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    Getting rid of all Patriots. They're the real Cowboys

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    Author Topic
    Roving Gambler

    Football Freak

    747 posts
    Fu: 101.89
    Posted - 10/11/2013 8:53:39 PM
    Getting rid of all Patriots. They're the real Cowboys
    Fuck the Patriots. I'm dropping Vereen and Gronkowski and never taking another Patriot. I'm so sick of how those fucksticks constantly keep information from fans and make selfish douchebag decisions that hurt their players and the fans' enjoyment of the game. They're the real Cowboys. I'd rather have 1,000 Jerry Joneses than another one of these shits.

    If you want to trade for them instead of bid in free agency, send me an offer by Sunday. I'm dropping them at noon to make it fair to people who have enough of a life to not look at the site over the weekend. (God how I envy them.)
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    Coach Cowher Tomlin


    997 posts
    Fu: 100.96
    Posted - 10/12/2013 9:42:53 AM
    History Lesson
    I realize that not all (or any) of you are old enough to remember the historic douchyness that is the Dallas Cowgirls. Yes, Bellichunk has taken grubby hoodiness to new levels, but the evil that festers in the Dallas plains has existed since way back when the Patriots had the gay buttsex insignia on their helmets.

    Consider the supreme arrogance of declaring yourselves "America's Team" while fielding a bunch of felons, drug addicts and general losers in the 70's. The Cowgirls represented the very worst aspects of professional sports before Jerry Jones came along and put a serpentine face to the phenomenom. While I can appreciate Jeremy's disgust, please do not make the mistake of equating the relatively recent hosebaggery that is the Patriots with the long-standing history of absolute and total lack of morals that are the Cowgirls.

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