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    Salarymen giving up already?

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    Author Topic
    Coach Knoll Cowher

    Football Freak

    1005 posts
    Fu: 100.98
    Posted - 10/12/2003 1:10:57 PM
    Salarymen giving up already?
    If not, then why are you starting Charles Rodgers who is not only on a bye but also injured, and the Vikings DF who are on a bye? I love to win, but I at least like for it to be fair.
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    Hermit Master

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 10/12/2003 1:27:01 PM
    "like it to be fair?"
    is that why you waited until 1:10 pm Sunday to post this message? *cough posturing cough cough*
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    Hermit Master

    Football Freak

    3357 posts
    Fu: 124.89
    Posted - 10/13/2003 1:55:18 PM
    Salarymen emailed starters to me
    They experienced a site regression on Friday.
    K Faulk
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