currently, the Ragnarok champion plays in generally top-to-bottom equal divisions and gets the #1 pick the following season. Suddenly, with Weighted Realignment AND Revised Draft Order, the Ragnarok champion would be playing in a division with the two other "best" teams AND pick 12th the following season? At some point, would we not think the emphasis has been placed TOO strongly on the bottom teams?

    As Dave mentioned, we don't want to punish owners simply for being good, and this would be going quite a bit overboard in my opinion.

    And as I've mentioned, the Revised Draft Order would bring parity to each team at the BEGINNING of the season, and therefore parity to each team's initial chances at the playoffs. That's really the only point in the season I think we should control--and that's what the revised draft order would accomplish.

    Just think--we could have an owner who totally fucks up his team over the course of the season. Makes dumb trades, poor free agent acquisitions, starts Matt Barkley over Tom Brady, but because he's been grouped with the two other "weakest" teams, he still wins his division (really meaning he finishes 10th out of 12 overall) and qualifies for the playoffs. Why are we rewarding that?

    The main point here is that if every roster is deemed equal enough that all 12 teams have a reasonable chance at the playoffs before the season starts, there is no need to have weighted divisions in the first place.

    Just think about this: One of the main points from the weighted division proponents is that because rosters have become so unfairly balanced (e.g. the champion gets 1st pick while the 12th place finisher gets the 12th pick), divisions should be grouped accordingly.

    IF ROSTERS ARE MORE EQUAL, DIVISIONS DON'T NEED TO BE WEIGHTED. And moreover, they actually shouldn't be.

    The Revised Draft Order addresses--and solves--the problem at its source. The Weighted Divisions proposal is an after-the-fact reaction.

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    General Manager

    485 posts
    Fu: 100.97
    Posted - 6/13/2017 8:49:13 PM
    And oh yeah, I'm in favor of the Schoolyard picks.
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    Head of Scouting

    Gjallarhorn Master

    531 posts
    Fu: 99.57
    Posted - 6/13/2017 9:11:35 PM
    There was a realignment before the 2013 season
    After the Factor and steely-danzig teams left, the league made new divisions. What were the conditions and the methods used to determine these the current divisions. I ask this because this realignment did not have any real effect on competitiveness. In fact in 2012 the league was slightly more balanced then after the adjustment. Just looking back for the past ten years, since I have been in the league, 2012 is the anomaly. There has always been disparity, and just realigning the divisions didn't solve the issue.
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    Burnsville TOUGH

    1314 posts
    Fu: 101.11
    Posted - 6/13/2017 9:36:39 PM
    It's a breath of fresh air.
    We have had a realignment every few years. And I agree with Dave and Sean: it doesn't do much for a more competitive league. In fact, I believe that the spectrum of skill and ability to manage a team is more narrow than it's ever been. I don't think the hypotheticals that you posted, Sean, would really happen, and I don't think the lowest tier would necessarily be the weakest teams. I guess, the biggest reason for me, is since we did more random processes in the past, it would be fun and different to realign a "new way." I think we're all now way overthinking the power of these initiatives.

    I can totally get behind the new draft order! I love that. And that will balance the field more than new divisions. But after all this time, are we really afraid to be in a division with any two others? I don't have to vote for the school yard, because if we do it, I will be a passive participant and won't have to do a thing. I'd just go stand by Kent when he calls my name and wait for our third. That's cool too. Just feels like I've done that before. And this is no insult to Kent! Maybe he's just saying he'd pick me first...
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    Head of Scouting

    Gjallarhorn Master

    531 posts
    Fu: 99.57
    Posted - 6/13/2017 10:03:47 PM
    Zach, it must feel good to be wanted.
    Given the three choices that we are compelled to choose from, I will vote for the only one that I see that will make any real difference. I give my nod to the weighted system.
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    Dr. Mayhem

    Theremin Player

    651 posts
    Fu: 99.66
    Posted - 6/13/2017 11:20:39 PM
    My current thoughts
    Right now I am for the Schoolyard system.

    It sounds like everyone seems on board with switching the draft order. I agree with Sean that combining a changed draft order with the weighted divisions is punishing teams for their success. Having done neither of them before, we have no idea how either will affect the league. It seems to me like changing the draft order will have more of an effect on competitiveness by itself than weighted divisions will have by itself. Together I think they will have a larger effect than what we're looking for.

    What I'm trying to figure out right now is will the weighted divisions and no restructuring of the draft end up with a 6-7 (or worse) team making the playoffs every year? If so, then will the weighted divisions really be affecting competitiveness? Or will they just be taking a playoff spot from a team like Zach's and Billy's teams that were fighting for the final spot last year? If we go to weighted divisions and this turns out to be the case, I don't think that adding a restructured draft to the weighted divisions would be the correct response. I think that we would have to try a restructured draft without weighted divisions before trying them combined.

    Of course, we still only dealing with hypothetical situations for now. We could all be wrong about how any of this actually affects things.

    Dave, the last realignment was done by putting together teams that had never been in the same division with each other before.

    Zach, I don't think it's a matter of being afraid to be in a division with certain people, it more about having multiple things stacked against you before the season even starts.
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    185 posts
    Fu: 102.27
    Posted - 6/13/2017 11:32:23 PM
    I choose..........
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin

    Football Freak

    998 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 6/14/2017 12:29:31 AM
    Option b
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    259 posts
    Fu: 100.48
    Posted - 6/14/2017 6:33:55 AM
    Weighted and revised draft
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    259 posts
    Fu: 100.48
    Posted - 6/14/2017 7:05:47 AM
    Punish success
    The NFL does this too both for the draft and scheduling. This helps parity.
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    General Manager

    485 posts
    Fu: 100.97
    Posted - 6/14/2017 7:26:00 AM
    Comparisons to the NFL
    ...but the NFL doesn't group divisions by team success, doesn't reconfigure divisions every so often, etc. And most importantly, the NFL doesn't structure its playoff system so that one of its lower teams makes the playoffs. If we're going to use the NFL comparison as a reason FOR the Weighted System, it's only fair it be used against it as well.
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    Roving Gambler

    Paste Taster

    748 posts
    Fu: 101.96
    Posted - 6/14/2017 7:26:09 AM
    Gamblers vote B

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