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    Author Topic
    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

    33 posts
    Posted - 10/1/2008 1:24:02 PM
    Updated Standings
    Since the standings are messed up on the main page, I took the liberty of figuring out the real standings.

    Here's where the teams stand after Week 4:
    Odin Division
    Cougs 3-1
    Philistines 2-2
    Defenestrators 1-3

    Heimdall Division
    Cajun Crushers 2-2
    Typhoons 2-2
    Angry Parahnas 2-2

    Balder Division
    Armed and Hammered 3-1
    Massochistic Toys 2-2
    Raving Hermits 0-4

    Frey Division
    Wolverines 4-0
    Taz Devils 2-2
    Pollution 1-3
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    Football Freak

    654 posts
    Fu: 99.68
    Posted - 10/1/2008 2:59:45 PM
    Victory points
    The standings show the extra win that go to the top 6 scoring teams each week.
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    Cajun Crushers

    Towel Boy

    33 posts
    Fu: 0.00
    Posted - 10/1/2008 5:28:52 PM
    Victory Points?
    When did we start using those? Did I miss that section of the rules?
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    Taz Devils

    Towel Boy

    26 posts
    Fu: 0.00
    Posted - 10/1/2008 8:55:12 PM
    That rule was in our rule section at least.I know the rules thats why I was so upset when I got screwed it wasn;t no where in the rules.
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